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日前,China Daily发布《助力消费复苏,数字人民币试点再扩围》一文,重点关注数字人民币在当今的具体应用,及其对经济的有效助力。那么,到底什么是数字人民币那?我们一起来了解一下。

数字人民币(E-CNY),又称数字货币电子支付(英语:Digital Currency Electronic Payment,缩写:DC/EP),是中国人民银行发行的法定数字货币,主要用于流通中现金(M0),由指定运营机构参与运营并向公众兑换,货币以电子形式支付,价值与人民币的纸钞和硬币同等。数字人民币目前已在部分地区开展测试。


数字人民币实质属于流通中人民币现金的补充范畴,功能属性与纸钞完全一样,只不过是数位化形态。 中国人民银行副行长范一飞解释数字人民币的政策时,指出该货币主要定位于流通中现金(M0),是为与比特币、全球性稳定币等加密资产相竞争而研发,以向数位经济发展提供通用性的基础货币。而该货币沿用原本的货币管理体系,在坚持中心化管理下发行,受到《中国人民银行法》、《人民币管理条例》等条文的约束,交易都会受监控。中央银行在数字人民币体系中居于中心地位,向指定的商业银行发放一定的数字人民币并进行全生命周期管理,由商业银行等机构再向社会公众提供兑换和流通。

Digital renminbi (Chinese: 数字人民币; also abbreviated as digital RMB and e-CNY), or Digital Currency Electronic Payment (DCEP, Chinese: 数字货币电子支付), is a central bank digital currency issued by China's central bank, the People's Bank of China. It is the first digital currency to be issued by a major economy, undergoing public testing as of April 2021. The digital RMB is legal tender[4] and has equivalent value with other forms of renminbi, also known as the Chinese yuan (CNY), such as bills and coins. 以下为相关例句:


In 2017, the State Council approved the development of the digital RMB, in partnership with commercial banks and other organizations. Chinese technology firms such as Alibaba (through its affiliate Ant Group), Tencent (which owns WeChat), Huawei, JD.com and UnionPay were invited to cooperate with the central bank in developing and testing digital RMB.



The PBOC has stated that the goal of launching digital RMB is to partially replace cash, but not bank deposits or privately run payment platforms.The bank claimed that digital RMB could be used to reduce money laundering, gambling, corruption and terror financing, and may improve the efficiency of financial transactions.


附:助力消费复苏,数字人民币试点再扩围 Digital yuan continues domestic march

The trial use of digital yuan has played a significant role in boosting domestic consumption as such use has been utilized in more Chinese cities and application scenarios, thus further boosting company participation, said experts.


The e-CNY, which launched experimental usage three years ago, has been made available in several more domestic locations, such as Jinan, Shandong province and Kunming, Yunnan province, in the latest expanded trials on Dec 16. Trial use has also been promoted at the provincial level in Guangdong, Jiangsu, Hebei and Sichuan amid the most recent expansion. To date, e-CNY can be used in 26 locations across 17 provinces and cities.


Alipay, the payment app operated by Alibaba Group's financial affiliate Ant, became the first digital payment platform to join the e-CNY acceptance network on Dec 12. Platforms or applications connected to Alipay, such as e-retailer Taobao and Shanghai's public transportation payment system, can all accept e-CNY payments.


Wang Pengbo, chief financial industry analyst at market consultancy Botong Analysys, said the connection to Alipay may signal an even wider use of e-CNY. The large consumer and client base of Alipay can serve as an optimal platform to enrich the application scenarios of digital yuan and enhance user loyalty.


As China accelerates its optimization in COVID-19 control policies, more platforms and municipal governments have issued coupons in the form of e-CNY to boost consumption and render a helping hand to pandemic-affected industries such as restaurants and hotels, he added.


On Dec 16, online food delivery giant Meituan started to provide 20-yuan ($2.9) coupons to each user opening digital yuan wallets via China Merchants Bank. Meituan has granted coupons to more than 10 million users ever since it started to accept e-CNY payments in January.


In early December, the Guangzhou Municipal Commerce Bureau and the People's Bank of China Guangzhou branch released more than 1 million yuan worth of coupons in the form of e-CNY to help the recovery of the local consumer market.


As explained by Zhou Maohua, a macroeconomic analyst at China Everbright Bank, the technologies adopted by e-CNY, especially smart contract technology, can help boost consumption more precisely. The combination of the digital yuan with coupons and e-commerce platforms will help promote wider use of e-CNY and the accelerated recovery of the consumer market, he said.


According to the PBOC's digital currency research institute, more than 5.6 million shops and retailers have allowed e-CNY payments as of Aug 31. Up to 360 million digital yuan transactions have been made by the end of August, with the total amount exceeding 100 billion yuan.



发布于 2023-01-02 14:06:55