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货运代理 freight forwarder

货运代理(Forwarder或Freight Forwarder)主要以收取佣金或赚取差价为报酬之运送业者。多数的货运代理人提供整个货柜的运送服务,但拼箱货运代理人主要以提供收受不足整个货柜的货物,再集中其他货物以整并成一个货柜,再交由船公司运到目的地。该行业在台湾又称为“货运承揽运送业”, 台湾的海运承揽运送业者通常以收取零担货物为主,再藉由将不同托运人委托运送的货物依照卸货港的分布, 依照体积与重量进行组合而集结成为一个整柜货物,承揽运送业者对于膨松展体积的货物,会依照货物的材积大小来进行运费收取,反之对于密度较高的货物则会依照货物的重量进行收取运费,务必使整个货柜的运费收取达到最大化的境界。

A freight forwarder, or forwarding agent, is a person or company that organizes shipments for individuals or corporations to get goods from the manufacturer or producer to a market, customer or final point of distribution. Forwarders contract with a carrier or often multiple carriers to move the goods from one country to another. A forwarder does not move the goods but acts as an expert in the logistics network. The carriers can use a variety of shipping modes, including ships, airplanes, trucks, and railroads, and often use multiple modes for a single shipment. For example, the freight forwarder may arrange to have cargo moved from a plant to an airport by truck, flown to the destination city and then moved from the airport to a customer's building by another truck.


International freight forwarders typically handle international shipments and have additional expertise in preparing and processing customs documentation and performing activities pertaining to international shipments.



Information typically reviewed by a freight forwarder includes the commercial invoice, shipper's export declaration, bill of lading and other documents required by the carrier or country of export, import, and/or transshipment.



The FIATA shorthand description of the freight forwarder as the "Architect of Transport" illustrates the commercial position of the forwarder relative to its client. In Europe, some forwarders specialize in "niche" areas such as rail-freight, and collection and deliveries around a large port. Modern freight forwarders offer an end-to-end process i.e. shipping the goods from the place of origin to the final destination. Together with Freight Tracking Technology, freight forwarding agents can view real time freight information.



Freight forwarders use their trusted contacts with carriers and partners from air transport specialists and trucking companies to transoceanic lines in order to negotiate the best possible price. This may be using established commercial routes with regular frequent departures, or by charter, valuing different offers and choosing the better route that optimizes speed, costs and reliability, considering all the variables necessary for the analysis of each case.




货运代理行业在国际货运市场上,处于货主与承运人之间,接受货主委托,代办租船、订舱、配 载、缮制有关证件、报关、报验、保险、集装箱运输、拆装箱、签发提单、结算运杂费,乃至交单议付和结汇。




货运代理人(Freight forwarder)。安排他人货物海上货物运输的一方当事人,所收取的费用按运费的某一百分比加上开支计算。有时货运代理人作为托运人的主承揽人(principal contractor)并承担公共承运人(common carrier)的责任;而有时货运代理人仅作为托运人的代理人,仅负有合理小心和能力的义务(reasonable care and skill)。在法国,作为主承揽人的货运代理人称为“commissionaire de transport”,而作为代理人的货代称为“transitaire”。

货运代理人(Forwarder或Freight Forwarder)主要以收取佣金或赚取差价为报酬之运送业者。主要以提供收受不足整个货柜的货物,再集中其他货物以整并成一个货柜,再交由船公司运到目的地。

发布于 2022-08-31 14:13:46