了解“The Balance of Payments (BOP)”

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The Balance of Payments (BOP)为“the balance of international payments”,即“国际收支平衡表”,反映一定时期一国(或地区)同外国的全部经济往来的收支流量表。是对一个国家与其他国家进行经济技术交流过程中所发生的贸易、非贸易、资本往来以及储备资产的实际动态所作的系统记录,是国际收支核算的重要工具。

The Balance of Payments是国际收支核算的重要工具。通过国际收支平衡表,可综合反映一国的国际收支平衡状况、收支结构及储备资产的增减变动情况,为制定对外经济政策,分析影响国际收支平衡的基本经济因素,采取相应的调控措施提供依据,并为其他核算表中有关国外部分提供基础性资料。

The Balance of Payments交易包括货物、服务和资本的进口和出口,以及转移支付,如外国援助和汇款。一国的国际收支平衡和国际投资净额共同构成其国际账户。

The Balance of Payments将交易分为两个账户:经常账户(the current account)和资本账户(the capital account)。有时资本账户也被称为金融账户,经常账户包括商品交易、服务交易、投资收入和经常转移。


While there is reason to expect a deterioration in the balance-of-payments current account compared to 2009, mostly as a result of an upturn in imports, the availability of external financing, together with increased FDI inflows, will probably suffice not only to cover this larger deficit, but even to continue restoring international reserve levels.


If external constraints prevent the implementation of such accommodating macroeconomic policies, the international and regional financial institutions should provide the necessary support and help countries in crisis to resolve their balance of payments problems without introducing contractionary austerity measures.


The main impacts of the current multilateral trade regime on the right to food include: (a) increased dependency on international trade which may lead to loss of export revenues when the prices of export commodities go down, threats to local producers when low-priced imports arrive on the domestic markets, against which these producers are unable to compete, and balance of payments problems for the net food-importing countries when the prices of food commodities go up; (b) potential abuses of market power in increasingly concentrated global food supply chains and further dualization of the domestic farming sector; and (c) potential impacts on the environment and on human health and nutrition, impacts that are usually ignored in international trade discussions, despite their close relationship to the right to adequate food.


发布于 2022-03-01 10:43:59