了解“Trade Deficit”的及其利弊

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Trade Deficit翻译为“贸易逆差”,也称“贸易赤字”。指的是各国家或地区在一定时期内的进口额大于出口额的现象。一般表明一国的对外贸易处于较为不利的地位。Trade Deficit反映的是国与国之间的商品贸易状况,也是判断宏观经济运行状况的重要指标。

2011年一季度,中国六年来首现季度贸易逆差,在一定程度上缓解了人民币升值的压力。净出口为正值时,称为贸易黑字、贸易顺差、贸易盈余或出超。净出口为负值时,称为贸易赤字、贸易逆差或入超。美国对中国的双边贸易逆差是迄今为止最大的。这一赤字是2016年前总统唐纳德·特朗普(Donald Trump)竞选时的一个突出主题,也是他上任后对中国发起贸易战的主要原因。

Trade Deficit可能是经济强劲的标志,在某些条件下,可以为赤字国家带来未来更强劲的经济增长。但是,对许多经济学家来说,贸易逆差是一个国家储蓄(country's savings)和投资率(investment rates)之间的不平衡。这意味着一个国家花在进口上的钱比出口上的钱多,根据经济核算的规则,它必须弥补这一缺口。


For instance, although Apple is a company based in the United States of America and the value added to the production of the iPod by China (where final assembly is done) is small, with the bulk of profits retained by Apple and accruing to the United States (e.g. retailers), every $300 iPod sold in the United States increases its trade deficit with China by $150 (i.e. factory cost).


In view of their narrow economic base, their isolation from world markets and their increasing trade deficits (e.g., the trade deficit of Tuvalu was 78 per cent of GDP), small island developing States have increasingly questioned the potential benefits of trade agreements.


This sharp rise in imports and the resulting trade deficit are due to the high price of oil and the increased importation of food and other goods because of the three hurricanes.


发布于 2022-03-01 10:58:25