干货:见索即付保函统一规则(2010修订版) - 中英文翻译对照 21-30

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2010版本总计35条,涉及金融、法律、工程等领域的知识。今天最后推荐 21-30 条,此后继续推荐剩下的部分。此文本影响较大,值得有志于从事金融或法律领域翻译的小伙伴参考学习。更多金融或法律翻译内容,敬请回复“金融专题”或“法律专题”获取。

Article 21 Currency of payment

第 21 条 付款的货币

a. The guarantor shall pay a complying demand in the currency specified in the guarantee.


b. If, on any date on which a payment is to be made under the guarantee: 


i. the guarantor is unable to make payment in the currency specified in the guarantee due to an impediment beyond its control; or

i. 由于无法控制的障碍,担保人不能以保函中指明的货币进行付款,或者  

ii. it is illegal under the law of the place for payment to make payment in the specified currency, the guarantor shall make payment in the currency of the place for payment even if the guarantee indicates that payment can only be made in the currency specified in the guarantee. The instructing party or, in the case of a counter‐guarantee, the counter‐guarantor, shall be bound by a payment made in such currency. The guarantor or counter‐guarantor may elect to be reimbursed either in the currency in which payment was made or in the currency specified in the guarantee or, as the case may be, the counter‐guarantee.

ii. 根据付款地的法律规定使用该指明的货币付款是不合法的, 则担保人应以付款地的货币进行付款,即使保函表明只能以保函中指明的货币进行付款。以该种贷币付款对指示方,或者反担保函情况下的反担保人具有约束力。担保人或者反担保人,可以选择以该付款的货币,或者以保函中指明的货币获得偿付,或者在反担保函的情况下,以反担保函中指明的货币获得偿付。  

c. Payment or reimbursement in the currency of the place for payment under paragraph (b) is to be made according to the applicable rate of exchange prevailing there when payment or reimbursement is due. However, if the guarantor has not paid at the time when payment is due, the beneficiary may require payment according to the applicable rate of exchange prevailing either when payment was due or at the time of actual payment.


Article 22 Transmission of copies of complying demand

第22条 相符索赔文件副本的传递


The guarantor shall without delay transmit a copy of the complying demand and of any related documents to the instructing party or, where applicable, to the counter‐guarantor for transmission to the instructing party. However, neither the counter‐guarantor nor the instructing party, as the case may be, may withhold payment or reimbursement pending such transmission. 


Article 23 Extend or pay

第23条 展期或付款 

a. Where a complying demand includes, as an alternative, a request to extend the expiry, the guarantor may suspend payment for a period not exceeding 30 calendar days following its receipt of the demand. 



b. Where, following such suspension, the guarantor makes a complying demand under the counter‐guarantee that includes, as an alternative, a request to extend the expiry, the counter‐guarantor may suspend payment for a period not exceeding four calendar days less than the period during which payment of the demand under the guarantee was suspended.



c. The guarantor shall without delay inform the instructing party or, in the case of a counter‐guarantee, the counter‐guarantor, of the period of suspension of payment under the guarantee. The counter‐guarantor shall then inform the instructing party of such suspension and of any suspension of payment under the counter‐guarantee. Complying with this article satisfies the information duty under article 16.


d. The demand for payment is deemed to be withdrawn if the period of extension requested in that demand or otherwise agreed by the party making that demand is granted within the time provided under paragraph (a) or (b) of this article. If no such period of extension is granted, the complying demand shall be paid without the need to present any further demand.



e. The guarantor or counter‐guarantor may refuse to grant any extension even if instructed to do so and shall then pay.



f. The guarantor or counter‐guarantor shall without delay inform the party from whom it has received its instructions of its decision to extend under paragraph (d) or to pay. 



g. The guarantor and the counter‐guarantor assume no liability for any payment suspended in accordance with this article.



Article 24 Non­complying demand, waiver and notice

第24条 非相符索偿要求,放弃决定和通知


a. When the guarantor determines that a demand under the guarantee is not a complying demand, it may reject that demand or, in its sole judgment, approach the instructing party, or in the case of a counter‐guarantee, the counter‐guarantor, for a waiver of the discrepancies. 



b. When the counter‐guarantor determines that a demand under the counter‐guarantee is not a complying demand, it may reject that demand or, in its sole judgment, approach the instructing party for a waiver of the discrepancies.



c. Nothing in paragraphs (a) or (b) of this article shall extend the period mentioned in article 20 or dispense with the requirements of article 16. Obtaining the waiver of the counter‐guarantor or of the instructing party does not oblige the guarantor or the counter‐guarantor to waive any discrepancy.



d. When the guarantor rejects a demand, it shall give a single notice to that effect to the presenter of the demand. The notice shall state: 


i. that the guarantor is rejecting the demand, and


ii. each discrepancy for which the guarantor rejects the demand.



e. The notice required by paragraph (d) of this article shall be sent without delay but not later than the close of the fifth business day following the day of presentation. 



f. A guarantor failing to act in accordance with paragraphs (d) or (e) of this article shall be precluded from claiming that the demand and any related documents do not constitute a complying demand.



g. The guarantor may at any time, after providing the notice required in paragraph (d) of this article, return any documents presented in paper form to the presenter and dispose of the electronic records in any manner that it considers appropriate without incurring any responsibility.


h. For the purpose of paragraphs (d), (f) and (g) of this article, guarantor includes counter‐guarantor.


Article 25 Reduction and termination

第25条 减额与终止 


a. The amount payable under the guarantee shall be reduced by any amount:


i. paid under the guarantee,


ii. resulting from the application of article 13, or


iii. indicated in the beneficiary's signed partial release from liability under the guarantee.



b. Whether or not the guarantee document is returned to the guarantor, the guarantee shall terminate:


i. on expiry,

i. 保函失效, 

ii. when no amount remains payable under it, or

ii. 保函项下已没有可付金额,或者 

iii. on presentation to the guarantor of the beneficiary's signed release from liability under the guarantee.

iii. 受益人签署的解除保函责任的文件提交给担保人。 


c. If the guarantee or the counter‐guarantee states neither an expiry date nor an expiry event, the guarantee shall terminate after the lapse of three years from the date of issue and the counter‐guarantee shall terminate 30 calendar days after the guarantee terminates.


d. If the expiry date of a guarantee falls on a day that is not a business day at the place for presentation of the demand, the expiry date is extended to the first following business day at that place.



e. Where, to the knowledge of the guarantor, the guarantee terminates as a result of any of the reasons indicated in paragraph (b) above, but other than because of the advent of the expiry date, the guarantor shall without delay so inform the instructing party or, where applicable, the counter‐guarantor and, in that case, the counter‐guarantor shall so inform the instructing party.


Article 26 Force majeure

第26条 不可抗力 


a. In this article, "force majeure" means acts of God, riots, civil commotions, insurrections, wars, acts of terrorism or any causes beyond the control of the guarantor or counter‐guarantor that interrupt its business as it relates to acts of a kind subject to these rules.



b. Should the guarantee expire at a time when presentation or payment under that guarantee is prevented by force majeure:



i. each of the guarantee and any counter‐guarantee shall be extended for a period of 30 calendar days from the date on which it would otherwise have expired, and the guarantor shall as soon as practicable inform the instructing party or, in the case of a counter‐guarantee, the counter‐guarantor, of the force majeure and the extension, and the counter‐guarantor shall so inform the instructing party;

i. 保函及反担保函均应自其本应失效之日起展期30个日历日,担保人在可行的情况下应立即通知指示方,或者反担保函情况下的反担保人,有关不可抗力及展期的情况,反担保人也应同样通知指示方; 

ii. the running of the time for examination under article 20 of a presentation made but not yet examined before the force majeure shall be suspended until the resumption of the guarantor's business; and

ii. 不可抗力发生之前已经交单但尚未审核的,第20条规定的审核时间的计算应予中止,直至担保人恢复营业:以及 

iii. a complying demand under the guarantee presented before the force majeure but not paid because of the force majeure shall be paid when the force majeure ceases even if that guarantee has expired, and in this situation the guarantor shall be entitled to present a demand under the counter‐guarantee within 30 calendar days after cessation of the force majeure even if the counter‐guarantee has expired.

iii. 保函项下的相符索赔在不可抗力发生之前已经提交但由于不可抗力尚未付款的,则不可抗力结束之后应予付款,即使该保函已经失效,在此情况下担保人有权在不可抗力结束之后30个日历日之内在反担保函项下提交索赔,即使该反担保函已经失效。 


c. Should the counter‐guarantee expire at a time when presentation or payment under that counter‐guarantee is prevented by force majeure:



i. the counter‐guarantee shall be extended for a period of 30 calendar days from the date on which the counter‐guarantor informs the guarantor of the cessation of the force majeure. The counter‐guarantor shall then inform the instructing party of the force majeure and the extension;

i. 反担保函应自反担保人通知担保人不可抗力结束之日起展期30个日历日。同时反担保人应将不可抗力及展期的情况通知指示方; 


ii. the running of the time for examination under article 20 of a presentation made but not yet examined before the force majeure shall be suspended until the resumption of the counter‐guarantor's business; and

ii. 不可抗力发生之前已经交单但尚未审核的,第20条规定的审核时间的计算应予中止,直至反担保人恢复营业:以及  

iii. a complying demand under the counter‐guarantee presented before the force majeure but not paid because of the force majeure shall be paid when the force majeure ceases even if that counter‐guarantee has expired.

iii. 反担保函项下的相符索赔在不可抗力发生之前已经提交但由于不可抗力尚未付款的,则不可抗力结束之后应予付款,即使该反担保函已经失效。  

d. The instructing party shall be bound by any extension, suspension or payment under this article.


e. The guarantor and the counter‐guarantor assume no further liability for the consequences of the force majeure.


Article 27 Disclaimer on effectiveness of documents

第27条 关于单据有效性的免责  

The guarantor assumes no liability or responsibility for:



a. the form, sufficiency, accuracy, genuineness, falsification, or legal effect of any signature or document presented to it;



b. the general or particular statements made in, or superimposed on, document presented to it;



c. the description, quantity, weight, quality, condition, packing, delivery, value or existence of the goods, services or other performance or data represented by or referred to in any document presented to it; or


d. the good faith, acts, omissions, solvency, performance or standing of any person issuing or referred to in any other capacity in any document presented to it.


Article 28 Disclaimer on transmission and translation

第28条 关于信息传递和翻译的免责 


a. The guarantor assumes no liability or responsibility for the consequences of delay, loss in transit, mutilation or other errors arising in the transmission of any document, if that document is transmitted or sent according to the requirements stated in the guarantee, or when the guarantor may have taken the initiative in the choice of the delivery service in the absence of instructions to that effect.



b. The guarantor assumes no liability or responsibility for errors in translation or interpretation of technical terms and may transmit all or any part of the guarantee text without translating it.



Article 29 Disclaimer for acts of another party

第29条 关于使用其他方服务的免责 


A guarantor using the services of another party for the purpose of giving effect to the instructions of an instructing party or counter‐guarantor does so for the account and at the risk of that instructing party or counter‐guarantor.


Article 30 Limits on exemption from liability

第30条 免责的限制 


Articles 27 to 29 shall not exempt a guarantor from liability or responsibility for its failure to act in good faith.



发布于 2020-05-25 11:16:33