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蓝铅笔原则(blue pencil doctrine)是普通法系国家常用到的一个概念,它指的是在合同中存在冒犯性的词句〔offending words〕时,用以确定是整个合同无效还是仅该冒犯性的词句无效的一项司法准则。如果可以仅通过用蓝色铅笔划过该冒犯性的词句将其从合同中删除,使不合理的限制变得合理,则法庭应认定仅该冒犯性的词句无效,合同其余部分仍然有效并应予实施。



The blue-pencil test is a judicial standard that the courts use to decide whether to invalidate the whole contract or only the offending words. If this standard applies, then only the offending words are invalidated if it would be possible to delete them simply by running a blue pencil through them, as opposed to changing, adding, or rearranging words.


然而,如今很多法院都已放弃了“蓝铅笔”原则,转而开始采用“合理性原则rule of reasonableness”来判定协议合理与否:

The rule of "reasonableness" permits courts to determine, on the basis of all available evidence, what restrictions would be reasonable between the parties. The ‘reasonableness’ test differs from the "blue pencil" test only in the manner of modification allowed. It permits courts to fashion a contract reasonable between the parties, in accord with their intention at the time of contracting, and enables them to evaluate all the factors comprising "reasonableness" in the context of employee covenants.






However, even in those states where the courts routinely blue-pencil non-compete agreements, employers should not rely on that procedure for several reasons:



Blue-penciling is expensive as it can only be done after a lawsuit is filed;


Blue-penciling is unpredictable because it is up to the judge assigned to the case what he or she considers to be reasonable;


Blue-penciling can result in an employer not being able to recover damages caused by a breach of a non-compete agreement that occurred prior to a court rewriting the agreement.



发布于 2022-09-23 12:16:51