违宪审查-- constitutional review或unconstitutional review?

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违宪审查 constitutional review

违宪审查(constitutional review),也称合宪性审查,是指基于权力制衡原则,由释宪机关判断命令、法律或者规章制度是否符合宪法。对于个人行为的司法审查属于传统司法权,而违宪审查则起源于美国(在该国被称为“司法审查”)。在20世纪后,违宪审查普遍发展为维护宪法机制的司法权力,是司法独立的象征。对于有硬性成文宪法的国家,宪法是一个国家位阶最高的根本法律,任何位阶在其下的法律都不得违反宪法或基本法。司法权借着违宪审查制度,可以将行政部门或立法部门所立的法案宣告其基于违反宪法而无效(大陆法系)或者径行决定在个案中不适用该违宪法案(英美法系),而这也代表违宪审查是现代国家为了实现权力分立及宪政原则,而须使司法权具备的典型功能之一。在不同国家的各种不同制度安排之下,有不同的违宪审查程序。违宪审查乃确定国家机关行为是否合宪的必要程序,缺少违宪审查便等同无法判定宪法是否已经落实。

Constitutional review, or constitutionality review or constitutional control, is the evaluation, in some countries, of the constitutionality of the laws. It is supposed to be a system of preventing violation of the rights granted by the constitution, assuring its efficacy, their stability and preservation. There are very specific cases in which the constitutional review differs from common law to civil law as well as judicial review in general.



In view of the characteristic of judicial orientation, judicial trial organ and procuratorial organ in China are both derived from our state power organ; the court and the procuratorate are legally put on an equal footing, but the latter is responsible for supervising litigation-related activities of the former according to law; moreover, China’s judiciary does not enjoy the power of constitutional review. All these above are significantly different from the general feature of western judicial orientation characterized by separation of powers, judiciary’s check and balance over the parliament and administration, and unparallel courts and procuratorates.



It is an inevitable requirement to improve the function of judicial interpretation, drive away any practice of exercising the power of judicial interpretation for the substitution of the power of constitutional review, keep to the legal bottom line and political orientation of judicial interpretation, pay attention to its coordination, and its consistency with China’s national conditions and judicial practices at the present stage, especially different judicial situations at the grass-roots level, and clear up outdated judicial interpretation in time.


The term “constitutional review” is usually characterized as a Civil Law concept, but some of the ideas behind it come from Common Law in countries, which have written constitutions. For instance, the USA was the first country to adopt judicial review based directly on its constitution , even though till this days the functions of the Constitutional Court and of the Court of the Last Appeal, are separated at neither Federal nor State levels.














发布于 2021-09-03 17:44:52