
1 人赞同了该文章

一十二痹 twelve impediments
一切 all
一切血痛 all blood pain
一切冷气 all cold qi4
一切折伤 all fractures
一切风血 all wind blood
一切风痰 all wind phlegm
一切食毒 all food poison
一切食停 all food stagnation
一切气疾 all qi4 disease
一切气痛 all qi4 pain
一切浮翳 all floating screens
一切痰气 all phlegm qi4
一切肿痛 all swelling and pain
一切障翳 all obstructions and screens
一匹草 cirrhopetalum
一夫法 hand standard
一支箭 ophioglossum
一文钱 graciliflora [root]
一日量 daily dosage
一加减正气散 First Variant Qi4-Righting Powder
一甲复脉汤 Single-Armored Pulse-Restorative Decoction
一白二白 Chinese lizardtail
一年蓬 annual erigeron
一朵云叶 pittosporum leaf
hu ndred and sixty kinds of evil malign wind and demonic infixations
一见喜 andrographis
一身 whole body
一身 generalized
一身上下诸痛 generalized upper and lower body pain
一身尽痛 generalized pain
一身尽痛闷 generalized pain
一味药 pseudotinctorial indigo
一味药根 pseudotinctorial indigo root
一服散 One Dose Powder
一枝黄花 solidago
一枝蒿 achillea
一般疾病 general diseases
一逆 one adverse treatment
一侧扁桃腺红肿 hemilateral swelling of the tonsils
一扫光 Gone-In-One-Sweep
一贯煎 All-the-Way-Through Brew
一阴 first yin1 [channel]
一阴 all yin1 channels
一阴煎 All Yin1 Brew
一阳 first yang2 [channel]
一阳 all yang2 channels
一碗水 lotus-leaved ligularia [root]
一叶萩 securinega
一号癣药水 No.~1 Lichen Medicinal Water
一箭球 kyllinga
一颗血 shamrock pea
一点血 Wilson's begonia [root]
一点红 (1) snake strawberry
一点红 (2) emilia
一点红 (3) Japanese lady's slipper
一点龙占 black-spotted emperor
second heavenly stem\HALT \NOUN
乙木 S2-wood
乙字汤 One Zi4 Decoction
乙状结肠 sigmoid colon
乙癸同源 S2 (liver) and S10 (kidney) are of the same source
乙癸败绝 expiry of S2 (liver) and S10 (kidney)
fourth heavenly stem
丁子 clove
丁子香 clove
丁公藤 erycibe [stem]
丁火 S4-fire
丁皮 erythrina [bark]
丁沉透膈汤 Clove and Aquilaria Diaphragm-Freeing Decoction
丁癸草 zornia
丁癸草根 zornia root
丁香 clove
丁香枝 clove twig
丁香油 clove oil
丁香柿蒂汤 Clove and Persimmon Decoction
丁香根 clove root
丁香透膈汤 Clove Diaphragm-Freeing Decoction [NIS]
丁香鱼 silver anchovy
丁香散 Clove Powder
丁香胶艾汤 Clove, Ass Hide Glue, and Mugwort Decoction
丁香树皮 clove bark
丁香露 clove distillate
丁香萝卜 carrot [root]
丁香茯苓汤 Clove and Poria Decoction
丁桂散 Clove and Cinnamon Powder
丁萸理中汤 Clove and Evodia Center-Rectifying Decoction
丁榔皮 large-leaved cornel bark
丁蔻理中丸 Clove and Cardamom Center-Rectifying Pill
seven, seventh, sevenfold
七方 seven formula types
七日风 seven-day wind
七皮饮 Seven-Peel Beverage
七冲门 seven gates
七角风 macropanax
七里香 Lindley's buddleia root
七制香附丸 Sevenfold Processed Cyperus Pill
七味白朮散 Seven-Ingredient White Atractylodes*& Powder
七味都气丸 Seven-Ingredient Metropolis Qi4 Pill
七味葱白散 Eight-Ingredient Scallion White Powder
七怪脉 seven strange pulses
七物降下汤 Seven Agents Downbearing Decoction
七疝 seven mountings
七星针 seven-star needle
七星鱼 Asiatic snakehead
七星剑 Cavalerie's mosla
七星箭 phymatopsis
七珍散 Seven-Gem Powder
七气 seven qi4
七气汤 Major Seven Qi4 Decoction
七情 seven relations
七情 seven affects
七情不舒 seven-affect ill-being
七情内郁 seven-affect internal depression
七情内结 seven-affect internal bind
七情内伤 seven-affect internal damage
七情所伤 damage by the seven affects
七情相干 interference among the seven affects
七情郁结 seven-affect binding depression
七情气结 seven-affect qi4 bind
七情郁结 seven-affect binding depression
七恶 seven malign signs
七焦之间 BL-17
七焦之间 Within the Seventh Burner
七绝脉 seven expiry pulses
七伤 seven damages
七损八益 sevenfold reduction and eightfold boost
七叶一把伞 obovate actinodaphne [bark]
七叶一枝花 paris [root]
七叶莲 (1) Taiwan schefflera
七叶莲 (2) Formosan elder
七叶胆 gynostemma
七颈椎旁 Beside the Seventh Cervical Vertebra
七窍 seven orifices
七厘散 Seven Pinches Powder
七宝美髯丹 Seven-Jewel Beard-Blackening Elixir
七宝散 Seven-Jewel Powder
| grammatical particle
nine, ninth, ninefold
九一丹 Nine-To-One Elixir
九子连环草 calanthe
九子萍 duckweed
九六补泻 nine and six supplementation and drainage
九孔决明 abalone shell
九孔螺 abalone shell
九牛薯 corniculate cayratia
九仙丹 Nine Immortals Elixir
九仙草 thesium
九仙散 Nine Immortals Powder
九里光 climbing groundsel
九里明 climbing groundsel
九里香 orange jessamine [twig and leaf]
九里香根 orange jessamine root
九刺 nine needling methods
九制大黄丸 Ninefold Processed Rhubarb Pill
九味羌活汤 Nine-Ingredient Notopterygium Decoction
九味理中汤 Nine-Ingredient Center-Rectifying Decoction
九味散 Nine-Ingredient Powder
九味槟榔汤 Nine-Ingredient Areca Decoction
九英菘 turnip
九香虫 stinkbug
九气 nine qi4
九针 nine needles
九连灯 sophora fruit
九痛丸 Nine Pains Pill
九黄姜 dioscorea [root]
九节风 sarcandra [twig and leaf]
九节茶 sarcandra [twig and leaf]
九节兰 sarcandra [twig and leaf]
九节菖蒲 Altai anemone root
九种心疼 nine kinds of heart pain
九种心痛 nine kinds of heart pain
九种喉痹 nine kinds of throat impediment
九层塔 basil
九头草 slender silene
九头狮子草 Japanese peristrophe
九龙吐珠 umbrella sedge
九龙根 bauhinia root
九龙藤 bauhinia stem
九龙藤叶 bauhinia leaf
九槟吴茯汤 Areca Nine Evodia and Poria Decoction
九窍 nine orifices
九窍不通 stoppage of nine orifices
九窍出血 bleeding from the nine orifices
bl eeding from nine orifices, four limbs, and from between the fingers
九虫病 nine worm diseases
九脏 nine viscera
九变刺 nine needling methods
了了 clear
了哥王 wikstroemia [stem and leaf]
了哥王子 wikstroemia fruit
了哥王根 wikstroemia root
two, twofold
二十八脉 twenty-eight pulses
二十三蒸 twenty-three steamings
二十四节气 twenty-four solar terms
二十刺 twenty needling methods
h ead wind for twenty or thirty years
二丑 morning glory [seed]
二仙散 Two Immortals Powder
二仙汤 Two Immortals Decoction
二冬汤 Ophiopogon and Asparagus Decoction
二加减正气散 Second Variant Qi4-Righting Powder
二朮汤 Atractylodes and White Atractylodes*& Decoction
二母散 Anemarrhena and Fritillaria Powder
二母宁嗽汤 Anemarrhena and Fritillaria Cough-Quieting Decoction
二甲复脉汤 Double-Armored Pulse-Restorative Decoction
二白 Two Whites
二合脉 double combination pulse
二尖齿 bicuspids
二尖瓣 bicuspid valve
二至丸 Double Supreme Pill
二色内风消 bicolor schisandra [root, stem, or fruit]
二色补血草 bicolor limonium
二妙散(丸) Mysterious Two Powder (Pill)
二里半 Two Li3 and a Half
二味黑锡丹 Two-Ingredient Galenite Elixir
二花 lonicera [flower]
二便 stool and urine
二便 fecal and urinary and urine
二便不利 inhibited urine and stool
二便不通 fecal and urinary stoppage
二便不通胀急 fecal and urinary stoppage 胀急
二便不禁 fecal and urinary incontinence
二便失禁 fecal and urinary incontinence
二便卒关格 sudden fecal and urinary block and repulsion
二便清利 uninhibited clear stool and urine
二便闭 fecal and urinary block
二便关格 fecal and urinary block and repulsion
二神丸 Two Spirits Pill
二神散 Two Spirits Powder
二连四物汤 Coptis and Picrorhiza Four Agents Decoction [NIS]
二陈汤 Two Matured Ingredients Decoction
二阴 two yin1
二阴 second yin1 channel
二阴不通 two yin1 stoppage
二阴症状 two-yin1 symptoms
二阴煎 Two Yin1 Brew
二椎下 Below the Second Vertebra
二间 LI-02\w
二间 Second Space
二阳 second yang2 channel
二阳并病 yang2 channel dragover disease
二黄汤 Two Yellows Decoction [NIS]
二圣散 Sagacious Two Powder
二肠 two intestines
二叶舞鹤草 false lily of the valley
二号癣药水 No.~2 Lichen Medicinal Water
二精丸 Double Essence Pill
二浊 two turbidities
二姜丸 Lesser Galangal and Ginger Pill
二宝花 lonicera [flower]
二矾丸 Alum and Melanterite Pill
human, humankind
fri ght in adules with bleeding of nine orifices and four limbs
人工牛黄 synthetic bovine bezoar
人中 human center
人中 philtrum
人中 GV-26\w
人中 Human Center
人中白 urine sediment
人中黄 licorice in human feces
人中疔 human-center clove sore
人中疔 human center (philtrum) clove sore
人尿 human urine
人乳 human milk
人乳汁 human milk
人乳粉 powdered human milk
人事不省 loss of consciousness
人事不省 unconsciousness
人卒肿满 sudden swelling and fullness
人卒暴死 sudden death
人定 serenity watch
人迎 man's prognosis
人迎 ren-ying
人迎 ST-09\w
人迎 Man's Prognosis
人迎脉 ren yin1g pulse
人迎脉 man's prognosis pulse
人指甲 human nail
人面子 dracontomelon fruit
人面子根皮 dracontomelon root bark
人弱难产 difficult delivery in weak patients
人参 ginseng
人参三七 notoginseng [root]
人参子 ginseng fruit
人参五味子汤\Q{wuyan??} Ginseng and Schisandra Decoction
人参白虎汤 Ginseng White Tiger Decoction
人参固本丸 Ginseng Root-Securing Pill
人参果 herminium
人参花 ginseng flower
人参附子汤 Ginseng and Aconite Decoction
人参胡桃汤 Ginseng and Walnut Decoction
人参健脾丸 Ginseng Spleen-Fortifying Pill
人参败毒散 Ginseng Toxin-Vanquishing Powder
人参启脾丸 Ginseng Spleen-Arousing Pill
人参条 ginseng adventitious root
人参汤 Ginseng Decoction
人参滋补片 Enriching Ginseng Tablet
人参蛤蚧散 Ginseng and Gecko Powder
人参黄_+Ginseng and Astragalus Powder
人参当芍散 Ginseng, Chinese Angelica*&, and Peony Powder
人参叶 ginseng leaf
\Q{wuyan??tang} G inseng Construction-Nourishing Decoction (Pill)
人参滥用综合症 ginseng abuse syndrome
人参泻心汤 Ginseng Heart-Draining Decoction
人参泻肺汤 Ginseng Lung-Draining Decoction
人参芦 ginseng top
人参须 fibrous ginseng root
人苋 copperleaf
人部 human section
人部 human level
人痘接种法 pox inoculation
人溺水死 drowning
人痿黄瘦 withered yellow complexion and emaciation
人道 Dao4> of humankind
人渐消瘦 gradual emaciation
人误吞马蝗入腹 accidental swallowing of leeches
人衔 ginseng
人横 SP-15
人横 Human's Horizontal
人体有损痛 injury to the body with pain
人体消瘦 emaciation
人痾 hermaphrodism
enter\HALT \VERB, entry \NOUN
ingest\HALT \VERB, ingestion \NOUN
inward movement\HALT \NOUN
入丸 used in pills
入心经 enter the heart channel
入地金牛 shiny bramble
入地蜈蚣 helminthostachys [root]
入血分 enter the blood aspect
入里 enter the interior
入里 interiorize
入里 interiorization
入里 pass into the interior
入房 sexual intercourse
入侵肺胃 invade the lung and stomach
入气分 enter the qi4 aspect
入散 used in powders
入肾行水 enter the kidney and move water
入肾经血分 enter the blood aspect of the kidney channel
入经 channel entry
入静 quiescence
入药 used as medicine
eight, eighth, eightfold
八二丹 Eight-To-Two Powder
八月札 akebia fruit
八片锦 eight brocades
八仙花 hydrangea [flower]
八仙长寿丸 Eight Immortals Longevity Pill
八仙消遥汤 Eight Immortals Free Wanderer Decoction
八仙草 galium
八仙汤 Eight Immortals Decoction
八正散 Eight Corrections Powder
八目鳗 lamprey eel
八冲 Eight Surges
八角 star anise
八角刺 Chinese holly leaf
八角金盘 dysosma [root]
八角香 cacalia [root]
八角茴香 star anise
八角茶 Chinese holly leaf
八角枫花 alangium [flower]
八角枫根 alangium root
八角枫叶 alangium leaf
八角莲 dysosma [root]
八邪 Eight Evils
八邪穴 eight evil points
八味地黄丸 Eight-Ingredient Rehmannia Pill
八味地黄汤 Eight-Ingredient Rehmannia Decoction [NIS]
八味疝气方 Eight-Ingredient Mounting Qi4 Formula
八味带下方 Eight-Ingredient Discharge Formula
八味逍遥散 Eight-Ingredient Free Wanderer Powder
八法 eight methods
八物汤 Eight Agents Decoction
八芝兰竹 pachilan bamboo
八俞 Eighth Vertebra Point
八柱散 Five Pillars Powder
八段锦 eight brocades
八珍益母丸 Eight-Gem Leonurus (Motherwort) Pill
八珍汤 Eight-Gem Decoction
八风 eight winds
八风 Eight Winds
八风穴 eight wind points
八疸 eight jaundices
八疸身面黄 eight kinds of jaundice with yellowing of the body and face
八脉交会穴 master points of the eight vessels
八脉交会穴 confluence points of the eight vessels
八般头风 eight kinds of head wind
八阵 eight tactical arrays
八椎下 Below the Eighth Vertebra
八华 Florid Eight
八会穴 eight meeting points
八楞木 Japanese saussurea
八溪 eight ravines
八廓 eight belts
八种头风 eight kinds of head wind
八纲 eight principles
八纲辨证 eight-principle pattern identification
八点 Eight Points
八厘散 Eight Pinches Powder
八宝丹 Eight-Jewel Elixir
八宝眼药 Eight-Jewel Eye Medication
_+ BL-31-34
_+ Eight Bone-Holes
刀口药 three-flowered ainsliaea leaf
刀巴豆 sword bean
刀杖金疮 knife, club, and incised wound
刀豆 sword bean
刀豆子 sword bean
刀豆根 sword bean root
刀豆壳 sword bean pod
刀斧折伤 severings by knife or ax
刀斧金疮 kife, ax, and incised wounds
刀斧伤 knife or ax wound
刀斧伤损 knife or ax injury
刀斧伤疮 knife or ax wound
刀培豆 sword bean
刀伤 knife wound
刀伤出血 bleeding knife wound
刀晕 incised-wound syncope
刀疮伤湿 dampness damage to knife wounds
刀箭伤 knife adn arrow injuries
刀箭伤疮 kife and arrow wounds
刀箭疮 knife and arrow wounds
刀鞘豆 sword bean
刀芡 euryale [seed]
force\HALT \NOUN
力大倍常 extraordinary strength
ten, tenth, tenfold
十一 eleven
十一 eleventh
十一味温胆汤 Eleven-Ingredient Gallbladder-Warming Decoction
十一焦之间 BL-20
十一焦之间 Within the Eleventh Burner
十七椎下 Seventeenth Vertebra Point
十九畏 nineteen fears
十二 twelve
十二 twelfth
十二井 Twelve Well Points
十二井 Twelve Well Points
十二井穴 twelve well points
十二水 twelve waters
十二水肿 twelve kinds of water swelling
十二水满急痛 twelve kinds of water fullness, fullness, urgency, and pain
十二正经 twelve regular channels
十二皮部 twelve cutaneous regions
十二刺 twelve needling methods
十二官 twelve officials
十二俞穴 twelve points
十二指肠 duodenum
十二指肠炎 duodenitis
十二段锦 eight brocades
十二风邪 twelve wind evils
十二风痹 twelve wind impediments
十二原 twelve sources
十二原穴 twelve source points
十二时 twelve watches
十二节 twelve joints
十二节刺 twelve needling methods
十二经 twelve channels
十二经之海 sea of the twelve channels
十二经水 twelve channel waters
十二经别 twelve channel divergences
十二经脉 twelve channels
十二经动脉 twelve pulsating vessels
十二经筋 twelve channel sinews
十二经热 heat in the twelve channels
十二种水肿 twelve kinds of water swelling
十二剂 twelve formula types
十二脏 twelve viscera
十二惊痫 twelve kinds of fright epilepsy
十二惊痫瘈 twelve kinds of fright epilepsy with tugging
十八反 eighteen clashes
十八症 Tongking pepper
十三科 thirteen branches of medicine
十三鬼穴 thirteen ghost points
十大功劳叶 mahonia [leaf]
十五络 fifteen network vessels
十六味流气饮 Sixteen-Ingredient Qi4 Flow Beverage
十水肿喘 ten kinds of water swelling and panting
十王 Ten Kings
十四经 fourteen channels
十四经穴 points of the fourteen channels
S ong of Indications for Main Points on the fourteen channel
十四经发挥 Elaboration of the Fourteen Channels
十四经经穴 points of the fourteen channels
十全大补丸 Perfect Major Supplementation Pill
十全大补汤 Perfect Major Supplementation Decoction
十全大补膏 Perfect Major Supplementation Paste
十字灸 cross moxa
十年恶疮 malign sore for ten years
十灰散(丸) Ten Cinders Powder (Pill)
十味香薷饮 Ten-Ingredient Mosla*& Beverage
十味败毒汤 Ten-Ingredient Toxin-Vanquishing Decoction
十味温胆汤 Ten-Ingredient Gallbladder-Warming Decoction
十味剉散 Ten Ingredients Ground to Powder
十姊妹 flat-leaved rose
十怪脉 ten strange pulses
十宣 Ten Diffusing Points
十宣穴 ten diffusing points
十指疼痛 pain in the ten fingers
十香丸 Ten Fragrances Pill
十香返生丹 Ten Fragrances Life-Reviving Elixir [NIS]
十神汤 Ten Spirits Decoction
十问 ten questions
十枣汤 Ten Jujubes Decoction
十补丸 Ten Supplements Pill
十种水气 ten kinds of water qi4
十种水病 ten kinds of water disease
十种水肿 ten kinds of water swelling
十种蛊气 ten kinds of gu3 qi4
十剂 ten formula types
十药 houttuynia
three, third, threefold
[月焦]皮肤大热 great heat in the triple burner and skin
三一承气汤 Three-In-One Qi4-Coordinating+ Decoction
三七 notoginseng [root]
三七花 notoginseng flower
三七粉 powdered notoginseng [root]
三七草 gynura
三七叶 notoginseng leaf
三十六风 thirty-six winds
三十六风结疮 thirty-six winds binding into sores
三十六般风 thirty-six kinds of wind
三十六黄 thirty-six kinds of yellowing
三十六种风 thirty-six kinds of wind
三十六荡 tylophora [root]
三十年失明 loss of sight for thirty years
三十年老疟 old malaria for thirty years
三十年疟 malaria for thirty years
三丫苦叶 slender evodia [leaf]
三叉虎根 slender evodia root
三叉神经痛 trigeminal neuralgia
T rigeminal Neuralgia Empirical Formula
三子汤 Three-Seed Decoction
三子养亲汤 Three-Seed Filial Devotion Decoction
三才封髓丹 Heaven, Human, and Earth Marrow-Retaining Elixir
三才汤 Heaven, Human, and Earth Decoction
三才补泻 heaven, human, and earth supplementation and drainage
三五七散 Three-Five-Seven Powder
三五不调 at threes and fives
三仁五子丸 Three-Kernel Five-Seed Pill
三仁汤 Three Kernels Decoction
三分三 angled scopolia
三分闾 GV-01
三分闾 Three Fen From the Gate
三化汤 Three Transformations Decoction
三化复遂汤 Three Transformations Successful Recovery Decoction [NIS]
三匹叶 Cavalerie's clover shrub [root]
三升米 slender gooseberry
三日疟 quartan malaria
三毛 three hairs
三仙丸 Three Immortals Pill
三仙丹 Three Immortals Elixir
三加皮 trifoliate acanthopanax root
三加减正气散 Third Variant Qi4-Righting Powder
三台红花 serrate glory-bower
三生饮 Three Raw Agents Beverage
三甲皮 trifoliate acanthopanax root
三甲复脉汤 Triple-Armored Pulse-Restorative Decoction
三白草 Chinese lizardtail
三白草根 saururus root
三白汤 Three Whites Decoction [NIS]
三石散 Three Stones Powder
三石汤 Three Stones Decoction
三伏 three periods of greatest heat
三伏 third period of greatest heat
三合脉 triple combination pulse
三合汤 Triple Combination Decoction [NIS]
三因 three [categories of] cause [of disease]
三因方 Three Causes Formulary
Unified Treatise on Diseases, Patterns, and Remedies According to the Three Causes
三因学说 theory of three [categories of] cause
三尖齿 tricuspids
三尖瓣 tricuspid valve
三池 Triple Pool
三百两银药 oroxylum [seed]
三色堇 wild pansy
三妙丸 Mysterious Three Pill
三妙散 Mysterious Three Powder
三角仙人掌花 night-blooming cereus
三角肌 Deltoid Muscle
三角肌 deltoid muscle
三角灸 Moxibustion Triangle
三角草 chlorophytum
三角叶薯蓣 deltoid dioscorea [tuber]
三里() LI-10
三里() Three Li3 (arm)
三里() ST-36
三里() Three Li3 (leg)
三里外 Outside Three Li
三刺 triple needling
三奇 three mysteries
三奇散 Wondrous Three Powder
三宜汤 Triple Action Decoction
三拗汤 Rough and Ready Three Decoction
三枝九叶草 epimedium
三法 three methods of treatment
三物小白散 Three Agents Little White Powder
三物白散 Three Agents White Powder
三物香薷饮 Three-Agent Mosla*& Powder
三物备急丸 Three Agents Emergency Pill
三物黄芩汤 Three Agents Scutellaria Decoction
三股筋 neocinnamomum [leaf]
三花神佑丸 Three Flowers Spirit Protection Pill
三金汤 Golden Three Decoction
三品 three grades
三品一条枪 Three-Shot Gun
三尸 three corpses
三尸九虫 nine worms in the three corpses
三候 three five-day periods
三消 three dispersion-thirsts
三消五淋 three dispersion-thirsts five stranguries
三消草 white clover
三消骨蒸 three dispersion-thirsts steaming bone
三消渴疾 three dispersion-thirst diseases
三消渴病 three dispersion-thirst diseases
三消饮 Three Dispersers Beverage
三神丸 Three Spirits Pill
三针刺法 three-needle method
三商 Three Shang1
三国 Three Kingdoms
三条筋 tamala [bark or leaf]
三荚草 short-leaved kyllinga
三部 three positions
三部九候 three positions and nine indicators
三阴 triple yin1
三阴 third yin1 channel
三阴交 SP-06\w
三阴交 Three Yin1 Intersection
三阴病 triple-yin1 disease
三阴痉 triple-yin1 tetany
三阴伤寒 triple yin1 cold damage
三阴经证 triple yin1 channel pattern
三阴疟 triple-yin1 malaria
三阴头痛 triple-yin1 headache
三陷证 three inward fall patterns
三焦 triple burner
三焦 TB
三焦 TE\w
三焦大热 triple burner great heat
三焦之火 triple burner fire
三焦火 triple burner fire
三焦主决渎 triple burner governs the sluices
三焦仙 three charred agents
出焉 triple
burner holds the office of the sluices; the waterways emanate from it
三焦俞 BL-22\w
三焦俞 Triple Burner Transport
三焦咳 triple burner cough
三焦咳嗽 triple burner cough
三焦客热 visiting qi4 in the triple burner
三焦约 triple burner
三焦消渴 triple burner dispersion-thirst
三焦恶气 triple burner malign qi4
三焦虚寒 triple burner vacuity cold
三焦传变 triple burner shifts
三焦募 CV-05
三焦募 Triple Burner Alarm
三焦经 triple burner channel
三焦肠胃伏热 triple burner 肠胃伏热
三焦实热 triple burner repletion heat
三焦热毒气 triple burner heat toxin qi4
三焦热淋 triple burner heat strangury
三焦壅结 congestion in the triple burner
三焦壅塞 congestion in the triple burner
三焦壅滞 stagnation in the triple burner
三焦积热 triple burner accumulated heat
三焦辨证 triple burner pattern identification
三结交 CV-04
三结交 Triple Intersection
三间 LI-03\w
三间 Third Space
三阳 triple yang2
三阳 third yang2 channel
三阳 GV-20
三阳 Three Yang2
三阳五会 GV-20
三阳五会 Three Yang2 Fivefold Convergence
三阳合病 triple-yang2 combination disease
ng2 channels pass through the head, and yin1 channels along the
三阳病 triple-yang2 disease
三阳清解汤 Triple Yang2 Clearing and Resolving Decoction
三阳厥逆 triple yang2 reverse flow
三阳络 TB-08
三阳络 Three Yang2 Connection
三阳头痛 triple-yang2 headache
三黄二香散 Three Yellows and Two Fragrances Powder
三黄四物汤 Three Yellows Four Agents Decoction
三黄石膏汤 Three Yellows and Gypsum Decoction
三黄洗剂 Three Yellows Wash Preparation
三黄汤\Q{??} Three Yellows Decoction
三黄补血汤 Three Yellows Blood-Supplementing Decoction [NIS]
三黄泻心汤 Three Yellows Heart-Draining Decoction
三黄宝蜡丸 Three Yellow Jewels Wax Pill
三黄蜡丸 Three Yellows Wax Pill
三黄枳朮丸 Three Yellows Bitter Orange and White Atractylodes*& Pill
三楞筋骨草 scleria
三棱 sparganium [root]
三棱丸 Sparganium Pill
三棱针 three-edged needle
三棱针 triensiform needle
三棱针 prismatic needle
三棱汤 Sparganium Decoction
三圣散 Sagacious Three Powder
三脚鳖 slender evodia root
三补丸 Triple Supplementation Pill
三层茴香丸 Three-Option Anise Pill
三轮蒿 bicolored anaphalis
三颗针 barberry [root or stem bark]
三点金草 three-flowered desmodium
三虫 three worms
三虫五痔 three worms and five hemorrhoids
三虫病 three worm diseases
三虫蛊毒 gu3 toxin of the three worms
三宝 three gems
三棱 sparganium [root]
三桠苦叶 slender evodia [leaf]
三痹汤 Three Impediment Decoction
三膲 triple burner
down\HALT \ADV, downward \ADV
descend\HALT \VERB, descent \NOUN
precipitate\HALT \VERB, precipitation \NOUN
lower\HALT \ADJ, lower body \NOUN
下三里 SP-06
下三里 ST-36
下三里 Lower Three Li
下三里 Lower Three Li
下工 inferior practitioner
下中极 Lower Central Pole
下中极 Below Central Pole
下丹田 lower cinnabar field
下之三里 SP-06
下之三里 Lower Three Li
下五里 Lower Five Li
下元 lower origin
下元久冷 enduring cold of the lower origin
下元不固 insecurity of the lower origin
下元虚冷 vacuity cold of the lower origin
下元虚败 vanquished lower origin
下元虚寒 vacuity cold of the lower origin
下元虚寒证 pattern of vacuity cold of the lower origin
下元虚惫 exhaustion of the lower origin
下元亏损 depletion of the lower origin
下午 afternoon
下午低热 low-grade fever
下午身热 postmeridian generalized heat [effusion]
下午潮热 postmeridian tidal heat [effusion] (fever)
下午颧红 postmeridian reddening of the cheeks
下巴 chin
下巴壳 chin
下牙床 lower tooth bed
下牙床 mandible
下半身 lower body
下巨虚 ST-39\w
下巨虚 Lower Great Hollow
下田菊 adenostemma
下矢状窦 inferior sagittal sinus
下石疽 lower body stone flat-abscess
下合穴 lower uniting point
下地仓 Lower Earth Granary
下血 descent of blood
下血 precipitation of blood
下血不止 incessant descent of blood
下血不绝 incessant descent of blood
下血心痛 descent of blood with heart pain
下血成痔 descent of blood giving rise to heart pain
下血血崩 descent of blood and blood flooding
下血后虚 vacuity after descent of blood
下血疼痛满急 descent of blood with pain, fullness, and urgency
下血崩中 descent of blood and flooding
下血痔痢 descent of blood with hemorroids and dysentery
下血脱肛 descent of blood with prolapse of the rectum
下血连年 descent of blood for years
下血虚寒 vacuity due to descent of blood
下血过多 excessive descent of blood
下血频痛 descent of blood with frequent pain
下行血海 descend to the sea of blood
下利 diarrhea
下利 diarrhea and dysentery
下利不止 incessant diarrhea
下利便脓血 diarrhea with pus and blood
下利清血 diarrhea with clear blood
下利清谷 clear-food diarrhea
下利清谷不化 diarrhea with untransformed food in the stool
下利鲜血 diarrhea with bright-red blood
下扶突 Lower Protuberance Assistant
下汲肾阴 sapping of kidney yin1
下肓 CV-04
下肓 CV-06
下肓 Lower Huang
下肓 Lower Huang
下身癣 lichen of the lower body
下乳 promote lactation
下乳天浆饮 Celestial Fluid Lactation-Promoting Beverage
下乳汁 promote lactation
下怫郁于上之火 precipitate depressed upper body fire
下承山 Lower Mountain Support
下昆仑 Lower Kunlun Mountains
下昆仑 BL-60
下昆仑 Lower Kunlun Mountains
下果藤 slender-stemmed gouania [stem and leaf]
下注 downpour
下注疮 downpour sore
下法 precipitation
下者举之 fall is treated by raising
下肢 leg
下肢 lower limb
下肢 lower extremity
下肢 lower limb
下肢生疽 flat-abscess of the leg
下肢青筋突起 prominent [green-blue] veins on the lower limbs
下肢流火 lower limb fire flow
下肢痿弱 weak wilting lower limbs
下肢觉热 heat sensation in the lower extremities
下侠白 Lower Standing by White
下品 low grade
下后微喘 slight panting after descent of blood
下泉 urine
下纪 CV-04
下纪 Lower Regulator
下胃肠热结 precipitate gastrointestinal heat bind
下胎 abort the fetus
下迫 lower body distress
下重 lower-body heaviness
下风池 Lower Wind Pond
下唇有疮 sores of the lower lip
下唇肿痛 painful swelling of the lower lip
下气 precipitate qi4
下气 flatulence
下气 lower body qi4
下气平喘 precipitate qi4 and calm panting
下气消胀 precipitate qi4 and disperse distention
下气海 CV-06
下气海 ST-36
下气海 Lower Sea of Qi4
下气海 Lower Sea of Qi4
下消 lower dispersion
下消 lower burner dispersion-thirst
下消化道出血 hemorrhage of lower gastrointestinal tract
下病上取 treating lower body disease through the upper body
下疳 lower body gan1
下疳疮 lower body gan1 sore
下逆气 precipitate counterflow qi4
下马仙 euphorbia/knoxia [root]
下哑门 Lower Mute's Gate
下部[/] invisible-worm sores of the lower body
下部[/]invisible worms of the lower body
下部生疮 sores of the lower body
下部卒痛 sudden pain of the lower body
下部疳疮 lower body gan1 sores
下部痔[/] hemorrhoids and invisible-worm sores of the lower body
下部痔漏 hemorrhoids and fistulas of the lower body
下部痔疮 hemorrhoids
下部脱肛 prolapse of the rectum
下部闭塞 blockage of the lower body
下部虚寒 lower body vacuity cold
下部肿满 swelling and fullness of the lower body
下部蚀疮 eroding sores of the lower body
下部疮 sores of the lower body
下部诸疾 all diseases of the lower body
下部虫[/] invisible sores of the lower body
下部悬痈 suspended welling-abscess of the lower body
下部痒痛 itching and pain of the lower body
下都 Lower Metropolis
下都 TB-03
下都 Lower Metropolis
下都穴 lower metropolis point
下陵 ST-36
下陵 Lower Mound
下陵三里 ST-36
下陵三里 Lower Mound Three Li
下阴 lower yin1
下阴 genitals
下阴别 CV-01
下阴别 Lower Yin1 Divergence
下陷 fall
下陷 downward fall
下竟 running down
下厥上冒 lower body reversal with upper body veiling
下椎 Below the Vertebra
下焦 lower burner
下焦不固 insecurity of the lower burner
下焦水寒 lower burner water-cold
下焦主出 lower burner governs exit
下焦如渎 lower burner is like a sluice
下焦有热 heat in the lower burner
下焦俞 Lower Burner Transport
下焦病 lower burner disease
下焦病证 lower burner disease pattern
下焦寒 lower burner cold
下焦虚冷 lower burner vacuity cold
下焦虚寒 lower burner vacuity cold
下焦虚竭 lower burner exhaustion
下焦虚热 lower burner vacuity heat
下焦阳虚 lower burner yang2 vacuity
下焦滑脱 lower burner efflux desertion
下焦蓄风热毒 lower burner wind-heat toxin amassment
下焦湿肿 lower burner damp swelling
下焦湿肿及痛 lower burner damp swelling and pain
下焦湿热 lower burner damp-heat
下焦湿热 lower burner damp-heat
下焦湿热尿血 lower burner damp-heat bloody urine
下焦湿热痛肿 lower burner damp-heat pain and swelling
下焦湿热证 lower burner damp-heat pattern
下痢 dysentery
下痢 dysentery
下痢口渴 dysentery with thirst
下痢不止 incessant dysentery
下痢清谷 clear-food diarrhea
下痢脱肛 dysentery with prolapse of the rectum
下痢虚寒 dysentery vacuity cold
下痢脓血 dysentery with pus and blood
下痢脓血不止 dysentery with incessant pus and blood
下痢脓血后重 dysentery with pus and blood rectal heaviness (tenesmus)
下发背 effusion of the lower back
下虚三里 ST-36
下虚三里 Lower Hollow Three Li
下廉 LI-08\w
下廉 ST-39
下廉 Lower Ridge
下廉 Lower Ridge
下搭手 reachable sore of the lower back
下损及上 detriment to the lower body affecting the upper body
下新识 Lower New Knowledge
下极 lower extreme
下极 CV-01
下极 KI-11
下极 Lower Extreme
下极 Lower Extreme
下极之下 [region] below the lower extreme
下极俞 Lower Extreme Transport
下温溜 Lower Warm Flow
下瘀血汤 Stasis-Precipitating Decoction
下睛明 Lower Bright Eyes
下肠系膜动脉 inferior mesenteric artery
下腹 lower abdomen
下管 CV-10
下管 Lower Duct
下膊 forearm
下热毒 precipitate heat toxin
下齿痛 aching among the lower teeth
下齿龋 decay among the lower teeth
下横骨 lower transverse bone
下横骨 pubic bone
下颔骨 mandible
下脓 desent of pus
下窍 lower orifices
下关 ST-07\w
下关 Below the Joint
下聋 Lower Deafness
下体癣疮 lichen and sores of the lower body
下脘 lower stomach duct
下脘 CV-10\w
下脘 Lower Stomach Duct
_+ BL-34\w
_+ Lower Bone-Hole
up\HALT \ADV, upward \ADV, upper (body) \NOUN
ascend\HALT \VERB, ascendant \ADJ, ascent \NOUN
_ palate
上八邪 Upper Eight Evils
上八风 Upper Eight Winds
上三里 LI-10
上三里 Upper Three Li
上下分消 ??
上下疼痛 pain in the upper and lower body
上下配穴法 combining upper and lower body points
上山龙 Bodinier's ampelopsis [root bark]
上工 superior practitioner
上工求其萌芽 superior physician nips the bud
U pper, Middle, and Lower Body General-Use Wind Pain Formula
上丹田 upper cinnabar field
上午 morning
上午潮热 morning tidal heat [effusion] (fever)
上天柱 Upper Celestial Pillar
上天梯 GV-01
上天梯 Stairway to Heaven
上半身 upper body
上巨虚 ST-37\w
上巨虚 Upper Great Hollow
上犯于肺 invade the lung
上甲 turtle shell
上皮下垂 sagging of the upper eyelid
上皮组织 epithelial tissue
上矢状窦 superior sagittal sinus
上石疽 upper body stone flat-abscess
上吐下泻 simultaneous vomiting and diarrhea
上合阳 Upper Yang2 Union
上后溪 Upper Back Ravine
上曲池 Upper Pool at the Bend
上曲泉 Upper Spring at the Bend
上耳根 Upper Ear Root
上血海 Upper Sea of Blood
上行胸膈 ascend to the chest and diaphragm
上行头目 ascend to the head and eyes
上承 bear upward
上承泣 Upper Tear Container
上明 Upper Brightness
上炎 flame upward
上炎 upflame
上肢 upper limb
上迎香 Upper Welcome Fragrance
上门 KI-20
上门 KI-21
上门 Upper Gate
上门 Upper Gate
上品 top grade
上星 GV-23\w
上星 Upper Star
上纪 CV-12
上纪 CV-13
上纪 Upper Regulator
上纪 Upper Regulator
上胞下垂 drooping of the upper eyelid
上风巿 Upper Wind Metropolis
上气 qi4 ascent
上气海 CV-17
上气海 Upper Sea of Qi4
上消 upper dispersion
上消 upper burner dispersion-thirst
上消化道出血 upper gastrointestinal bleeding
上病下取 treating upper body disease through the lower body
上逆喘咳 counterflow ascent with panting and cough
上盛下虚 upper body exuberance and lower body vacuity
上盛下虚证 upper body exuberance and lower body vacuity pattern
上都 Upper Metropolis
上都穴 upper metropolis point
上竟 running up
上厥下竭 upper body reversal and lower body exhaustion
上寒下热 upper body cold and lower body heat
上寒下热证 upper body cold and lower body heat pattern
上焦 upper burner
上焦主纳 upper burner governs intake
上焦如雾 upper burner is like a mist
上焦病 upper burner disease
上焦病证 upper burner disease pattern
上焦实热 upper burner repletion heat
上焦湿热 upper burner damp-heat
上焦湿热证 upper burner damp-heat pattern
上焦燥热 upper burner dryness-heat
上发背 effusion of the upper back
上腔静脉 superior vena cava
上虚下实 upper body vacuity and lower body repletion
上阳关 Upper Yang2 Joint
上廉 LI-09\w
上廉 ST-37
上廉 Upper Ridge
上廉 Upper Ridge
上廉泉 Upper Corner Spring
上慈宫 SP-12
上慈宫 Upper Palace of Charity
上搭手 reachable sore of the upper back
上损及下 detriment to the upper body affecting the lower body
上睛明 Upper Bright Eyes
上肠系膜动脉 superior mesenteric artery
上腹痛 epigastric pain
上解溪 Upper Ravine Divide
上实下虚 upper body repletion and lower body vacuity
上管 CV-13
上管 Upper Duct
上膈下膈 vomiting from above and below the diaphragm
上膊 upper arm
上热下寒 upper body heat and lower body cold
上热下寒证 upper body heat and lower body cold zheng4
上齿痛 aching among the upper teeth
上齿龋 upper tooth decay
上横骨 upper transverse bone
上颔骨 maxilla
上翳风 Upper Screen Wind
上溪 Upper Ravine
上窍 upper orifice
上颚 palate
上颚痈 palatal welling-abscess
上关 GB-03\w
上关 Upper Gate
上党人参 codonopsis [root]
上聋 Upper Deafness
上脘 upper stomach duct
上脘 CV-13\w
上脘 Upper Stomach Duct
_+ BL-31\w
_+ Upper Bone-Hole
丸剂 pill preparation
丸剂 pill (preparation)
凡士林 petroleum jelly
enduring\HALT \ADJ
久久不入睡 taking a long to get to sleep
久久不入睡 initial insomnia
久不生育 persistent infertility
久不收口 failing to close
久不受孕 persistent failure to conceive
久年胃脘痛 stomach duct pain persisting for years
久老薯 smooth greenbrier [root]
久利滑脱 enduring diarrhea efflux desertion
久服 taken over a long period of time
久泄 enduring diarrhea
久泄滑脱 enduring diarrhea efflux desertion
久咳 enduring cough
久咳失音 loss of voice from enduring cough
久咳无痰 enduring cough without phlegm
久咳伤肺 enduring cough damaging the lung
久咳嗽 enduring cough
久按 extended palpation
久持 extended palpation
久持索然 becoming indistinct on extended palpation
久郁 enduring depression
久郁 long-depressed
久病 enduring illness
久病体弱 weak health due to enduring sickness
久痢 enduring dysentery
久痢不止 incessant dystentery
久痛入络 enduring pain entering the network vessels
久嗽 enduring cough
久嗽失音 enduring cough and loss of voice
久疟 enduring malaria
久热伤阴 damage to yin1 by enduring heat
久积阴寒 enduring accumulated yin1 cold
久头痛 enduring headache
久泻 enduring diarrhea
久聋 enduring deafness
久喑 enduring loss of voice
久瘖 enduring loss of voice
collapse\HALT \VERB, \NOUN
亡血 blood collapse
亡血家 person who suffers from blood collapse
亡津液 fluid collapse
亡阴 yin1 collapse
亡阴证 yin1 collapse pattern
亡阳 yang2 collapse
亡阳虚脱 yang2-collapse vacuity desertion
亡阳证 yang2 collapse pattern
千斤拔 moghania [root]
千日红 globe amaranth [flower and root]
千日疮 thousand-day sore
千打锤 Chun's lindera
千年耗子屎种子 semiaquilegia seed
千年健 (1) homalomena [root]
千年健 (2) sargentodoxa [stem]
千年矮 Japanese ardisia
千年润 dendrobium
千足 centipede
千里光 climbing groundsel
千屈菜 lythrum
千金子 caper spurge seed
千金子霜 caper spurge seed frost [NID]
千金内托散 Thousand Gold Pieces Internal Expulsion Powder
千金方 Thousand Gold Pieces Formulary
千金拔 Finet's clematis
千金花 eupatorium flower
千金要方 A Thousand Gold Pieces Prescriptions
千金散 Thousand Gold Pieces Powder
千金菜 lettuce
千金当归汤 Thousand Golden Pieces Chinese Angelica*& Decoction
千金苇茎汤 Thousand Gold Pieces Phragmites Decoction
千金翼 Wings of the Thousand Gold Pieces Formulary
千金翼方 Wings of the Thousand Gold Pieces Formulary
千金鸡鸣散 Thousand Gold Pieces Cockcrow Powder
千金藤 Japanese stephania
千根草 thyme-leaved spurge
千纸肉 oroxylum [seed]
千针草 field thistle
千针万线草 Yun2nan2 stellaria [root]
千张纸 oroxylum [seed]
千张树 camptotheca
千捶膏 Thoroughly Pounded Paste
千曾塔 basil
千层塔 serrate club moss
千宝菜 winter mustard
千缗汤 Thousand Strings of Cash Decoction
叉气 Forking Qi4
mouth\HALT \NOUN
oral\HALT \ADJ
口丫疮 sore at the corner of the mouth
口大渴 great thirst
口干 dry mouth
口干少饮 dry mouth with small fluid intake
口干舌红 dry mouth and red tongue
口干作渴 dry mouth and thirst
口不仁 insensitivity of the mouth
口不仁 numbness of the mouth
口不知味 inability to taste food
口不渴 absence of thirst
口中生疮 mouth sore
口中吐沫 foaming at the mouth
口中如胶 gluey sensation in the mouth
口中有酸腐味 putrid sour taste in the mouth
口中和 harmony of mouth
口中疳疮 gan1 sore of the mouth
口中热 heat in the mouth
口中黏腻 sticky slimy sensation in the mouth
口吐白沫 foaming at the mouth
口吐涎 drooling from the mouth
口吐涎沫 drool foaming at the mouth
口吐痰沫 phlegm foaming at the mouth
口吃 stuttering
口有尿味 taste of urine in the mouth
口舌干燥 dry mouth and tongue
口舌生疮 mouth and tongue sores
口舌痰包 plegm pouch of the mouth and tongue
口舌碎裂 cracking of the mouth and tongue
口舌糜烂 ulceration of the mouth
口吻疮 sore at the corner of the mouth
口角 corner of the mouth
口角一侧流涎 drooling from one corner of the mouth
口角不闭 gaping corners of the mouth
口角歪斜 deviated mouth
口角流涎 drooling from the corners of the mouth
口角疮 sore of the corner of the mouth
口防风 Zhangjiakou ledebouriella [root]
口味 taste in the mouth
口味 taste
口服液 oral liquid
口咸 salty taste in the mouth
口咸 saltiness of mouth
口咽 oropharynx
口苦 bitter taste in the mouth
口苦 bitterness of mouth
口苦咽干 bitter mouth and dry pharynx
口苦黏腻 bitter taste and sticky slimy sensation in the mouth
口苦黏腻 bitterness and sliminess in the mouth
口唇干焦 parched lips
口唇青紫 green-blue or purple lips
口唇红肿 red swollen lips
口唇淡白 pale lips
口唇淡白 pale lips
口唇焦裂 cracked parched lips
口唇肿硬 stiff swollen lips
口唇紧缩 tightly contracted lips
口唇湿烂 damp erosion of the lips
口唇颤动 tremor of the lips
口气 smell of the breath
口气臭秽 foul breath
口气酸臭 putrid sour breath
口气秽恶 foul breath
口疳 gan1 of the mouth
口疳 oral gan1
口疳风 wind gan1 of the mouth
口破 mouth sores
口臭 bad breath
口臭 halitosis
口臭 bad breath
口淡 bland taste in the mouth
口淡无味 bland taste in the mouth
口甜 sweet taste in the mouth
口甜 sweet taste in the mouth
口甜 sweetness of mouth
口眼歪斜 deviated eyes and mouth
口眼相牵 drawing together of eye and mouth
口眼偏斜 deviated eyes and mouth
口眼僻斜 deviated eyes and mouth
口眼喎斜 deviated eyes and mouth
口麻 numbness in the mouth
口渴 thirst
口渴不多饮 thirst without large fluid intake
口渴不欲饮 thirst with no desire for fluids
口渴引饮 thirst with taking of fluids
口渴有汗 thirst and sweating
口渴舌燥 thirst with dry tongue
口渴喜冷 thirst with liking for cold things
口渴喜凉饮 thirst with liking for cool drinks
口渴喜饮 thirst with liking for fluids
口渴烦热 thirst and vexation heat
口腔 oral cavity
口腔炎 stomatitis
口腔扁平苔癣 oral lichen planus
口腔溃疡 mouth ulcers
口开目合 open mouth and closed eyes
口开目合 open mouth and closed eyes
口疡 mouth sore
口紧 tight mouth
口腐 oral putrefaction
口酸 sour taste in the mouth
口酸 sourness of mouth
口鼻干燥 dry nose and mouth
口鼻气微 faint nose and mouth breath
口鼻气热 hot breath from the nose and mouth
口僻 deviated mouth
口热 heat in the mouth
口疮 mouth sore
口疮糜烂 eroding mouth sore
口缓涎出 limp drooling mouth
口轮匝肌 orbicular muscle of the mouth
口齿科 tooth and mouth diseases department
口齿病 disease of mouth and teeth
口噤 clenched jaw
口噤不开 clenched jaw
口噤不语 clenched jaw preventing speech
口噤如锁 jaw clenched tight as a lock
口腻 sliminess in the mouth
口腻 slimy sensation in the mouth
口颊溃烂 ulceration of the inside of the cheek
口燥 dry mouth
口燥咽干 dry mouth and throat
口糜 oral putrescence
口黏腻 slimy slimy sensation in the mouth
口喎 deviated mouth
口喎 deviated mouth
口喎目合 deviated mouth and closed eyes
earth\HALT \NOUN
土一枝蒿 Wilson yarrow
土丁桂 evolvulus
土人参 talinum root
土人参叶 talinum leaf
土八角 native star anise
土三加皮 trifoliate acanthopanax root
土大黄 Madaio dock root
土大黄叶 Madaio dock leaf
土不生金 earth failing to engender metal
土不制水 earth failing to dam water
土中闻 roscoea [root]
土元 ground beetle
土公英 elephantopus
土木瓜 Chinese quince fruit
土木贼 weak equisetum
土牛膝 native achyranthes [root]
土牛膝根 native achyranthes [root]
土半夏 Tibetan arisaema [tuber]
土瓜 Yun2nan2 morning glory [tuber]
土瓜狠毒 lesser wolfsbane root
土瓜根 cucumber gourd root
土甘草 hairy mussaenda [stem and leaf]
土生金 earth engenders metal
土生万物 earth engenders the myriad things
土白芍 curculigo [root]
土白芨 platanthera [tuber]
土白蔹 melothria [tuber]
土朱 hematite
土百部 fernlike asparagus [tuber]
土克水 earth restrains water
土牡蛎 freshwater mussel shell
土牡蛎粉 freshwater mussel shell powder
土良姜 spicate hedychium rhizome
土豆 (1) potato
土豆 (2) peanut [kernel]
土贝 bolbostemma [tuber]
土贝母 bolbostemma [tuber]
土炒 stir-fry with earth
土炒白朮 earth-fried white atractylodes [NID]
土炒白芍药 earth-fried white peony Paeoniae [NID]
土炒当归 earth-fried Chinese angelica [NID]
土羌活 ginger lily
土芝 taro [root]
土花粉 cucumber gourd root
土金茶根 scutellaria [root]
土阿魏 clerodendron root bark paste
土附 dark sleeper
土爰稼穑 earth is the sowing and reaping
土砂仁 Japanese galangal fruit
土红花 Japanese thistle
土苓 smooth greenbrier [root]
土郁夺之 depressed earth is treated by despoliation
土风疮 earth-wind sore
土香榧 cephalotaxus [seed]
土香薷 wild marjoram
土疳 earth gan1
土荆皮 golden larch bark
土荆芥 wormseed
土茵陈 (1) wild marjoram
土茵陈 (2) siphonostegia
土茴香 fennel [fruit]
土常山 sweet tea root
土杀 catfish
土细心 Forbes' asarum
土连翘 (1) pretty hypericum [fruit]
土连翘 (2) hymenodictyon
土连翘叶 hymenodictyon leaf
土麦冬 lophatherum
土喜温燥 earth likes warmth and dryness
土酥 radish
土黄_+ (1) moghania [root]
土黄_+ (2) five-finger fig root
土黄鸡 moghania [root]
土烟叶 mountain tobacco
土当归 (1) udo [root]
土当归 (2) giant angelica
土当归叶 udo leaf
土疡 earth sore
土精 ginseng
土银花叶 wild honeysuckle [leaf]
土箭_+ long-flowered wikstroemia root
土龙 earthworm
土虫 ground beetle
土虫草 Chinese artichoke
土党参 Java campanumoea [root]
土鳖 ground beetle
土鳖甲 turtle shell
土鳖虫 ground beetle
土灵芝草 Indian aeginetia
土茯苓 smooth greenbrier [root]
土萆 smooth greenbrier [root]
土萆薢 smooth greenbrier [root]
土槿皮 golden larch bark
土蟺 earthworm
土藿香 agastache
土圞儿 Fortune's groundnut
setting sun
夕冷 talcum
large\HALT \ADJ
great\HALT \ADJ
major\HALT \ADJ
massive\HALT \ADJ
大一枝箭 yellow lycoris bulb
大一面锣 didissandra
大丁草 leibnitzia
大丁_+ cudrania [wood]
大七气汤 Major Seven Qi4 Decoction
大九股牛 dobinea [root]
大九节铃 ampelocissus [root]
大人口中疳疮 gan1 sore of the mouth in adults
大人血匕 stylophorum
大刀豆 sword bean
大力子 arctium [seed]
大力参 great strength ginseng [NID]
大力黄 goat-ear elecampane
大力薯 specious millettia [root]
大下 great precipitation
大小人 adults and children
大小便 stool and urine
大小便不得 inability to urinate or defecate
大小便数 frequent urination and defecation
大小蓟 cirsium and cephalonoplos
大山楂丸 Major Crataegus Pill [NIS]
大中极 CV-04
大中极 Great Central Pole
大分 major seam
大夫 doctor
大戈豆 sword bean
大方 major formula
大方脉 adult medicine
大木通 rice-paper plant pith
大毛红花 large pterospermum bark
大毛桐子根 bearded mallotus root
大毛药 agrimony
大水 great water
大水_+ bulla
大火草根 hairy anemone [root]
大牛子 arctium [seed]
大牛喳口 Japanese thistle
大主 great governor
大出血 major bleeding
大包 SP-21\w
大包 Great Embracement
大半夏汤 Major Pinellia Decoction
大失血 major blood loss
大巨 ST-27\w
大巨 Great Gigantic
大母猪藤 large-leaved cayratia
大生地 thick dried rehmannia [root]
大田螺 freshwater snail
大白菜 celery cabbage
大白药 Griffith's marsdenia
大石韦 colysis
大吐 great vomiting
大地棕根 caput curculigo [root]
大安丸 Great Tranquility Pill
大成 The Great Compendium
大收肌 great adductor muscle
大汗 great sweating
大汗亡阳 great sweating and yang2 collapse
大汗口渴 great sweating and thirst
大汗出 great sweating
大汗淋漓 dripping great sweat
大汗烦渴 great sweating and vexation thirst
大米 non-glutinous rice
大羽 GV-18
大羽 Great Feather
大肉 major masses of flesh
大肉下陷 wasting and sagging of the major masses of flesh
大肉消脱 shedding of major masses of flesh
大肉陷下 wasting and sagging of the major masses of flesh
大肉尽脱 shedding of major masses of flesh
大血藤 sargentodoxa [stem]
大尾摇 heliotropium
大沙叶 Hongkong pavetta [stem and leaf]
大冲 LV-03
大冲 Large Surge
大皂角 gleditsia [fruit]
大皂荚 gleditsia [fruit]
大良姜 galangal [root]
大角莿 gleditsia thorn
大谷 large valley
大豆 soybean
大豆卷 dried soybean sprout
大豆黄卷 dried soybean sprout
大豆黄卷 dried soybean sprout
大豆蘗 dried soybean sprout
大贝母 Zhe4jiang1 fritillaria [bulb]
大辛大热 highly acrid and highly hot
大防风汤 Major Saposhnikovia*& Decoction
大刺儿菜 Tibetan thistle
大周天 large complete qi4 cycle
大夜关门 many-nerved bauhinia leaf
大夜关门根 many-nerved bauhinia root
大定风珠 Major Wind-Stabilizing Pill
大岩蜜汤 Great Rock Honey Decoction
大承气汤 Major Qi4-Coordinating+ Decoction
大朋砂 borax
大杼 BL-11\w
大杼 Great Shuttle
大泡通 Delavay schefflera root (bark)
大泡通皮 Delavay schefflera stem bark
大泡通叶 Delavay schefflera leaf
大羌活汤 Major Notopterygium Decoction
大花黄槐 flowery cassia
大花卫矛果 large-flowered euonymus
大芥 (1) turnip
大芥 (2) mustard leaf
大芥 (3) broad-leaved mustard leaf
大芸 cistanche
大迎 ST-05\w
大迎 Great Reception
大金刀 neolepisorus
大金牛草 Chinese milkwort
大金钱草 lysimachia
大门 Great Gate
大青 isatis leaf
大青根 many-flowered glory-bower [root]
大青草 hygrophila
大青叶 isatis leaf
大青龙汤 Major Green-Blue Dragon Decoction
大青盐 halite
大便 stool
大便 greater convenience
大便 fecal
大便下血 precipitation of blood with the stool
大便下血 bloody stool
大便久溏 enduring sloppy stool
大便干 dry stool
大便干秘 dry stool
大便干结 dry bound stool
大便不行 fecal stoppage
大便不行 constipation
大便不爽 ungratifying defecation
大便不通 fecal stoppage
大便不通 constipation
大便不节 irregular defecation
大便不解 constipation
大便不解 failure to defecate
大便不实 unsolid stool
大便不实 loose stool
大便不畅 inhibited defecation
大便不调 stool irregularities
大便欠爽 ungratifying defecation
大便水样 watery stool
大便出血 bloody stool
大便失禁 fecal incontinence
大便如羊屎 stool like sheep's droppings
大便如鸭溏 duck's slop stool
大便自调 regulated stool
大便自遗 involuntary discharge of stool
大便冷秘 cold constipation
大便利 uninhibited stool
大便困难 difficult defecation
大便泄泻 diarrhea
大便泄泻如败卵 diarrhea smelling like rotten eggs
大便秘 constipation
大便秘结 bound stool
大便秘结 constipation
大便坚 hard stool
大便坚硬 hard stool
大便带血 bloody stool
大便带脓血 stool containing pus and blood
大便排出困难 difficult defecation
大便清稀 clear thin stool
大便清薄 clear thin stool
大便清絺 clear thin stool
大便稀泻 thin stool
大便稀溏 thin sloppy stool
大便虚泄 vacuity diarrhea
大便虚秘 vacuity constipation
大便黑色 black stool
大便滑泄 efflux diarrhea
大便滑脱 efflux desertion
大便酸臭 sour-smelling malodorous stool
大便数 frequent defecation
大便随矢气而出 discharge of stool with flatus
大便频数 frequent defecation
大便频数不爽 frequent ungratifying defecation
大便涩滞 rough stagnant stool
大便燥 dry stool
大便燥结 dry bound stool
大便脓血 stool containing pus and blood
大便艰难 difficult defecation
大便难 difficult defecation
大便溏泄 sloppy diarrhea
大便溏垢 grimy sloppy stool
大便溏软 sloppy soft stool
大便溏薄 thin sloppy stool
大便溏泻 sloppy diarrhea
大建中汤 Major Center-Fortifying Decoction
大怒伤肝 great anger damages the liver
大指 thumb
大指次指 finger next to the thumb
大指次指 forefinger
大毒 high toxicity
大洞果 sterculia
大活血 sargentodoxa [stem]
大活络丹 Major Network-Quickening Elixir
大红袍 myrsine
大红袍 zanthoxylum [husk]
大胞 SP-21
大胞 Great Bladder
大苦 air potato
大风 great wind
大风 leprosy
大风丸 Hydnocarpus Great Wind Pill
大风子 hydnocarpus [seed]
大风子油 hydnocarpus seed oil
大风疥癞 great wind scab and lai4
大风苛毒 great wind and severe toxin
大风恶疾 malign disease of great wind
大风癞 great wind lai4
大飞扬草 Faber's bauhinia
大飞扬草 hoary spurge
大香附子 umbellate mariscus
大桂 cinnamon bark
大栗 chestnut
大柴胡汤 Major Bupleurum Decoction
大桃花汤 Major Peach Blossom Decoction
大气 great qi4
大海 CV-04
大海 Great Sea
大海子 sterculia
大浮萍 water lettuce
大乌泡根 Si4chuan1 blackberry [root or leaf]
大狼毒 greater wolfsbane [root]
大病 major illness
大疱性鼓膜炎 bullous myringitis
大秦艽汤 Large Gentian Decoction
大脉 large pulse
大荔核 litchee pit
大草蔻 specious alpinia seed
大草蔻叶 specious alpinia leaf
大茴 star anise
大茴香 star anise
大茶根 wild mussaenda [stem and leaf]
大茶药 yellow jessamine
大茶药根 yellow jessamine root (bark)
大荃麻 girardinia
大针 large needle
大骨 BL-64
大骨 Large Bone
大骨空 Thumb Bone Hollow
大骨枯槁 withering of the major bones
大巢菜 vetch
大眼海鲢 ox-eye
大眼黄龙占 large-eyed bream
大脖子药 rhynchoglossum [root]
大蛇药 heteropanax [root and bark]
大趾 great toe
大趾次趾 toe next to the great toe
大趾次趾 second toe
大通草 rice-paper plant pith
大造丸 Great Creation Pill
大透骨消 gaultheria [root or leaf]
大透骨草 south China blueberry
大都 Great Metropolis
大都 SP-02\w
大都 Great Metropolis
大都穴 major metropolis point
大野百合 warty crotalaria
大陵 PC-07\w
大陵 Great Mound
大阴 LV-06
大阴 SP-06
大阴 Great Yin1
大阴 Great Yin1
大陷胸丸 Major Chest Bind Pill
大陷胸汤 Major Chest Bind Decoction
大雪 Great Snow
大麦 barley
大麦毛 barley sprout
大麦芽 barley sprout
大麦苗 barley shoot
大麦醋糟 barley vinegar residue
大麦面 barley flour
大麦蘗 barley sprout
大麦秸 barley stalk
大麦糱 barley sprout
大麻子 cannabis fruit
大麻仁 cannabis fruit
大麻风 great numbing wind
大麻风 leprosy
大厥 major reversal
大寒 Great Cold
大戟 euphorbia/knoxia [root]
大戟散 Euphorbia/Knoxia Powder
大敦 LV-01
大敦 Large Pile
大暑 Great Heat
大枣 jujube
大枣粥 Jujube Gruel
大椒 zanthoxylum [husk]
大椎 GV-14\w
大椎 Great Hammer
大渴引饮 great thirst with fluid intake
大发 sterculia
大结胸 major chest bind
大络 great network vessel
大萍 clover fern
大虚 major vacuity
大量失血 major loss of blood
大顺 LV-01
大顺 Great Favorableness
大顺散 Great Rectifying Powder
大黄 rhub, arb
大黄末 powdered rhubarb
大黄甘草汤 Rhubarb and Licorice Decoction
大黄甘遂汤 Rhubarb and Kansui Decoction
大黄牡丹皮汤 Rhubarb and Moutan Decoction
大黄牡丹皮汤方 Rhubarb and Moutan Decoction Formula
大黄牡丹汤 Rhubarb and Moutan Decoction
大黄附子汤 Rhubarb and Aconite Decoction
大黄茎 rhubarb stem
大黄硝石汤 Rhubarb and Niter Decoction
大黄黄连泻心汤 Rhubarb and Coptis Heart-Draining Decoction
大黄当归散 Rhubarb and Chinese Angelica*& Powder
大黄蜂子 hornet's larva
大黄蟅虫丸 Rhubarb and Ground Beetle*& Pill
大圆肌 teres major muscle
大枫子 hydnocarpus [seed]
大温大热 highly warm or highly hot
大温中丸 Major Center-Warming Pill
大烦渴 great vexation and thirst
大当门根 asparagus [root]
大禁 LI-13
大禁 Great Prohibition
大节 major joint
大经 main channel
大肠 large intestine
大肠 LI\w
大肠 large intestine
大肠主津 large intestine governs liquid
large intestine governs the conveyance and transformation of
大肠主传导 large intestine governs conveyance
化出焉 large i ntestine holds the office of conveyance, it brings about mutation
大肠俞 BL-25\w
大肠俞 Large Intestine Transport
大肠咳 large intestinal cough
大肠津亏 large intestinal liquid depletion
大肠气滞 large intestine qi4 stagnation
大肠病 large intestinal disease
大肠杆菌 Bacillus coli
大肠液亏 large intestinal humor depletion
大肠阴虚燥结 large intestinal yin1 vacuity dryness bind
大肠寒冷泄利 large intestine cold diarrhea
大肠寒结 large intestinal cold bind
大肠结热 large intestinal heat bind
大肠胀 large intestinal distention
大肠虚 large intestinal vacuity
大肠虚冷 large intestinal vacuity cold
大肠虚寒 large intestinal vacuity cold
大肠传导 large intestinal conveyance
大肠募 ST-25
大肠募 Large Intestine Alarm
大肠经 large intestine channel
大肠经 LI\w
大肠实热 large intestinal repletion heat
大肠热结 large intestinal heat bind
大肠热结证 pattern of large intestinal heat bind
大肠湿热 large intestinal damp-heat
大肠湿热证 pattern of large intestinal damp-heat
大肠癌 carcinoma of the colon
大肠痈 large intestinal welling-abscess
大腹 greater abdomen
大腹子 areca [nut]
大腹毛 areca husk
大腹皮 areca husk
大腹绒 areca husk
大腹槟榔 areca [nut]
大脑 cerebrum
大脑性瘫痪 cerebral palsy
大叶千斤拔根 large-leaved moghania [root]
大叶云实 large-leaved caesalpinia
大叶五加 rice-paper plant pith
大叶白头翁 pearly everlasting
大叶性肺炎 lobar pneumonia
大叶花椒 large-leaved zanthoxylum [fruit or seed]
大叶花椒茎叶 large-leaved zanthoxylum stem or leaf
大叶金花草 sphenomeris
大叶马尾莲 Faber's meadow rue [root]
大叶蛇总管 veined rabdosia
大叶紫珠 large-leaved beauty-berry [root or leaf]
大叶菜 greater selaginella
大叶楠根 slender-leaved machilus root
大叶钩藤 large-leaved uncaria [vine]
大叶钩藤根 large-leaved uncaria root
大叶凤尾 greater pteris
大叶桉叶 swamp mahogany
大补人体元气 greatly supplement the original qi4 of the body
大补丸 Major Supplementation Pill
大补元气 greatly supplement original qi4
大补元煎 Major Origin-Supplementing Brew
大补气血 greatly supplement qi4 and blood
大补气血 major supplementation of qi4 and blood
大补阴丸 Major Yin1 Supplementation Pill
大实如羸状 major repletion resembling weakness
大对经草 west China hypericum
大腿 upper leg
大腿 thigh
大腿疽 thigh flat-abscess
大腿骨 thigh bone
大腿骨 femur
大蓄片 knotgrass
大蒜 garlic [bulb]
大蒜 (1) garlic [bulb]
大蒜 (2) garlic
大赫 KI-12\w
大赫 Great Manifestation
大酸味草 lavender sorrel
大铜钱菜 Java marsh pennywort
大驳骨 adhatoda [twig and leaf]
大驳骨丹 ventricose adhatoda [stem and leaf]
大热 great heat [effusion] (fever)
大箭 canaliculate alisma
大轮 Great Wheel
大壁虎 gecko
大横 SP-15\w
大横 Great Horizontal
大橘皮汤 Major Tangerine Peel Decoction
大树皮 Yun2nan2 elm bark
大树跌打 endospermum [root and leaf]
大独叶草 single-leaved ligularia [leaf or root]
大蕉皮 banana skin
大醒风汤 Major Wind Arousal Decoction
大靛根 tinctorial indigo root
大头狗 field cricket
大头风 massive head wind
大头陈 Indian adenosma
大头菜 kohlrabi
大头菜子 rutabaga seed
大头伤寒 massive head cold damage
大头瘟 massive head scourge
大营煎 Major Construction Brew
大声叫哭 loud shouting and crying
大薯 greater yam
大蓟 Japanese thistle
大蓟炭 charred Japanese thistle
大蓟根 Japanese thirstle root
大蓟根膏 Japanese thistle root paste
大黏药 blood-red pouzolzia
大泻 major drainage technique
大泻 great diarrhea
大泻刺 great draining needling
大泻刺 lancing
大翘子 forsythia [fruit]
大医 great doctor
大钟 KI-04\w
大钟 Large Goblet
大艽 large gentian [root]
大涃 CV-04
大涃 Great Reservoir
大衄 major spontaneous external bleeding
大眦 inner canthus
大楗骨 thigh bone
大楗骨 femur
大瘕泄 great conglomeration diarrhea
女子血瘕 female blood conglomeration
女子胞 uterus
女子胞 womb
女子胞中痛 uterine pain
女子绝子 female infertility
女儿红根 Yun2nan2 berchemia root
女儿红叶 Yun2nan2 berchemia leaf
女性不孕症 infertility
女性生殖器 female genitals
女科 women's medicine
女贞子 ligustrum [fruit]
女贞皮 ligustrum bark
女贞根 ligustrum root
女贞汤 Ligustrum Decoction
女贞叶 ligustrum leaf
女神汤(散) Goddess Decoction (Powder)
女阴 vulva
女阴白斑 leukoplakia
女阴湿疹 pundendal eczema
女劳 sexual taxation
女劳疸 sexual taxation jaundice
女劳复 sexual taxation relapse
女萎 October clematis [stem]
女膝 Lady's Knee
first earthly branch
子上冲心 fetus surging up into the heart
子上冲心 upsurge of the fetus into the heart
子不离母 agrimony
子午流注 stem and branch point selection
子午流注 midday-midnight point selection
子户 CV-04
子户 KI-13
子户 Infant's Door
子户 Infant's Door (right)
子母草 agrimony
子死腹中 death {in utero}
子舌 baby tongue
子门 infant's gate
子冒 pregnancy veiling
子宫 womb
子宫 uterus
子宫 Infant's Palace
子宫 CV-04
子宫 Infant's Palace
子宫 uterus
子宫下垂 prolapse of the uterus
子宫下坠 sagging of the uterus
子宫内膜 endometrium
子宫内膜炎 endometritis
子宫内膜异位症 endometriosis
子宫内膜癌 endometrial carcinoma
子宫切除术 hysterectomy
子宫出血 uterine bleeding
子宫出血 metrorrhagia
子宫出血 uterine bleeding
子宫外妊娠 extrauterine pregnancy
子宫平滑肌 smooth muscle of the uterus
子宫平滑肌瘤 leiomyoma uteri
子宫肌炎 myometritis
子宫肌瘤 myoma of uterus
子宫性闭经 uterine amenorrhea
子宫脱垂 prolapse of the uterus
子宫脱垂 prolapse of uterus
子宫寒冷 uterine cold
子宫发育不全 hypoplasia of the uterus
子宫萎缩 uterine atrophy
子宫颈 Cervix
子宫颈 cervix uteri
子宫颈炎症 cervicitis
子宫颈癌 carcinoma of the uterine cervix
子时 B1 watch
子气 pregnancy qi4
子气 filial qi4
子病 pregnancy sickness
子病及母 disease of the child affects the mother
子眩 dizziness of pregnancy
子能令母实 child can make the mother replete
子淋 strangury of pregnancy
子处 child's place
子处 CV-04
子处 Infant's Place
子盗母气 child stealing the mother's qi4
子菜 laver
子烦 pregnancy vexation
子痰 testicular phlegm
子肠 CV-04
子肠 Infant's Intestine
子肠不收 prolapse of the uterus
子肿 pregnancy swelling
子肿 swelling of pregnancy
子嗽 cough of pregnancy
子满 fullness of pregnancy
子龙丸 Young Dragon Pill
子悬 pregnancy suspension
子脏 infant's viscus
子芩 young scutellaria [root]
子喑 loss of voice in pregnancy
子瘖 loss of voice in pregnancy
子痫 epilepsy of pregnancy
子痫 eclampsia
子痈 welling-abscess of the testicle
body inch\HALT \NOUN
寸八节 agrimony
寸口 inch opening
寸口 cun opening
寸口 wrist pulse
寸冬 ophiopogon [root]
寸平 Inch Level
寸白虫 inch whiteworm
寸金草 large-flowered savory
寸脉 inch pulse
寸脉 cun pulse
寸关尺 inch, bar, and cubit
small\HALT \ADJ, smaller \ADJ
minor\HALT \ADJ
小二仙草 haloragis
小刀豆 lablab [bean]
小三棵针 Wilson barberry [root]
小分 minor seams
小天心 Small Celestial Heart
小心 minor heart
小方 minor formula
小方脉 children's medicine
小木通 mandarin clematis
小毛香 Japanese leontopodium flower
小水 urine
小水不通 urinary stoppage
小水不禁 urinary incontinence
小半夏加茯苓汤 Minor Pinellia Decoction Plus Poria
小半夏汤 Minor Pinellia Decoction
小瓜 gherkin
小白花苏 striga
小白菜 pakchoi
小白薇 Yun2nan2 tylophora [root]
小石榴 Cherokee rose fruit
小吉 SI-01
小吉 Small Propitiousness
小地棕根 curculigo [root]
小托盘 rubus [berry]
小百部 officinal asparagus [tuber]
小米 millet
小米柴 lyonia twig and leaf
小米草 Regel's euphrasia
小羊桃 purple actinidia
小血光藤 gardneria stem
小伸筋草 sopubia
小夹板 splint
小谷 LI-03
小谷 Small Valley
小豆 black gram
小豆蔻 Indian cardamom
小赤麻根 spicate boehmeria [root]
小辛 asarum
小乳汁草 thyme-leaved spurge
小儿 child
小儿 infant
小儿 infantile
小儿口腔糜烂 erosion of the oral cavity in children
小儿口疮 mouth sores in children
小儿大便不通 child constipation
小儿中风 child wind strike (stroke)
小儿丹毒 child cinnabar toxin
小儿丹痧 cinnabar sand in children
小儿五软 five infantile limpnesses
小儿五硬 five infantile hardnesses
小儿心悸 palpitations in children
小儿木舌 wooden tongue in children
小儿水痘 chicken pox in children
小儿水肿 water swelling in children
小儿牛痫 ox epilepsy in children
小儿吐乳 vomiting of milk in infants
小儿回春丹 Children's Return-of-Spring Elixir
小儿汗证 sweating pattern in children
小儿至宝丹 Children's Supreme Jewel Elixir
小儿至宝锭 Children's Supreme Jewel Lozenge [NIS]
小儿低热 low fever in children
小儿囱门不合 nonclosure of the fontanel gate in infants
小儿尿床 child bedwetting
小儿乳食停滞 stagnation of milk and food in infants
小儿乳蛾 child nipple moth
小儿乳积 milk accumulation in infants
小儿夜啼 night crying in infants
小儿青盲 clear-eye blindness in children
小儿咳嗽 cough in children
小儿客忤 child visiting hostility
小儿指诊 infant's finger examination
小儿疫毒痢 epidemic toxin dysentery in children
小儿科疾病 children's diseases
小儿胎疝 infantile fetal mounting
小儿重舌 double tongue in children
小儿风疹 wind papules in children
小儿哮喘 wheezing and panting in children
小儿时行感冒 seasonal influenza in children
小儿浮肿 puffy swelling in children
小儿病源方论 Children's Diseases: Remedies and Sources
小儿疳气攻眼 gan1 qi4 attacking the eyes in children
小儿疳疾 gan1 disease in children
小儿疳疾惊痫 gan1 disease and fright epilepsy in children
小儿疳眼 eye gan1 in children
小儿疳眼 child eye gan1
小儿疳积 child gan1 accumulation
小儿推拿 tui1na2 for children
小儿推拿 massage manipulation for children
小儿脱证 desertion pattern in children
小儿闭证 block pattern in children
小儿麻疹 measles in children
小儿麻痹症 infantile paralysis
小儿厥证 reversal pattern in children
小儿啼哭 crying in children
小儿暑温 summerheat warmth in children
小儿痢疾 child dysentery
小儿痞块 lump glomus in children
小儿发黄 yellowing of the complexion in children
小儿发热 heat [effusion] (fever) in children
小儿紫癜 purple patches in children
小儿蛔虫病 roundworm infestation in children
小儿蛔虫症 roundworm infestation in children
小儿感冒 common coldin children
小儿痿证 infantile wilting pattern
小儿痿证 child wilting pattern
小儿痿证 child wilting pattern
小儿万病回春丹 Children's Myriad Disease Return-of-Spring Elixir [NIS]
小儿腹痛 abdominal pain in children
小儿腹泻 diarrhea in children
小儿呕吐 vomiting in children
小儿疟疾 malaria in children
小儿语迟 slowness in learning to talk
小儿积食 child food accumulation
小儿积滞 accumulation and stagnation in children
小儿遗尿 child enuresis
小儿泻肚 diarrhea in children
小儿泻泄 diarrhea in children
小儿脐风口噤 infantile umbilical wind clenched jaw
小儿蛲虫症 pinworm infestation in children
小儿鸡胸 Child Chicken Breast
小儿鸡胸龟背 pigeon chest and turtle's back in children
小儿鹅口 goose mouth sore in children
小儿药证直诀 Key to Diagnosis and Treatment of Children's Diseases
小儿惊风 child fright wind
小儿惊厥 child fright reversal
小儿惊痫 child fright epilepsy
小儿瘫痪 infantile paralysis
小儿疰夏 summer infixation in chldren
小儿痧疹不出 non-eruption of sand papules in children
小儿痫症 child epilepsy pattern
小刺瓜 gherkin
小周天 small complete qi4 cycle
小岩白菜 oreocharis
小承气汤 Minor Qi4-Coordinating+ Decoction
小果千金榆 carpinus [root bark]
小果倒地铃 small-fruited balloon vine
小肺筋草 spiked aletris
小芸木 micromelum
小金丹 Minor Golden Elixir
小金片 Minor Golden Tablet
小金钱草 dichondra
小金樱 small-fruited rose [root and leaf]
小金樱子 small-fruited rose fruit
小青草 rostellularia
小青龙加石膏汤 Minor Green-Blue Dragon Decoction Plus Gypsum
小青龙汤 Minor Green-Blue Dragon Decoction
or Green-Blue Dragon Combined with Ephedra, Apricot Kernel,
Licorice and Gypsum Decoction
小青藤香 recemose cylcea [root]
小便 urine\HALT \NOUN; urinary\ADJ
小便 urination
小便 lesser convenience
小便不出 urinary stoppage
小便不利 inhibited urination
小便不爽 ungratifying urination
小便不通 urinary stoppage
小便不禁 urinary incontinence
小便出粪 stool in the urine
小便失禁 urinary incontinence
小便次数多 frequent urination
小便自利 uninhibited urination
小便自调 regulated urine
小便余沥 dribble after voiding
小便利多 uninhibited copious urine
小便利数 frequent uninhibited urination
小便夹精 semen in the urine
小便赤短 short voidings of reddish urine
小便赤涩 inhibited voidings of reddish urine
小便赤涩 rough voidings of reddish urine
小便挟精 semen in the urine
小便疼痛 painful urination
小便清长 long voidings of clear urine
小便淋赤刺痛 dribbling urination with reddish urine and stinging pain
小便淋漓不禁 dribbling urinary incontinence
小便淋沥 dribbling urination
小便混浊 turbid urine
小便通利 uninhibited urination
小便闭 urinary block
小便浑浊 turbid urine
小便浑浊如膏 turbid unctuous urine
小便短少 short voidings of scant urine
小便短赤 short voidings of reddish urine
小便短涩 short inhibited voidings of urine
小便黄如茶汁 tea-colored yellow urine
小便黄赤 yellow or reddish urine
小便黄短 short voidings of yellow urine
小便过多 scant urine
小便紧急 urinary urgency
小便数 frequent urination
小便数 urinary frequency
小便热赤 hot reddish urine
小便热痛 painful voidings of hot urine
小便遗沥 dribble after voiding
小便遗沥 post-voiding dribble
小便频数 frequent urination
小便频数 urinary frequency
小便频繁 urinary frequency
小便涩 difficult urination
小便涩痛 difficult painful urination
小便难 difficult urination
小便难而白 difficult voidings of white urine
小建中汤 Minor Center-Fortifying Decoction
小扁豆 Simao crotalaria root
小指 little finger
小指次指 finger next to the little finger
小活络丹 Minor Network-Quickening Elixir
小活络片 Minor Network-Quickening Tablet
小红花 crimson sage
小红柳 small-spiked willow
小红参 Yun2nan2 madder root
小红绿豆 rice bean
小胃丹 Minor Stomach Elixir
小胡麻 black sesame [seed]
小茅香 goat-ear elecampane root
小飞扬草 thyme-leaved spurge
小香 fennel [fruit]
小柴胡汤 Minor Bupleurum Decoction
Mi nor Bupleurum Decoction Plus Platycodon and Gypsum
小海 SI-08\w
小海 Small Sea
小秦艽 small gentian [root]
小粉 wheat starch
小脉 small pulse
小草 polygala herb
小草鸟 delphinium tuber
小茴 fennel [fruit]
小茴香 fennel [fruit]
小茴香 fennel [NID]
小茴香炭 charred fennel [fruit]
小逆 minor error
小骨空 Little Finger Bone Hollow
小接骨丹 hop-leaved ampelopsis [root bark]
小接筋草 fir club moss
小败火草 Java speedwell
小栀子 gardenia [fruit]
小产 abortion
小产 late miscarriage
小被单草 cucubalus
小趾 little toe
小趾次趾 toe next to the little toe
小通草 stachyurus/helwingia
小连翘 erect hypericum
小陷胸加枳实汤 Minor Chest Bind Decoction Plus Unripe Bitter Orange
小陷胸汤 Minor Chest Bind Decoction
小雪 Slight Snow
小麦 wheat
小麦苗 wheat sprout
小麦粉 wheat starch
小麦粥 Wheat Gruel
小麦麸 wheat bran
小麦面 wheat flour
小喇叭 whorled cladonia
小寒 Slight Cold
小恶鸡婆 field thistle
小暑 Slight Heat
小无心菜 thyme-leaved sandwort
小筋骨藤 tripterospermum
小结胸 minor chest bind
小萍子 duckweed
小雄鸡 young cock
小黄瓜 gherkin
小圆肌 teres minor muscle
小温中丸 Minor Center-Warming Pill
小溪 small ravine
小万年青 sinocrassula
小节 nodule
小肠 small intestine
小肠 SI\w
小肠 small intestine
小肠下口 lower opening of the small intestine
小肠主分别清浊 small intestine governs separation of the clear and turbid
小肠主受盛 small intestine governs receiving plenitude
小肠主液 small intestine governs humor
小肠有湿热 damp-heat in the small intestine
小肠吸收不良 malabsorption
小肠疝 small intestinal mounting
小肠疝气 small intestinal mounting qi4
出焉 small
intestine holds the office of receiving plenitude;, it is responsible
for transforming things
小肠俞 BL-27\w
小肠俞 Small Intestine Transport
小肠咳 small intestinal cough
小肠气 small intestinal qi4
小肠气痛 small intestinal qi4 pain
小肠气滞 small intestinal qi4 stagnation
小肠病 small intestinal disease
小肠虚冷 small intestinal vacuity cold
小肠虚寒 small intestinal vacuity cold
小肠经 small intestine channel
小肠实热 small intestinal repletion heat
小肠实热证 pattern of small intestinal repletion heat
小肠痈 small intestinal welling-abscess
小腹 smaller abdomen
小腹引喉痛 smaller-abdominal pain with sore throat
小腹有凉感 cold sensation in the smaller abdomen
小腹有热 heat in the smaller abdomen
小腹疝假 smaller-abdominal mounting-conglomeration
小腹空坠 empty sagging in the smaller abdomen
小腹空坠 empty sagging in the smaller abdomen
小腹空坠 empty sagging in the lower abdomen
小腹气逆 small-abdominal qi4 counterflow
小腹寒凉 cold in the smaller abdomen
小腹寒痛 small-abdominal cold pain
小腹痛 smaller-abdominal pain
小腹胀痛 smaller-abdominal distention and pain
小腹满 smaller-abdominal fullness
小腹坠胀 sagging distention in the smaller abdomen
小腹_+smaller-abdominal fullness
小脑 cerebellum
小叶石楠 small-leaved photinia [root]
小叶杜鹃 capitate rhododendron [twig and leaf]
小叶枇杷 alpine rosebay [leaf]
小叶金老梅 small-leaved dasiphora [leaf and flower]
小叶金花草 onychium
小叶桑根 southern mulberry root (bark)
小叶蛇总管 common rabdosia
小叶爱楠 white-flowered agapetes
小叶凤凰尾巴草 Japanese diplazium
小叶薄荷 ziziphora
小叶双眼龙 small croton [leaf and root]
小满 Grain Full
小腿疽 flat-abscess of the lower leg
小蒜 scorodoprasum [bulb]
小蓑衣藤 Gourian clematis
小凤尾草 Peking spleenwort
小箭草 bulbiferous stonescrop
小剂量穴位注射 acupuncture point injection therapy
小泽兰 lycopus
小独蒜 Chinese chive [bulb]
小蕨鸡 Kuhn's aleuritopteris
小檗 barberry [root or stem]
小营煎 Minor Construction Brew
小蓟 field thistle
小蓟汁 field thistle juice
小蓟姆 field thistle
小蓟芽 field thistle
小蓟炭 charred field thistle
小蓟草 field thistle
小蓟饮子 Field Thistle*& Drink
小罗伞 dotted ardisia
小关 CV-07
小关 Small Pass
小续命汤 Minor Life-Prolonging Decoction
小溲 urine
小溲色黄 yellow urine
小溲频数 frequent urination

发布于 2023-04-12 16:45:56