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随售权(Tag-along right)和拖售权(Drag-along right)两个条款是股东协议、投资协议等商业合约中常见的条款。这两个条款常常会因为约定不明,而给相关交易方带来一些问题和不便,甚至导致交易破裂。对于并购交易的相关方而言,一旦交易涉及这样的机制安排,为有效控制风险,需要提前充分考虑行权过程中可能出现的各种问题,并针对这些问题,在相关的股东协议或者投资协议的文本中做出相应约定。

1.随售权 Tag-along right


Tag along rights comprise a group of clauses in a contract which together have the effect of allowing the minority shareholder(s) in a corporation to also take part in a sale of shares by the majority shareholder to a third party under the same terms and conditions.[1] Consider an example: A and B are both shareholders in a company, with A being the majority shareholder and B the minority shareholder. C, a third party, offers to buy A's shares at an attractive price, and A accepts. In this situation, tag-along rights would allow B to also participate in the sale under the same terms and conditions as A. 具体例句如下:


As with other contractual provisions, tag-along rights originated from the doctrine of freedom of contract and is governed by contract law (in common law countries) or the law of obligations (in civil law countries). As tag-along rights are contractual terms between private parties, they are often found in venture capital and private equity firms but not public companies.



The main purpose of tag-along rights is to protect minority shareholder interests in any transaction. Majority shareholders are usually big firms with many connections, better negotiating power and stronger capital, and as such are more likely to be able to find a buyer for their shares.



Tag-along rights allow minority holders to also join in this premium and be able to sell their shares at this higher price in any sale between a majority and a third party.




2.拖售权 Drag-along right


Drag-along right (DAR) is a legal concept in corporate law. Under the concept, if an entity's majority shareholder(s) sells their stake, the prospective owner(s) have the right to force the remaining minority shareholders to join the deal. However, the owner must usually offer the same terms and conditions to the minority shareholders as to the majority shareholder(s). Drag-along rights are fairly standard terms in a stock purchase agreement. 具体例句如下:


The drag-along provision itself is important to the sale of many companies because buyers are often looking for complete control of a company. Drag-along rights help to eliminate the current minority owners and sell 100% of a company's securities to a potential buyer.



In most jurisdictions, drag-along and tag-along rights are not statutory rights and will need to be included in the shareholder's agreement or articles of association of the company. The provisions will typically specify the percentage of shareholders required for triggering the drag-along right.



A drag-along right is a provision or clause in an agreement that enables a majority shareholder to force a minority shareholder to join in the sale of a company. The majority owner doing the dragging must give the minority shareholder the same price, terms, and conditions as any other seller.




发布于 2022-10-30 19:59:55