了解金融中的Ponzi Finance和Ponzi Scheme

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Ponzi Finance,即庞氏融资,是指债务人的现金流既不能覆盖本金,也不能覆盖利息,债务人只能靠出售资产或者再借新钱来履行支付承诺的融资。


Ponzi Scheme,即庞氏骗局,是对金融领域投资诈骗的称呼,是金字塔骗局(Pyramid scheme)的始祖。在中国庞氏骗局又称“拆东墙补西墙”或“空手套白狼”。简言之就是利用新投资人的钱来向老投资者支付利息和短期回报,以制造赚钱的假象,进而骗取更多的投资。很多非法的传销集团就是用这一招聚敛钱财的。


Examples of such fraud may include transfers by a debtor of substantially all of its assets to a newly formed entity or to self-owned separate entities for the purpose of preserving and conserving those assets for its own benefit and to hinder, delay and defraud its creditors, simulation35 or Ponzi36 and other such fraudulent schemes.

这类欺诈的实例包括:债务人几乎将其所有资产转移至某个新设立的实体或其自身拥有的不同实体,目的是为了自己的利益而保全和保留这些资产;对其债权人进行阻挠、拖延和欺诈;设局假冒35 或庞氏骗局36和此类其他欺诈计划。

Problems of various types have arisen over the years, including the scandal of Shanghai's social security fund in the Mainland involving $3.7 billion; Bernard MADOFF, the former chairman of Nasdaq stock exchange, through the operation of a Ponzi scheme, had successfully defrauded HSBC and Fortis Bank, causing them to lose over US$1 billion.


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The great majority (if not all) of these "investments" are Ponzi schemes in which the investments of new participants are paid to the earlier participants as a way to encourage them to spread the word about the investment.


发布于 2023-01-04 20:02:51