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山马豆根 Yun2nan2 vigna root
山马蝗 racemose desmodium
山参 salvia [root]
山参仔 glossogyne
山梅花根皮 philadelphus root bark
山栀 gardenia [fruit]
山栀子 gardenia [fruit]
山栀子仁 gardenia [fruit]
山栀皮 gardenia husk
山栀花 gardenia flower
山栀炭 charred gardenia [fruit]
山栀根 gardenia root
山栀叶 gardenia leaf
山梨 crataegus [fruit]
山麻雀 Japanese ginger flower
山麻黄 psilopeganum
山岚瘴毒 mountain forest miasmic toxin
山岚瘴气 mountain forest miasmic qi4
山棕 curculigo [root]
山棍草 greater selaginella
山椒 peppery zanthoxylum
山椒根 large-leaved zanthoxylum root
山硬硬 smooth greenbrier [root]
山菠萝根 giant cardiocrinum [bulb]
山萸肉 cornus [fruit]
山萸肉粥 Cornus Gruel
山菜 bupleurum [root]
山黄瓜 tricyrtis root
山黄皮 pungent wampee [twig and leaf]
山慈姑 cremastra/pleione [pseudobulb]
山慈姑花 cremastra/pleione flower
山慈姑叶 cremastra/pleione leaf
山棱 sparganium [root]
山稔子 rose myrtle seed
山稔根 rose myrtle root
山稔叶 rose myrtle leaf
山葵 wasabi
山葫芦 grape
山葛薯 clitoria [tuber]
山莴苣 wild Indian lettuce
山葡萄 mountain snake grape
山里果子 crataegus [fruit]
山里红果 crataegus [fruit]
山道年蒿 Levant wormseed flower and leaf
山廓 mountain belt
山漆 notoginseng [root]
山漆树 Delavay sumac [root and leaf]
山蒜 wild chive
山莲藕 specious millettia [root]
山猪粪 smooth greenbrier [root]
山橙 sweet-scented melodinus [fruit]
山猫儿 dianella
山遗粮 smooth greenbrier [root]
山薄荷 Moldavian dragon's-head
山薄荷 bluebeard
山姜 Japanese galangal
山姜花 Japanese galangal flower
山薯 dioscorea [root]
山蓟 white atractylodes [root]
山鞠穷 chuanxiong [rhizome]
山槟榔 ??\Q{common Java tea is stamineus?}
山槟榔 ????\Q{common Java tea is stamineus??}
山归来 smooth greenbrier [root]
山鸡头子 Cherokee rose fruit
山藤藤秧 Amur grapevine [root and stem]
山药 dioscorea [root]
山药藤 dioscorea stem
山蟹 earthstar
山矾花 caudate sweetleaf flower
山矾根 caudate sweetleaf root
山矾叶 caudate sweetleaf leaf
山樱桃 Nanking cherry
山樱桃核 Nanking cherry pit
山兰花 curculigo [root]
山铁树叶 Cambodian pleomele [leaf]
山驴骨 serow's bone
山柰 kaempferia [root]
山楂 crataegus [fruit]
山楂干 crataegus [fruit]
山楂木 crataegus [wood]
山楂肉 crataegus [fruit]
山楂炭 charred crataegus
山楂核 crataegus pit
山楂根 crataegus root
山楂粥 Crataegus Gruel
山楂叶 crataegus leaf
山楂糕 crataegus cake
山蒟 Hance's pepper
山樝 crataegus pit
山藿香 Chinese germander
| short for 四川, <Si4chuan1>, a province in western China
_+ Si4chuan1 astragalus [root]
_+ hedysarum
川山甲 pangolin scales
川心莲 andrographis
川木香 common vladimiria
川木通 Armand's clematis [stem]
川木通 Armand’s Clematis [NID]
川牛膝 cyathula [root]
川白芍 Si4chuan1 white peony [root]
川石斛 Si4chuan1 dendrobium
川朴 Si4chuan1 magnolia [bark]
川江子 croton [fruit]
川谷 adlay
川贝 Si4chuan1 fritillaria [bulb]
川贝母 Si4chuan1 fritillaria [bulb]
川防风 short-lobed ligusticum
川花椒 zanthoxylum [husk]
川附 aconite [accessory root]
川附子 aconite [accessory root]
川柏 Si4chuan1 phellodendron [bark]
川柏 phellodendron [bark]
川红花 Si4chuan1 carthamus [flower]
川军 rhubarb
川乌 aconite main root
川乌粥 Aconite Main Tuber Gruel
川乌头 aconite main root
川草乌 aconite wild aconite main root
川骨 Japanese spatterdock root
川连 Si4chuan1 coptis [root]
川连枳壳汤 Sichuan Coptis and Bitter Orange Decoction
川椒 zanthoxylum [husk]
川椒 zanthoxylum [NID]
川椒子 zanthoxylum [husk]
川椒炭 charred zanthoxylum [husk]
川椒粉 zanthoxylum [husk] powder
川菊 Si4chuan1 chrysanthemum [flower]
川黄柏 Si4chuan1 phellodendron [bark]
川楝子 toosendan [fruit]
川楝子炭 charred toosendan [fruit]
川当归 Si4chuan1 tangkuei
川层草 lip fern
川膝 cyathula [root]
川泽泻 Si4chuan1 alisma [root]
川姜黄 turmeric
川断 dipsacus [root]
川党 Si4chuan1 codonopsis [root]
川党参 Si4chuan1 codonopsis [root]
川续 dipsacus [root]
川续断 dipsacus [root]
川郁金 Si4chuan1 curcuma [root]
川芎 chuanxiong [rhizome]
川芎茶调散 Tea-Blended Chuan1xiong1 Powder
川芎散 Chuan1xiong1*& Powder
川萆薢 smilax tuber
川槿子 rose-of-Sharon seed
川槿皮 rose-of-Sharon root bark
川藭 chuanxiong [rhizome]
sixth heavenly stem
己土 S6-earth
己椒苈黄丸 Fangji, Zanthoxylum, Lepidium/Descurainiae*&, and Rhubarb Pill
已溃 already ruptured
sixth earthly branch
巳时 B6 watch
干生地 dried rehmannia [root]
干石斛 dried dendrobium [NID]
干地黄 dried rehmannia [root]
干地龙 dried earthworm
干血 dry blood
干血气痛 dry blood qi4 pain
干血劳 dry blood taxation
干血劳伤 dry blood taxation damage
干炒 dry fry
干金银花 dried lonicera [NID]
干附四逆汤 Dried Ginger and Aconite Counterflow Cold Decoction
干咳 dry cough
干咳 dry cough
干咳少痰 dry cough with scant phlegm
干咳无痰 dry cough without phlegm
干咳无痰 dry cough without phlegm
干柿 dried persimmon
干苔 enteromorpha
干疽 dry flat-abscess
干胁痛 dry rib-side pain
干荷叶 dried lotus leaf
干陷 dry fall
干陷 dry inward fall
干枣 jujube
干蛤蟆 forest frog
干脚气 dry leg qi4
干葛 pueraria [root]
干葛解肌汤 Pueraria Flesh-Resolving Decoction
干酪性鼻炎 rhinitis caseous
干呕 dry retching
干呕 dry retching
干呕不止 incessant dry retching
干呕不息 incenssant dry retching
干呕汗出 dry retchings and sweating
干呕胁痛 dry retching and rib-side pain
干呕厥逆 dry retching and reverse flow
干呕头痛 dry retching and headache
干呕羸瘦 dry retching and marked emaciation
干漆 lacquer
干漆炭 charred lacquer
干酵母 dried yeast
干噫食臭 dry belching with food malodor
干霍乱 dry cholera
干霍乱病 dry sudden turmoil (cholera) disease
干湿[/]诸恶疮 dry and damp malign sores sores due to invisible worms
干湿二癣 dry and damp lichen
干湿脚气 dry and damp leg qi4
干湿脚气 dry and damp leg qi4
干湿霍乱 dry and damp sudden turmoil (cholera)
干湿头疮 dry and damp head sore
干湿癣疮 dry and damp lichen sores
干燥如枯骨 dry as desiccated bones
k eratoconjunctivitis sicca
S j"ogren's syndrome
干粪塞肠 dry feces stuck in the intestines
干薄荷 dried mint
干姜 dried ginger
干姜人参半夏丸 Dried Ginger, Ginseng, and Pinellia Pill
干姜人参半夏丸 Dried Ginger, Ginseng, and Pinellia Pill
干姜炭 blast-fried ginger
干姜粥 Dried Ginger Gruel
Dr ied Ginger, Scutellaria, Coptis, and Ginseng Decoction
干归 Chinese angelica
干蝎 scorpion
干蟾 dried toad
干癣 dry lichen
干饧糟 malt sugar residue
干支 stems and branches
second earthly branch
丑时 B2 watch
不下食 inability to get food down
不口渴 absence of thirst
不大便 inability to defecate
不已 incessant
不仁 insensitivity
不仁 numbness
不内外因 cause neither internal nor external
不内外因 neutral cause
不及 deficient
不月 absence of menses
不止 incessant
不出林 Japanese ardisia
不可忍 insufferable
不可长期服用 cannot be taken over long periods
不孕 infertility
不正之气 unright qi4
不休 incessant
不全脱位 subluxation
不安 disquieted
不安腿综合症 Ekbom syndrome (restless legs syndrome)
不灰木 asbestos
不利 inhibited
不利 inhibition
不妊 infertility
不更衣 not to change one's clothes
不育 sterility
不良情绪 unhealthy emotions
不足 insufficiency
不足 insufficient
不乳 failure to take milk
不和 disharmony
不固 insecurity
不定穴 non-fixed point
不宜 inappropriate
不易咯出 not easily expectorated
不易喀出 not easily expectorated
不知人 inability to recognize people
不知人事 loss of consciousness
不知香臭 inability to detect fragrance or fetor
不知香臭 loss of smell
不知秽洁 no sense of hygiene
不知饥饱 obliviousness of hunger and satiety
不思乳食 no thought of food and milk
不思食 no thought of food
不思饮食 no thought of food and drink
不流利 disfluent
不省人事 loss of consciousness
不省人事 unconsciousness
不耐久立 inability to stand for long periods
不食 inability to eat
不容 ST-19\w
不容 Not Contained
不射精 inability to ejaculate
不射精症 ejaculatory incompetence
不息 incenssangt
不振 devitalized\HALT \NOUN; devitalization
不留行 vaccaria [seed]
不眠 sleeplessness
不眠 insomnia
不秘 not tight
不秘 not sound
不能平卧 inability to lie flat
不能正立 inability to stand erect
不能正偃 inability to lie out straight
不能自主 uncontrollable
不能行走 inability to walk
不能行动 loss of mobility
不能吮乳 inability to suckle
不能远视 inability to see distant objects
不能远视 nearsightedness
不能触近 cannot be touched
不能眴 inability to roll the eyes
不起 failure to rise
不得 unable to
不得小便 inability to urinate
不得平卧 inability to lie flat
不得安卧 inability to rest
不得卧 inability to lie down
不得卧 inability to sleep
不得前后 inability to urinate or defecate
不得息 inability to catch the breath
不得息 inability to breathe
不得眠 inability to sleep
不得眠 insomnia
不得倾侧 inability to turn over
不得转侧 inability to turn sides
不得嚼 inability to chew
不欲多言 little desire to talk
不欲多饮 no desire to drink much
不欲言 no desire to talk
不欲饮水 no desire to drink water
不欲饮食 no desire for food and drink
不通 stoppage
不通则痛 when there is stoppage, there is pain
不寐 sleeplessness
不寐 insomnia
不恶寒 absence of aversion to cold
不恶寒反恶热 aversion to heat rather than to cold
不换金丹 Priceless Elixir
不换金正气散 Priceless Qi4-Righting Powder
不渴饮 no thirst and drinking
不绝 incessant
不舒 constrained
不舒 ill-being
不传 non-passage
不嗜食 no pleasure in eating
不想说话 no desire to talk
不会说话 inability to speak
不会讲话 inability to speak
不遂 paralyzed
不遂 #NAME?
不梦而遗 seminal emission without dreaming
不宁 disquieted
不畅 inhibited
不尽 incessant
不睡 sleeplessness
不睡 insomnia
不闻香臭 inability to detect fragrance or fetor
不闻香臭 loss of smell
不磨 inability to grind [food]
不举 failure to rise
不断 incessant
不断 constant
不稳定 unstable
不药而愈 recover without medication
不愿喝水 no desire to drink water
不愿视人 no desire to see people
不饥 absence of hunger
不饥 absence of hunger
center\HALT \NOUN, central \NOUN
strike\HALT \VERB, \NOUN, stroke \NOUN
middle\HALT \NOUN, \ADJ
_+ BL-40
_+ LV-06
_+ Central Cleft
_+ Central Cleft
中人 strike-on-person
中土 center-earth
中土气败 vanquished center-earth qi4
中丹田 middle cinnabar field
中平 () Central Balance (Foot)
中平() Central Balance (Hand)
中正之官 office of justice
中石疽 middle-body stone flat-abscess
中守 CV-09
中守 Central Guard
中成药 ready-prepared Chinese medicine
中成药 proprietary Chinese medicine
中耳 middle ear
中耳炎 otitis media
中耳腔 cavity of the middle ear
中行 midline
中西医结合 integration of Chinese and Western medicine
中冲 PC-09\w
中冲 Central Hub
中取 feel the mid-level
中和汤 Center Harmony Decoction
中府 LU-01\w
中府 Central Treasury
中注 KI-15\w
中注 Central Flow
中空 Center Hollow
中空 BL-33
中空 Central Hole
中肩井 LI-15
中肩井 Central Shoulder Well
中品 medium grade
中封 LV-04
中封 Mound Center
中按 feel the mid-level
中指 middle finger
中指同身寸 center finger body inch
中毒 toxin strike (stroke)
中泉 Central Spring
中风 wind strike (stroke)
中风口眼歪斜 wind strike (stroke) with deviated eyes and mouth
中风口噤 wind strike (stroke) clenched jaw
中风不省人事 wind strike (stroke) with failure to recognize people
中风不语 wind strike (stroke) with loss of speech
中风舌强不语 wind strike (stroke) with stiffness of the tongue preventing speech
中风后遗症 sequelae of wind strike
中风气塞 wind strike (stroke) qi4 blockage
中风脱证 wind strike (stroke) desertion pattern
中风闭证 wind strike (stroke) block pattern
中风痰盛 wind strike (stroke) with exuberant phlegm
中风痱 wind strike (stroke) disability
中庭 CV-16\w
中庭 Center Palace
中气 center qi4
中气下陷 center qi4 fall
中气不足 insufficiency of center qi4
中气怯弱 timidity of center qi4
中气虚弱 center qi4 vacuity
中消 center dispersion
中消 center dispersion
中消 center burner dispersion-thirst
中病 strike the disease
中病则止 strike the disease and stop
中草药 Chinese medicinals and herbal medicines
inese Association of the Integration of Traditional and Western
C hinese Association of Minority Medicine
中国针灸学会 China Association of Acupuncture and Moxibustion
中国黄点鯆 thornback ray
中国医学大词典 Greater Dictionary of Chinese Medicine
中国医学史 Chinese medical history
中国鹅莓 Chinese gooseberry [fruit]
中国药膳 Chinese medicinal food
中接 Center Connection
中清之腑 bowel of center clearness
中渚 TB-03
中渚 Central Islet
中都 LV-06
中都 HT-07
中都 Central Metropolis
中都 Central Metropolis
中都 Central Metropolis
中都穴 central metropolis point
中寒 cold strike
中寒 center cold
中恶 malignity strike (stroke)
中暑 summerheat strike
中暑眩晕 summerheat strike (stroke) dizziness
中焦 center burner
中焦主化 center burner governs transformation
中焦如沤 center burner is like foam
中焦有湿 dampness in the center burner
中焦俞 Central Burner Transport
中焦气滞 center burner qi4 stagnation
中焦病 center burner disease
中焦病证 center burner disease pattern
中焦寒性腹痛 center burner cold-type abdominal pain
中焦寒湿 center burner cold-damp
中焦脾胃 center burner and the spleen and stomach
中焦虚寒 center burner vacuity cold
中焦阳虚 center burner yang2 vacuity
中焦实热 center burner repletion heat
中焦实热证 center burner repletion heat pattern
中焦湿盛 exuberant dampness in the center burner
中焦湿热 center burner damp-heat
中焦湿热 center burner damp-heat
中焦湿热证 center burner damp-heat pattern
中焦燥热 center burner dryness-heat
中发背 effusion of the middle of the back
中络 network strike
中腑 bowel strike
中华人民共和国 People's Republic of China
中华人民共和国 PRC
中华中医药学会 China Association of Traditional Chinese Mdicine and Pharmacy
中华民国 Republic of China
中华民国 ROC
中阳不足 insufficiency of center yang2
中阳不振 devitalized center yang2
中饭 lunch
中黄膏 Center Yellow Paste
中搭手 reachable sore of the middle back
中暍 thermoplegia
中极 CV-03\w
中极 Central Pole
中经 channel strike
中经络 channel and network strike
中运不健 center failing to move and transform
中满 center fullness
中满分消丸 Center Fullness Separating and Dispersing Pill
中满分消汤 Center Fullness Separating and Dispersing Decoction
中满者泻之于内 center fullness is treated by draining the inner body
中管 CV-12
中管 Central Duct
中精之腑 bowel of center essence
中膂 BL-29
中膂 Central Backbone
中膂内俞 BL-29
中膂内俞 Central Backbone Inner Transport
中膂俞 BL-29\w
中膂俞 Central Backbone Transport
中魁 Central Eminence
中魁 LI-05
中魁 Central Eminence
中枢 GV-07\w
中枢 Central Pivot
中枢神经系统 central nervous system
中枢神经兴奋 excitation of the central nervous system
中线面 mesial surface
中燥 dryness strike (stroke)
中渎 GB-32\w
中渎 Central River
中藏经 Central Treasury Canon
中医 Chinese medicine
中医内科 Chinese internal medicine
中医内科学 Chinese internal medicine
中医文献学 Chinese medical literature
中医外科 Chinese external medicine
中医外科 Chinese surgery
中医皮肤科 Chinese dermatology
中医各家学说 schools of Chinese medical theory
中医耳鼻喉科 Chinese otorhinolaryngology
中医耳鼻喉科学 Chinese otorhinolaryngology
中医肛肠科 Chinese proctology
中医肛肠学 Chinese proctology
中医儿科 Chinese pediatrics
中医儿科学 Chinese pediatrics
中医急诊学 Chinese emergency treatment
中医师 Chinese medical physician
中医骨伤科 Chinese osteo-traumatology
中医骨伤科学 Chinese osteo-traumatology
中医基础理论 basic theory of Chinese medicine
中医妇科 Chinese gynecology
中医妇科学 Chinese gynecology
中医康复学 Chinese rehabilitation
中医推拿学 Chinese tui1na2
中医眼科 Chinese ophthalmology
中医诊断学 Chinese medical diagnostics
中医养生学 Chinese health cultivation
中医学 Chinese medicine
中医药 Chinese medicine (and pharmacy)
中医药学 Chinese medicine (and pharmacy)
中医护理学 Chinese nursing
中药 Chinese medicinal
中药化学 Chinese medicinal chemistry
中药炮制学 identification of Chinese medicinals
中药师 Chinese medical pharmacist
中药制剂分析 analysis of Chinese medicinal forms
中药制剂学 Chinese pharmaceutics
中药学 Chinese pharmacy
中药药理学 pharmacology of Chinese medicinals
中药药剂学 Chinese pharmaceutics
中药鉴别学 identification of Chinese medicinals
中脏 visceral strike
中脏腑 bowel and visceral strike
中脏腑 organ strike (stroke)
中灵草 codonopsis [root]
中脘 middle stomach duct
中脘 CV-12\w
中脘 Central Stomach Duct
_+ BL-33\w
_+ Central Bone-Hole
cinnabar\HALT \NOUN
elixir\HALT \NOUN
丹田 cinnabar field
丹田 CV-04
丹田 CV-05
丹田 CV-07
丹田 Cinnabar Field
丹田 Cinnabar Field
丹田 Cinnabar Field
丹田 dan1 tian1
丹田呼吸 cinnabar field breathing
丹田呼吸 dan1 tian2 field breathing
丹皮 moutan [bark]
丹毒 cinnabar toxin [sore]
丹毒 erysipelas
丹毒 erysipelas
丹砂 cinnabar
丹根 moutan [bark]
丹粉 minium
丹荔 litchee
丹参 salvia [root]
丹参散 Salvia Powder
丹参饮 Salvia Beverage
丹栀逍遥散 Moutan and Gardenia Free Wanderer Powder
丹粟 cinnabar
丹黄四逆散 Moutan and Phellodendron Counterflow Cold Powder
丹溪心法 Dan1 Xi1>'s Heart-Approach
丹痧 cinnabar sand

| third person object pronoun (him, her, it, them); subordinating
particle corresponding to the English 's
| abbreviation for 云南, <Yun2nan2> Province
云木香 Yun2nan2 saussurea [root]
云牛膝 Yun2nan2 achyranthes
云母 muscovite
云母石 muscovite
云母矾 alum
云豆 kidney bean
云门 LU-02\w
云门 Cloud Gate
云南白药 Yun2nan2 White
云南茴香 Yun2nan2 star anise
云南希草 Yun2nan2 madder
云故纸 oroxylum [seed]
云苓 poria
云连 Yun2nan2 coptis [root]
云当归 Yun2nan2 tangkuei
云实 Mysore thorn seed
云实根 Mysore thorn root
云实蛀虫 Mysore thorn seed grub
云翳 nebulous eye screen
云翳遮睛 nebulous screen covering the eye
云归 Yun2nan2 tangkuei
云雾七 Tsinling larkspur root
云雾移睛 clouds and mist moving over the eye
云雾移睛 clouds and mist floating across the eye
云茯苓 poria
云耳 wood ear
云苓 poria
井穴 well point
井底泥 well-bottom mud
井花水 well-flower water
井泉水 well water
each other
five, fifth, fivefold
五入 five entries
五十二病方 Formulas for Fifty-Two Diseases
五十肩 fifty-year-old's shoulder
五十动 fifty beats
五子丸 Five-Seed Pill
ve-Seed and Five-Peel Stasis-Quickening and Water-Disinhibiting
Decoction [NIS]
五子五皮饮 Five-Seed and Five-Peel Beverage [NIS]
五子衍宗丸 Five-Seed Progeny Pill
五子补肾丸 Five-Seed Kidney-Supplementing Pill
五才 five materials
五不女 five unwomanlinesses
五不男 five unmanlinesses
五中 five centers
五五丹 Five-To-Five Elixir
五仁丸 Five Kernels Pill
五仁汤 Five Kernels Decoction
五仁橘皮汤 Five-Seed Tangerine Peel Decoction
五心 five hearts
五心烦热 vexing heat in the five hearts
五心潮热 tidal heat [effusion] (fever) in the five hearts
五方 five positions
五方菜 purslane
五月茶 antidesma
五月霜 Hancock's anaphalis
五木香 costusroot
五水 five waters
五水 visceral water
五爪金龙 tetrastigma
五爪金龙花 Cairo morning glory flower
五爪风 Blin's raspberry
五爪龙 (1) Cairo morning glory [root or stem and leaf]
五爪龙 (2) Japanese hop
五主 five governings
五代 Five Dynasties
五加皮 acanthopanax [root bark]
五加皮丸 Acanthopanax Pill
五加风 rice-paper plant pith
五加减正气散 Fifth Variant Qi4-Righting Powder
五加叶 acanthopanax leaf
五汁安中饮 Five Juices Center-Quieting Beverage
五汁饮 Five Juices Beverage
五皮散(饮) Five-Peel Powder (Beverage)
五皮饮 Five-Peel Beverage [NIS]
五石散 five stones powder
五有余,五不足 five superabundances and five insufficiencies
五色 five colors
五色五味所入 color and flavor entry
五色主病 diseases governed by the five colors
五色主病 disease-color correspondences
五色带 five-colored vaginal discharge
五色梅 red sage
五色梅花 red sage flower
五色梅根 red sage root
五色痢 five-colored dysentery
五色菜 purslane
五色诊 five-color examination
五行 five phases
五行相生 engendering among the five phases
五行相克 restraining among the five phases
五行相侮 rebellion among the five phases
五行相乘 overwhelming among the five phases
五行草 purslane
五行学说 five-phase theory
五形之人 five human forms
五志 five minds
五志化火 fire formation due to excess among the five minds
五志化火 five-mind fire formation
五志过极 excess among the five minds
五更 five watches
五更 fifth watch
五更泄 fifth-watch diarrhea
五更嗽 fifth-watch cough
五决 five criteria
五角加皮 rice-paper plant pith
五角枫根 Chinese maple root (bark)
五角叶葡萄 Chinese wild grapevine root bark
五谷 five grains
五谷之腑 bowel of the five grains
五走 five penetrations
五邪 five evils
五邪脉 five evil pulses
五里 PC-08
五里 Five Li
五里 () LI-13
五里 () Five Li3 (arm)
五里 () LV-10
五里 () Five Li3 (foot)
五刺 five needling methods
五刺 visceral needling method
五味 five flavors
五味 schisandra [berry]
五味子 schisandra [berry]
五味子丸 Schisandra Pill
五味子散 Schisandra Powder
五味子散 Schisandra Powder
五味子汤 Schisandra Decoction
五味所入 five-flavor entry
五味所禁 flavor contraindications
五味消毒饮 Five-Ingredient Toxin-Dispersing Beverage
五味草 straight-flowered corydalis
五味偏嗜 flavor predilection
五味异功散 Five-Ingredient Special Achievement Powder [NIS]
五味细辛汤 Five-Ingredient Schisandra and Asarum Decoction
五官 five offices
五宜 five proprieties
五泄 five diarrheas
五物香薷饮 Five Agents Mosla*& Beverage
五物解毒散 Five Agents Toxin-Resolving Powder
五花茶 Five Flowers Tea
五花龙骨 flowery dragon bone
五虎 Five Tigers
五虎丹 Five Tigers Elixir
五虎拔毒丹 Five Tigers Toxin-Drawing Elixir
五虎追风散 Five-Tigers-Chasing-the-Wind Powder
五虎汤 Five Tigers Decoction
五俞穴 five transport points
五城 CV-04
五城 Fifth City
五指山参 arrow-leaf abelmoschus [root]
五指毛桃根 five-finger fig root
五指柑 negundo vitex [leaf]
五星蒿 echinopsilon
五柱穴 five pillar points
五苓散 Poria Five Powder
五郁 five depressions
五音 five notes
五风内障 five wind-type internal obstructions
五香 costusroot
五香血藤 long-stalked kadsura
五香草 Suzhou mosla
五倍子 sumac gallnut
五倍子内虫 sumac gallnut grub
五倍子苗 Chinese sumac shoot
五倍子散 Sumac Gallnut Powder
五倍子汤 Sumac Gallnut Decoction
五时 five seasons
五核汤 Five Pips Decoction
五气朝阳草 Haleb avens
五疳 five gan1
五疳 visceral gan1
五神 five spirits
五神汤 Five Spirits Decoction
五脉 five pulses
五脉 visceral pulse
五臭 five odors
五针刺法 five-needle method
五除叶 southern evodia leaf
五常 five constants
五彩阿 ass hide glue
五梅子 schisandra [berry]
五液 five humors
五液 visceral humor
五淋 five stranguries
五淋散 Five Stranguries Powder
五痔 five hemorrhoids
五眼果树皮 hog plum bark
五粒回春丹 Five Grains Return-of-Spring Elixir
五处 BL-05\w
五处 Fifth Place
五趾穴 Five Toes Point
五软 five limpnesses
五劳 five taxations
五劳七情 five taxations and [damage from] seven affects
五劳七伤 five taxations and seven damages
五劳所伤 damage by the five taxations
五胜 five overcomings
五恶 five aversions
五硬 five stiffnesses
五善 five benign signs
五华 five blooms
五华 five blooms
五虚 five vacuities
五黄散 Five Yellows Powder
五会 GV-20
五会 ST-09
五会 Fivefold Confluence
五会 Fivefold Confluence
五痿汤 Five Wiltings Decoction
五禁 five contraindications
五禽戏 five animal exercises
五叶泡 five-leaved blackberry [root or leaf]
五运 five movements
五运 five periods
五运六气 five movements and six qi4
五运六气 cosmobiology
五运六气 five periods and six qi4
五过 five errors
五夺 five despoliations
五实 five repletions
五福化毒丹 Five Happinesses Toxin-Transforming Elixir
五蒸 five steamings
五凤朝阳草 king pedicularis
五枢 GB-27\w
五枢 Fifth Pivot
五谷虫 screwworm
五轮 five wheels
五轮八廓 five wheels and eight belts
五磨饮子 Five Milled Ingredients Drink
五积 five accumulations
五积散 Five Accumulations Powder
五蹄风 agrimony
五输穴 five transport points
五输配穴法 combining transport points
五迟 five slownesses
五声 five voices
五转七 Farges' triosteum
五瓣寄生 five-petalled loranthus
五宝散 Five-Jewel Powder
五芦散 Schisandra and Aloe Powder [NIS]
五脏 five viscera
五脏 five treasuries
五脏六腑咳 coughs of the five visceral and six bowels
五脏六腑咳 organ cough
五脏化液 five viscera form humors
五脏化液 humors formed by the five viscera
五脏水 five visceral waters
五脏系皆属于心 ties of the five viscera home to the heart
五脏所主 governings of the five viscera
五脏所恶 aversions of the five viscera
五脏所藏 what the five viscera store
五脏痹 impediments of the five viscera
五脏痹 visceral impediment
五体 five body constituents
五灵 Five Spirits
五灵脂 squirrel's droppings
五灵脂炭 charred squirrel's droppings [NID]
五棱子 quisqualis [fruit]
五痹 five impediments
五痹汤 Five Impediment Decoction
五腧穴 five transport points
五癃 five dribbling urinary stoppages
五痫 five epilepsies
五瘿 five goiters
hyperactive\HALT \ADJ, hyperactivity \NOUN
亢害承制 excess causes harm; preventing its development brings order
亢盛 exuberance
仁枣 toosendan [fruit]
仁频 areca [nut]
仁斋直指方 Ren2-Zhai1> House Simple Formulary
| simplified from of
今日食明日吐 vomiting of food eaten the previous day
origin\HALT \NOUN, original \ADJ
元寸香 musk
元元草 low-growing Indian scutellaria
元见 CV-17
元见 The Source
元儿 CV-17
元儿 Original Child
元府 origin house
元府 origin mansion
元明粉 refined mirabilite
元明粉 refined mirabilite [NID]
元武石 loadstone
元武版 tortoise plastron
元柱 BL-02
元柱 Origin Pillar
元胡 corydalis [root]
元胡索 corydalis [root]
元气 original qi4
元气大虚 major vacuity of original qi4
元气不足 insufficiency of original qi4
元气虚 original qi4 vacuity
元气虚弱 original qi4 vacuity
元神之府 house of the original spirit
元参 scrophularia [root]
元阴 original yin1
元阳 original yang2
元芩 scutellaria [root]
inner (body)\HALT \NOUN
internal\HALT \ADJ
inward\HALT \ADJ, \ADV
内分泌系统 endocrine system
内火 internal fire
内外痔 internal and external hemorrhoids
内外伤辨惑论 Clarification of Perpexities About Internal and External Damage
内合谷 Inner Union Valley
内因 internal cause
int ernal endomeriosis
内托 internal drawing
内托散 Internal Expulsion
内收肌 adductor
内有久寒 enduring internal cold
内有邪热 evil heat in the inner body
内有热邪 heat evil in the interior
内耳 internal ear
内耳炎 otitis interna
内耳眩晕病 Meniere's disease
内吹 internal blowing
内吹乳痈 internal blowing mammary welling-abscess
内昆仑 Inner Kunlun Mountains
内明 Inner Brightness
内服 take internally
内服 take orally
内服膏剂 orally taken paste
内治法 internal method of treatment
内迎香 Inner Welcome Fragrance
内毒 internal toxin
内科疾病 internal medical diseases
内科症状 internal medicine symptoms
内红消 long-stalked kadsura root (bark)
内风 internal wind
内风消 long-stalked kadsura root (bark)
内庭 ST-44\w
内庭 Inner Court
内消 internal dispersion-thirst
内消散 Internal Dispersion Powder
内消瘰_+Scrofula Internal Dispersion Pill
内真寒 true internal cold
内真热 true internal heat
内针 needle insertion
内推 inward pushing
内斜视 inward squint
内疏黄连汤 Internal Coursing Coptis Decoction
内痔 internal hemorrhoid
内闭 internal block
内闭外脱 internal block and outward desertion
内闭昏厥 internal block clouding reversal
内闭昏厥 clouding reversal due to internal block
内陷 inward fall
内寒 internal cold
内虚 scutellaria [root]
内阳池 Inner Yang2 Pool
内饮 internal rheum
内伤 internal injury
内伤 internal damage
内伤七情 internal damage by the seven affects
内伤七情 affect damage
内伤不得卧 internal damage sleeplessness
内伤咳嗽 internal damage cough
内伤胃脘痛 internal damage stomach duct pain
内伤发热 internal damage heat [effusion] (fever)
内伤饮食痉 internal food damage tetany
内伤腰痛 internal damage lumbar pain
内伤头痛 internal damage headache
内伤杂病 miscellaneous internal damage diseases
内廉 inner face
内烦 internal vexation
内睛明 Inner Bright Eyes
内经 The Inner Canon
内补丸 Internal Supplementation Pill
内实 internal repletion
内蒸 internal steaming
内障 internal obstruction
内热 internal heat
内热消渴 internal heat dispersion-thirst
内热耗灼津液 internal heat scorching liquid and humor
内热炽盛 intense internal heat
内膝眼 Inner Eye of the Knee
内踝 inner ankle bone
内踝 medial malleolus
内踝尖 Tip of the Inner Ankle Bone
内养功 inner health-cultivation qi4gong1
内湿 internal dampness
内燥 internal dryness
内翻肌 invertor
内关 PC-06\w
内关 Inner Pass
内观 inner scene
内眦 inner canthus
内眦外 BL-01
内眦外 Outside the Inner Canthus
内痈 internal welling-abscess
_+inner shank sore
six, sixth, sixfold
六一散 Six-To-One Powder
六一散 Six-to-One Powder
六月雪叶 Chinese eupatorium leaf
六月寒 three-flowered bluebeard
六月霜 Japanese thistle
六月鲜 kidney bean
六合 six ways
六合定中丸\Q{***} Sixfold Combination Center-Stabilizing Pill
六安煎 Six Quietings Brew
六汗 dipsacus [root]
六君子汤 Six Gentlemen Decoction
六谷子 coix [seed]
六味丸 Six-Ingredient Pill
六味回阳饮 Six-Ingredient Yang2-Returning Beverage
六味地黄丸 Six-Ingredient Rehmannia Pill
六味地黄汤 Six-Ingredient Rehmannia Decoction
六味香薷散 Six-Ingredient Mosla Powder [NIS]
六味香薷饮 Six-Ingredient Mosla*& Beverage
六味汤 Six-Ingredient Decoction
六和汤 Six Harmonizations Decoction
六柱汤 Six Pillars Decoction
六柱饮 Six Pillars Beverage
六郁 six depressions
六气 six qi4
六神丸 Six Spirits Pill
六神散 Wondrous Six Powder
六神汤 Six Spirits Decoction
六脉 six pulses
六脉垂绝 six pulses verging on expiration
六欲 six desires
六淫 six excesses
六淫 six-fold excess
六阴脉 six yin1 pulses
六腑 six bowels
六腑以通为用 six bowels fulfill their purposes when there is free flow
六华 Florid Six
六轴子 yellow azalea seed
六阳脉 six yang2 pulses
六极 six extremes
六经 six channels
六经形诊 six-channel p, atterns
六经病 six-channel disease
六经辨证 six-channel pattern identification
六经辨证 six-channel pattern identification
六线笛鲷 blue-striped snapper
六磨汤 Six Milled Ingredients Decoction
六磨饮 Six Milled Ingredients Beverage
六颈椎旁 Beside the Sixth Cervical Vertebra
六脏 six viscera
六变 six transmutations
elderly gentleman
公丁香 clove
公克 gram
公克 g
公克 gr
公克 gm
公乳 stalactite
公英 dandelion
公孙 SP-04\w
公孙 Yellow Emperor
公猪大肠 boar's large intestine
aspect\HALT \NOUN
分中 GB-30
分中 Divided Center
分心木 walnut membrane
分心木 woody membrane of walnut shell [NID]
分心气饮 Heart-Qi4-Dividing Beverage
分水 CV-09
分水 Divided Waters
分水散 Water-Separating Powder
分肉 seam of the flesh
分肉 GB-38
分肉 Parting of the Flesh
分别清浊 separate the clear and the turbid
分利湿热 separate and disinhibit damp-heat
分身 childbirth
分身 birth
分身 parturition
分身 delivery
分刺 parting needling
分泌 secretion
分泌性中耳炎 secretory otitis media
分泌物 secretion
分型论治 determine treatment on the basis of pattern types
分研 separate grinding
分娩 childbirth
分娩 birth
分娩 parturition
分娩 delivery
分娩胎次过多 excessive number of births
分消走泄 separating dispersion and mobilizing discharge
分消汤 Separating and Dispersing Decoction
分清别浊 separate the clear and turbid
分清泌浊 separates the clear and turbid
分量 quantity
分间 GB-38
分间 Parting Space
分解 parturition
分解 delivery
分解代谢 catabolism
分葱 shallot
分诞 childbirth
分诞 birth
分诞 parturition
分诞 delivery
palpation\HALT \NOUN
切片 slice
切脉 feel the pulse
切脉 pulse examination
切痛 cutting pain
切丝 cut into shreds
切诊 palpation
切开疗法 incision therapy
切迹 incisure
切断 cut into sections
切药机 herb cutter
cut (weeds or crops)
刈根 pueraria [root]
transform\HALT \VERB, transformation
form\HALT \VERB, formation \NOUN
化水种子汤 Water-Transforming Seed-Planting Decoction
化火 transform into fire
化火 transformation into fire
化火 fire formation
化石散 Stone-Transforming Powder
化州橘红 Huazhou pomelo rind
化血丹 Blood-Transforming Elixir
化血胆 melasma
化肝煎 Liver-Transforming Brew
化金石 niter
化风 wind formation
化食养脾汤 Food-Transforming Spleen-Nourishing Decoction
化香树果 platycarya fruit
化香树叶 platycarya leaf
化气 perform qi4 transformation
化气 promote qi4 transformation
化气 transform qi4
化气利小便 promote qi4 transformation and disinhibit urine
化气利小便 promote qi4 transformation and disinhibit urine
化气利水 promote qi4 transformation and disinhibit water
化气利尿 promote qi4 transformation and disinhibit urine
化气兰 Faber's cymbidium root bark
化阴煎 Yin1-Forming Brew
化斑 transform macules
化斑汤 Macule-Transforming Decoction
化斑解毒汤 Macule-Transforming Toxin-Resolving Decoction
化痞 transform glomus
化裁 varied
化裁 variation
化饮 transform rheum
化饮解表 transform rheum and resolve the exterior
化源不足 insufficiency of the source of transformation
化瘀 transform stasis
化瘀行血 transform stasis and move the blood
化瘀明目 transform stasis and brighten the eyes
化瘀消肿 transform stasis and disperse swelling
化痰 transform phlegm
化痰 phlegm transformation
化痰止咳 transform phlegm and suppress cough
化痰利水 transform phlegm and disinhibit water
化痰利水药 phlegm-transforming water-disinhibiting formula
化痰息风 transform phlegm and extinguish wind
化痰消瘀 transform phlegm and disperse stasis
化痰消积 transform phlegm and disperse accumulations
化痰消瘿 transform phlegm and disperse goiter
化痰软坚 transform phlegm and soften hardness
化痰散结 transform phlegm and dissipate binds
化痰开窍 transform phlegm and open the orifices
化痰药 phlegm-transforming medicinal
化滞 transform stagnation
化腐 transform putridity
化热 transform into heat
化热 transformation into heat
化热 heat formation
化橘红 Huazhou pomelo rind
化龙骨 dragon bone
化湿 transform dampness
化湿 dampness formation
化湿和中 transform dampness and harmonize the center
化湿和胃 transform dampness and harmonize the stomach
化湿清热 transform dampness and clear heat
化湿浊 transform damp turbidity
化湿药 dampness-transforming medicinal
化燥 transform into dryness
化燥 transformation into dryness
化燥 dryness formation
化燥 induce dryness formation
化脓 suppuration
化脓灸 suppurative moxibustion
化脓性中耳炎 suppurative otitis media
化脓性鼻窦炎 suppurative sinusitis of nose
化脓性关节炎 suppurative arthritis
化虫丸 Worm-Transforming Pill
化症回生丹 Concretion-Transforming Return-to-Life Elixir
seventh earthly branch
午后 p.m.
午后 postmeridian
午后两颧红赤 postmeridian reddening of the cheeks
午后两颧发赤 postmeridian reddening of the cheeks
午后潮热 postmeridian tidal heat [effusion] (fever)
午夜 midnight watch
午时 B7 watch
午时茶 Midday Tea
bear upward\HALT \VERB
upbear\HALT \VERB, upbearing \NOUN
sheng1\HALT \NOUN
升中有降 downbearing within upbearing
升丹 upborne elixir
升可去降 upbearing [medicinals] can eliminate downbearing
升降出入 upbearing, downbearing, inward and outward movement
升降失常 abnormal upbearing and downbearing
升降浮沉 upbearing, downbearing, floating, and sinking
升降浮沉 bearing
升降诸气 restore normal upbearing and downbearing of all qi4
升浮药 upfloating medicinal
升浮药 upfloater
升动 upbearing and stirring
升清 upbear the clear
升清降浊 upbear the clear and downbear the turbid
升清气 upbear clear qi4
升清阳 upbear clear yang2
升陷汤 Fall-Upbearing Decoction
升麻 cimicifuga [root]
升麻草 goatsbeard [root]
升麻汤 Cimicifuga Decoction
升麻黄_+Gastrodia and Astragalus Decoction
升麻葛根汤 Cimicifuga and Pueraria Decoction
升提 upraise
升提中气 upraise center qi4
升提中焦清气 upraise the clear qi4 of the center burner
升提清气 upraise clear qi4
升提汤 Upraising Decoction
升提药 upraising medicinal
升散透达 upbear, dissipate, and outhrust
升结肠 ascending colon
升阳益胃汤 Yang2-Upbearing Stomach-Boosting Decoction
升阳散火汤 Yang2-Upbearing Fire-Dissipating Decoction
升阳散郁 upbear yang2 and dissipate depression
升阳顺气汤 Yang2-Upbearing Qi4-Normalizing Decoction [NIS]
升阳举陷 upbear yang2 and raise the fall
升补脾气 upbear and supplement spleen qi4
升剂 upbearing formula
升举 uplift
升举无力 diminished uplift
升药底 upborne elixir residue
及己 serrate-leaved chloranthus root
及泻 alisma [tuber]
reflux\HALT \NOUN
paradoxical\HALT \ADJ
opposite\HALT \ADJ
clash\HALT \VERB; clashing\NOUN
反甲 curled-up nails
反目直视 rolled-back or forward-staring eyes
反佐 paradoxical assistant
反佐药 paradoxical assistant
反治 paradoxical treatment
反治法 paradoxical treatment
反流性食管炎 reflux esophagitis
反胃 stomach reflux
反胃吐食 stomach reflux vomiting
反唇疔 lip-turning clove sore
反张悲哭 arched-back rigidity with sorrowful crying
反酸 acid reflux
反鼻 Pallas pit viper
反应性精神障碍 reactive mental disorder
反复发作 recurrent
反复发作 occur repeatedly
反关脉 pulse on the back of the wrist
反关脉 dorsal styloid pulse
ninth heavenly stem
壬水 S9-water
heaven\HALT \NOUN, heavenly \ADJ
celestial\HALT \ADJ
congenital\HALT \ADJ
天丁 gleditsia thorn
天人地 heaven, human, and earth
天人地三才补泻 heaven, human, and earth supplementation and drainage
天人相应 heaven and humankind are mutually responsive
天山花楸 Tianshan mountain ash [twig, bark and fruit]
天干 heavenly stem
天干 S
天干地支 heavenly stems and earthly branches
天井 TB-10
天井 Celestial Well
天五会 ST-09
天五会 Celestial Fivefold Confluence
天天茄 black nightshade
天文草 spilanthes
天水蚁草 Asiatic cudweed
天牛 long-horned beetle
天王七 triosteum root
天王七果实 triosteum fruit
天王七叶 triosteum leaf
天王补心丹 Celestial Emperor Heart-Supplementing Elixir
天仙子 henbane seed
天仙藤 aristolochia stem
天仙藤散 Aristolochia Stem Powder
天冬 asparagus [root]
天台乌药 lindera [root]
天台乌药散 Tiantai Lindera Powder
天瓜粉 trichosanthes root
天生白虎汤 watermelon
天生草 lesser diuranthera [root]
天白 BL-07
天白 Celestial White
天目木姜子 auriculate litsea
天目木兰 tianmu magnolia [flower]
天吊 celestial droop
天名精 carpesium
天池 PC-01\w
天池 CV-24
天池 Celestial Pool
天池 Celestial Pool
天臼 BL-07
天臼 Celestial Mortar
天行 heaven current
天行赤目 heaven-current red eye
天行赤眼 heaven-current red eye
天行赤眼暴翳 heaven-current red eye with sudden screen
天行疫疠 heaven-current epidemic pestilence
天行时疫 heaven-current seasonal epidemic
天行温疫 heaven-current warm epidemic
天行嗽 heaven-current cough
天伯 BL-07
天伯 Celestial Lord
天冲 GB-09
天冲 Celestial Surge
天冲 GB-09\w
天冲 Celestial Hub
天灸 natural moxibustion
天豆 sophora fruit
天宗 SI-11\w
天宗 Celestial Gathering
天府 LU-03\w
天府 Celestial Storehouse
天泡疮 heaven-borne sore
天竺黄 bamboo sugar
天竺黄散 Bamboo Sugar Powder
天花 smallpox
天花 smallpox
天花 variola
天花粉 trichosanthes root
天花粉粥 Trichosanthes Root Gruel
天门冬 asparagus [root]
天门冬粥 Asparagus Gruel
天青地白 Japanese cudweed
天南星 arisaema [root]
天南星丸 Arisaema Pill
天宦 congenital eunuchism
天宦 earlier-heaven eunuchism
天柱 BL-10\w
天柱 Celestial Pillar
天柱倒 tumbled celestial pillar
天柱骨 celestial pillar
天泉 PC-02\w
天泉 Celestial Spring
天津白菜 celery cabbage
天癸 tian-gui
天癸 heavenly tenth
天癸过期 overdue tian-gui
天突 CV-22\w
天突 Celestial Chimney
天胡荽 lawn pennywort
天茄子 Indian nightshade [fruit and leaf]
天茄子 black nightshade
天韭 deer's ear leek
天香炉 Chinese osbeckia
天哮 congenital wheezing
天哮 earlier-heaven wheezing
天哮 whooping cough
天容 SI-17\w
天容 Celestial Countenance
天庭 celestial court
天庭 center of the forehead
天气 heavenly qi4
天旋 heaven-turned [eye]
天符 coincidence of heavenly qi4
天部 heaven level
天钓 celestial angling
天顶 LI-17
天顶 Celestial Summit
天麻 gastrodia [root]
天麻丸 Gastrodia Pill
天麻子 gastrodia fruit
天麻茎叶 gastrodia stem and leaf
天麻散 Gastrodia Powder [NIS]
天麻钩藤饮 Gastrodia and Uncaria Beverage
天棕 curculigo [root]
天然子 apple
天窗 SI-16\w
天窗 Celestial Window
天丝瓜 luffa gourd
天络丝 luffa gourd
天阳石 realgar
天雄 tian1xiong2 aconite [accessory root]
天雄丸 Tianxiong Aconite Pill
天项 LI-17
天项 Celestial Nape
天会 PC-01
天会 Celestial Convergence
天温 PC-02
天温 Celestial Warmth
天脚板 aucuba leaf
天脚板果 aucuba fruit
天葵 semiaquilegia
天葵子 semiaquilegia root
天鼎 LI-17\w
天鼎 Celestial Tripod
天鼠屎 bat's droppings
天廓 celestial belt
天满 GV-20
天满 Celestial Fullness
天精 carpesium
天精地白草 Japanese raspberry
天盖 ST-12
天盖 Celestial Cover
天枢 ST-25\w
天枢 Celestial Pivot
天浆 sweet pomegranate [fruit]
天浆壳 metaplexis husk
天牖 TB-16
天牖 Celestial Window
天蓬草 lesser chickweed
天泽香 frankincense
天应穴 natural reaction point
天湿 PC-02
天湿 Celestial Dampness
天蓟 white atractylodes [root]
天溪 SP-18\w
天溪 Celestial Ravine
天瞿 CV-22
天瞿 Celestial Mu
天旧 BL-07
天旧 Old as the Heavens
天虫 silkworm
天鹅油 swan's fat
天罗 luffa gourd
天罗布瓜 luffa gourd
天罗瓜 luffa gourd
天罗线 loofah
天听 Celestial Hearing
天听 TB-15
天听 Celestial Hearing
天萝水 luffa stem sap
天衢 GB-09
天衢 Celestial Crossroads
天灵 Celestial Spirit
天灵盖 human skull
天荞麦根 wild buckwheat root
天虋冬 asparagus [root]
_+ TB-15
_+ Celestial Bone-Hole
greater\HALT \ADJ
supreme\HALT \ADJ
excessively\HALT \ADJ
太一 ST-23
太一 Supreme Unity
太一余粮 limonite
太乙 supreme unity
太乙 ST-23\w
太乙 Supreme Unity
太乙玄精石 selenite
太乙灸 Tai-Yi moxibustion
太乙神针 Tai-Yi moxa stick
太乙紫金丹 Tai4 Yi3 Purple Gold Elixir [NIS]
太乙膏 Tai Yi Plaster
太子参 pseudostellaria [root]
太古菜 Chinese flat cabbage
太平莓 pacific raspberry
太平惠民局 Public Dispensary
太平惠民和剂局 Tai4-Ping2 Imperial Grace Pharmacy
T ai4-Ping2 Imperial Grace Pharmacy Formulas
太平圣惠方 The Great Peace Sagacious Benevolence Formulary
太白 SP-03\w
太白 Supreme White
太白三七 tongoloa root
太白小紫菀 cremanthodium
太白艾 tansy
太白贝母 Taibai fritillaria [bulb]
太白花 alpine cladonia
太白参 David's pedicularis root
太白鹿角 slender cladonia
太白菊 flaccid aster
太冲 LV-03
太冲 Supreme Surge
太冲 LV-03
太冲 Great Thoroughfare
太冲脉 great thoroughfare vessel
太泉 LU-09
太泉 Great Spring
太仓 great granary
太仓 CV-12
太仓 Supreme Granary
太息 great respiration
太息 sighing
太渊 LU-09\w
太渊 Great Abyss
太阴 greater yin1
太阴 LV-06
太阴 SP-06
太阴 Supreme Yin1
太阴 Greater Yin1
太阴元精石 selenite
太阴内市 SP-11
太阴内市 Greater Yin1 Inner Market
太阴玄精 selenite
太阴玄精石 selenite
太阴多气少血 greater yin1 has copious qi4 and scant blood
太阴为湿土 greater yin1 is damp earth
太阴病 greater yin1 disease
太阴病证 greater yin1 disease pattern
太阴症 greater yin1 pathocondition
太阴寒湿 greater yin1 cold-damp
太阴络 SP-07
太阴络 Greater Yin1 Connection
太阴虚寒 greater yin1 vacuity cold
太阴头痛 greater yin1 headache
太阴跷 Greater Yin1 Springing
太无神朮散 Great Void Wondrous Atractylodes Powder
太阳 greater yang2
太阳 temple
太阳 sun
太阳 Greater Yang2
太阳 GB-01
太阳 GB-03
太阳 Greater Yang2
太阳 Greater Yang2
太阳中风 greater yang2 wind strike (stroke)
太阳中风证 greater yang2 wind strike (stroke) pattern
太阳少阳合病 greater yang2 and lesser yang2 combination disease
太阳穴 Greater Yang22 point
太阳多血少气 greater yang2 has copious blood and scant qi4
太阳表证 greater yang2 exterior pattern
太阳为开 greater yang2 is the opening
太阳病 greater yang2 disease
太阳病证 greater yang2 disease
太阳症 greater yang2 pathocondition
太阳针 plagiopus
太阳腑病 greater yang2 bowel disease
太阳伤寒 greater yang2 cold damage
太阳伤寒证 greater yang2 cold damage pattern
太阳经病 greater yang2 channel disease
太阳与少阳合病 greater yang2 and lesser yang2 combination disease
太阳与阳明合病 greater yang2 and yang2 brightness combination disease
太阳蓄水 greater yang2 water amassment
太阳蓄血 greater yang2 blood amassment
太阳热邪迫肺 greater yang2 heat evil distressing the lung
太阳热迫大肠 greater yang2 heat distressing the large intestine
太阳热扰胸膈 greater yang2 heat harassing the chest and diaphragm
太阳湿热 greater yang2 damp-heat
太极拳 Tai4ji2 boxing
太过 excessive
太溪 KI-03\w
太溪 Great Ravine
太医 imperial physician
太医令 Director of the Imperial Medical Bureau
太医丞 Imperial Medical Officer
太医局 Imperial Medical Bureau
太医院 Imperial Institute of Medicine
太医署 Imperial Medical Bureau
太钟 KI-04
太钟 Great Goblet
perish\HALT \VERB
夭色 perished complexion
夭疽 perished flat-abscess
夭然不泽 sheenless perished look
C onfucius' Sagacious Wisdom Pillow Formula
孔子枕中散 Confucius' Pillow Powder
孔雀尾 Sarel's spleenwort
孔雀尾 sphenomeris
孔最 LU-06\w
孔最 Collection Hole
孔圣枕中丹 Sagacious Confucius' Pillow Elixir
scant\HALT \ADJ
reduced\HALT \ADJ
lesser\HALT \ADJ
少小 children's medicine
少火 lesser fire
少白头 premature graying
少冲 HT-09\w
少冲 Lesser Surge
少冲 HT-09
少冲 Lesser Thoroughfare
少谷 LI-03
少谷 Lesser Valley
少辛 asarum
少府 HT-08\w
少府 Lesser House
少食 reduced eating
少食多寐 reduced eating and profuse sleeping
少气 shortage of qi4
少气不能报息 shortage of qi4 with inability to catch one's breath
少海 HT-03\w
少海 Lesser Sea
少眠 reduced sleep
少商 LU-11\w
少商 Lesser Shang
少阴 lesser yin1
少阴_+ HT-06
少阴_+ Lesser Yin1 Bone-Hole
少阴多气少血 lesser yin1 has copious qi4 and scant blood
少阴表证 lesser yin1 exterior pattern
少阴为枢 lesser yin1 is the pivot
少阴病证 lesser yin1 disease pattern
少阴寒化 lesser yang2 cold transformation
少阴寒化 lesser yin1 cold transformation
少阴虚火 lesser yin1 vacuity fire
少阴热化 lesser yin1 heat transformation
少阴热化 lesser yang2 heat transformation
少阴头痛 lesser yin1 headache
少寐 reduced sleep
少阳 lesser yang2
少阳半表半里 lesser yang2 half-exterior half interior pattern
少阳半表半里 lesser yang2 midstage pattern
少阳多气少血 lesser yang2 has copious qi4 and scant blood
少阳邪热 lesser yang2 evil heat
少阳为枢 lesser yang2 is the pivot
少阳病 lesser yang2 disease
少阳病证 lesser yang2 disease pattern
少阳阳明合病 lesser yang2 and yang2 brightness combination disease
少阳维 Lesser Yang2 Link
少阳热化 lesser yang2 heat transformation
少阳头痛 lesser yang2 headache
少饮 low fluid intake
少腹 lesser abdomen
少腹如扇 lesser-abdominal draft
少腹里急 lesser-abdominal urgency
少腹急结 tense bound lesser abdomen
少腹疽 flat-abscess of the lesser abdomen
少腹疼痛 lesser abdominal pain
少腹逐瘀汤 Lesser Abdomen Stasis-Expelling Decoction
少腹痛 lesser-abdominal pain
少腹硬满 hard fullness in the lesser abdomen
少腹肿痞 swelling and glomus in the abdomen
少腹满 lesser-abdominal fullness
少腹坠胀 sagging distention in the lesser abdomen
少寝 reduced sleep
少睡 reduced sleep
少泽 SI-01\w
少泽 Lesser Marsh
少关 CV-07
少关 Scarce Pass
| surname
尤在泾 You2 Zai4-Jing1>
尤怡 You2 Yi2>
尺中 cubit
尺之五里 LI-13
尺之五里 Five Li3 of the Cubit
尺脉 cubit pulse
尺脉弱 weak cubit pulse
尺脉微弱 slightly weak cubit pulse
尺骨 ulna
尺侧腕伸肌 ulnar extensor muscle of the wrist
尺动脉 ulnar artery
尺盖 ST-12
尺盖 Cubit Cover
尺肤 cubit skin
尺桡 Ulna and Radius
尺泽 LU-05\w
尺泽 Cubit Marsh

| name of a country in region surrounding present-day
<Chong2qing4>, <Si4chuan1>
巴山虎 Indian nightshade root
巴旦杏仁 almond
巴多林氏腺 Bartholin's glands
巴豆 croton [fruit]
巴豆肉 croton [fruit]
巴豆油 croton oil
巴豆壳 croton seed-coat
巴豆叶 croton leaf
巴豆树根 croton root
巴豆霜 croton [fruit] frost
巴茅果 miscanthus gall
巴戟 morinda [root]
巴戟丸 Morinda Pill
巴戟天 morinda [root]
巴戟肉 morinda [root]
巴戟酒 Morinda Wine
巴椒 zanthoxylum [husk]
巴叶 loquat leaf
幻想幻觉 delusions and illusions
conduct\HALT \VERB, conductor \NOUN
taut\HALT \ADJ; tautness\HALT \NOUN
drawing\HALT \NOUN
引子 conductor
引手 rebounding
引水下行 conduct water downward
引火归元 return fire to the origin
引火归原 return fire to its source
引皮 snake slough
co nducts blood-aspect medicinals into the qi4 aspect of the blood
引肺气下行 conduct lung qi4 downward
引流 drainage therapy
引气归肾 return qi4 to the kidney
引逆气下行 conduct counterflow downward
引针 needle extraction
引饮 take fluids
引经报使 channel conduction
引经药 channel conductor
引热下行 conduct the heat downward
引热从小便排出 conduct heat out through the urine
引诸药至肝经 conduct all medicinals into the liver channel
引药下行 conduct medicinals downward
heart\HALT \NOUN
cardiac\HALT \ADJ
心,其华在面 heart, its bloom is in the face
心下 below the heart
心下支结 propping bind below the heart
心下怔忡 fearful throbbing below the heart
心下空虚 emptiness below the heart
心下急 distress below the heart
心下逆满 counterflow fullness below the heart
心下坚筑 hardness and pounding below the heart
心下悸 palpitations below the heart
心下痛 pain below the heart
心下痞 glomus below the heart
心下痞硬 hard glomus below the heart
心下温温欲吐 seething below the heart with desire to vomit
心下满 fullness below the heart
心下澹澹 rolling sensation below the heart
心大静脉 great cardiac vein
心中疼热 pain and heat in the heart
心中结痛 gripping pain in the heart
心中烦 vexation in the heart
心中烦热 heat vexation in the heart
心中懊_+ anguish in the heart
心中憺憺 thudding of the heart
心中憺憺大动 great thudding of the heart
心之俞 BL-15
心之俞 Heart's Transport
心之液为汗 humor of the heart is sweat
心内膜 endocardium
心内膜炎 endocarditis
心及小肠辨证 heart and small intestine pattern identification
心水 heart water
心火 heart fire
心火 heart-fire
心火上炎 heart fire flaming upward
心火上炎 upflaming heart fire
心火亢盛 hyperactive heart fire
心火内盛 exuberant internal heart fire
心火内焚 heart fire deflagrating internally
心火内炽 intense internal heart fire
心火太盛 excessively exuberant heart heat
心火旺 effulgent heart fire
心火旺盛 effulgent heart fire
心火盛 exuberant heart fire
心火盛 exuberant heart fire
心火移热于小肠 heart fire spreading heat to the small intestine
心火炽盛 intense heart fire
心火炽盛证 pattern of intense heart fire
心主汗 heart governs sweating
心主舌 heart governs the tongue
心主血 heart governs the blood
心主血脉 heart governs the blood and vessels
心主言 heart governs speech
心主神明 heart governs the spirit light
心主脉 heart governs the vessels
心功能不全 cardiac insufficiency
心包 pericardium
心包 PC\w
心包 pericardium
心包炎 pericarditis
心包络 pericardium
心包络 pericardiac network
心包络合三焦 pericardium connects with the triple burner
心包经 pericardium channel
心包经 PC\w
心包证 pericardiac pattern
心外膜 epicardium
心合小肠 heart is connected with the small intestine
心合脉 heart is connected with the vessels
心汗 sweating from the heart
心汗 heart sweating
心肌 cardiac muscle
心肌 myocardium
心肌炎 myocarditis
心肌梗塞 myocardial infarction
心肌梗塞 myocardial infarction
心血 heart blood
心血不足 insufficiency of heart blood
心血失养 heart blood deprived of nourishment
心血虚 heart blood vacuity
心血虚不得卧 heart blood vacuity sleeplessness
心血虚证 heart blood vacuity pattern
心血瘀阻 heart blood stasis obstruction
心志为喜 joy is the mind of the heart
心系 heart tie
心肝之血 heart and liver blood
心肝火旺 effulgent heart-liver fire
心肝火盛 exuberant heart-liver fire
心肝血虚 heart-liver blood vacuity
心肝两虚 dual vacuity of the heart and liver
心肝阴虚 heart-liver yin1 vacuity
心肝虚损 heart-liver vacuity detriment
心怯 timid heart
心房颤动 atrial fibrillation
心法 heart-approach
心法 heart-method
心疝 heart mounting
心的证候 heart patterns
heart holds the office of monarch, whence the spirit light emanates
心肺之气 heart and lung qi4
心肺之寒 heart-lung cold
心肺两虚 dual vacuity of the heart and lung
心肺两虚 heart-lung vacuity
心肺气虚 heart-lung qi4 vacuity
心肺气虚证 pattern of heart-lung qi4 vacuity
心肺气亏 heart-lung qi4 depletion
心肺阴虚 heart-lung yin1 vacuity
心肺阳虚 heart-lung yang2 vacuity
心俞 BL-15\w
心俞 Heart Transport
心咳 heart cough
心律失常 cardiac arrhythmia
心恍不安 flusteredness
心为汗 heart forms sweat
心胃火盛 exuberant heart-stomach fire
心胃气痛 qi4 pain in the region of the heart and stomach
心胃实火 heart-stomach repletion fire
心悟透脓散 Medical Insights Pus-Outthrusting Powder
心气 heart qi4
心气不收 non-contraction of heart qi4
心气不足 insufficiency of heart qi4
心气不固 insecurity of heart qi4
心气不宁 disquieting of heart qi4
心气血不足 insufficiency of heart qi4 and blood
心气血两虚 dual vacuity of heart qi4 and blood
心气血两虚 heart qi4 and blood vacuity
心气血两虚证 pattern of dual vacuity of heart qi4 and blood
心气血两亏 dual depletion of heart qi4 and blood
心气盛 exuberant heart qi4
心气阴不足 insufficiency of heart qi4 and yin1
心气阴两虚 dual vacuity of heart qi4 and yin1
心气阴两虚 heart qi4 and yin1 vacuity
心气阴两虚证 pattern of dual vacuity of heart qi4 and yin1
心气虚 heart qi4 vacuity
心气虚不得卧 heart qi4 vacuity sleeplessness
心气虚血瘀 heart qi4 vacuity and blood stasis
心气虚血瘀证 pattern of heart qi4 vacuity and blood stasis
心气虚证 pattern of heart qi4 vacuity
心气热 heart qi4 heat
心病 heart disease
心疳 gan1 of the heart
心疼 heart pain
心神 heart spirit
心神不安 disquieted heart spirit
心神不宁 disquieted heart spirit
心神不宁证 pattern of disquieted heart spirit
心神不敛 unconstrained heart spirit
心神失守 heart spirit failing to keep its composure
心神失养 heart spirit deprived of nourishment
心神浮越 heart spirit floating astray
心胸 heart and chest
心胸汗出 sweating from the chest and heart [region]
心胸刺痛 stabbing pian in the heart [region] and chest
心胸郁闷 oppression in the heart and chest
心胸憋闷 stifling oppression in the heart and chest
心脉 heart and vessels
心脉洪 heart pulse is surging
心脉瘀阻 stasis obstruction of the heart vessels
心脉痹阻 heart vessel obstruction
心脉痹阻证 pattern of heart vessel obstruction
心动悸 stirring heart palpitations
心得 heart-acquisition
心得 heart-understanding
心悸 palpitations
心悸 heart palpitations
心悸[] palpitations [disease]
心移热于小肠 heart heat spreading to the small intestine
心移热小肠证 pattern of heart heat spreading to the small intestine
心阴 heart yin1
心阴不足 insufficiency of heart yin1
心阴虚 heart yin1 vacuity
心阴虚证 heart yin1 vacuity pattern
心阴阳两虚 dual vacuity of heart yin1 and yang2
心阴阳两虚 heart yin1 and yang2 vacuity
心阴阳两虚证 pattern of dual vacuity of heart yin1 and yang2
心劳 heart taxation
心厥 heart reversal
心恶热 heart is averse to heat
心掣 pulling heart
心痛 heart pain
心痛血滞 heart pain and blood stagnation
心痛彻背 heart pain stretching through to the back
心绞痛 angina pectoris
心绞痛 angina pectoris
心绞痛方 Angina Formula
心肾丸 Heart-Kidney Pill
心肾不交 non-interaction of the heart and kidney
心肾不交证 pattern of non-interaction of the heart and kidney
心肾血虚 heart-kidney blood vacuity
心肾相交 heart and kidney interact
心肾相交 heart-kidney interaction
心肾气虚 heart-kidney qi4 vacuity
心肾阴虚 heart-kidney yin1 vacuity
心肾阴虚证 pattern of heart-kidney yin1 vacuity
心肾阳气不足 insufficiency of heart and kidney yang2 qi4
心肾阳虚 heart-kidney yang2 vacuity
心肾阳虚欲绝 heart-kidney yang2 vacuity on the verge of expiration
心肾阳虚证 pattern of heart-kidney yang2 vacuity
心胀 heart distention
心脾血虚 heart-spleen blood vacuity
心脾两虚 dual vacuity of the heart and spleen
心脾两虚 heart-spleen vacuity
心脾两虚证 patternofdual vacuity of the heart and spleen
心脾俱虚 dual vacuity of the heart and spleen
心脾气虚 heart-spleen qi4 vacuity
心脾阳虚 heart-spleen yang2 vacuity
心舒(一) Heart Soother \#1
心舒(二) Heart Soother \#2
心虚 heart vacuity
心虚肝郁 heart vacuity and liver depression
心虚胆怯 heart vacuity and gallbladder timidity
心开窍于舌 heart opens at the tongue
心阳 heart yang2
心阳下交于肾 heart yang2 failing to interact with the kidney
心阳不振 devitalized heart yang2
心阳血虚 heart yang2 and blood vacuity
心阳血虚证 heart yang2 and blood vacuity pattern
心阳盛 exuberant heart yang2
心阳虚 heart yang2 vacuity
心阳虚脱 heart yang2 vacuity desertion
心阳虚证 pattern of heart yang2 vacuity
心阳暴脱 fulminant desertion of heart qi4
心阳暴脱 fulminant desertion of heart yang22
心阳暴脱证 pattern of fulminant desertion of heart yang22
心募 CV-14
心募 Heart Alarm
心慌 flusteredness
心搏快速 tachycardia
心搏过速 tachycardia
心烦 vexation
心烦 heart vexation
心烦不眠 vexation and sleeplessness
心烦不寐 vexation and sleeplessness
心痿 heart wilting
心经 heart channel
心经 HT\w
心经有寒 cold in the heart channel
心经咳嗽 heart channel cough
心腹 heart [region] and abdomen
心腹冷痛 cold pain in the heart [region] and abdomen
心腹疼痛 pain in heart [region] and abdomen
心腹痛 pain in the heart [region] and abdomen
心腹胀满 distention and fullness in the heart [region] and abdomen
心腹诸痛 all pain in the heart [region] and abdomen
心跳 throbbing of the heart
心电图 electrocardiograph
心电图 electrocardiogram (ECG, EKG)
心与小肠相表里 heart and small intestine stand in interior-exterior relationship
心热 heart heat
心热多惊 heart heat susceptibility to fright
心热多惊 heart heat susceptibility to fright
心机能不全 cardiac insufficiency
心积 heart accumulation
心营 heart construction
心营不足 insufficiency of heart construction
心营过耗 excessive wearing of heart construction
心胆不宁 disquieting of the heart and gallbladder
心胆气虚 heart-gallbladder qi4 vacuity
心胆虚怯 heart-gallbladder vacuity timidity
心窍 orifices of the heart
心窍被蒙 clouding of the orifices of the heart
心藏神 heart stores the spirit
心虫病 heart worm disease
心杂音 heart murmur
心脏血管系统 cardiovascular system
心脏性水肿 cardiac edema
心脏神经官能症 cardioneurosis
心脏移植 heart transplant
心脏麻痹 heart attack
心脏导管插入 cardiac catheterization
心惊 frightened heart
心惊胆怯 frightenable heart and timid gallbladder
心痹 heart impediment
心愦愦 fretting heart
| surname
戈家半夏 Ge's pinellia [rhizome]
户门 door gate
upper extremity
手三里 LI-10\w
手三里 Arm Three Li
手三阴经 three yin1 channels of the hand
手三阳经 three yang2 channels of the hand
手丫 hand
手大指 thumb
手大指次指 finger next to the thumb
手大指次指 forefinger
手小指 little finger
手小指次祉 finger next to the little finger
手不可近 cannot bear the slight touch of the hand
手中平 Hand Central Balance
手之下廉 LI-08
手之下廉 Lower Ridge of the Arm
手之上廉 LI-09
手之上廉 Upper Ridge of the Arm
手之五里 LI-13
手之五里 Five Li3 of the Arm
手五里 LI-13\w
手五里 Arm Five Li
手太阴肺经 hand greater yin1 lung channel
手太阴肺经 LU\w
手太阳 SI-02
手太阳 Hand Greater Yang2
手太阳小肠经 hand greater yang2 small intestine channel
手太阳小肠经 SI\w
手少阴心经 hand lesser yin1 heart channel
手少阴心经 HT\w
手少阳三焦经 hand lesser yang2 triple burner channel
手少阳三焦经 TB\w
手心主 PC-07
手心主 Hand Heart Governor
手心壮热 vigoros heat in the hearts of the palms
手心潮烧 tidal heat in the hearts of the palms
手四指 fourth finger
手肘 elbow
手足不温 lack of warmth in the extremities
手足不遂 paralysis of the limbs
手足心汗 sweating from hearts of the palms and soles
手足心发热 heat effusion in the heart of the palms and soles
手足心烦热 vexing heat in the heart of the palms and soles
手足心热 heat in the heart of the palms and soles
手足冰冷 icy-cold extremities
手足汗出 sweating hands and feet
手足逆冷 counterflow cold of the extremities
手足逆寒 counterflow cold of the extremities
手足清冷 cold extremities
手足麻木 numbness of teh extremities
手足厥 reversal of the extremities
手足厥冷 reversal cold of the extremities
手足厥冷 reversal cold of the extremities
手足厥寒 reversal cold of the extremities
手足寒 cold extremities
手足寒厥 cold reversal in the extremities
手足发凉 cold extremities
手足蠕动 wriggling of the extremities
手足躁扰 agitated limbs
手足躁扰 agitated movement of the limbs
手足疔疮 clove sore of the hand or foot
手足搐搦 convulsion of the extremities
手足濈然汗出 drizzly sweating ofhe extremities
手足濈濈汗出 streatming sweating of the hands and feet
手拈散 Instant Relief Powder
手法 manipulation
手金门 Arm's Metal Gate
手指 finger
手指挛急 hypertonicity of the fingers
手背热 heat in the backs of the hands
手食指 forefinger
手食指 index finger
手逆注 Hand Counterflow Pouring
手骨 hand bone
手部感染 hand infection
手厥阴心包经 hand reverting yin1 pericardium channel
手厥阴心包经 PC\w
手掌心热 heat in the (hearts of the) palms
手掌参 gymnadenia [tuber]
手发背 effusion of the back of the hand
手腕 wrist
手阳明大肠经 hand yang2 brightness large intestine channel
手阳明大肠经 LI\w
手滚法 rolling
手舞足蹈 flailing of the limbs
手撒口开 limp hands and open mouth
手撒鼻鼾 limp hands and snoring nose
手撒遗尿 limp hands and enuresis
手踝 wrist
手臂 arm
手臂不可上头 inability to lift the arm up to the head
手臂震颤 tremor of the arm
手颤 tremor of the hand
支子 gardenia [fruit]
支正 SI-07\w
支正 Branch to the Correct
支气管 bronchi
支气管炎 bronchitis
支气管炎哮喘 bronchial asthma
支气管肺炎 bronchopneumonia
支气管痉挛 bronchospasm
支气管扩张 bronchiectasis
支气管扩张 bronchiectasis
支连 coptis [root]
支饮 propping rheum
支饮家 person who suffers from propping rheum
支沟 TB-06
支沟 Branch Ditch
支解香 clove
支满 propping fullness
支膈 propped diaphragm
文火 civil flame
文武实 mulberry
文武膏 Mulberry Paste
文冠果 xanthoceras
文殊兰果 crinum fruit
文蛤 meretrix clam shell
文痴 civil madness
文头果 creeping fig fruit
文痴 civil madness
remedy\HALT \NOUN
formula\HALT \NOUN
| surname
方上 wing of the nose
方寸匕 square-inch-spoon
方有执 Fang1 You3-Zhi2
方技 remedy
方儿茶 white cutch
方书 remedy books
方义 explanation of the formula
方解石 calcite
方剂 formula
方剂配伍 formula composition
方剂组成 formula composition
方剂学 formula study
方剂学 formulas
day\HALT \NOUN, daily \ADV
日入 sundown watch
日三服 take three times a day
日久 after a long time
日久 prolonged
日中 midday watch
日日春 Madagascar periwinkle
日月 GB-24\w
日月 Sun and Moon
日出 sunrise watch
日本川芎 cnidium root
日本花鱼 spotted mackerel
日本鮆 Japanese anchovy
日旋旋光性皮炎 dermatitis solaris
日夜无度 day and night without measure
日华子本草 Ri4 Hua2 Zi3 Herbal Foundation
日间疟 tertian malaria
日照飘拂草 millet frimbristylis
日芎 cnidium root
日昳 sun's descent watch
日晡所 late afternoon watch
日晡潮热 late afternoon tidal heat [effusion] (fever)
month\HALT \NOUN, monthly \ADJ
mens(t)-\HALT from L. {mensis}, month
月月花 China tea rose
月月红 China tea rose
月月开 China tea rose
月水 moon water
月水 monthly water
月水 menstruation
月水不利 inhibited menstruation
月水不通 menstrual stoppage
月水不绝 incessant menstruation
月水不绝 continuous menstruation
月水不断 continuous menstruation
月母草 leonurus
月石 borax
月光花 China tea rose
月见草 evening primrose
月事 monthly matters
月事不来 absence of menses
月季花 China tea rose
月季花根 China tea rose root
月季花叶 China tea rose leaf
月季红 China tea rose
月信 monthly news
月信 menstruation
月家病 menstruant's morbidity
月桂子 laurel seed
月记 China tea rose
月华丸 Moonlight Pill
月贵花 China tea rose
月经 menstruation
月经 menstruation
月经不利 inhibited menstruation
月经不通 absence of menses
月经不准 untimely menstruation
月经不潮 absence of menstruation
月经不调 menstrual irregularities
月经不调 menstrual disorder
月经失调 menstrual irregularities
月经失调 menstrual disorder
月经先后无定期 menstruation at irregular intervals
月经先期 advanced menstruation
月经先期 early periods
月经先期而至 advanced menstruation
月经先期而至 early periods
月经后期 delayed menstruation
月经后错 delayed menstruation
月经色紫 purple menstrual flow
月经色黑有块 black menstrual flow with clots
月经困难 dysmenorrhea
月经周期 menstrual cycle
月经前后不定期 menstruation at irregular intervals
月经病 menstrual disease
月经病症状 menstrual symptoms
月经停闭 menstrual block
月经欲行不行 menses about to come but not coming
月经闭止 menstrual block
月经期 menstrual period
月经期 menstrual period
月经期前 premature periods
月经期前 advanced menstruation
月经周期 menstrual cycle
月经量少 scant menstrual flow
月经愆期 menstruation at irregular intervals
月经过少 scant menstruation
月经过多 profuse menstruation
月经过多 menorrhagia
月经涩少 scant inhibited menstruation
月漏 menstrual spotting
_+ TB-23
_+ Moon Bone-Hole
numbness\HALT \NOUN
_}momordica [seed]
木天蓼 silvervine twig and leaf
木天蓼子 silvervine nut
木天蓼根 silvervine root
木曰曲直 wood is the bending and straightening
木火刑金 wood fire tormenting metal
木本胡枝子皮 Buerger's lespedeza stem bark
木本胡枝子叶 Buerger's lespedeza leaf
木瓜 chaenomeles [fruit]
木瓜丸 Chaenomeles Pill
木瓜牛膝丸 Chaenomeles and Achyranthes Pill
木瓜枝 chaenomeles twig and leaf
木瓜核 chaenomeles pip
木瓜根 chaenomeles root
木瓜酒 Chaenomeles Wine
木瓜酒 chaenomeles wine
木瓜汤 Chaenomeles Decoction
木瓜实 chaenomeles [fruit]
木生火 wood engenders fire
木竹子 Lingnan garcinia
木竹子油 Lingnan garcinia oil
木羊乳 salvia [root]
木耳 wood ear
木耳菜 Malabar spinach
木舌 wooden tongue
木血竭 dragon's blood
木克土 wood restrains earth
木克土 wood overwhelming earth
木芍药 red peony [root]
木芍药 moutan [bark]
木豆 pigeon pea
木豆叶 pigeon pea leaf
木防己 woody fangji [root]
木防己汤 Woody Fangji Decoction
木刺艾 field thistle
木旺生火 effulgent wood engenders fire
木波罗 jackfruit
木芙蓉花 cotton rose [flower]
木芙蓉根 cotton rose root
木芙蓉叶 cotton rose leaf
木附子 sumac gallnut
木郁化火 depressed wood transforming into fire
木郁化风 depressed wood transforming into wind
木郁化风 depressed wood forming wind
木郁达之 depressed wood is treated by outthrust
木风舌 wood wind tongue
木香 costusroot
木香丸 Costusroot*& Pill
木香匀气散 Costusroot*& Qi4-Evening Powder
木香流气饮 Costusroot*& Qi4 Flow Beverage
木香破气散 Costusroot*& Qi4-Breaking Powder
木香汤 Costusroot*& Decoction
木香顺气丸 Costusroot*& Qi4-Normalizing Pill
木香顺气散 Costusroot*& Qi4-Normalizing Powder
木香顺气汤 Costusroot*& Qi4-Normalizing Decoction
木香调气散 Costusroot*& Qi4-Regulating Powder
木香导滞丸 Costusroot*& Stagnation-Abducting Pill
木香槟榔丸 Costusroot*& and Areca Pill
木香_+砂煎丸 Costusroot*& and Sal Ammoniac Decocted Pill
木梨 Chinese quince fruit
木荷 schima [root bark]
木通 trifoliate akebia
木通根 mutong root
木通散 Trifoliate Akebia*& Powder
木部 wood section
木喜条达 wood likes orderly reaching
木椒根 pungent litsea root
木棉皮 cotton tree bark
木棉花 cotton tree flower
木棉根 cotton tree root (bark)
木笔 magnolia flower (1)
木笔花 magnolia flower (1)
木胀舌 distended wooden tongue
木须 wood ear
木黄连 Shen's mahonia [root and stem]
木落子 apricot kernel
木蛾 wood ear
木贼 equisetum
木贼草 equisetum
木莲 creeping fig fruit
木莲果 manglietia [fruit]
木蝴蝶 oroxylum [seed]
木蝴蝶汤 Oroxylum Decoction
木蝴蝶树皮 oroxylum bark
木锥花 gomphostemma root
木姜子 pungent litsea fruit
木姜子茎 pungent litsea root
木姜子叶 pungent litsea leaf
木薯 cassava
木蓝 tinctorial indigo
木药子 air potato
木蟹 momordica [seed]
木馒头 creeping fig fruit
木馒头散 Creeping Fig Fruit Powder
木兰皮 lily-flowered magnolia bark
木兰花 lily-flowered magnolia flower
木鳖子 momordica [seed]
木鳖子丸 Momordica Pill
木鳖瓜 momordica [seed]
木鳖根 momordica root
木槿 rose-of-Sharon root bark
木槿子 rose-of-Sharon seed
木槿皮 rose-of-Sharon root bark
木槿花 rose-of-Sharon [flower]
木槿根 rose-of-Sharon root
木槿叶 rose-of-Sharon leaf
木檽 wood ear
欠伸 yawning and stretching
欠温 lack of warmth
suppress\HALT \VERB
check\HALT \VERB
allay\HALT \VERB
stanch\HALT \VERB
止大便下血 check descent of the blood with the stool
止心痛 relieve heart pain
止白带 check vaginal discharge
止吐 arrest vomiting
止汗 check sweating
止汗散 Perspiration-Checking Powder
止汗药 sweat-checking medicinals
止血 stanch bleeding
止血安胎 stanch bleeding and quiet the fetus
止血消瘀 staunch bleeding and disperse stasis
止血粉 Blood-Stanching Powder
止血崩 stanch flooding
止血散 Blood-Stanching Powder
止血汤 Blood-Stanching Decoction
止血剂 blood-stanching formula
止血药 blood-stanching medicinal
止呃逆 check belching
止尿频 check urinary frequency
止泄 check diarrhea
止泄泻 check diarrhea
止咳 suppress cough
止咳化痰 suppress cough and transform phlegm
cough-suppressing, phlegm-transforming, and astrictionpromoting
止咳化痰药 cough-suppressing phlegm-transforming medicinal
止咳平喘剂 cough-suppressing panting-calming formula
止咳平喘药 cough-suppressing panting-calming medicinal
止咳药 cough-suppressing medicinal
止疼痛 relieve pain
止带 check vaginal discharge
止带 checks vaginal discharge
止带下 check vaginal discharge
止带方 Discharge-Checking Formula
止带片 Discharge-Checking Tablet
止泪散 Tear-Checking Powder
止寒呕 check cold retching
止渴 allay thirst
止痢 check dysentery
止痛 relieve pain
止痛穴 Pain Relief Point
止痛如神汤 Divine Pain-Relief Decoction
止痉 check tetany
止痉散 Tetany-Relieving Powder
止腹泻 check diarrhea
止嗽化痰定喘丸 Cough-Suppressing Phlegm-Transforming Panting-Stabilizing Pill
止嗽散 Cough-Stopping Powder
止呕 check retching
止呕 check vomiting
止呕 Retching Stopper
止呕吐 check vomiting and retching
止遗尿 check enuresis
止遗精 check seminal emission
止泻 check diarrhea
止泻 Diarrhea Stopper
止泻木皮 holarrhena [bark]
止痒 relieve itching
止痒 Itch Reliever
止痒穴 Itch-Relieving Point
止惊 check fright
止搐 check convulsions
compare(d with)
比目鱼肌 soleus muscle
比类取象 classification according to manifestation
比类法 comparison
[body] hair
| surname
毛八角莲 bristly dysosma [tuber]
毛大丁草 gerbera
毛大丁草根 gerbera root
毛冬瓜 hairy-flowered actinidia root and leaf
毛冬青 hairy holly root
毛冬青叶 hairy holly leaf
毛瓜 hairy melon
毛色不泽 lusterless hair
毛尾薯 smooth greenbrier [root]
毛折 brittle hair
毛芋 taro [root]
毛豆 soybean
毛辛夷 magnolia flower (1)
毛刷 bristle brush
毛刺 hair needling
毛姑 cremastra/pleione [pseudobulb]
毛花点草 hairy nanocnide
毛青杠 tiny ardisia
毛脉 downy pulse
毛脉 body hair and vessels
毛脉合精 body and vessels are connected with essence
毛荀 moso bamboo shoot
毛将君 agrimony
毛悴色夭 withered skin and body hair and perished complexion
毛排钱草 elegant desmodium [root and stem]
毛梨 Chinese gooseberry [fruit]
毛贯众 Champion's dryopteris [root]
毛连菜 picris [flower]
毛野丁香叶 leptodermis
毛鸟瓜 snake gourd (2)
毛焦 parched body hair
毛然然子 arctium [seed]
毛发变异 abnormalities of the hair
毛黄连 Si4chuan1 adonis [flower]
毛慈姑 cremastra/pleione [pseudobulb]
毛脚茵 agrimony
毛脚鸡 agrimony
毛叶巴豆 hairy-leaved croton
毛叶石楠根 hairy photinia [root]
毛滴虫 trichomonas
毛滴虫病 trichomoniasis
毛际 pubic hair region
毛发 hair
毛发不荣 lusterless hair
毛发脱落 hair loss
毛发焦穗 parched tangled hair
毛发憔悴 withered hair
毛发变异 abnormalities of hair
毛蕊老鹳草 woolly-stamened cranesbill
毛蕊花 mullein
毛锥子 arctium [seed]
毛姜 drynaria [root]
毛薯 greater yam
毛虫药 emilia
毛鸡草 agrimony
毛麝香 glutinous adenosma
毛囊 hair follicle
毛茛 Japanese ranunculus
毛梾枝叶 Walter's dogwood
毛蓼 bearded smartweed
water\HALT \NOUN
_+ vesicle
水丁香 (1) ludwigia
水丁香 (2) lantern seedbox
水入则吐 immediate vomiting of ingested fluids
水八角根 ligularia [root]
水上 Above Water
水上 Above Water
水丸 water pill
水土不服 failure to acclimatize to a new environment
水土不服 non-acclimatization
水不化气 water failing to transform into qi4
水不涵木 water failing to moisten wood
水不济火 water failing to help fire
水分 CV-09\w
水分 Water Divide
水天 ST-10
水天 Water Heaven
水曰润下 water is the moistening and descending
水木草 mnium
水火不济 fire and water failing to help each other
水火之脏 viscus of fire and water
水火共制 fire and water processing
水火制 fire and water processing
水火相济 fire and water help each other
水火烫伤 burns and scalds
水牛皮 water buffalo skin
水牛尾 water buffalo's tail
水牛角 water buffalo horn
水仙 narcissus root
水仙花 narcissus
水仙根 narcissus root
水仙桃 primrose willow
水玉 pinellia [rhizome]
水瓜 smooth luffa gourd
水瓜 (1) luffa gourd
水瓜 (2) watermelon
水生木 water engenders wood
水田七 schizocapsa tuber
水田七叶 schizocapsa leaf
水田碎米荠 lyrate cardamine
水白合 cardiocrinum [bulb]
水白蜡 (1) lesser privet [leaf]
水白蜡 (2) lesser privet [leaf and bark]
水白蜡树皮 lesser privet bark
水石 glauberite
水禾麻 large-leaved boehmeria
水穴 LI-18
水穴 Water Hole
水克火 water restrains fire
水折耳 gymnotheca
水皂角 annual cassia
水皂角子 annual cassia seed
水芋 water chestnut (1)
水谷 grain and water
水谷 food
水谷 grain and water
水谷 food
水谷不化 grain and water are not transformed
水谷不化 non-transformation of grain and water (food)
水谷不别 non-separation of grain and water
水谷不得下 inability to get grain and water down
水谷不运 non-movement of food
水谷之气 grain and water qi4
水谷之海 sea of grain and water
水谷之精 essence of grain and water
水谷痢 grain and water dysentery
水谷精微 essence of grain and water
水邪 water evil
水制 water processing
水性流下 water by nature flows downward
水松 codium
水松皮 glyptostrobus bark
水松叶 glyptostrobus leaf
水泄 watery diarrhea
水泡 vesicle
水泡石 costazia bone/pumice
水泡软化 softening by soaking
水泛丸 water pill
水疝 water mounting
水芝 wax gourd
水芙蓉 aromatic limnophila
水芹 (1) water dropwort
水芹 (2) water shield
水芹菜 Bengal water dropwort
水花 chicken pox
水花 (1) duckweed
水花 (2) costazia bone/pumice
水金凤 jewelweed [flower or root]
水金凤茎叶 jewelweed stem and leaf
水门 ST-10
水门 Water Gate
水柏枝 myricaria [twig]
水毒 water toxin
水泉 urine
水泉 KI-05\w
水泉 LV-01
水泉 Water Spring
水泉 Water Spring
水洋芋 gastrodia [root]
水流豆 pongamia bean
水洞树 camptotheca
水突 ST-10\w
水突 Water Prominence
水红花 Oriental smartweed
水红花子 prince's-feather
水胡满 seaside clerodendron [twig and leaf]
水胡满根 seaside clerodendron root
水苦_+ water speedwell
水苦_+果实 water speedwell fruit
水苦_+water speedwell root
水茄 wild tomato root
水郁折之 depressed water is treated by regulation
水飞 water grind
水案板 floating pondweed
水栗子 camptotheca
水气 water qi4
水气不化 water qi4 failing to transform
水气外盛 exuberant external water qi4
水气凌心 water qi4 intimidating the heart
水气凌心证 pattern of water qi4 intimidating the heart
水气病 water qi4 disease
水气结胸 water qi4 chest bind
水消 impure mirabilite
水病 water disease
水翁皮 water banyan bark
水翁花 water banyan flower
水翁叶 water banyan leaf
水茴香 (1) limnophila
水茴香 (2) nitella
水逆 water counterflow
水针 fluid injection therapy
水针疗法 fluid injection therapy
水马 sea horse
水马香果 aristolochia fruit
水鬼蕉叶 hymenocallis [leaf]
水停则气阻 when water collects, qi4 is obstructed
水接骨丹 hairy willow herb
水栀 large-flowered gardenia [fruit]
水栀根 large-flowered gardenia root
水栀叶 large-flowered gardenia leaf
水梨藤 Henry's actinidia root bark
水液 water-humor
水液 fluid
水液停聚 collection of water-humor
水液混浊 turbid water-humor
水液混浊 turbid water humors
水液混浊 turbid water humor
水液输化 transportation and transformation of fluid
水苋菜 (1) rotala
水苋菜 (2) berry-bearing ammania
水蛇 water snake
水蛇皮 water snake skin
水闭 water block
水陆二仙丹 Land and Water Two Immortals Elixir
水陆二味丹 Land and Water Two-Ingredient Elixir
水麻贴 leech
水麻叶 (1) marked pilea
水麻叶 (2) oreocnide
水喘 water panting
水寒 water-cold
水寒互结 water and cold binding together
水寒犯肺 water-cold invading the lung
水寒射肺 water-cold shooting into the lung
水晶花 Fortune's chloranthus
水晶膏 Water Crystal Paste
水晶兰 fit plant root
水无出路 water has now way out
水无去路 water has now way out
水痘 chickenpox
水痘 varicella (chicken pox)
水结胸 water chest bind
水胀 water distention
水萍 duckweed
水虚火妄 water vacuity with frenetic fire
水蛭 leech
水饮 water-rheum
水饮内停 water-rheum collecting internally
水饮内停证 pattern of water-rheum collecting internally
水饮犯心 water-rheum invading the heart
水饮犯肾 water-rheum invading the kidney
水饮侵肝 water-rheum invading the liver
水饮侵脾 water-rheum invading the spleen
水饮凌心 water-rheum intimidating the heart
水饮射肺 water-rheum shooting into the lung
水饮停聚 collection of water-rheum
水饮寒痰 water-rheum and cold phlegm
水饮蓄积 amassment of water-rheum
水杨木白皮 basket osier bark
水杨枝叶 basket osier [twig and leaf]
水杨柳 homonoia root
水杨根 basket osier root
水杨梅 (1) adina
水杨梅 (2) Japanese avens
水杨梅根 (1) adina root
水杨梅根 (2) Japanese avens root
水榆果 alder-leaved mountain ash fruit
水溶性 solubility in water
水沟 water trough
水沟 philtrum
水沟 GV-26\w
水沟 Water Trough
水煎 decoct with water
水煎外洗 decoct as an external wash
水煎含漱 decoct as mouthwash
水煎服 take decocted with water
水煎洗 decoct as a wash
水煎漱口 decoct as mouthwash
水煎漱喉 decoct as a gargle
水煎熏洗 decoct as a steam-wash
水肿 water swelling
水脑 hydrocephalus
水葵 water shield
水葫芦 water hyacinth
水葫芦七 Tangut cacalia [root]
水蜈蚣 short-leaved kyllinga
水道 ST-28\w
水道 Waterway
水鼓 water drum
水团花 ball-blossom adina
水团花根 ball-blossom adina root
水廓 water belt
水渍疮 water-soaking sore
水漂 long-rinse
水滞 water stagnation
水银 mercury
水银粉 calomel
水浆不下 inability to get water or fluids down
水溃疮 water ulcer
水热互结 binding of water and heat
水热互结 water and heat binding together
水热结胸 water-heat chest bind
水疮 chicken pox
水线草 corymbose hedyotis
水蔗草 apluda
水莲沙 rockspray
水葱 robust bullrush [stem]
水虾子草 duck's tongue lindernia
水轮 water wheel
水轮肝风痰火 water wheel liver wind and phlegm fire
水轮气虚 water wheel qi4 vacuity
水轮气虚血少 water wheel qi4 vacuity and blood scantness
水轮气虚血瘀 water wheel qi4 vacuity and blood stasis
水轮阴亏 water wheel yin1 depletion
水轮实热 water wheel repletion heat
水轮湿热 water wheel damp-heat
水泽兰 penthorum
水炖 stew in water
水灯心 juncus [pith]
水磨 wet-grind
水磨 grind with water
水蕨 ceratopteris
水锦树 wendlandia [leaf and root]
水龙骨 Japanese polypody [root]
水湿 water-damp
水湿不化 water-damp failing to transform
水湿之气 water-damp qi4
水湿泛滥 water-damp flood
水湿柳叶菜 swamp willow herb
水湿软化 softening by wetting
水湿伤阳 water-damp damaging yang2
水湿滞流 stagnant water-damp
水亏火旺 depleted water and effulgent fire
水亏火炎 depleted water and flaming fire
水韩信草 torenia
水泻 water diarrhea
水泻 alisma [tuber]
水鸡苏 Chinese fieldnettle
水苏 Chinese fieldnettle
水苏根 Chinese fieldnettle root
水藓 duckweed
水脏 water viscus
水蛊 water gu
水罐 water cup
水黾 water strider
水蔊菜 watercress
水蓼 water pepper
水蓼根 water pepper root
水臌 water drum distention
水蕹菜 swamp morning glory

发布于 2023-04-12 16:52:08