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儿枕 infant's-pillow
儿枕血瘕 infant's-pillow blood conglomeration
儿枕急痛 acute infant's-pillow pain
儿枕痛 infant's-pillow pain
儿枕块硬 infant's-pillow 块硬
儿科疾病 children's diseases
儿科症状 children's symptoms
儿科证候 children's patterns
儿风 child wind
儿草 dioscorea [root]
儿茶 cutch
儿茶 cutch
儿茶膏 cutch
儿茶膏 SCRAP cutch
儿热啼 heat crying in infants
儿齿不生 non-growth of teeth in infants
儿脐不合 failure of the umbilicus to heal in infants
儿脐汁出 discharge from the umbilicus in infants
儿脐血出 bleeding of the umbilicus in infants
儿惊啼 fright crying in infants
两手握固 clenched hands
两手紧握 clenched hands
两目上视 upward staring eyes
两目昏痛 clouded and painful eyes
两目暗黑 dark eyes
两地汤 Rehmannia and Lycium Root Bark Decoction
两足痿弱 limp wilting legs
两面青 Indian maesa
两面针 shiny bramble
两胁灼痛 scorching pain in both rib-sides
两胁拘急 hypertonicity of both rib-sides
两胁拘急 tension in both rib-sides
两胁_+distention in both rib-sides
两侧扁桃腺红肿 bilateral swelling of the tonsils
两侧头痛 bilateral headache
两阳合明 united brightness of two yang2
两感 double contraction
两腿交替作痛 pain alternating between the legs
两仪膏 Dual Principle Paste
两头尖 Radde's anemone [root]
两臂顽麻 stubborn numbness of the arms
两栖蓼 amphibious polygonum
两胫冷 cold of the two lower legs
两颧泛红如妆 cheeks a floating red color as if dabbed with rouge
c heeks red as if smeared with oil paint
两颧发赤 reddening of the cheeks
两颧发红 reddening of both cheeks
两颧潮红 tidal reddening of the cheeks
两颧绯红 bright red cheeks
| third person pronoun (he, she, it; his, her, its)
其下者引而竭之 draw out and exhaust what is low
其高者因而越之 bring up and out what is high
其华在\DOTS its bloom is in the\DOTS
刷把草 Himalayan willow herb
刷把头 Japanese thistle
needle\HALT \NOUN, \VERB, needling \NOUN
insert\HALT \VERB, insertion \VERB
_+hedgehog's pelt
_+hedgehog fungus
刺三加 trifoliate acanthopanax root
刺三甲 trifoliate acanthopanax root
刺天茄 Himalayan nightshade fruit
刺天茄叶 Himalayan nightshade leaf
刺手 needling hand
刺瓜 cucumber
刺瓜米草 small catbrier [root]
刺石榴 Emei rose
刺尖头草 field thistle
刺竹笋 spiny bamboo shoot
刺老鸦 Japanese angelica tree root bark
刺血 prick to bleed
刺血拔罐 pricking and cupping
刺李 thorny plum
刺沙蓬 spiky-leaved salsola
刺角菜 field thistle
刺儿草 field thistle
刺刺芽 field thistle
刺果卫矛 Wilson's euonymus [root]
刺果苏木 brazilwood leaf
刺法 needling
刺法 acupuncture
刺玫花 Siberian rose
刺南蛇藤 spiny celastrus
刺枸子 honey tree fruit
刺红花 carthamus [flower]
刺栗子 spiny chestnut
刺桐皮 erythrina [bark]
刺桐花 erythrina flower
刺桐叶 erythrina leaf
刺参 sea cucumber
刺杆菜 field thistle
刺梨 (1) spiny pear
刺梨 (2) Chinese gooseberry [fruit]
刺梨子 Cherokee rose fruit
刺梨花 spiny pear flower
刺梨根 spiny pear root
刺梨叶 spiny pear leaf
刺杀草 field thistle
刺莓果 Siberian rose fruit
刺莓果根 Siberian rose root
刺通 erythrina [bark]
刺痛 stabbing pain
刺痛 stinging pain
刺络 prick the network vessel
刺络拔罐 pricking and cupping
刺菠 prickly raspberry [root or leaf]
刺菱 prickly water caltrop fruit
刺菱根 prickly water caltrop root
刺黄柏 (1) cihuangbo mahonia [root]
刺黄柏 (2) Anhui barberry
刺黄柏茎叶 slender mahonia [stem and leaf]
刺黄连 Tibetan barberry
刺榆 hemiptelea
刺榆子 Cherokee rose fruit
刺禁 needling contraindications
刺槐花 locust flower
刺盖草 plumed thistle root
刺蜜 manna
刺猪苓 smooth greenbrier [root]
刺糖 manna
刺蓟 Japanese thistle
刺蓟菜 field thistle
刺痒 prickly itch
刺菀 polygala [root]
刺萆薢 catbrier [root]
刺楸树皮 kalopanax bark
刺楸树根 kalopanax root
刺藜 awned goosefoot
刺藦苓草 morina
刮丹皮 shaved moutan [root bark]
刮针 needle scratching
刮针 needle scratching
刮筋板 excoecaria
刮痧 sand scraping
刮痧 guasha
刮痧疗法 sand scraping therapy
刮痧疗法 gua1sha1 therapy
restrain\HALT \VERB
control\HALT \VERB
制丸机 pill machine
制绒 flossing
制剂 preparation of medicinals
制霜 frosting
制川乌 processed aconite main tuber [NID]
制化 restraining and engendering transformation
制半夏 processed pinellia [NID]
制没药 processed myrrh [NID]
制乳香 processed frankincense [NID]
counteract each other's nature without detracting from each
other's effect
制附子 processed aconite [NID]
制附片 sliced processed aconite [NID]
制附片 sliced processed aconite [NID]
制胃酸 control stomach acid
制香附 processed cyperus [NID]
制高 Controlling High
制高俞 Controlling High Transport
制酸 control acid
卒口僻 sudden deviation of the mouth
卒口噤 sudden clenching of the jaw
卒中 sudden strike (stroke)
卒中脱证 sudden strike (stroke) desertion pattern
卒心痛 sudden heart pain
卒死 sudden death[likeness]
卒病 sudden sickness
卒厥 sudden reversal
卒发 sudden onset
卒暴中风 sudden wind strike (stroke)
卒聋 sudden deafness
卒瘖 sudden loss of voice
* complex
协热下痢 complex dysentery
协热痢 complex dysentery
| surname
卑相 ephedra
卑盐 ephedra
卷心莴苣 head lettuce
卷舌痈 tongue-curling welling-abscess
卷柏 selaginella
卷柏 selaginella
卷丝苦苣苔 King's corallodiscus
卷蘗 dried soybean sprout
apply treatment at
取渊汤 Deep-Source Decoction
取象比类 classification according to manifestation
取经配穴 select channels and combine points
取嚏疗法 sneezing therapy
contract\HALT \VERB, contraction \NOUN
receive\HALT \VERB, reception \NOUN
受凉 catch cold
受盛之官 office of receiving plenitude
受盛之官 office of receiving plenitude
受盛化物 receiving plenitude and transforming matter
受寒冷之气 contract cold qi4
受燥邪 contraction of dryness evil
flavor\HALT \NOUN
ingredient\HALT \NOUN
味甘 sweet in flavor
味甘苦涩 sweet, bitter, and astringent in flavor
味厚滋补药 richly flavored supplementing medicinals
味连 Si4chuan1 coptis [root]
味连 coptis [root]
呵欠 yawning
咀嚼 chew
咀嚼困难 difficulty in chewing
呻吟 groaning
呷呀 wheezing sound
咒禁博士 doctor of incantations
呼欠 yawn
呼叫打骂 vociferation and violent behavior
呼多吸少 exhalation more than inhalation
呼吸 breathing
呼吸 respiration
呼吸 Respiration
呼吸 respiration
呼吸困难 labored breathing
呼吸困难 dyspnea
呼吸系统 respiratory system
呼吸迫急 distressed rapid breathing
呼吸衰竭 respiratory failure
呼吸短促不续 short, hasty, discontinuous breathing
呼吸补泻手法 respiratory supplementation and drainage
呼吸补泻法 respiratory method of supplementation and drainage
呼气 exhale
harmonize\HALT \VERB, harmonization \NOUN, harmonious \ADJ
和中 harmonize the center
和中 center harmonization
和中降逆 harmonize the stomach and downbear qi4
和中益气 harmonize the center and boost qi4
和他草 waltheria [root and stem]
和血 harmonized the blood
和血丹 David's lespedeza
和血络 harmonize the blood network vessels
和血熄风 harmonize the blood and extinguish wind
和肝 harmonize the liver
和肝 hepatic harmonization
和事草 scallion
和法 harmonization
和空 TB-22
和空 Harmony Hollow
和胃 harmonize the stomach
和胃 gastric harmonization
和胃化痰 harmonize the stomach and transform phlegm
和胃止呕 harmonize the stomach and check vomiting
和胃降气 harmonize the stomach and downbear qi4
和胃降逆 harmonize the stomach and downbear counterflow
和胃健脾 harmonize the stomach and fortify the spleen
和胃理气 harmonize the stomach and rectify qi4
和胃饮 Stomach-Harmonizing Beverage [NIS]
和胃解酲 harmonize the stomach and resolve liquor
和胃醒酒 harmonize the stomach and restore soberness
和阵 harmonizing array
和筋草 Japanese cucubalus
和解 harmonize
和解 harmonization
和解 harmonize and resolve
和解 harmonizing resolution
和解少阳 harmonize the lesser yang2
和解少阳 lesser yang2 harmonization
和解半表半里 harmonize half exterior half interior patterns
和解半表半里 harmonize midstage patterns
和解半表半里 midstage harmonization
和解法 harmonization
和解表里 harmonize the exterior and interior
和解散 Harmonizing and Resolving Powder [NIS]
和解剂 harmonizing resolution formula
和荣散坚丸 Construction-Harmonizing Hardness-Dissipating Pill
和缓 harmonious and moderate
和剂局 Drug Dispensary
_+ TB-22
_+ Harmony Bone-Hole
| final particle meaning ``as for'' or ``how about''
| surname
周时 daily cycle
周升麻 cimicifuga [root]
周谷 LI-02
周谷 Whole Valley
周身 whole body
周身 generalized
周身不舒 generalized discomfort
周身松 Chinese glochidion root
周麻 cimicifuga [root]
周围血管扩张 dilatatation peripheral blood vessels
周围神经系统 peripheral nervous system
周荣 SP-20\w
周荣 All-Round Flourishing
周营 SP-20
周营 All-Round Construction
周痹 generalized impediment
命火 life fire
命火不足 insufficiency of the life fire
命门 life gate
命门 GV-04\w
命门 CV-04
命门 CV-05
命门 Life Gate
命门 Life Gate
命门 Life Gate
命门之火 life gate fire
命门火旺 effulgent life gate fire
命门火衰 debilitation of the life gate fire
命门火衰证 pattern of debilitation of the life gate fire
命门夹脊 Life Gate Paravertebral
命门真火不足 insufficiency of the true fire of the triple burner
命蒂 CV-08
命蒂 Life Stem
命关 life bar
命关 SP-17
命关 Life Pass
secure\HALT \VERB, security \NOUN
固下元 secure the lower origin
固本丸 Root-Securing Pill
固本止崩汤 Root-Securing Flood-Stanching Decoction
固皮表 secure the skin and exterior
固冲止带 secure the thoroughfare vessels and staunch vaginal discharge
固冲汤 Thoroughfare-Securing Decoction
固冲汤 Thoroughfare-Securing Decoction
固定不移的疼痛 pain of fixed location
固定肌 fixator
固表 secure the exterior
固表止汗 secure the exterior and check sweating
固胎 secure the fetus
固真丸 True-Securing Pill
固真汤 True-Securing Decoction
固阵 securing array
固崩止带 stem flooding and check (vaginal) discharge
固脱 stem desertion
固阴煎 Yin1-Securing Brew
固阴煎 Yin1-Securing Brew
固肾 secure the kidney
固肾涩精 secure the kidney and astringe essence
固经 secure the menses
固经丸 Menses-Securing Pill
固经止血 secure the channels to staunch bleeding
固肠丸 Intestine-Securing Pill
固肠汤 Intestine-Securing Decoction
固精 secure essence
固精止汗 secure essence and check sweating
固精气 secure essential qi4
固精缩尿 secure essence and reduce urination
固精药 essence-securing medicinal
固齿 secure the teeth
固涩 securing and astriction
固涩小便 secure urine
固涩法 securing and astriction
固涩敛乳 constrain milk with astringents
固涩药 securing astringent medicinal
固摄 securing and containing
固摄止血 staunching bleeding by astriction
固脬丸 Bladder-Securing Pill
固脬汤 Bladder-Securing Decoction
固脬缩尿 secure the bladder and reduce urine
坩埚 crucible
夜不安寐 unquiet sleep at night
夜不能寐 inability to sleep at night
夜半 midnight watch
夜石 talcum
夜交藤 flowery knotweed stem
夜光 BL-02
夜光 Night Light
夜合 flowery knotweed [root]
夜合皮 silk tree bark
夜合花 dwarf magnolia
夜多尿 profuse urination at night
夜尿 Nocturia
夜尿症 nocturia (nycturia)
夜明砂 bat's droppings
夜盲 night blindness
夜卧不安 unquiet sleep
夜卧则惊 awakening with fright during the night
夜花藤 hypserpia [stem]
夜晚肛痒 nighttime anal itch
夜晚胡言乱语 nonsensical talk at night
夜啼 night crying
夜寐不安 restless sleep
夜寐不甜 ungratifying sleep
夜寐不酣 failure to sleep soundly
夜游 night walking
夜视罔见 inability to see at night
夜间 night
夜间口渴 thirst at night
夜间牙痛 toothache at night
夜间多尿 profuse urination at night
夜间尿多 profuse urination at night
夜间烦躁 vexation and agitation at night
夜嗽 night cough
夜梦鬼交 dreaming of intercourse with ghosts
夜梦颠倒 dreams in deranged sequence
夜热 night heat [effusion] (fever)
夜热早凉 nighttime heat [effusion] (fever) that abates by morning
夜热昼凉 night heat [effusion] (fever) abating in the daytime
夜关门 sericea lespedeza
奇方 odd-number formula
奇良 smooth greenbrier [root]
奇邪 uncommon evil
奇林翠雀 single-flowered delphinium
奇恒之腑 extraordinary organ
奇授藿香丸 Old Hermit Agastache*& Pill
奇异 Chinese gooseberry [fruit]
奇经 extraordinary vessel
奇经八脉 eight extraordinary vessels
奇痒 itch
奄瓜脯 green pickled melon
奔豚 running piglet
奔豚丸 Running Piglet Pill
奔豚气 running piglet qi4
委下 Below the Bend
委上 Above the Bend
委中 bend center
委中 BL-40\w
委中 Bend Center
委中毒 bend-center toxin [sore]
委中痈 bend-center welling-abscess
委陵菜 Chinese silverweed
委阳 BL-39\w (BL-53)
委阳 Bend Yang2
younger sister
始光 BL-02
始光 Beginning of Light
elder sister
姊妹树 millingtonia
| surname
孟宗竹笋 moso bamboo shoot
solitary\HALT \ADJ
孤腑 solitary bowel
孤阳上越 solitary yang2 straying upward
孤脏 solitary viscus
季肋 little ribs
季肋 LV-13
季肋 Free Ribs
季胁 free rib [region]
季胁 LV-13
季胁 Free Ribs
季胦 CV-06
季胦 Small Navel
ancestor\HALT \NOUN, ancestral \ADJ
gather\HALT \VERB
宗气 ancestral qi4
宗气泄 discharge of ancestral qi4
宗脉 gathering place of the ancestral vessels
宗脉所聚 gathering place of the ancestral vessels
宗筋 ancestral sinew
宗筋之会 meeting point of the sinews
宗筋弛纵 slackness of the ancestral sinew
宗筋所聚 gathering place of the ancestral sinews
定心散 officinal angiopteris [root]
定木香 beesia root
定志 stabilize the mind
定志丸 Mind-Stabilizing Pill
定志小丸 Small Mind-Stabilizing Pill
定志安神 stabilize the mind and quiet the spirit
定风 stabilize wind
定振丸 Tremor-Stabilizing Pill
定时寒热 cold and heat occurring at set periods
定神 Spirit Stabilizer
定悸饮 Palpitation-Stabilizing Beverage
定喘 stabilize panting
定喘 calm panting
定喘 Panting Stabilizer
定喘治嗽 stabilize panting and treat cough
定喘治嗽药 medicinals that stabilize panting and treat cough
定喘散 Panting-Stabilizing Powder
定喘汤 Panting-Stabilizing Decoction
定痛 settle pain
定痛丸 Pain-Relieving Pill
定痛膏 Pain-Relieving Paste
定经草 false pimpernel
定经汤 Menses-Stabilizing Decoction
定痫丸 Fit-Settling Pill
office\HALT \NOUN, official \NOUN
官桂 quilled cinnamon [bark]
proper\HALT \ADJ; propriety \NOUN
宜忌 requirements and prohibitions
宜男花 day lily [flower]
宛宛 depression
尚药局 Imperial Drug Bureau
curved\HALT \ADJ
crooked\HALT \ADJ
屈肌 flexor
屈伸不利 inhibited bending and stretching
屈伸困难 difficulty in bending and stretching
屈骨 CV-02
屈骨 KI-11
屈骨 Crooked Bone
屈骨 Crooked Bone
屈骨端 CV-02
屈骨端 KI-11
屈骨端 Crooked Bone's End
屈骨端 Crooked Bone's End
居住潮湿 living in damp places
居处潮湿 living in damp places
_+ GB-29\w
_+ Squatting Bone-Hole
冈下肌 infraspinatus muscle
岩池 Rock Pool
岩风 peucedanum [root]
帖数 number of packets
seventh heavenly stem
庚金 S7-metal
府中俞 LU-01
府中俞 Treasury Center Transport
府舍 SP-13\w
府舍 Bowel Abode
延年 prolong life
延年半夏汤 Life-Stretcher Pinellia Decoction
延年益寿 prolong life
延胡 corydalis [root]
延胡索 corydalis [root]
延胡索干浸膏 liquid extract of corydalis [tuber]
延胡索散 Corydalis Powder [NIS]
延胡索汤 Corydalis Decoction
延草 dioscorea [root]
延缓衰老 decelerate aging
stringlike\HALT \ADJ
弦脉 stringlike pulse
in the direction of
往来寒热 alternating heat [effusion] (fever) and [aversion to] cold
往来寒热 alternating fever and chills
往来寒热 alternating cold and heat
彼子 torreya [nut]
忽布 hop flower
忽布筋骨草 lupuline bugle
忽思慧 Hu1 Si1-Hui4>
念珠菌性阴道炎 monilial vaginitis
怔忡 fearful throbbing
timidity\HALT \NOUN
怯冷 fear of cold
怵惕 apprehensiveness
怪脉 strange pulse
怕冷 fear of cold
怕风 fear of wind
性冷 frigidity
性味 nature and flavor
性急易怒 rashness and irascibility
性能 property
性情 temperament
性情 nature
性情急躁 rash and impatient nature
性腺 sex glands
性机能减退 reduced sexual function
怫郁于上之热 depressed upper body heat
或中 KI-26
或中 Possible Center
sexual activity
房事淡漠 weak libido
房室不节 sexual intemperance
房室事过多 excessive sexual activity
房室伤 sexual intemperanace damage
房室损伤 damage due to sexual intemperance
房劳 sexual taxation
perverse\HALT \ADJ
戾气 perverse qi4
| grammatical particle
所不胜 overcoming phase
所以载丸 Wherewithal-To-Bear Pill
所生病 disease ``produced by this''
所胜 overcome phase
所载 bearing
所闻 SI-19
所闻 Heard
承山 BL-57\w
承山 Mountain Support
承光 BL-06\w
承光 Light Guard
承扶 BL-36\w
承扶 Support
承扶皮部 BL-36
承扶皮部 Skin Region Support
承命 Life Support
承命 SP-06
承命 Life Support
承泣 ST-01\w
承泣 Tear Container
承气汤 Qi4-Coordinating+ Decoctions
承气养营汤 Qi4-Coordinating+ Construction-Nourishing Decoction
承筋 BL-56\w
承筋 Sinew Support
承间 Between Supports
承满 ST-20\w
承满 Assuming Fullness
承浆 sauce receptacle
承浆 CV-24\w
承浆 Sauce Receptacle
承浆疔 sauce receptacle clove sore
承浆疔 sauce receptacle clove sore
承灵 GB-18\w
承灵 Spirit Support
拉汗果 momordica
拉肚子 diarrhea
拉屎 shit\HALT \VERB
拌炒 stir-fry with adjuvant
refuse\HALT \VERB
拒按 refuse pressure
wrap around the shoulders
披肩 cape
披麻草 Dalian veratrum
pull up
拔火罐 fire cup
拔火罐 fire cupping
拔毒散 Si4chuan1 sida
拔针 needle removal
拔粥 Flour Gruel
拔脓 draw out pus
拔罐法 cupping
拔罐疗法 cupping
抽风 tugging wind
抽气罐 suction cup
抽气罐法 suction cupping
抽动 jerking
抽掣 pulling
抽筋 cramp
抽薪饮 Firewood-Raking Beverage
抽搐 convulsion
抽搦 convulsion
押手 pressing hand
拇指同身寸 thumb body inch
拇指节横纹 Crease at the Base of the Thumb
抵抗力 resistance
抵当丸 Dead-On Pill
抵当汤 Dead-On Decoction
抱子甘蓝 Brussels sprout
抱儿痨 consumption of pregnancy
抱膝 knee board
抱轮红 red areola surrounding the dark of the eye
抱轮红赤 red areola surrounding the dark of the eye
抱树莲 drymoglossum
抱头火丹 head fire cinnabar
抱龙丸 Dragon-Embracing Pill
拘那花 southern crape myrtle
拘急 hypertonicity
拘挛 hypertonicity
拖泥版 tortoise plastron
rough and ready
拗哭 stubborn crying
抬肩 Lift Shoulders
let (out)
放血 bloodletting
放血 bleed
放血 let blood
放血疗法 bloodletting therapy
放屁 fart
放松功 relaxation excercise
放痧 release sand
于朮 white atractylodes [root]
effulgent\HALT \ADJ, effulgence \NOUN
旺梨草 lippia
易于感冒 susceptibility to the common cold
易出 easy to expectorate
易汗 tendency to sweat easily
易忘 forgetfulness
易受 susceptibility to
易怒 irascibility
易怒多惊 irascibility and susceptibility to fright
易患感冒 susceptibility to cold and flu
易发瘀斑综合症 easy bruising syndrome
易筋经 Sinew-Transformation Canon
易黄散 Transforming Yellow Powder
易黄散 Transforming Yellow Powder
易黄汤 Transforming Yellow Decoction
易饿多食 swift hungering and increased appetite
易惊 susceptibility to fright
昌本 acorus [root]
昌羊 acorus [root]
昌阳 KI-07
昌阳 Glorious Yang2
昌阳 acorus [root]
elder brother
昆布 kelp
昆布丸 Kelp Pill
昆仑 BL-60\w
昆仑 CV-04
昆仑 Kunlun Mountains
昆仑 Kunlun Mountains
昆明堵喇 Vilmorin aconite [tuber]
昆明鸡血藤 reticulate millettia stem
昆明鸡血藤根 reticulate millettia root
昆明鸡脚黄连 Kunming barberry
bright\HALT \NOUN; brightness \NOUN; brighten
明中 Bright Center
明天麻 gastrodia [root]
明月砂 hare's droppings
明玉竹 Solomon's seal [root]
明目 brighten the eyes
明目上清丸 Eye Brightener Clear-Raising Pill
明目地黄丸 Eye Brightener Rehmannia Pill
明目槐子丸 Eye Brightener Sophora Fruit Pill
明石 chlorite [schist]
明光 BL-02
明光 Bright Light
明乳 top grade frankincense
明附片 blast-fried aconite [accessory root]
明珠母 mother-of-pearl
明堂 bright hall
明堂 nose
明堂 GV-23
明堂 Bright Hall
明堂图 bright hall chart
明眼 Bright Eyes
明眼 Brighter Eyes
明雄 lucid realgar
明雄黄 lucid realgar
明矾 alum
明党参 changium root
_+ open calcination
cloud\HALT \VERB
昏不知人 clouding loss of consciousness
昏沉 daze
昏狂 clouding and mania
昏狂谵语 clouding, mania, and delirious speech
昏夜无所见 poor vision at twilight and night
昏倒 clouding collapse
昏迷 stupor
昏迷不醒 coma
昏厥 clouding reversal
昏睡 clouding sleep
昏愦 clouding and fretting
服用方便 convenient to take
服法 method of administration
服药宜忌 suitability of medication
杭白芍 Hang2zhou1 white peony [root]
杭白菊 white Hang2zhou1 chrysanthemum [flower]
杭菊 Hang2zhou1 chrysanthemum [flower]
杭黄菊 yellow Hang2zhou1 chrysanthemum [flower]
枕中丹 Pillow Elixir
枕瓜 wax gourd
枕肌 occipitalis muscle
枕材 umbellate lindera wood
枕秃 pillow baldness
枕骨 pillow bone
枕骨 occipital bone
枕骨 GB-11
枕骨 GB-11
枕骨 Occipital Bone
枕骨 Pillow Bone
枕骨 occipital bone
东丹 minium
东方狗脊 Oriental chain fern root
东方狐鲣 striped bonito
东方医学 oriental medicine
东牛黄 eastern bovine bozoar
东北乌毛蕨叶 blechnum leaf
东北参 Manchurian ginseng [root]
东北贯众 Manchurian aspidium
东瓜 wax gourd
东防风 eastern saposhnikovia [root]
东周 Eastern Zhou1>
东洋参 ginseng
东风 East Wind
东风菜 rough aster
东风菜根 rough aster [root]
东风橘根 atalantia [root]
东晋 Eastern Jin4>
东黄 eastern bovine bozoar
东黄柏 Eastern phellodendron [bark]
东汉 Eastern Han4>
东医 Eastern medicine
东魏 Eastern Wei4>
东党 eastern codonopsis [root]
东莨菪 Japanese scopalia [root]
东廧子 agriophyllum seed
果瓜 melon
果宗 pear
果脯 preserved fruit
果部 fruit section
| plant name
杷叶 loquat leaf
| plant name
枇杷 loquat [fruit]
枇杷木白皮 loquat bark
枇杷玉 xylanche tuber
枇杷芋 xylanche tuber
枇杷花 loquat flower
枇杷核 loquat pip
枇杷根 loquat root
枇杷粥 Loquat Gruel
枇杷叶 loquat leaf
枇杷叶散 Loquat Leaf Powder
枇杷叶露 loquat leaf distillate
枝子 gardenia [fruit]
枝豆 soybean
枝儿条 Dahurian lespedeza
枝核 litchee pit
| surname
林背子 Japanese wax tree root (bark)
林檎 Chinese crabapple
林檎根 Chinese crabapple root
杯苋 prostrate cyathula
杰里花 agrimony
板门 Board Gate
板栗 chestnut
板齿 front teeth
板蓝大青汤 Isatis Root and Leaf Decoction
板蓝根 isatis root
松子 pine nut
松子仁 pine nut
松丹 minium
松元 pine cone
松木皮 pine bark
松木薯 poria
松皮癣 pine bark lichen
松石猪肚丸 Song1-Shi2's Pig's Stomach Pill
松果腺 pineal gland
松油 pine oil
松花 pine pollen
松花粉 pine pollen
松苓 poria
松郎头 knotty pine wood
松香 rosin
松香粉 powdered rosin
松根 pine root/root bark
松脂 rosin
松脂香 rosin
松针 pine needle
松针 pine needle [NID]
松球 pine cone
松笔头 pine twig
松腴 poria
松节 knotty pine wood
松叶 pine needle
松鼠 squirrel
松蒿 Japanese louse seed
松蕈 armillaria
松薯 poria
松萝 beard lichen
杵头糠 rice husk
杼骨 shuttle bone
武火 martial fire
武夷 elm cake
武侯行军散 Warlord's Troop-Marching Powder
武靴藤 gymnema
武痴 martial mania
influx\HALT \NOUN
注下 downpour diarrhea
注心痛 influx heart pain
注泄 outpour diarrhea
注夏 summer influx
注射液 injection fluid
注射剂 injection fluid
注射剂 injection fluid
注意事项 cautions
put forth water or fluid
泌别清浊 separate the clear and turbid
泌别清浊 separation of the clear and turbid
泌尿系结石 urinary calculus
泌尿系感染 urinary infection
泌乳 lactation
泥丸宫 GV-20
泥丸宫 Mud Ball Palace
泥冰子 cremastra/pleione [pseudobulb]
泥胡菜 hemistepta
泥疗法 mud therapy
泥鳅 loach
泥鳅滑液 loach slime
泥鳅疔 loach clove sore
河车八味丸 Eight-Ingredient Placenta Pill
河车大造丸 Placenta Great Creation Pill
河车路 GV-01
河车路 River Cart Road
河蚌壳 ??##
河豚 globefish flesh
河豚子 globefish egg
河豚目 globefish eye
河豚毒 globefish poison
河豚鱼肝油 globefish liver oil
波及 affect
波及 spread to
波罗 pineapple
波罗 pineapple
波罗门参 salsify
波罗门参 salsify
波罗蜜 jackfruit
波罗蜜 jackfruit
波罗蜜核中仁 jackfruit seed
波罗蜜叶 jackfruit leaf
波罗蜜树液 jackfruit resin
波棱瓜 herpetospermum [fruit]
method\HALT \NOUN
法半夏 pro formula pinellia [rhizome]
法制 processing according to method
法医 forensic doctor
discharge\HALT \VERB, \NOUN
泄精 seminal discharge
泄可去闭 discharging [medicinals] can eliminate blocks
泄后重 heaviness after diarrhea
泄肝 discharge the liver
泄注 outpour diarrhea
泄风 discharge of wind
泄痢 diarrhea
泄痢下重 dysentery with rectal heaviness
泄热 discharge heat
泄卫透热 discharge defense and outthrust heat
泄剂 discharging formula
泄泻 diarrhea
泄泻清谷 diarrhea with clear food
油甘子 emblic
油白菜 pakchoi
油汗 oily sweat
油灰指甲 oily ashen nail
油耳朵 oily ears
油松节 knotty pine wood
油炒 stir-fry with oil
油炙 mix-fry with fat
油柑木皮 emblic bark
油柑根 emblic root
油柑叶 emblic leaf
油柑虫节 emblic gallnut
油炸 deep-fry
油胡桃 blackened walnut
油风 glossy scalp wind
油风脱发 oil wind hair loss
油桐子 tung tree seed
油桐根 tung tree root
油桐叶 tung tree leaf
油草 leptochloa
油茶根皮 oiltea camellia root bark
油麻 black sesame [seed]
油菜 oil rape
油菜子油 rape seed oil
油菜芽 rape seed sprout
油当归 oily tangkuei [root]
油膏 oil paste
油面筋 fried wheat gluten
marsh\HALT \NOUN
sweating\HALT \NOUN
沮洳 low-ground damp
沿 along
沿 rim
沿爪疔 nail-side clove sore
沿肛痔 anal rim hemorrohoids
沿篱豆 lablab [bean]
treat\HALT \VERB, treatment \NOUN
control\HALT \VERB
治乙脑方 Encephalitis Formula
治中汤 Center-Ordering Decoction
治打扑一方 No.~1 Falls Formula
治本 treat the root
治未病 treat disease before it arises
治白血病方 Leukemia Formula
治呃逆 treats hiccup
治折伤方 Fracture Formula
治求其属 treatment demands [correct] attribution [of signs]
治肝胃气滞 treat liver-stomach qi4 stagnation
治乳痈 treat mammary welling-abscesses
治法 method of treatment
治法机要 Essentials of Treatment Methods
治疝 treat mounting
治疝气疼痛 treats mounting qi4 pain
治疝痛 treat mounting pain
治肺痈 treat pulmonary welling-abcess
治削 sorting and sizing
治则 principle of treatment
治则 therapeutic principle
治则八法 eight methods of treatment
治咳 treat cough
治风化痰 control wind and transform phlegm
治风先治血 to treat wind, first treat the blood
to t
reat wind first treat the blood; when the blood moves wind
naturally disappears
治风法 wind-controlling method
治风痰 treat wind-phlegm
治病 treat disease
治病必求于本 to treat disease, it is necessary to seek the root
治病求本 in treating disease, determine the root
治病法则 principle of treatment
治病法则 therapeutic principle
治崩证极验方 Well-Tested Uterine Bleeding Formula
治带下 treat vaginal discharge
治梅毒疮方 Syphilitic Sores Formula
治喘 Panting Cure
治喉痛药 medicinical treating sore throat
治痢 treat dysentery
治伤消瘀丸 Injury Stasis-Dispersing Pill
治痰热结滞 treat phlegm-heat binding stagnation
治节不利 inhibited management and regulation
治肠痈 treat intestinal welling-abscess
治脚气 treat leg qi4
治腹内虫方 Abdominal Worm Formula
治脑(一) Brain Cure \#1
治脑(二) Brain Cure \#2
治脑(三) Brain Cure \#3
治脑(四) Brain Cure \#4
治疟 control malaria
治疟疾 treat malaria
治标 treat the tip
治标不如治本 treatment of the tip is less important than treatment of the root
治浊固本丸 Anti-Turbidity Root-Securing Pill
治遗精 treat seminal emission
治头疮一方 Head Sores Formula
治疗 treat
治疗 treatment
治疗原则 principle of treatment
治疗原则 therapeutic principle
治疗范围 scope of treatment
治脓胸方 Pyothorax Formula
治转筋 Cramp Cure
治聋(一) Deafness Cure \#1
治聋(二) Deafness Cure \#2
治聋(三) Deafness Cure \#3
治聋(四) Deafness Cure \#4
治聋新1号 New Deafness Cure \#1
治聋新2号 New Deafness Cure \#2
治聋新3号 New Deafness Cure \#3
治聋新4号 New Deafness Cure \#4
治聋新5号 New Deafness Cure \#5
治聋新6号 New Deafness Cure \#6
治聋新7号 New Deafness Cure \#7
治聋新8号 New Deafness Cure \#8
治瘫(一) Paralysis Cure \#1
治瘫(七) Paralysis Cure \#7
治瘫(二) Paralysis Cure \#2
治瘫(三) Paralysis Cure \#3
治瘫(五) Paralysis Cure \#7
治瘫(六) Paralysis Cure \#6
治瘫(四) Paralysis Cure \#4
治疔毒 treat clove-sore toxin
治痈疡法 method for treating welling-abscesses and sores
泡服 take infused
泡花子 laurel sweetleaf bark
泡桐木皮 Farges' catalpa bark
泡桐果 paulownia fruit
泡桐花 paulownia flower
泡茶 brew tea
泡茶 brew as tea
泡掌筒 leycesteria
泡囊草 common physochlaina
flood\HALT \VERB
upflow\HALT \NOUN
泛吐酸水 upwelling and vomiting of sour water
泛泛欲吐 desire to vomit with upflow
泛红 diffuse red
泛红如妆 floating red complexion as if dabbed with rouge
泛恶 upflow nausea
泛酸 acid upflow
炎性的 inflammatory
炎性渗出物 inflammatory exudate
炎症 inflammation
stir-fry\HALT \VERB
炒小茴香 stir-fried fennel [NID]
炒山药 stir-fried dioscorea [NID]
炒川楝子 stir-fried toosendan [NID]
炒干姜 stir-fried dried ginger [NID]
炒五灵脂 stir-fried squirrel's droppings [NID]
炒火麻仁 stir-fried cannabis fruit [NID]
炒白朮 stir-fried white atractylodes [NID]
炒白芍 stir-fried white peony [NID]
炒白芍药 stir-fried white peony [NID]
炒白芥子 stir-fried white mustard [NID]
炒存 stir-fry preserving nature
炒存 nature-preservative stir-frying
炒杜仲 stir-fried eucommia [NID]
炒制 stir-fry
炒花椒 stir-fried zanthoxylum [NID]
炒扁豆 stir-fried lablab [NID]
炒枯 stir-fry dry
炒炭 char-fry
炒神曲 stir-fried medicated leaven [NID]
炒荔枝核 stir-fried litchee pit [NID]
炒荆芥穗 stir-fried schizonepeta [NID]
炒茴香 stir-fried fennel [NID]
炒栀子 stir-fried gardenia [NID]
炒陈皮 stir-fried tangerine peel [NID]
炒麦芽 stir-fried barley sprout [NID]
炒枣仁 stir-fried spiny jujube [NID]
炒焦 scorch-fry
炒莱菔子 stir-fried radish seed [NID]
炒黄 stir-fry until yellow
炒黄_+ stir-fried astragalus [NID]
炒黄柏 stir-fried phellodendron [NID]
炒黄连 stir-fried coptis [NID]
炒黄芩 stir-fried scutellaria [NID]
炒黑 stiry-fry until black
炒黑脂麻 stir-fried black sesame [NID]
炒槐花 stir-fried sophora flower [NID]
炒蒲黄 stir-fried typha pollen [NID]
炒橘核 stir-fried tangerine pip [NID]
炒槟榔 stir-fried areca [NID]
炒鸡内金 stir-fried gizzard lining [NID]
炒爆 crack-fry
炒苏子 stir-fried perilla fruit [NID]
炒续断 stir-fried dipsacus [NID]
炒枳壳 stir-fried bitter orange [NID]
炒枳实 stir-fried unripe bitter orange [NID]
炒苡米 stir-fried coix [NID]
mix-fry\HALT \VERB
炙山甲 mix-fried pangolin scales [NID]
炙甘草 mix-fried licorice [NID]
炙甘草汤 Honey-Fried Licorice Decoction
炙虎骨 mix-fried tiger bone [NID]
炙厚朴 mix-fried officinal magnolia bar [NID]
炙麻黄 mix-fried ephedra [NID]
炙黄_+ mix-fried astragalus [NID]
炙龟板 processed tortoise shell [NID]
炙鳖甲 mix-fried turtle shell [NID]
爬山豆根 compylotropis
tend sheep, cattle
牧草嫩茎 pennisetum shoot
matter\HALT \NOUN
agent\HALT \NOUN
物损真睛 damage to the eye proper by external objects
狗心 dog's heart
狗毛, dog's hair
狗爪豆 Cochin China stizolobium [bean or leaf]
狗牙贝 huolirion
狗奶子 lycium [berry]
狗皮 dog skin
狗皮膏 Dog Skin Plaster
狗地芽皮 lycium bark
狗肉 dog's flesh
狗舌草 dog's tongue grass
狗血 dog's blood
狗尾巴参 spurred disporum [root]
狗肝 dog's liver
狗肝菜 dicliptera
狗乳汁 dog's milk
狗泡草 sericocalyx
狗狗秧 Japanese calystegia
狗屎花 Chinese forget-me-not
狗屎花根 Chinese forget-me-not root
狗朗头 smooth greenbrier [root]
狗脊 cibotium [root]
狗脊饮 Cibotium Beverage
狗骨 dog's bone
狗肾 dog's kidney
狗脚草根 stellate craibiodendron root
狗脚迹 Cochin China phyllanthus
狗脑 dog's brains
狗虱 black sesame [seed]
狗齿 dog's teeth
狗蹄 dog's feet
狗头骨 dog's skull
狗胆 dog's gallbladder
狗宝 dog's stomach calculus
fox\HALT \NOUN, foxy \ADJ; fox-like \ADJ
狐心 fox's heart
狐四足 fox's leg
狐肉 fox's flesh
狐肝 fox's liver
狐疝 foxy mounting
狐疝 vulpine mounting
狐疝风 foxy mounting wind
狐疝风 vulpine mounting wind
狐狸 fox
狐狸 foxy
狐狸 vulpine
狐狸桃 Chinese gooseberry [fruit]
狐臭 foxy smell
狐臭 armpit odor
狐惑 fox-creeper
狐肠 fox's intestines
狐头 fox's head
狐胆 fox's gallbladder
狐蜮 fox-creeper
玫瑰 rose
玫瑰花 rose
玫瑰露 rose distillate
mounting\HALT \NOUN
疝气 mounting qi4
疝气 hernia
疝气疼痛 mounting qi4 pain
疝气痛 mounting qi4 pain
疝瘕 mounting-conglomeration
疙瘩 pimple
blindness\HALT \NOUN
盲肠 caecum
直寸 vertical inch
直中 direct strike
直中三阴 direct strike on the triple yin1
直中阴经 directly striking the yin1 channels
直火_+ direct calcination
直立 Erect Posture
直刺 perpendicular insertion
直针刺 direct subcutaneous needling
直接灸 direct moxibustion
直视 forward-staring eyes
直肠 BL-56
直肠 Rectum
直肠 rectum
直肠息肉 proctopolypus (rectal polyp, polyp of rectum)
直压指法 lengthwise palpation
知力迟钝 intellectual torpor
知母 anemarrhena [root]
知母肉 anemarrhena [root]
知母饮 Anemarrhena Beverage
知利介 GV-12
知利介 Wisdom's Advantage Armor
知利气 GV-12
知利气 Wisdom's Advantage Qi4
知柏八味丸 Anemarrhena and Phellodendron Eight-Ingredient Pill
知柏四物汤 Anemarrhena and Phellodendron Four Agents Decoction
知柏地黄丸 Anemarrhena, Phellodendron, and Rehmannia Pill
硅肺 pneumosilicosis
祁州一枝蒿 Canadian erigeron
秉氏鲵 salamander
秉风 SI-12\w
秉风 Grasping the Wind
空心服 take on an empty stomach
空心花 pearly maesa
空心柳 willow-leaved meadowsweet
空心苋 alligator alternanthera
空心菜 water spinach
空青 hollow azurite
空涵竹 pachilan bamboo
空壳 forsythia [fruit]
空痛 empty pain
空筒菜 water spinach
空肠 jejunum
空肠 scutellaria [root]
空腹服 take on an empty stomach
空窍 orifice
纠内翻 Correct Inward Turning
纠外翻(一) Correct Outward Turning \#1
纠外翻(二) Correct Outward Turning \#2
| ancient nationality in western China
羌光 notopterygium [root]
羌活 notopterygium [root]
羌活白芷散 Notopterygium and Dahurian Angelica*& Powder
羌活防风汤 Notopterygium and Saposhnikovia*& Decoction
羌活防风汤 Notopterygium and Saposhnikovia*& Decoction
羌活附子汤 Notopterygium and Aconite Decoction
羌活除湿汤 Notopterygium Dampness-Eliminating Decoction
羌活败毒汤 Notopterygium Toxin-Vanquishing Decoction
羌活鱼 salamander
羌活胜湿汤 Notopterygium Dampness-Overcoming Decoction
羌活续断汤 Notopterygium and Dipsacus Decoction
羌滑 notopterygium [root]
羌蓝汤 Notopterygium and Isatis Root Decoction
羌蒡蒲薄汤 Notopterygium, Arctium, Dandelion, and Mint Decoction
| particle marking the subject of a sentence
| a nominalizing particle
pulmonary\HALT \ADJ
肺,其华在毛 lung, its bloom is in the [body] hair
肺,其华在毛 lung, its bloom is in the [body] hair
肺中伏火 latent heat in the lung
肺中虚冷 vacuity cold in the lung
肺之液为涕 humor of the lung is snivel
肺及大肠辨证 lung and large intestine pattern identification
肺水 lung water
肺火 lung fire
肺主一身之表 lung governs the exterior of the entire body
肺主皮毛 lung governs the skin and [body] hair
肺主行水 lung governs the movement of water
肺主治节 lung governs management and regulation
肺主宣散 lung governs diffusion
肺主宣发 lung governs diffusion
肺主气 lung governs qi4
肺主通调水道 lung governs regulation of the waterways
肺主肃降 lung governs depurative downbearing
肺主鼻 lung governs the nose
肺主卫表 lung governs the defensive exterior
肺主输精于皮毛 lung governs transportation of essence to the skin and [body] hair
肺主声 lung governs the voice
肺司呼吸 lung is in charge of breathing
肺失宣降 impaired diffusion and downbearing of the lung
肺失宣降 impaired diffusion and downbearing of the lung
肺失清肃 impaired lung depuration
肺失通调 lung failing to regulate the waterways
肺失肃降 impaired depurative downbearing of the lung
肺生皮毛 lung engenders skin and [body] hair
肺合大肠 lung is connected with the large intestine
lu ng is connected with the skin; its luxuriance is the [body] hair
肺合皮毛 lung is connected with the skin and [body] hair
肺有实热 repletion heat in the lung
肺形草 crawfurdia
肺系 lung tie
肺邪胁痛 lung evil rib-side pain
肺底 GV-09
肺底 Bottom of the Lung
肺性脑病 pulmonary encephalopathy
肺炎 pneumonia
肺炎 pneumonia
肺炎草 tridax
肺炎球菌 pneumococcus
肺炎球菌肺炎 pneumococcal pneumonia
肺炎双球菌 Diplococcus pneumoniae
肺疝 lung mounting
肺疝 pulmonary mounting
肺的证候 lung patterns
holds the office of assistant; it is responsible for management and
肺金 lung-metal
肺俞 BL-13\w
肺俞 Lung Transport
肺咳 lung cough
肺津 liquid of the lung
肺津 pulmonary liquid
肺津不布 lung failing to distribute liquid
肺津不布 non-distribution of pulmonary liquid
肺为水之上源 lung is the upper source of water
lung is the governor of qi4, kidney is the root of qi4
肺为涕 lung forms snivel
肺为华盖 lung is the florid canopy
肺为贮痰之器 lung is the receptacle that holds phlegm
肺为娇脏 lung is the delicate viscus
肺胃火炎喘 lung-stomach flaming fire panting
肺胃火炽 intense lung-stomach fire
肺胃疫热炽盛 lung-stomach intense epidemic heat
肺胃俱寒 cold in both the lung and stomach
肺胃阴虚 lung-stomach yin1 vacuity
肺胃热盛 exuberant lung-stomach heat
肺胃燥热 lung-stomach dryness-heat
肺降 lung downbearing
肺风 lung wind
肺风粉刺 lung wind acne
肺气 lung qi4
肺气上逆 lung qi4 ascending counterflow
肺气上逆 counterflow ascent of lung qi4
肺气不利 inhibition of lung qi4
肺气不足 insufficiency of lung qi4
肺气不宣 lung qi4 failing to diffuse
肺气不宣 non-diffusion of lung qi4
肺气不降 lung qi4 failing to downbear
肺气不得卧 lung congestion sleeplessness
肺气郁闭 lung qi4 depression block
肺气郁闭证 pattern of lung qi4 depression block
肺气郁痹 impeded lung qi4
肺气浮散 lung qi4 floats and dissipates
肺气衰绝 expiry of lung qi4
肺气逆 counterflow lung qi4
肺气败绝 vanquished lung qi4
肺气通于鼻 lung qi4 flows to the nose
肺气闭塞 lung qi4 blockage
肺气阴两虚 dual vacuity of lung qi4 and yin1
肺气阴两虚 lung qi4 and yin1 vacuity
肺气阴两虚证 pattern of dual vacuity of lung qi4 and yin1
肺气虚 lung qi4 vacuity
肺气虚滞 lung qi4 vacuity stagnation
肺气虚证 lung qi4 vacuity pattern
肺气肿 pulmonary emphysema
肺消 lung dispersion[-thirst]
肺消 pulmonary dispersion-thirst
肺病 lung disease
肺疳 gan1 of the lung
肺疳 pulmonary gan1
肺素有热 preexisting lung heat
肺脉浮 lung pulse is floating
肺常不足 lung is often in insufficiency
肺移寒于肾 lung spreading cold to the kidney
肺闭喘咳 lung block panting and cough
肺阴 lung yin1
肺阴不足 insufficiency of lung yin1
肺阴之虚燥 lung yin1 vacuity dryness
肺阴虚 lung yin1 vacuity
肺阴虚证 lung yin1 vacuity pattern
肺劳 lung taxation
肺劳 pulmonary taxation
肺恶寒 lung is averse to cold
肺朝百脉 lung faces the hundred vessels
肺结核 pulmonary tuberculosis
肺结核病 pulmonary tuberculosis
肺络损伤 damage to the network vessels of the lung
肺肾同治 combined treatment of lung and kidney
肺肾同源 lung and kidney are of the same source
肺肾两虚 dual vacuity of the lung and kidney
肺肾两虚 lung-kidney vacuity
肺肾相生 lung and kidney are mutually engendering
肺肾气虚 lung-kidney qi4 vacuity
肺肾气虚证 pattern of lung-kidney qi4 vacuity
肺肾阴虚 lung-kidney yin1 vacuity
肺肾阴虚火炎 lung-kidney yin1 vacuity flaming fire
肺肾阴虚证 pattern of lung-kidney yin1 vacuity
肺肾阴亏 lung-kidney yin1 depletion
肺肾虚损 lung-kidney vacuity detriment
肺胀 distention of the lung
肺胀 pulmonary distention
肺脾两虚 dual vacuity of the lung and spleen
肺脾肾阳虚 lung-spleen-kidney yang2 vacuity
肺脾肾阳虚水泛 lung-spleen-kidney yang2 vacuity water flood
肺脾虚寒 lung-spleen vacuity cold
肺脾虚损 lung-spleen vacuity-detriment
肺虚 lung vacuity
肺虚有热 lung vacuity with heat
肺虚身肿 lung vacuity generalized swelling
肺虚咳嗽 lung vacuity cough
肺虚喘急 lung vacuity rapid panting
肺开窍于鼻 lung opens at the nose
肺阳 lung yang2
肺阳不足 insufficiency of lung yang2
肺阳虚 lung yang2 vacuity
肺募 LU-01
肺募 Lung Alarm
肺损咳嗽 lung detriment cough
肺痿 lung wilting
肺经 lung channel
肺经 LU\w
肺经有热 heat in the lung channel
肺经咳嗽 lung channel cough
肺实 lung repletion
肺与大肠相表里 lung and large intestine stand in interior-exterior relationship
肺热 lung heat
肺热穴 Lung Heat Point
肺热血瘀 lung heat blood stasis
肺热血瘀证 lung heat blood stasis pattern
肺热身肿 lung heat generalized swelling
肺热咳喘 lung-heat cough and panting
肺热咳嗽 lung heat cough
肺热阴虚 yin1 vacuity due to lung heat
肺热阴虚证 pattern of yin1 vacuity due to lung heat
肺热喘咳 lung heat panting and cough
肺热痰结 lung heat phlegm bind
肺热肠燥 lung heat and intestinal dryness
肺热肠燥证 pattern of lung heat and intestinal dryness
肺热叶焦 lung heat scorching the lobes
肺热炽盛 intense lung heat
肺热炽盛证 intense lung heat pattern
肺卫 lung-defense
肺卫燥热 lung-defense dryness heat
肺积 lung accumulation
肺燥 lung dryness
肺燥咳嗽 lung dryness cough
肺痨 pulmonary consumption
肺痨干咳 pulmonary consumption with dry cough
肺痨咳嗽 pulmonary consumption with cough
肺痨验方 T.B. Tested Formula
肺癌 lung cancer
肺癌 lung cancer
肺癌 lung cancer
肺脓肿 pulmonary abscess
肺窍 orifices of the lung
肺藏魄 lung stores the corporeal soul
肺虫 lung worm
肺囊种 lung abscess
肺纤维变性 pulmonary fibrosis
肺痹 lung impediment
肺痹 pulmonary impediment
肺痫 epilepsy of the lung
肺痫 pulmonary epilepsy
肺痈 welling-abscess of the lung
肺痈 pulmonary welling-abscess
obese\HALT \ADJ, obesity \NOUN
fat\HALT \ADJ, fatness \NOUN
肥人多痰 obese people tend to have copious phlegm
肥皂核 gymnocladus seed
肥皂荚 gymnocladus fruit
肥儿丸 Chubby Child Pill
肥油膏 Fat Oil Paste
肥胖 obesity
肥胖 fatness
肥胖不孕 obesity infertility
肥胖症 adiposis
肥气 fat qi4
肥气丸 Fat Qi4 Pill
肥疳 fat gan1
肥贵人 corpulent person
肥热疳 fat heat gan1
肥疮 fat sore
肥鹦哥鱼 blue parrot fish
肢冷 cold limbs
肢冷畏寒 cold limbs and fear of cold
肢倦 fatigued limbs
肢倦乏力 fatigued limbs and lack of strength
肢厥 limb reversal
肢节疼痛 painful limb joints
肢节疼痛肿大 pain, swelling, and enlargement of the limb joints
肢节痛 pain in the limb joints
肢节烦疼 vexing pain in the limb joints
肢肿按之没指 swelling of the limbs that rebounds on release of pressure
肢端肥大病 acromegaly
肢端动脉痉挛病 Raynaud's disease
肢酸 aching limbs
肢颤 trembling limbs
肢体 limb
肢体 limbs and body
肢体不遂 paralysis of the limbs
肢体冰冷 icy cold limbs
肢体困重 heavy cumbersome limbs
肢体困倦 cumbersome fatigued limbs
肢体拘挛 hypertonicity of the limbs
肢体重着 fixed heavy limbs
肢体疼痛 pain in the limbs
肢体疼痛 limb pain
肢体麻木 numbness of the limbs
肢体痿软无力 limp wilting limbs
肢体痿癈 disabled wilted limbs
肢体酸重疼痛 heavy aching limbs
肢体难伸 difficulty in stretching the limbs
肢体变形 deformity of the limbs
upper arm
肱二头肌 biceps muscle of the arm
肱三头肌 triceps muscle of the arm
肱中 Middle of the Humerus
肱肌 brachial muscle
肱骨 humerus
肱骨外上髁炎 external humeral epicondylitis
肱动脉 brachial artery
肱桡肌 brachioradial muscle
肱静脉 brachial veins
upper leg
股二头肌 biceps muscle of the thigh
股内 Inner Thigh
股内肌 vastus medialis muscle
股外肌 vastus lateralis muscle
股直肌 rectus femoris muscle
股疽 thigh flat-abscess
股骨 thigh bone
股骨 femur
股骨 femur
股动脉 femoral artery
股阴疽 inner thigh flat-abscess
股阴痛 inner thigh pain
股痛 thigh pain
股阳疽 outer thigh flat-abscess
股沟下 Below the Groin
股静脉 femoral vein
股薄肌 gracilis muscle
股癣 tinea cruris
股胫疽 thigh or shin flat-abscess
shoulder\HALT \NOUN
肩下横骨 transverse bone below the shoulder
肩不举 inability to raise the shoulder
肩中俞 SI-15\w
肩中俞 Central Shoulder Transport
肩井 GB-21\w
肩井 Shoulder Well
肩内陵 Inner Mound of Shoulder
肩外俞 SI-14\w
肩外俞 Outer Shoulder Transport
肩甲 shoulder blade
肩甲痛 shoulder blade pain
肩尖 LI-15
肩尖 Shoulder Tip
肩前 Shoulder Front
肩背生痈 welling-abscess on the back of the shoulder
肩背拘急 hypertonicity of the shoulder and back
肩背痛 shoulder and back pain
肩背酸痛 aching pain in the back and shoulder
肩胛 scapula
肩胛带 shoulder girdle
肩重肘臂痛 heavy shoulder and painful elbow and arm
肩峰 acromion
肩息 raised-shoulder breathing
肩真 SI-09\w
肩真 True Shoulder
肩痛 shoulder pain
肩痛不可自带衣 pain in the shoulder with inability to dress oneself
肩痛不可举 pain in and inability to lift the shoulder
肩痛不能自举 shoulder painful and hard to lift
肩痛点 Shoulder Pain Point
肩解 shoulder joint
肩端 end of the shoulder
肩凝 frozen shoulder
肩头 head of the shoulder
肩臂痛 shoulder and arm pain
_+ TB-14
_+ Shoulder Bone-Hole
_+ LI-15\w
_+ Shoulder Bone
_+Below Shoulder Bone
_+ LV-13
_+ Lard Bone-Hole
sleep\HALT \VERB
卧不安 unquiet sleep
卧不得坐 inability to sit up
卧不得坐 confinement to lying posture
卧不得觉 lying posture with inability to sleep
卧则气急 rapid breathing when lying down
卧起不安 fidgetiness whether lying or up
卧针 transverse needling
卧龙丹 Sleeping Dragon Elixir
| plant name; same as {yu2}
臾肉 cornus [fruit]
舍症从脉 precedence of pulse over pathoconditions
舍脉从症 precedence of pathoconditions over the pulse
舍脉从证 precedence of signs over the pulse
舍证从脉 precedence of pulse over signs
芳化湿浊 transform damp turbidity with aromatics
芳香 aromatic
芳香 Dahurian angelica
芳香化浊 transform turbidity with aroma
芳香化湿 transform dampness with aroma
芳香行气 move qi4 with aroma
芳香理气 rectify qi4 with aromatics
芳香开窍 open the orifices qi4 with aromatics
芳香开窍 open the orifices with aroma
芳香开窍药 aromatic orifice-opening medicinal
芳香辟秽 repel foulness with aromatics
芳香燥湿 dry dampness with aroma
| plant name
芝麻 sesame [seed]
芝麻壳 sesame husk
| plant name
芙蓉花 cotton rose [flower]
芙蓉菊根 crossostephium root
芙蓉叶 cotton rose leaf
| plant name
芭茅根 Chinese miscanthus root
芭蕉 Japanese banana
芭蕉子 Japanese banana seed
芭蕉油 Japanese banana sap
芭蕉花 Japanese banana flower
芭蕉根 banana stump
芭蕉叶 Japanese banana leaf
芹花 water dropwort flower
芹菜 (1) Chinese celery stalk
芹菜 (2) wild celery
芹菜 (2) celery
花瓜 gherkin
花生 peanut [kernel]
花生衣 peanut sead-coat
花生油 peanut oil
花交菜 celery cabbage
花尾鹰羽鲷 ring-eyed hawk
花豆 white Dutch runner bean
花身鸡鱼 jarbua
花乳石 ophicalcite
花拐藤根 pottsia [root]
花柳毒淋 veneral toxic gonorrhea
花红叶 Chinese crabapple leaf
花胡瓜 gherkin
花韭菜 Chinese leek stem
花倍 many-horned sumac gallnut
花粉 trichosanthes root
花草 rice-paper plant pith
花茎甘蓝 cauliflower
花斑毛 mylabris
花椒 zanthoxylum [husk]
花椒炭 charred zanthoxylum [husk]
花椒根 zanthoxylum root
花椒粉 zanthoxylum [husk] powder
花椒叶 zanthoxylum leaf
花壳虫 mylabris
花菜 cauliflower
花椰菜 cauliflower
花腹鲭 chub mackerel
花叶假杜鹃 barleria
花叶矮沱沱 Chinese munronia
花蚬壳 ark shell
花旗参 American ginseng
花蜘蛛 agelena
花酸苔 Cathay begonia
花蕊石 ophicalcite
花蕊石止血散 Ophicalcite Blood-Stanching Powder
花蕊石散 Ophicalcite Powder
花龙骨 dragon bone
花龙骨 flowery dragon bone
花翳白陷 pitted flowery white screen
花蚁虫 paederus
花荵 polemonium [root]
花楸 Pohuashan mountain shan [fruit and stem]
花鲙 flower-like rock cod
| plant name
mustard leaf
mustart plant
芥子 mustard seed
芥菜 mustard leaf
芥菜子 mustard seed
芥穗 schizonepeta spike
芥蓝 Chinese kale
芥蓝头 kohlrabi
芥兰 Chinese kale
芥蒩 Chinese fieldnettle
| plant name
芸香草 Chinese citronella
water caltrop
water caltrop [fruit and root]
| plant name
Dahurian angelica
tiger\HALT \NOUN
虎口 tiger's mouth
虎口 LI-04
虎口 Tiger's Mouth
虎口三关 three passes at the tiger's mouth
虎爪 tiger's claws
虎爪豆 Yokohama bean
虎牙 tiger tooth
虎皮草 large-leaved chrysosplenium
虎耳草 saxifrage
虎耳还魂草 common corallodiscus
虎肉 tiger's flesh
虎尾兰 sansevieria
虎杖 bushy knotweed [root]
虎杖根 bushy knotweed [root]
虎杖叶 bushy knotweed leaf
虎肚 tiger's stomach
虎刺 damnacanthus
虎油 tiger's fat
虎咬_+ greater ground ivy
虎珀 amber
虎脂 tiger's fat
虎骨 tiger bone
虎骨木瓜酒 Tiger Bone and Chaenomeles Wine
虎骨四斤丸\Q{***} Tiger Bone Four Jin Pill
虎骨散 Tiger Bone Powder [NIS]
虎骨胶 tiger bone glue
虎眼睛 tiger's eye
虎掌 arisaema [root]
虎掌南星 arisaema [root]
虎掌草 brookside anemone
虎筋 tiger's sinew
虎肾 tiger's kidney
虎须毒 tiger's-whiskers toxin
虎须疔 tiger's-whiskers clove sore
虎睛 tiger's eye
虎膏 tiger's fat
虎蒲 lycopus
虎潜丸 Hidden Tiger Pill
虎膝骨 tiger's kneecap
虎魄 amber
虎头蕉 Taiwan anectochilus
虎胆 tiger's gallbladder
虎蓟 Japanese thistle
虎鞭 tiger's genitals
虎边 Beside the Tiger
虎兰 lycopus
虎胫骨 tiger's kneecap
初持 initial palpation
初起 onset
初起 initial stage
初期 initial stage
初期 early stage
exterior\HALT \ADJ, \NOUN
表皮 epidermis
表皮 cuticle
表皮角质层 stratum corneum epidermidis
表皮粒层 stratum granulosum epidermidis
表皮粒层 stratum granulosum epidermidis
表邪 exterior evil
表邪入里 exterior evil entering the interior
表邪内陷 inward fall of an exterior evil
表邪未解 exterior evil not yet resolved
表里 exterior and interior
表里分消 ??
表里同病 dual disease of the exterior and interior
表里俱寒 exterior-interior cold
表里俱寒证 exterior-interior cold pattern
表里俱热 exterior-interior heat
表里俱热证 exterior-interior heat pattern
表里传 exterior-interior passage
表里经选穴 selection of exterior-interior--related channel points
表里辨证 exterior-interior pattern identification
表里双解 resolve both the exterior and interior
表里双解 exterior-interior resolution
表固 exterior is secure
表郁 exterior depression
表郁 depressed exterior
表气不固 insecurity of exterior qi4
表气通里气亦通 when exterior qi4 is freed, interior qi4 is also freed
表情呆滞 dull expression
表情淡漠 indifferent expression
表情异常 abornmal expression
表现() manifest (as)
表疏 loose exterior
表寒 exterior cold
表寒里热 exterior cold and interior heat
表寒里热证 exterior cold and interior heat pattern
表寒证 exterior cold pattern
表虚 exterior vacuity
表虚里实 exterior vacuity and interior repletion
表虚里实证 exterior vacuity and interior repletion pattern
表虚证 exterior vacuity pattern
表解里未和 exterior resolution leaving interior disharmony
表实 exterior repletion
表实里虚 exterior repletion and interior vacuity
表实里虚证 exterior repletion and interior vacuity pattern
表实证 exterior repletion pattern
表热 exterior heat
表热里寒 exterior heat and interior cold
表热里寒证 exterior heat and interior cold pattern
表热传里 exterior heat passing into the interior
表热证 exterior heat pattern
表湿 exterior dampness
表证 exterior pattern
receive (guests)
meet head-on
迎降流泪 tearing on exposure to wind
迎风冷泪 cold tearing on exposure to wind
迎香 LI-20\w
迎香 Welcome Fragrance
迎随补泻法 directional supplementation and drainage
返魂草根 aster [root]
近血 proximal bleeding
近部选穴 selection of local points
近视 nearsightedness
近视 myopia
近视 myopia
| surname
metal\HALT \NOUN
金刀叶 Guangdong beauty-berry [stem and leaf]
金山牛黄 Golden Mountain bovine bezoar
金不换 Chinese stephania [tuber]
金井 golden well
金元四大家 four great physicians of the Jin and Yuan period
金元四大家 Four Great Masters of the Jin1-Yuan2
金曰从革 metal is the working of change
金毛七 many-flowered astilbe [root]
金毛木通 gold-wool clematis [stem]
金毛狗脊 cibotium [root]
金水六君煎 Six Gentlemen Metal and Water Brew
金水相生 metal and water engender each other
金水相生 mutual engendering of metal and water
金牛七 Taipei aconite [tuber]
金牛儿 cicada molting
金牛草 lesser polygala
金汁 purified feces
金瓜 pumpkin
金瓜米 pumpkin seed
金瓜核 dischidia
金生水 metal engenders water
金目鲈 sand bass
金石水土部 metals, stones, water, and earth section
金老梅花 bushy dasiphora flower
金耳环 (1) long-peduncled asarum
金耳环 (2) coleus
金佛草 inula
金克木 metals restrains wood
金沙藤 lygodium
金芍药 white peony [root]
金刷把 false cladonia
金果榄 tinospora root
金沸花 inula flower
金沸草 inula
金沸草散 Inula Powder
金狗毛 cibotium hair
金狗脊 cibotium [root]
金狗脊黄毛 cibotium hair
金花 lonicera [flower]
金花屏 siphonostegia
金花菜 slender lotus
金门 BL-63\w
金门 CV-01
金门 Metal Gate
金门 Metal Gate
金陀僧 litharge
金挖耳 divaricate carpesium
金挖耳根 divaricate carpesium root and stem
金柑皮 mandarin peel
金津 Golden Liquid
金砂蕨 lygodium
金砂藤 lygodium
金红小豆 rice bean
金背枇杷 Przewalski's rhododendron fruit
金背枇杷花 Przewalski's rhododendron flower
金背枇杷叶 Przewalski's rhododendron leaf
金郁泄之 depressed metal is treated by discharge
金刚丸 Metal Strength Pill
金刚散 Delavay ampelopsis [root or root bark]
金刚藤 Bock's greenbrier [root]
金气肃降 depurative downbearing of metal qi4
金疳 metal gan1
金破不鸣 broken metal failing to sound
金纽子 three-headed kyllinga
金纳香 hairy triumfetta [root and leaf]
金针拔障疗法 golden needle obstruction-removing therapy
金针菜 day lily [flower]
金针菇 golden mushroom
金剪刀 Huzhou clematis
金剪刀草 vaccaria [seed]
金寄奴 anomalous artemisia
金带花鲭 striped mackerel
金带乌尾冬 golden-banded caesio
金钗花 dendrobium
金钗斛 golden hairpin dendrobium
金雀花 caragana flower
金雀根 caragana [root]
金顶龙牙 agrimony
金鱼 goldfish
金创 incised wound
金壶瓶 (1) Cherokee rose fruit
金壶瓶 (2) siphonostegia
金寒水冷 cold metal and cold water
金笋 carrot [root]
金丝杜仲 Yun2nan2 euonymus [root and stem]
金丝桃 Chinese hypericum
金丝桃果实 Chinese hypericum fruit
金丝草 melic grass
金丝草 golden hair grass
金丝藤仲 parameria stem (bark)
金丝菇 golden mushroom
金华散 Metal Sublimate Powder
金蛤蜊皮 abalone shell
金蛤蟆 tree toad
金黄石 realgar
金黄色葡萄球菌 \ic{Staphylococcus aureus}
金黄散 Golden Yellow Powder
金黄膏 Golden Yellow Paste
金盏草 calendula
金盏草根 calendula root
金盏菊 pot marigold [flower and root]
金盏银台 vaccaria [seed]
金盏银盘 beggar-ticks
金腰带 nodding wikstroemia
金叶子 Yun2nan2 craibiodendron leaf
金钩藤 uncaria [stem and thorn]
金铃子 toosendan [fruit]
金铃子灰 charred toosendan [fruit]
金铃子炭 charred toosendan [fruit]
金铃子散 Toosendan Powder
金匮玉函经 The Canon of the Golden Coffer and Jade Sheath
金匮要略 Essential Prescriptions of the Golden Coffer
金匮要略方论 On the Essential Prescriptions of the Golden Coffer
Comprehensive Elucidation of Essential Prescriptions of the
Golden Coffer
金匮要略讲义 Lecture Notes on Essential Prescriptions of the Golden Coffer
金匮肾气丸 Golden Coffer Kidney Qi4 Pill
金匮翼 The Wings of the Golden Coffer
金实不鸣 replete metal failing to sound
金槐 paraphlonia
金疡 open incised wound
金箔 gold leaf
金箔镇心丸 Gold leaf Heart-Settling Pill
金精石 vermiculite
金银花 lonicera [flower]
金银花露 lonicera [flower] distillate
金银藤 lonicera stem
金凤毛 cypress vine
金凤花 garden balsam flower
金凤花子 garden balsam seed
金疮 incised wound
金疮受杖 incised wounds and club injuries
金疮痉 incised-wound tetany
金疮肿科 sores, wounds, and swellings department
金线草 antenoron
金线草根 antenoron root
金线鱼 (1) perch carp
金线鱼 (2) goldenthread
金线鲢 goldenthread
金莲花 globeflower
金橘 kumquat [fruit]
金橘核 kumquat pip
金橘根 kumquat root
金橘叶 kumquat leaf
金橘露 kumquat distillate
金灯 cremastra/pleione [pseudobulb]
金钱木根 Hemsley's paliurus root
金钱白花蛇 multi-banded krait
金钱草 moneywort
金钱橘饼 kumquat cake
金钱癣 coin lichen
金钢藤 chinaroot
金龟莲 hemsleya [tuber]
金环蛇 gold-banded krait
金锁固精丸 Golden Lock Essence-Securing Pill
金锁固精汤 Golden Lock Essence-Securing Decoction [NIS]
金锁匙 Indian aeginetia
金锁银开 wild buckwheat root
金鸡尾 sphenomeris
金鸡冲剂 Cherokee Rose Fruit and Spatholobus*& Granules
金鸡勒 cinchona bark
金鸡豇豆 amphicome
金藤花 lonicera [flower]
金蟾丸 Golden Toad Pill
金边兔耳 fragrant ainsliaea
金边龙舌兰 marginated century plant
金镞 metal arrowheads branch
金罂子 Cherokee rose fruit
金钟茵陈 siphonostegia
金樱子 Cherokee rose fruit
金樱子粥 Cherokee Rose Fruit Gruel
金樱肉 Cherokee rose fruit
金樱肉 Cherokee rose fruit flesh [NID]
金樱花 Cherokee rose
金樱根 Cherokee rose root
金樱叶 Cherokee rose leaf
金樱膏 Cherokee Rose Fruit Paste [NIS]
金莺子 Cherokee rose fruit
金鉴 The Golden Mirror
金鉴肥儿丸 Golden Mirror Chubby Child Pill
金菇 golden mushroom
金礞石 mica [schist]
long\HALT \ADJ
promote growth
chief\HALT \NOUN
长平 LV-13
长平 Long Level
长生果 peanut [kernel]
长生果 peanut [kernel]
长生韭 Chinese leek [leaf]
长生草 pubescent angelica
长石 anhydrite
长收肌 long adductor muscle
长江豆 asparagus bean
长皂角 gleditsia [fruit]
长皂荚 gleditsia [fruit]
长谷 ST-25
长谷 Long Grain
长豆 asparagus bean
长命草 purslane
长命苋 purslane
长服慢补 take over a long for gradual supplementation
长春花 Madagascar periwinkle
长柄菊 tridax
长夏 long summer
长夏 late summer
长脉 long pulse
长针 long needle
长骨 promote bone growth
长强 GV-01\w
长强 Long Strong
长杆兰 arundina
长筒马先蒿 long-flowered pedicularis
长距兰 Japanase platanthera
长叶山芝麻 long-leaved helicteres
长管假茉莉 Indian glory-bower
长维 ST-25
长维 Long Link
长辣椒 long pepper (2)
长颊 LI-19
长颊 Long Cheek
长频 LI-19
长频 Long Shore
长溪 ST-25
长溪 Long Ravine
长虫 longworm
长虫皮 snake slough
长虫病 longworm disease
长鸡 ST-25
长鸡 Long Chicken
长鳍鲷 king soldier bream
长窌 LI-19
长窌 Long Bone-Hole
长顪 LI-19
长顪 Long Plate
_+ LI-19
_+ Long Bone-Hole
_+ LI-19
_+ Long Cheek
门尔哥蚂里 leech
门静脉 portal vein
陀僧膏 Litharge Paste
| prefix to nicknames and titles of relatives
large hill
| interjection oh!, ouch!
| used in the transcription of foreign names
阿月浑子 pistachio
阿仙药 cutch
阿米巴 ameba
阿米巴原虫 ameba
阿米巴痢疾 amebic dysentery
阿米巴肠炎 intestinal amebiasis
阿耳茨海默氏病 Alzheimer's disease
阿利藤 alyxia
阿狄森氏病 Addison's disease
阿育魏实 trachyspermum seed
阿是穴 ouch point
阿是穴 a1-shi4> point
阿尔泰紫菀 Altai heteropappus
阿胶 ass hide glue
阿胶 ass hide glue
阿胶四物汤 Ass Hide Glue Four Agents Decoction
阿胶芍药汤 Ass Hide Glue and Peony Decoction
阿胶珠 ass hide glue pellets
阿胶珠 ass hide glue pellets
阿胶散 Ass Hide Glue Powder
阿胶汤 Ass Hide Glue Decoction
阿胶黄连汤 Ass Hide Glue and Coptis Decoction
阿胶块 ass hide glue lumps [NID]
阿胶鸡子黄汤 Ass Hide Glue and Egg Yolk Decoction
阿魏 asafetida
阿魏 asafetida
阿魏丸 Asafetida Pill
阿魏化痞散 Asafetida Glomus-Transforming Powder
阿魏化痞膏 Asafetida Glomus-Transforming Paste
obstruct\HALT \VERB, obstruction \NOUN
阻病 obstruction sickness
阻滞 obstruction
阻碍 impede
附子 aconite [accessory root]
附子 aconite [accessory root]
附子丸 Aconite Pill
附子理中丸 Aconite Center-Rectifying Pill
附子理中汤 Aconite Center-Rectifying Decoction
附子汤 Aconite Decoction
附子粥 Aconite Gruel
附子粳米汤 Aconite and Rice Decoction
附子泻心汤 Aconite Heart-Draining Decoction
附分 BL-41\w
附分 Attached Branch
附片 aconite [accessory root]
附片 sliced aconite [NID]
附地菜 trigonotis
附桂理中丸 Aconite and Cinnamon Center-Rectifying Pill
附蚓 earthworm
附骨疽 bone flat-abscess
附骨痰 bone phlegm
附阳 BL-59
附阳 Yang2 Attachment
附睪丸炎 epididymitis
附睪结核 tuburclosis of the epididymis
附饼灸 moxibustion on aconite cake
雨水 Rain Water
雨韭 Korsakow's monochoria
green-blue\HALT \ADJ
青大将 black-striped snake
青小豆 mung bean
青小草 polygala herb
青化龙骨 flowery dragon bone
青天葵 Ford's nervilia [leaf]
青木香 (1) vladimiria [root]
青木香 (2) aristolochia root
青仔 areca [nut]
青朮 atractylodes [root]
青朮 atractylodes [root]
青瓜 cucumber
青白菜 green pakchoi
青皮 unripe tangerine peel
青皮瓜 melon
青皮散 Unripe Tangerine Peel Powder
青皮散 Unripe Tangerine Peel Powder
青光眼 glaucoma
青如草兹 green-blue as the color of dead grass
青州白丸子 Qi4ngzhou White Pill
青竹茹 bamboo shavings
青竹蛇 green bamboo snake
青竹标 Hongkong rhaphidophora stem
青竹标根 serrate lysionotus root
青舌 green-blue tongue
青衣寒鲷 green wrasse
青芋艿干 taro [root]\D
青芋艿干 Colocasiae Tuber
青芋艿干 dried taro
青芋艿干 taro [root]
青豆 pea
青豆仁 pea
青防风 Shandong ledebouriella [root]
青兔耳风 red-veined ainsliaea
青刺尖 Himalayan prinsepia leaf
青刺蓟 field thistle
青明草 shepherd's purse
青果 Chinese olive
青盲 clear-eye blindness
青空膏 Blue Sky Paste
青花椒 green zanthoxylum [husk]
青花菜 broccoli
青花菜\Q{??} cauliflower
青金散 Indigo and Gold Powder
青青菜 field thistle
青柑皮 unripe tangerine peel
青缸花 indigo
青风 green-blue wind
青风内障 green-blue wind internal obstruction
青风藤 Orient vine
青香苋 amaranth
青娘子 lytta
青娥丸 Young Maid Pill
青桐翠木 cordia [root]
青草 green herbs
青记 green-blue mark
青酒缸 caudate desmodium
青酒缸根 caudate desmodium root
青岗菜 green pakchoi
青带 green-blue vaginal discharge
青梁米 blue millet
青梗白菜 green pakchoi
青梗菜 green pakchoi
青蛇 black-striped snake
青鱼 black carp
青鱼枕 black carp's occipital bone
青鱼胆 black carp's gallbladder
青鱼胆草 Japanese tripterosperumum
青椒 sweet pepper
青棉花藤根 pileostegia root
青棉花藤叶 pileostegia leaf
青筋 vein
青筋暴露 prominent veins
青紫 purplish green-blue
青紫 green-blue or purple
青紫 bruise
青紫斑 green-blue or purple macules
青丝线 purple hypoestes
青菜 oil rape
青蛙 frog
青蛙胆 frog's bile
青蛤丸 Indigo and Clamshell Pill
青蛤粉 indigo
青稞 naked oat
青肿 bruise
青叶丹 mile swertia
青叶丹 swertia
青叶胆 swertia
青叶胆 mile swertia
青腿牙疳 green-leg gan1 of the tooth and gum
青蒿 sweet wormwood
青蒿子 sweet wormwood seed
青蒿根 sweet wormwood root
青蒿叶 sweet wormwood leaf
青蒿露 sweet wormwood distillate
青蒿鳖甲汤 Sweet Wormwood and Turtle Shell Decoction
青蒿蠹虫 wormwood grub
青蒜 garlic leaf
青宽筋藤 Chinese tinospora [stem]
青箭 nodding clinacanthus
青箱 celosia
青虾 freshwater shrimp
青麸杨根 Potanin sumac [root]
青橘皮 unripe tangerine peel
青橄榄 Chinese olive
青砖鱼 amber fish
青檀香 cocculus stem and leaf
青点石斑 blue-spotted grouper
青黛 indigo
青黛散 Indigo Powder
青黛膏\Q{wuyan??} Indigo Paste
青藏虎耳草 Tibetan saxifrage
青矾 melanterite
青萝卜 green radish
青麟丸 Green-Blue Unicorn Pill
青灵 HT-02\w
青灵 Green-Blue Spirit
青灵泉 HT-02
青灵泉 Green-Blue Spirit Spring
青盐 halite
青盐半夏 halite[-processed] pinellia [rhizome]
青盐陈皮 halite-processed tangerine peel
青荖叶 betel pepper
青菀 aster [root]
青葙 celosia
青葙子 celosia [seed]
青葙花 celosia flower
青蒌 betel pepper
青礞石 chlorite [schist]
非淋菌性尿道炎 nongonococcal urethritis (NGU)
非挥发性 non-volatility
亭头 Pavilion Top
亮叶桦皮 shiny-leaved birch bark
亮叶桦根 shiny-leaved birch root
信石 arsenic
信前胡 peucedanum [root]
信枣散 Arsenic-Jujube Powder
信砒 arsenic
invade\HALT \NOUN, invasion \NOUN
侵入 invade
侵入 invasion
侵入血分 invade the blood aspect
侵袭 assail
侵袭 invade
侵袭 invasion
| surname
侯氏黑散 Hou2's Black Powder
便 stool\HALT \NOUN
便干 dry stool
便出不爽 ungratifying defecation
便先硬后溏 hard stool followed by sloppy stool
便次频繁 frequent defecation
便血 bloody stool
便血 hemafecia
便利 uninhibited stool
便赤 red stool
便泄 diarrhea
便毒 bian> toxin [sore]
便秘 constipation
便秘 constipation
便闭 fecal block
便意 desire to defecate
便意频数 frequent desire to defecate
便溺秘涩 constipation and rough urination
便溺清利 clear uninhibited stool and urine
便质 consistency of stool
便浊 turbid urine
便燥 dry stool
便脓血 stool containing pus and blood
便难 difficult defecation
便溏 sloppy stool
stand beside
侠玉泉 Guarding Jade Spring
侠白 LU-04\w
侠白 Guarding White
侠溪 GB-43\w
侠溪 Pinched Ravine
侠瘿 pearl-string lumps
保元汤 Origin-Preserving Decoction
保安万灵丹 Safeguard Unlimited Efficacy Elixir
保赤散 Infant-Safeguarding Red Powder
保和丸 Harmony-Preserving Pill
保胎丸 Fetus-Safeguarding Pill [NIS]
保胎资生丸 Fetus-Safeguarding Life-Supporting Pill
保真汤 True-Safeguarding Decoction
保产无忧方 Carefree Pregnancy Formula
保产无忧散 Carefree Pregnancy Powder
保阴煎 Yin1-Safeguarding Brew
保护胃气 safeguards stomach qi4
保护脾胃 safeguards the stomach
skipping\HALT \ADJ
hasty\HALT \ADJ
促脉 skipping pulse
促脉 rapid irregularly interrupted pulse
促进胃液分泌 stimulates secretion of stomach juices
促进食欲 increase the appetite
促进肠管蠕动 stimulate intestinal peristalsis
俗医 vulgar healer
rebellion\HALT \NOUN
acupuncture point\HALT \NOUN
transport point\HALT \NOUN
stream\HALT \NOUN
俞穴 acupuncture point
俞穴 transport point
俞穴 stream point\HALT
俞府 KI-27\w
俞府 Transport House
俞门 CV-05
俞门 Transport Gate
俞募配穴法 combining transport and alarm points
俞募配穴法 combining front and back points
| short for 兖州 <Yan3zhou1>, a place in <Shan1dong1> Province
兖州卷柏 Yanzhou spikemoss
encroach \VERB
冒犯 encroached by
冒犯 contract
冒风 * \Q{238zyjc}
冒家 patient suffering from veiling
冒暑 summerheat veiling
冠心一号 Coronary No.~1
冠心二号 Coronary No.~2
冠心病 coronary heart disease
冠心苏合丸 Coronary Storax*& Pill
冠果草 lophocarpus
c oronary bypass
coron ary atherosclerotic heart disease
whittle\HALT \VERB
in front of
前列腺炎 prostatitis
前列腺炎 prostatitis
前列腺增生症 prostatomegaly
前后隐珠 Hidden Pearls in Front and Back
前臼齿 remolars
前谷 SI-02\w
前谷 Front Valley
前胡 peucedanum [root]
前庭大腺 Bartholin's glands
前庭大腺炎 bartholinitis
a nterior chest wall syndrome
前阴 anterior yin1
前阴 genitals
前章门 SP-12
前章门 Front Camphorwood Gate
前顶 GV-21\w
前顶 Before the Vertex
前进 Advance
前发际 anterior hairline
前锯肌 anterior serratus muscle
前头百会 GV-22
前头百会 Hundred Convergences of the Forehead
前头痛 anterior headache
前臂 forearm
前关 GB-01
前关 Foregate
前溲 urine
勃起 erection
勃起不能 impotence
_+ five-finger fig root
南山楂 southern crataegus [fruit]
南五加皮 acanthopanax [root bark]
南五味子 southern schisandra [berry]
南五味子叶 long-stalked kadsura leaf
南天 nandina leaf
南天竹 nandina leaf
南天竹子 nandina fruit
南天竹根 nandina root
南天竹梗 nandina stem
南天竹叶 nandina leaf
南天竺 nandina leaf
南木香 Yun2nan2 aristolochia [root]
南北朝 Northern and Southern Dynasties
南瓜 pumpkin
南瓜七 Si4chuan1 ligularia [root]
南瓜子 pumpkin seed
南瓜仁 pumpkin seed
南瓜花 pumpkin flower
南瓜根 pumpkin root
南瓜蒂 pumpkin stalk
南瓜叶 pumpkin leaf
南瓜藤 pumpkin stem
南瓜瓤 pumpkin flesh
南瓜须 pumpkin stem hair
南竹 nandina leaf
南宋 Southern Song4>
南杏仁 southern apricot kernel
南沙参 adenophora [root]
南豆 lablab [bean]
南豆 broad bean
南竺 nandina leaf
南扁豆 lablab [bean]
南星 arisaema [root]
南星曲 arisaema leaven
南洋午鱼 giant threadfin
南细辛 Forbes' asarum
南蛇竻苗 snake bramble shoot
南蛇竻根 snake bramble root
南朝 Southern Dynasties
南枣 ??
南椒 zanthoxylum [husk]
南酸枣 hog plum
南烛 nandina leaf
南烛子 Asiatic bilberry
南烛根 Asiatic bilberry root
南烛叶 Asiatic bilberry leaf
南薄荷 mint
南姜 galangal [root]
南藤 nanteng [stem and leaf]
南鹤虱 wild carrot fruit
南葶苈 descurainia [seed]
却暑 eliminate summerheat
thick\HALT \ADJ
厚皮树 lannea [bark]
厚朴 officinal magnolia bark
厚朴七物汤 Officinal Magnolia Bark*& Seven Agents Decoction
厚朴三物汤 Officinal Magnolia Bark*& Three Agents Decoction
厚朴子 magnolia seed
cinal Magnolia Bark*&, Fresh Ginger, Pinellia, Ginseng, and
Licorice Decoction
cinal Magnolia Bark*&, Fresh Ginger, Pinellia, Licorice, and
Ginseng Decoction
厚朴花 officinal magnolia flower
厚朴温中汤 Officinal Magnolia Bark*& Center-Warming Decoction
厚苔 thick fur
厚肠胃 thicken the stomach and intestines
厚朴 officinal magnolia bark
grind (the teeth)
咬牙 grinding of the teeth
咬牙 bruxism
咬牙吊眼 grinding of the teeth and hoisted (i.e., upturned) eyes
咬合面 occlusal surface
salty\HALT \ADJ, saltiness \NOUN, salted \ADJ
咸入肾 saltiness enters the kidney
咸大芸 salted cistanche
咸味涌泄为阴 salty, upwelling, and discharging [medicinals] are yin1
咸附子 salted aconite [accessory root]
咸寒增液 increase humor with cold and saltiness
咸酸_+ embelia [root]
咸橄榄核 salty Chinese olive pit
咸丰草 small white-flowered beggar's-ticks
咸苁蓉 salted cistanche
non-productive cough\HALT \NOUN
咳吐 coughing and spitting
咳血 coughing of blood
咳血方 Blood Cough Formula
咳气上逆 cough and counterflow qi4 ascent
咳逆 cough and counterflow
咳逆上气 cough and counterflow qi4 ascent
咳逆上气 counterflow qi4 ascent cough
咳逆倚息 cough and counterflow with propped breathing
咳喘 cough and panting
咳唾引痛 cough and spitting that induces pain
咳呛 dry cough
咳痰 coughing of phlegm
咳痰 cough with phlegm
咳痰不爽 ungratifying coughing of phlegm
咳痰带血 cough with blood-flecked phlegm
咳痰清稀 coughing of clear phlegm
咳痰黄稠 cough with thick yellow phlegm
咳嗽 cough
咳嗽 cough
咳嗽多痰 cough with copious phlegm
咳嗽血 coughing of blood
咳嗽咽干 cough and dry throat
咳嗽兼喘 cough with panting
咳嗽气喘 panting and cough
咳嗽胸闷 cough and oppression in the chest
咳嗽阵作 paroxysmal cough
咳嗽连声不已 bouts of continuous coughing
咳嗽喘逆 cough and panting counterflow
咳嗽痰中带血 cough with blood in the phlegm
咳嗽笾重 pronounced cough
咳嚏 cough and sneezing
咳声低弱 weak low coughing sound
咳声重浊 heavy turbid voice
swallow\HALT \VERB
pharynx\HALT \NOUN, pharyngeal \ADJ
咽干 dry throat
咽干 dry pharynx
咽干口渴 dry throat and thirst
咽干少痰 dry throat with scant phlegm
咽干舌燥 dry throat and tongue
咽中常有异物感 subjective feeling of a lump in the throat
咽后痈 welling-abscess of the back of the throat
咽炎 pharyngitis
咽炎 pharyngitis
咽门 gate of the throat
咽喉 throat
咽喉干毛 tickly dry throat
咽喉干痛 sore dry throat
咽喉干燥 dry throat
咽喉干痒 dry itchy throat
咽喉不利 inhibited throat
咽喉白腐 white putrid throat
咽喉科 throat department
咽喉红痛 red sore throat
咽喉红肿 red swollen throat
咽喉红肿疼痛 sore red swollen throat
咽喉红肿痛 red sore swollen throat
咽喉红烂 red putrifying throat
咽喉病 disease of the throat
咽喉骨哽 bones stuck in the throat
咽喉痛 sore throat
咽喉发红疼痛 red sore throat
咽喉菌 throat mushroom
咽喉肿痛 sore swollen throat
咽喉燥痛 sore dry throat
咽喉烂痛 putrefying sore throat
咽痛 sore pharynx
咽菌 pharyngeal mushroom
咽肿 swollen throat
咽肿 swollen pharynx
咽酸 acid swallowing
咽酸 acid regurgitation
咽燥 dry pharynx
咽痒 itchy pharynx
咽賗困难 difficulty in swallowing

发布于 2023-04-12 17:06:14