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个人破产(Personal bankruptcy)制度发端于古罗马时期,在中世纪时的意大利与英国得到较大发展。1978年,美国破产法将消费者破产纳入其中。个人破产已成为现代破产法不可分离的一部分。个人破产法,是指作为债务人的自然人不能清偿其到期债务时,由法院依法宣告其破产,并对其财产进行清算和分配或者进行债务调整,对其债务进行豁免以及确定当事人在破产过程中的权利义务关系的法律规范。

Insolvent一般只指公司等单位破产,而不指个人破产(Personal bankruptcy)。当insolvent作名词用时,指的就是“无力偿还债务者,破产者”。


That this Panel requests the Administration to relax the current restriction on past recipients of ‘housing benefits’ from the Government to apply for public rental housing (PRH) for life after selling their flats, so that past recipients of ‘housing benefits’ from the Government who meet the income and asset limits for the Waiting List may apply for PRH two years after the sale of their flats, and in the case of those who face the special circumstances as cited by the Housing Department, including bankruptcy, receipt of the Comprehensive Social Security Assistance, adverse changes in family conditions as well as medical problems in the family or personal problems, they should be allowed to apply for PRH immediately after the sale of their flats.


While the Financial Services and the Treasury Bureau will not pursue the recommendation to merge corporate insolvency legislation with personal bankruptcy legislation on grounds that there is no clear benefit or market demand, other policy and technical issues will be revisited in the context of the Phase II Companies Ordinance Rewrite exercise.


Some others considered that since one of the major safeguards mentioned in the consultation document, i.e. the duty on directors to prevent insolvent trading had yet to be enacted, it would be premature to abolish the restrictions in respect of private companies altogether at this stage.


发布于 2022-03-30 16:15:51