一文辨析Supplier vs. Vendor

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"Supplier" 和 "Vendor" 都是英语中经常使用的商业术语,它们都指代为提供商品或服务的公司或个人。虽然它们的含义有一些交叉之处,但它们在商业用语中的使用场景和用法略有不同。

"Supplier" 的主要含义是“供应商”,指为另一个公司或机构提供产品或服务的公司或个人。供应商通常是为特定业务提供原材料、零部件或成品的公司。供应商通常提供的是对于其客户业务所必需的关键产品或服务。在采购和供应链管理中,供应商通常需要提供高质量的产品、准时交付、可靠性和良好的售后支持等服务。

This person or organization provides goods and services to another organization. Given that he serves as the primary input source, a supplier plays a crucial role in the supply chain. A supplier can also provide producers with significant volumes of commodities. A supplier thus serves as a middleman between the consumer and the manufacturer and receives commissions from both parties.

"Vendor" 的主要含义是“销售商”,指出售商品或服务的公司或个人。供应商和销售商的主要区别是,供应商专门提供原材料或者零部件等给其他公司或机构,而销售商则是通过直接销售产品或服务赚取利润。销售商通常是从供应商那里购买产品或服务,再将其卖给终端消费者或其他客户。

An individual who purchases and distributes products from producers to consumers is known as a vendor. Since they are the supply chain's last link, they frequently connect with customers. Because of this, manufacturers consult the suppliers when conducting market research.

正规的采购与供应管理专业人士很少用Vendor。Supplier是正式用法。你在整个注册采购经理(Certified Purchasing Manager,C.P.M.)的培训中就看不到几个Vendor。你在那些经典的采购教科书中也不会看到几个Vendor。所以,如果你想看上去像个采购专业人士的话,不要用Vendor,用Supplier。那也是为什么大公司的供应商管理部门叫Supplier Management。

一些行业,例如零售业,Vendor用的比较多。这与Vendor的字面意思有关。因为Vendor就让人想起街道上的小贩,在整个贩卖过程中增值不多。美国零售业有很有名的 Vendor Managed Inventory Program(VMI),说的就是由供应商管理自己在零售店的库存,如果低于一定水平就自动补齐。自动售货机也叫Vendor Machine。

Suppliers and vendors both function as middlemen in the supply chain. The primary distinction between a vendor and a supplier is the reason for the sale; when a vendor sells items to a third-party to resell them, they are referred to as suppliers. The supplier is referred to as a vendor when delivering items directly to the customer. Because both serve as a link in the supply chain, the economy cannot prosper without them.

It should go something like this when you think of a supply chain − Supplier > Manufacturer > Distributor > Vendor > Customer. As a result, the vendor is the ultimate link in the supply chain, whereas the supplier is the first.

当你想到供应链时,应该是这样的:Supplier> Manufacturer > Distributor > Vendor > Customer。因此,Vendor是供应链中的最终环节,而Supplier是第一个环节。

在商业用语中,"supplier" 和 "vendor" 的用法会根据具体的上下文和语境而有所不同,但它们的主要含义仍然保持一致。需要注意的是,这两个词的中文翻译有时会有些模糊,通常需要根据具体的语境和行业背景进行理解和运用。

发布于 2023-04-04 18:30:34