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平时封锁 pacific blockade

相对于军事封锁〔military blockade〕而言。指在和平时期为迫使一国纠正或补偿某些错误行为而采取的切断该国进出港口之通道的海上军事行动。这是仅次于战争的一种报复形式。在国际法上平时封锁一般不针对同被封锁国从事商业活动的中立国船只。

A pacific blockade is a blockade exercised by a great power for the purpose of bringing pressure to bear on a weaker state without actual war. It can be employed only as a measure of coercion by maritime powers able to bring into action such vastly superior forces to those the resisting state can dispose of that resistance is out of the question. The term was created by Laurent-Basile Hautefeuille, a French writer on international maritime law. 相关例句如下,可供参考:


In that respect, it is an act of war, and any attempt to exercise it against a power strong enough to resist would be a commencement of hostilities and at once bring into play the rights and duties affecting neutrals. On the other hand, since the object and justification of a pacific blockade are to avoid war, general hostilities and disturbance of international traffic with the state against which the operation is carried on, rights of war cannot consistently be exercised against ships belonging to other states than those concerned.



It is usual to refer to the intervention of France, Britain and Russia in Turkish affairs in 1827 as the first occasion on which the coercive value of pacific blockades was put to the test. Neutral vessels were not affected by it. This was followed by a number of other coercive measures described in the textbooks as pacific blockades.



The first case, however, in which the operation was really a blockade, unaccompanied by hostilities, and which therefore can be properly called a pacific blockade, was exercised in 1837 by Britain against New Granada. A British subject and consul of the name of Russell was accused of stabbing a native of the country in a street brawl. He was arrested and, after being kept in detention for some months, was tried for the unlawful carrying of arms and sentenced to six years of imprisonment.



Though that does not affect pacific blockades in principle, it supersedes them in practice by a new procedure for some of the cases in which they had been employed.







纸上封锁(paper blockade),或译为拟制封锁、宽松封锁等。即一种外交宣示,宣告某地已成为本国封锁的禁地,但不真正的派遣海军实行封锁,公元17世纪至19世纪的封锁多属此类,但此种封锁对交战国和持中立立场国均会造成困扰,1805年的特拉法加海战是其中著名例子之一。

和平封锁(Pacific blockade),或译为平时封锁,指一国或多国在非战时对他国的港口派遣军事力量进行实质封锁,禁止其船只进出,以迫使被封锁国进行谈判或回应。1827年的纳瓦里诺海战即是最早的和平封锁,但真正意义上的无战事和平封锁,是在1837年,英国对新格拉纳达共和国的封锁,其迫使了该国释放了英国领事。


空中封锁(air blockade):即以空军力量,积极的进行战斗行动,封锁并孤立或限制敌方的手段,主要以机场或交通枢纽为主。

海上封锁(sea blockade):即狭义的军事封锁,属于国际法中的《海战法》(The Law of Naval Warfare)第632条a款规定之交战行为。


战略封锁(strategic blockade):指封锁国因为作战计划之需要,封锁敌国陆上部队之海上补给,并进行对敌岸上部队的军事行动,以阻绝敌方利用各种方式进行补给,属于国际法中的合法战争权(War Power)。

商业封锁(commercial blockade):同上,但区别在于封锁国并不对敌国岸上部队进行军事行动,如水雷封锁。但此种封锁对于中立国的商业利益会造成损害,故在海牙和平会议时,英国政府曾提议禁止使用水雷封锁。


对内封锁(blockade inwards):对一国内部的交通(如港口或机场)进行封锁,断绝其部队补给。

对外封锁(blockade outwards):即禁止被封锁国任何船只或航空器驶出。历史上只有少数情况会仅采取其中之一,多为同时采取内外封锁,如1854年的克里米亚战争,英法联军仅封锁了多瑙河。

发布于 2021-11-23 16:53:00