“Treasury Stock”的含义和相关规定

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Treasury Stock,也称Treasury Share或Required Stock,翻译为“库存股;库藏股;回购股份”,其英文释义为 previously outstanding stock that is bought back from stockholders by the issuing company,是指已公开发行的股票但发行公司通过购入、赠予或其他方式重新获得可再行出售或注销的股票。库存股股票既不分配股利,又不附投票权。在公司的资产负债表(balance sheet)上,库存股不能列为公司资产,而是以负数形式列为一项股东权益(Shareholder's Equity)。




As long as the book value of the retired treasury stock is higher than the sum of its par value and capital surplus on stock issuance, the excess should be debited to other capital surplus or retained earnings when capital surplus-treasury stock is insufficient.库藏股票之帐面价值如高于面值与股票发行溢价之合计数时,其差额应冲销同种类库藏股票所产生之资本公积,如有不足再借记保留盈余;库藏股股票之帐面价值如低于面值与股票发行溢价之合计数时,其差额应贷记同种类库藏股票交易所产生之资本公积。

However, capital surplus generated from the excess of the issue price over the par value of capital stock, including the stock issued for new capital and the buyback of treasury stock, may be transferred to capital as stock dividends, and this transfer is restricted to a certain percentage of the capital surplus and may be made only within prescribed limits each time.


发布于 2022-02-25 16:29:09