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暂译:The doctrine originated from the legal concept and system of “actio consumitur”in the ancient Roman Law which means that all rights of action will be consumed with “lis pendens”, and a second lawsuit for the same right of action or claim will never been allowed. Once there can only be one lawsuit for the same right of action or claim, defendants can still protest against the chose jugee or lis pendens, preventing the claim of the party concerned from becoming a filed lawsuit, even when the party concerned brings claims against the same case. Anyway, once a lawsuit has been filed, no lawsuit can be initiated again for the same case, which constitutes the principle of non bis in idem in the ancient Roman Law.






lis alibi pendens

〈拉〉异地未决的诉讼;案件在异地尚未审结的抗辩 原、被告之间关于某一事项的诉讼在一法院尚未审结时,原告不得对同一被告就同一诉因和标的在另一法院提起诉讼。否则,被告可以此为由提出抗辩。


经对以上释义进行搜索,发现“lis pendens”一词常用于表示诉讼系属,其英文解释如下:

A lis pendens is an official notice to the public that a lawsuit involving a claim on a property has been filed. Lis pendens is literally translated from Latin as "a suit pending." Lis pendens is literally translated from Latin as "a suit pending."



由以上可得,其实诉讼系属具体来说,就是a lawsuit has been filed.


因此,当“诉讼系属”表示的意思略微抽象时,如“所谓“诉权消耗”,是指所有诉权都会因诉讼系属而消耗;那么即使允许当事人对同一案件提出诉讼请求,被告人也可以实施既决案件的抗辩或诉讼系属的抗辩””,“lis pendens”一词用于表示“诉讼系属”,而当“诉讼系属”一词表示的意思较为具体时,如“对同一诉权或请求权,不允许二次诉讼系属;一旦限制同一诉权或请求权只能有一次诉讼系属”,译员根据语境之间使用了“lawsuit”用于表示“诉讼系属”,因为在此情况下,这里的一次、二次“诉讼系属”的侧重点均在“诉讼”上;而当“诉讼系属”的词性为动词时,如“对同一案件,一旦诉讼系属后,就不能再次就这一案件提出诉讼请求”,则对其意思进行了展开描述,“诉讼系属”,即诉讼已得到受理,“once a lawsuit has been filed”。


发布于 2021-08-05 13:13:58