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old woman
婆固脂 psoralea [fruit]
婆罗门皂荚 drumstick tree fruit
婆罗门根 curculigo [root]
| surname
寇宗奭 Kou4 Zong1-Shi4>
third earthly branch
寅时 B3 watch
寄奴 anomalous artemisia
寄生 mistletoe
寄生草 mistletoe
寄生黄 involucrate balanophora
寄生树 mistletoe
寄生虫病 parasitic diseases
寄生藤 henslowia
寄马桩 desert asparagus
宿 abide\HALT \VERB, abiding \ADJ
宿食 abiding food
宿食内停 abiding food
宿食初滞 abiding food of recent onset
宿食新滞 abiding food of recent onset
宿疾 abiding ailment
宿寒 abiding cold
宿痰 abiding phlegm
宿滞 food stagnation
宿翳 residual screen
密陀僧 litharge
密陀僧散 Litharge Powder
密蒙花 buddleia [flower]
密蒙花散 Buddleia Powder
specialized\HALT \ADJ; speciality \NOUN
专科证候 specialty patterns
about to
general (military rank)
command\HALT \VERB
将军 rhubarb
将军之官 office of general
崇骨 Lofty Bone
崖棕根 palm sedge
昆仑瓜 eggplant
昆仑紫瓜 eggplant
昆仑黄 orpiment
flooding\HALT \NOUN
崩大碗 centella
崩中 flooding
崩中暴下 fulminant flooding
崩带 flooding and vaginal discharge
崩漏 flooding and spotting
崩证极验方 Well-Tried Flooding Formula
| surname
崔氏八味丸 Cui1's Eight-Ingredient Pill [NIS]
岗松 baeckea
岗梅根 rough-leaved holly root
岗梅叶 rough-leaved holly leaf
岗稔子 rose myrtle seed
| surname
巢元方 Chao2 Yuan2-Fang1>
巢静脉 ovarian vein
normal\HALT \ADJ
常山 dichroa [root]
常山饮 Dichroa Beverage
常用方剂 commonly used formula
常色 normal complexion
常春藤 Chinese ivy
常春藤子 Chinese ivy fruit
常脉 normal pulse
girdle\HALT \NOUN, \VERB, girdling \ADJ
vaginal discharge
带下 vaginal discharge
带下 women's diseases
带下白 white vaginal discharge
带下如注 pouring vaginal discharge
带下赤 red vaginal discharge
带下青 green-blue vaginal discharge
带下病 women's diseases
带下病症状 vaginal discharge symptoms
带下黄 yellow vaginal discharge
带下黑 black vaginal discharge
带下医 women's doctor
带皮莲子 lotus fruit
带皮茯苓 poria with skin [NID]
带有脓血 containing pus and blood
带状_+herpes zoster
带脉 girdling vessel
带脉 GIV
带脉 GB-26\w
带脉 Girdling Vessel
带脉失约 girdling vessel failing to ensure retention
带鱼 hairtail [flesh]
带壳莲子 lotus fruit
带浊 turbid vaginal discharge
康复 recovery
康复力 comfrey
康福力 comfrey
mediocr, e
庸医 vulgar healer
庵摩勒 emblic
庵摩落迦果 emblic
庵闾子 Keiske artemisia fruit [NID]
| surname
张口抬肩 gaping mouth and raised shoulders
张子和 Zhang1 Zi3-He2>
张元素 Zhang1 Yuan2-Su4>
张公鱼 Asiatic snakehead
张氏医通 Zhang's Clear View of Medicine
张仲景 Zhang1 Zhong4-Jing3>
张肌 tensor
张景岳 Zhang1 Jing3-Yue4>
张机 Zhang1 Ji>
张璐 Zhang1 Lu4>
strong\HALT \ADJ; strengthen \VERB
stiff\HALT \ADJ, stiffness \NOUN
强上 upward pulling rigidity
强中 rigid center
强心 strengthen the heart
强心 strengthen the heart
强欠 belching
强壮身体 strengthen the body
强冲 Strong Surge
强身体 strengthen the body
强直 rigid
强直 rigidity
强音 Strong Sound
强烈 strong
强脉 strong pulse
强胯 Strong Thigh
强阴 strengthen yin1
强筋壮骨 strengthen sinew and bone
强筋骨 strengthen sinew and bone
强肾生精 strengthen the kidney and engender essence
强肾固精 strengthen the kidney and secure essence
强间 GV-18\w
强间 Unyielding Space
强阳 BL-08
强阳 Strong Yang2
强腰膝 strengthen the lumbus and knees
强补肝肾 stronly supplement the liver and kidney
强膂 cibotium [root]
彩斑桑勒草 sonerila
彩叶莴苣 red winter cos
得按则减 relieved by pressure
得食则减 relieved by eating
得气 obtain qi4
得气 obtaining qi4
得神 spiritedness
得凉则舒 relieved by coolness
得寒则甚 exacerbated by cold
得微汗而解 otain resolution through slight sweating
得温痛减 pain relieved by warmth
得热则缓 relieved by heat
得热痛减 pain relieved by pressure
得热痛减 pain relieved by heat
migrate\HALT \VERB
徙薪汤 Firewood-Removing Decoction
从化 transformation
从外测内 judging the inside by the outside
从治 coacting treatment
从者反治 co-action is paradoxical treatment
从容 calm and leisurely
从阴化寒 cold forming with yin1
从阳化热 heat forming with yang2
从龙汤 Dragon-Chasing Decoction
pace up and down
徘徊花 rose
ride a carriage
御米壳 poppy husk
御苑匀气散 Imperial Garden Qi4-Evening Powder
御菜 Malabar spinach
御医 imperial physician
御药院 Imperial Drug Museum
患人 patient
患儿 child patient
患者 patient
患门 Suffering Gate
患侧 affected side
患处 affected area
affect\HALT \NOUN
情志 affect-mind
情志 emotion
情志不舒 affect-mind ill-being
情志不遂 affect-mind dissatisfaction
情志内伤 affect-mind internal damage
情志郁结 affect-mind binding depression
情志郁结 emotional depression
情感性精神障碍 affective disorders
情绪 emotion
情绪抑郁不乐 emotional depression
情绪易激动 impulsiveness
情绪易激动 excitable
情绪忧郁 melancholic
悸心痛 palpitations heart pain
悸动 stirring palpitation
控涎丹 Drool-Controlling Elixir
控脑痧 brain-gripping sand
卷心菜 white cabbage
卷柏 selaginella
卷丝苦苣苔 King's corallodiscus
clasp under the arm
掖门 TB-02
掖门 Armpit Gate
poke around
探吐 mechanical ejection
接脊 Spine Joiner
接骨 Bone Joiner
接骨丹 Bone-Joining Elixir
接骨丹 (1) eriolaena
接骨丹 (2) torricellia [bark and leaf]
接骨木 (1) Asiatic elder twig
接骨木 (2) elder
接骨木 (3) sarcandra [twig and leaf]
接骨木花 Asiatic elder flower
接骨木根 Asiatic elder root
接骨木叶 Asiatic elder leaf
接骨草 (1) gyrating desmodium
接骨草 (2) Steward's Elatostema
接骨草 (3) elder
接骨草 (4) Formosan elder
接骨药 erythrina [bark]
接骨续筋 join sinew and bone
接触性皮炎 contact dermatitis
掘进(一) Dig Forward \#1
掘进(二) Dig Forward \#2
掘进(三) Dig Forward \#3
掘进(四) Dig Forward \#4
shaking\HALT \NOUN
扫帚 brush
扫盆 calomel
扫虫煎 Worm-Sweeping Brew
挂衣 coat
挂金灯 lantern plant calyx
挂钩藤 uncaria [stem and thorn]
挂线法 threaded ligation
挂线疗法 threaded ligation
推之不动 not to move when pushed
推之不移 not to move when pushed
推之不移 failing to move when pushed
推之不移 immovable
推之可动 move when pushed
推法 pushing
推拿 tui1na2
推拿手法法 tui1na2 manipulation
推拿疗法 tui1na2 therapy
推拿疗法 massotherapy
推气法 qi4-pushing method
推陈至新 remove the old and institute the new
推寻 pushing an searching
推荡肠胃积滞 shift gastrointestinal accumulation and stagnation
推罐 push-cupping
推罐法 push-cupping
授乳 breast feeding
授胎 produce a fetus
expel\HALT \VERB
排出 elimination
排石 expel stones
排石汤 Stone-Expelling Decoction
排托 expel and draw
排托 expulsion and drawing
排尿 urinate
排尿困难 dysuria
排便 defecate
排便不爽 ungratifying defecation
排便困难 difficult defecation
排便感 sensation accompanying defecation
排风散 Wind-Expelling Powder
排气饮 Qi4-Discharging Beverage
排气觉舒 discomfort relieved by the passing of flatus
排针 needle removal
排除消化道积气 expel accumulated qi4 (gas) in the a digestive tract
排除结石 expel stones
排骨灵 bracteolate fissistigma [root bark]
排钱草 string-of-cash
排钱草根 string-of-cash root
排钱树 string-of-cash
排粪 defecation
排脓 expel pus
排脓托毒 expel pus and draw toxin
排脓消肿 expel pus and disperse swelling
排脓散 Pus-Expelling Powder
排脓散及汤 Pus-Expelling Powder Plus Decoction
排脓汤 Pus-Expelling Decoction
掀衣 reject clothing
rotate\HALT \VERB, rotation \NOUN
twirl\HALT \VERB, twirling \NOUN
捻衣摸床 picking at bedclothes
捻衣摸床 carphology
捻衣摸床 carphologia
捻针 needle twirling
捻转 rotation
捻转 twirling
捻转补泻 twirling supplementation and drainage
捻转补泻手法 rotating supplementation and drainage
rescue\HALT \VERB
救必应 iron holly [bark]
救母丹 Mother's Rescue Elixir
救急药 emergency medicinals
救军粮叶 firethorn leaf
救捐安胎汤 Fetus-Rescuing Decoction
救荒本草 Herbal Foundation for Famines
救逆 stem counterflow
救脱 stem desertion
救脱活母汤 Desertion-Stemming Mother-Reviving Decoction
救阴中之阳 rescue the yang2 in yin1
救厥 stem reversal
救阳 rescue yang2
救阳中之阳 rescue the yang2 in yang2
vanquish\HALT \VERB
败血 vanquished blood
败血冲心 vanquished blood surging into the heart
败血冲肺 vanquished blood surging into the lung
败血冲胃 vanquished blood surging into the stomach
败毒散 Toxin-Vanquishing Powder
败龟甲 tortoise plastron
败龟板 tortoise plastron
败龟版 tortoise plastron
败酱 patrinia
败酱草 patrinia
败坏 vanquished
启宫丸 Uterus-Opening Pill
启闭开窍 break the block and open the orifices
启脾 arouse the spleen
启脾丸 Spleen-Arousing Pill
启脾散 Spleen-Arousing Pill
启脾汤 Spleen-Arousing Decoction
启膈散 Diaphragm-Arousing Powder
敏豆 kidney bean
敏豆 snap bean
oblique\HALT \ADJ
deviated\HALT \ADJ, deviation \NOUN
斜切 cut obliquely
斜方肌 trapezius muscle
斜片 oblique slice
斜刺 oblique insertion
斜飞脉 oblique-running pulse
斜视 squint
斜视 strabismus
斩龙剑 Siberian veronicastrum
旋仆 spinning collapse
旋耳疮 ear-turning sore
旋俞 BL-29
旋俞 Return Transport
旋前肌 pronator
旋后肌 supinator
旋机 CV-21
旋机 Swivel Mechanism
旋覆代赭汤 see 旋覆花代赭石汤
旋覆花 inula flower
旋覆花代赭石汤 Inula and Hematite Decoction
旋覆花根 inula root
旋覆花汤 Inula Decoction
旋覆梗 inula
旋转肌 rotator
旋转法 rotating
旋鸡尾 microsorium
昼夜无度 days and night without measure
晚上 evening
晚上 night
晚服 take at night
晚发 late emergence
晚饭 dinner
晚餐 dinner
晚蚕沙 silkworm droppings
early morning
晨泄 early morning diarrhea
晦暗 dark
晦暗 somber
| surname
曹家达 Cao2 Jia1-Da2>
曹溪路 GV-01
曹溪路 Cao's Ravine Road
曹颖甫 Cao2 Ying3-Fu3>
曹溪 GV-16
曹溪 Cao's Ravine
inspect\HALT \VERB, inspection \NOUN
望二便 inspection of stool and urine
望人中 inspection of the philtrum
望五官 inspection of the five offices
望月砂 hare's droppings
望皮肤 inspection of the skin
望江南 coffee senna
望江南子 coffee senna fruit
望色 inspection of the complexion
望色十法 ten-principle examination of the complexion
望色泽 inspection of the complexion
望形态 inspection of form and bearing
望果 emblic
望神 inspection of the spirit
望排出物 inspection of excreta
望眼神 inspection of the eye spirit
望络脉 inspection of the networkwork vessels
望诊 inspection\HALT
望诊 looking examination
望诊 visual examination
望痰 inspection of phlegm
望经血 inspection of menstrual blood
望齿 inspection of the teeth
望头面部 inspection of the head and face
| surname
梁丘 ST-34\w
梁丘 Beam Hill
梁门 ST-21\w
梁门 Beam Gate
梁运通 Liang2 Yun4-Tong1>
梁关 BL-63
梁关 Beam Gate
梓木 catalpa wood
梓白皮 catalpa bark
梓皮 catalpa bark
梓叶 catalpa leaf
梓实 catalpa fruit
梵天花 procumbent urena
杆菌 bacterium (pl. bacteria)
| plant name
梧桐子 firmiana seed
梧桐白皮 firmiana bark
梧桐花 firmiana flower
梧桐根 firmiana root
梧桐叶 firmiana leaf
梗通草 sensitive joint vetch wood
cast off
弃衣而走 casting off one's clothes and running around
梅干菜 dry-pickled mustard
梅片 borneol
梅尼尔氏病 Meniere's disease
梅冰 borneol
梅花 Plum Blossom
梅花 mume flower
梅花 white mume flower
梅花片脑 borneol
梅花刺果 Himalayan prinsepia fruit
梅花刺根 Himalayan prinsepia root
梅花草 marsh parnassia
梅花针 plum-blossom needle
梅花粥 Plum Blossom Gruel
梅花脑 borneol
梅花脑子 borneol
梅花点舌丹 Plum Blossom Tongue Elixir
梅毒 syphilis
梅毒 syphilis
梅毒恶疮 syphillis with malign sores
梅核仁 mume kernel
梅核气 plum-pit qi4
梅根 mume root
梅梗 mume stem
梅叶 mume leaf
梅实 mume [fruit]
梅露 mume [fruit] distillate
栀子 gardenia [fruit]
栀子大黄汤 Gardenia and Rhubarb Decoction
栀子干姜汤 Gardenia and Dried Ginger Decoction
栀子仁 gardenia seed [NID]
栀子仁粥 Gardenia Gruel
栀子甘草豉汤 Gardenia, Licorice, and Fermented Soybean Decoction
栀子生姜豉汤 Gardenia, Fresh Ginger, and Fermented Soybean Decoction
栀子豆豉汤 Gardenia and Fermented Soybean Decoction
栀子花 gardenia flower
栀子花根 gardenia root
栀子金花丸 Gardenia Golden Flower Pill [NIS]
栀子金花汤 Gardenia Golden Flower Decoction [NIS]
栀子厚朴汤 Gardenia and Officinal Magnolia Bark*& Decoction
栀子柏皮汤 Gardenia and Phellodendron Decoction
栀子炭 charred gardenia [fruit]
栀子炭 charred gardenia [NID]
栀子清肝汤 Gardenia Liver-Draining Decoction
栀子豉汤 Gardenia and Fermented Soybean Decoction
栀子叶 gardenia leaf
栀连二陈汤 Gardenia and Coptis Two Matured Ingredients Decoction
thin stem
条口 ST-38\w
条口 Ribbon Opening
条达 orderly reaching
条芩 young scutellaria [root]
梨木皮 pear bark
梨木灰 pear bark ash
梨汁 pear juice
梨皮 pear peel
梨枝 pear twig
梨状肌综合症 piriformis syndrome
梨叶 pear leaf
梨树根 pear root
desire\HALT \VERB, \NOUN
verging on\HALT \VERB-\PREP
欲吐 desire to vomit
esire to vomit without vomiting and desire for diarrhea without
欲念妄动 stirring of wild desires
欲便不得 ungratified desire to defecate
欲便而不得便 desire but inability to defecate
欲食不下 desire to eat with inability to get food down
欲脱 verging on desertion
欲揭衣被 desire to throw off clothing or bedclothes
欲传 imminent passage
杀蛔虫 kill roundworm
杀虫 kill worms
杀虫消疳 kill worms and disperse gan1
杀虫消积 kill worms and disperse accumulation
毫毛 down
毫白芍 Anhui white peony [root]
毫针 fine needle
毫针 filiform needle
毫菊 Hao chrysanthemum [flower]
drool\HALT \NOUN
涎下 drooling
涎上昏危 rising drool and critical clouding
涎水 drool
涎石病 sialolithiasis
涎石病 sialithiasis
涎为脾液 drool is the humor of the spleen
涎唾 drool and spittle
涎唾 drool-spittle
凉瓜 balsam pear
凉汗淋漓 cold dripping sweat
凉血 cool the blood
凉血化斑 cool the blood and transform macules
凉血止血 cool the blood and stanch bleeding
凉血四物汤 Blood-Cooling Four Agents Decoction
凉血地黄汤 Blood-Cooling Rehmannia Decoction
凉血安胎 cool the blood and quiet the fetus
凉血而清热 cool the blood and clear heat
凉血明目 cool the blood and brighten the eyes
凉血活血 clear and quicken the blood
凉血消瘀 cool the blood and disperse stasis
凉血消肿 cool the blood and disperse swelling
凉血退虚 cool the blood and abate vacuity
凉血除蒸 cool the blood and eliminate steaming [bones]
凉血清热 cool the blood and clear heat
凉血通便 cool the blood and free the stool
凉血散血 cool and dissipate the blood
凉血解毒 cool the blood and resolve toxin
凉血熄风 cool the blood and extinguish wind
凉血药 blood-cooling medicinal
凉肝 cool the liver
凉肝明日 clear the liver and brighten the eyes
凉肝熄风 cool the liver and extinguish wind
凉肝胆 cool the liver and gallbladder
凉衍豆 lablab [bean]
凉粉果 creeping fig fruit
凉粉草 jellywort
凉茶藤 hairy mussaenda [stem and leaf]
凉菜 watercress
凉开 cool opening
凉开法 cool opening method
凉膈连翘散 Diaphragm-Cooling Forsythia Powder
凉膈散 Diaphragm-Cooling Powder
凉营清气汤 Construction-Cooling Qi4-Clearing Decoction
凉营开窍 cool construction and open the orifices
凉燥 cool dryness
凉燥证 cool dryness pattern
凉藤 hairy mussaenda [stem and leaf]
凉惊丸 Fright-Cooling Pill
honest and simple
| 淳于 <Chu2-Yu2>, a surname
淳于意 Chun2-Yu2 Yi4>
humor\HALT \NOUN
液干便血 dry humor bloody stool
液干便结 dry humor bound stool
液门 TB-02
液门 GB-22
液门 ST-27
液门 Humor Gate
液门 Humor Gate
液门 Humor Gate
液脱 humor desertion
液脱证 patttern of humor desertion
液燥生风 dryness of humor engendering wind
pale\HALT \ADJ
bland\HALT \ADJ, blandness \NOUN
淡大芸 sweet cistanche
淡干姜 dried ginger
淡白舌 pale tongue
淡竹皮茹 bamboo shavings
淡竹米 lophatherum
淡竹根 bamboo root
淡竹茹 bamboo shavings
淡竹壳 bamboo sheath
淡竹笋 bamboo shoot
淡竹叶 lophatherum
淡竹叶汤 Lophatherum*& Decoction
淡竹沥 bamboo sap
淡豆豉 fermented soybean (1)
淡豆豉 fermented soybean (1)
淡味当药 dilute swertia
淡味渗泄为阳 bland [medicinals] that percolate and drain are yang2
淡附片 desalted aconite [accessory root]
淡秋石 non-salty processed urine sediment
淡红舌 pale red tongue
淡菜 mussel
淡黄 pale yellow
淡渗利水 disinhibit water by bland percolation
淡渗利水法 bland percolating water-disinhibiting method
淡渗利水药 bland percolating water-disinhibiting medicinal
淡渗利尿 disinhibit urine by bland percolation
淡渗利湿 disinhibit dampness by bland percolation
淡盐汤送下 swallow with weak brine
淡苁蓉 sweet cistanche
put forth (tears, saliva)
淌口水 drooling
浅掌弓 superficial palmar arch
clear\HALT \ADJ, \VERB, clearing \NOUN
plain\HALT \NOUN
清上丸 Upper-Body-Clearing Pill
清上防风汤 Upper-Body-Clearing Saposhnikovia*& Decoction
清上散 Upper-Body-Clearing Powder
清上焦毒热 clear upper burner toxic heat
清上蠲痛汤 Upper-Body-Clearing Pain-Alleviating Decoction
清大肠邪热 clear large intestinal evil heat
清中汤 Center-Clearing Decoction
清内热 clear internal heat
清化 clear and transform
清化丸 Clearing and Transforming Pill
清化暑湿 clear and transform summerheat-damp
清化饮 Clearing Transforming Beverage
清化湿热 clear heat and transform dampness
清少阳邪热 clear lesser yang2 evil heat
清心 clear the heart
清心火 clear heart fire
清心益肾 clear the heart and boost the kidney
清心凉膈汤 Heart-Clearing Diaphragm-Cooling Decoction
清心开窍 clear the heart and open the orifices
清心涤热 clear the heart and flush heat
清心热 clear heart heat
清心莲子饮 Heart-Clearing Lotus Seed Beverage
清心泻火 clear the heart and drain fire
清火 clear fire
清火 fire clearing
清代九科 nine branches of medicine in the Qi4ng Dynasty
清半夏 purified pinellia [rhizome]
清肌安蛔汤 Flesh-Clearing Roundworm-Quieting Decoction
清肌表 clear the fleshy exterior
清肌表之热 clear heat from the fleshy exterior
清血 clear the blood
清血分之热 clear heat from the blood aspect
清血分伏热 clear blood-aspect latent heat
清血分热 clear blood-aspect heat
清血热 clear blood heat
清余毒 clear residual toxin
清冷泉 TB-11
清冷泉 Clear Cold Spring
清冷渊 TB-11
清冷渊 Clear Cold Abyss
清利 clear and disinhibit
清利三焦 clear and disinhibit the triple burner
清利小便 clear and disinhibit urine
清利肝胆 clear and disinhibit liver and gallbladder
清利肝胆湿热 clear and disinhibit liver and gallbladder damp-heat
清利膀胱湿热 clear and disinhibit bladder damp-heat
清利湿热 clear heat and disinhibit dampness
清冲任血热 clear thoroughfare and controlling vessel blood heat
清肝 clear the liver
清肝丸 Liver-Clearing Pill [NIS]
清肝火 clear liver fire
清肝明目 clear the liver and brighten the eyes
清肝明目药 liver-clearing eye-brightening medicinal
清肝保脑丸 Liver-Clearing Brain-Safeguarding Pill
清肝经虚热 clear the liver channel vacuity heat
清肝渗湿汤 Liver-Clearing Dampness-Percolating Decoction
清肝熄风 clear the liver and extinguish wind
清肝热 clear liver heat
清肝胆郁热 clear liver-gallblader depressed heat
清肝胆虚热 clear liver-gallbladder vacuity heat
清肝泻火 clear the liver and drain fire
清肝泻肺 clear the liver and drain the lung
清肝芦荟丸 Liver-Clearing Aloe Pill
清邪 clear evil
清明 Pure Brightness
清昊 TB-11
清昊 Clear Sky
清法 clearing
清泄少阳 clear and discharge the lesser yang2
清泄里热 clear and discharge interior heat
清泄肺热 clear and discharge lung heat
清泄相火 clear and discharge the ministerial fire
清泄虚热 clear and discharge vacuity heat
清泄阳明 clearing and discharging yang2 brightness
清油 soy sauce
清炒 plain stir-fry
清炒 stir-fry without adjuvants
清空散 Clear Sky Powder
清空膏 Clear Sky Paste
清肺 clear the lung
清肺化痰丸 Lung-Clearing Phlegm-Transforming Pill
清肺止咳 clear the lung and suppress cough
清肺平喘 clear the lung and calm panting
清肺胃痰热 clear lung-stomach phlegm-heat
清肺消痰 clear the lung and disperse phlegm
清肺透疹 clear the lung and outthrust papules
清肺汤 Lung-Clearing Decoction
清肺饮\Q{wuyan??} Lung-Clearing Beverage
清肺饮子 Lung-Clearing Drink
清肺润燥 clear the lung and moisten dryness
清肺热 clear lung heat
清金 clear metal
清金化痰汤 Metal-Clearing Phlegm-Transforming Decoction
清金降火 clear metal and downbear fire
清便 eliminations
清便自调 normal eliminations
清咽 clear pharyngeal heat
清咽下痰汤\Q{wuyan??} Throat-Clearing Phlegm-Precipitating Decoction
清咽利膈汤 Throat-Clearing Diaphragm-Disinhibiting Decoction
清咽汤 Throat-Clearing Decoction
清咽润噪汤 Throat-Clearing Dryness-Moistening Decoction
清咽养营汤 Throat-Clearing Construction-Nourishing Decoction
清宣肺热 clear and diffuse lung heat
清宣郁热 clear and diffuse depressed heat
清胃 clear the stomach
清胃火 clear stomach fire
清胃固齿 clear the stomach and secure the teeth
清胃泄热 clear the stomach and discharge heat
清胃降逆 clear the stomach and downbear counterflow
清胃散 Stomach-Clearing Powder
清胃汤 Stomach-Clearing Decoction
清胃热 clear stomach heat
清降胃火 clear and downbear stomach fire
清音丸 Voice-Clearing Pill
清宫 clear the palace
清宫汤 Palace-Clearing Decoction
清气 clear qi4
清气不升 clear qi4 failing to bear upward
清气不升 non-upbearing of clear qi4
清气不升 non-upbearing of clear qi4
清气分热 clear qi4-aspect heat
清气化痰丸 Qi4-Clearing Phlegm-Transforming Pill
清气凉营 clear qi4 and cool construction
清气热 clear qi4 heat
清涕 clear snivel (nasal mucus)
清海丸 Clear Sea Pill
清眩饮 Dizziness-Clearing Beverage
清胰一号 Pancreas-Clearing Formula No.~1
清胰二号 Pancreas-Clearing Formula No.~2
清胰汤 Pancreas-Clearing Decoction
清酒 clear wine [NID]
清除下焦湿热 clear and eliminate lower burner damp-heat
清除阴分伏热 clear and eliminate latent heat in the yin1 aspect
清除湿热 clear damp-heat
清骨散 Bone-Clearing Powder
清带汤 Discharge-Clearing Decoction
清晨泄 early morning diarrhea
清凉甘露饮 Cool Clearing Sweet Dew Beverage
清凉血 clear and cool the blood
清凉芳香 cool and aromatic
清凉饮 Cool Clearing Beverage
清凉解毒 resolve toxin with clearing coolness
清凉解暑 resolve summerheat with cool clearing medicinals
清凉膏 Cool Clearing Paste
清透邪热 clear and outhrust evil heat
c lear and dissipate upper burner heart heart-lung heat evil
清散上焦风热 clear and dissipate upper burner wind-heat
清散肺热 clears and dissipates lung heat
清暑 clear summerheat
清暑利湿 clear summerheat and disinhibit dampness
清暑益气 clear summerheat and boost qi4
清暑益气汤 Summerheat-Clearing Qi4-Boosting Decoction
清暑热 clear summerheat-heat
清暑避秽 clear summerheat and repel foulness
清络保阴 clear the network vessels and preserve yin1
清络饮 Network-Clearing Beverage
清肃 depuration
清肃 depurate
清肃肺气 clear and depurate lung qi4
清肾中燥火 clear dryness-heat in the kidney
清脾除湿汤 Spleen-Clearing Dampness-Eliminating Decoction
清脾汤 Spleen-Clearing Decoction
清脾饮 Spleen-Clearing Beverage
清虚热 clear vacuity heat
清虚热剂 vacuity-heat--clearing formula
清虚热药 vacuity-heat-clearing medicinal
清阳 clear yang2
清阳不升 clear yang2 failing to bear upward
ear yang2 failing to bear upward and turbid yin1 failing to bear
no n-upbearing of clear yang2 and non-downbearing of turbid yin1
清阳出上窍 clear yang2 issues through the upper orifices
清阳发腠理 clear yang2 effuses through the interstices
清阳实四肢 clear yang2 makes the four limbs replete
清经止血汤 Channel-Clearing Blood-Stanching Decoction
清经散 Channel-Clearing Powder
清经汤(散) Channel-Clearing (Menses-Clearing) Decoction (Powder)
清肠饮 Intestine-Clearing Beverage
清肠润燥 clear the intestines and moisten dryness
清解片 Clearing Resolution Tablet
清解余毒 clear and resolve residual toxin
清解表热 clear and resolve exterior heat
清解透表汤 Clearing and Resolving Exterior-Outthrusting Decoction
清解暑热 clear and resolve summerheat-heat
清宁丸 Clear and Quiet Pill
清宁丸 Clear and Quiet Pill
清膈煎 Diaphragm-Cooling Brew
清蒸 steam without adjuvants
清蒸 plain-steam
清魂散 Ethereal-Soul-Clearing Powder
清鼻汤 Nose-Clearing Decoction
清热 clear heat
清热化斑 clear heat and transform macules
清热化痰 clear heat and transform phlegm
清热化痰开窍 clear heat, transform phlegm, and open the orifices
清热化痰药 heat-clearing phlegm-transforming medicinal
清热化湿 clear heat and transform dampness
清热止血 clear heat and stanch bleeding
清热止崩汤 Heat-Clearing Uterine Bleeding Decoction
清热止带汤 Heat-Clearing Discharge-Checking Decoction
清热生津 clear heat and engender liquid
清热安胎 clear and quiet the fetus
清热收敛药 heat-clearing astringing medicinal
清热利水 clear heat and disinhibit water
清热利湿 clear heat and disinhibit dampness
清热利湿剂 heat-clearing dampness-disinhibiting formula
清热攻下 clear heat and offensively precipitate
清热固经汤 Heat-Clearing Channel-Securing (Menses-Securing) Decoction
清热明目 clear heat and brighten the eyes
清热法 heat clearing method
清热治痢 clear heat and treat dysentery
清热保津法 Heat-Clearing Liquid-Safeguarding Formula
清热降火 clear heat and downbear fire
清热消肿 clear heat and disperse swelling
清热益胃 clear heat and boost the stomach
清热除烦 clear heat and eliminate vexation
清热除蒸 clear heat and eliminate steaming
清热排脓 clear heat and expel pus
清热凉血 clear heat and cool the blood
清热凉血止血药 heat-clearing, blood-cooling, and blood-stanching medicinal
清热凉血法 heat-clearing blood-cooling method
清热凉血剂 heat-clearing blood-cooling formula
清热凉血药 heat-clearing blood-cooling medicinal
清热通淋 clear heat and free strangury
清热散结 clear heat and dissipate binds
清热散痹汤 Heat-Clearing Impediment-Dissipating Decoction [NIS]
清热滋阴 clear heat and enrich yin1
清热开窍 clear heat and open the orifices
清热补血汤 Heat-Clearing Blood-Supplementing Decoction
清热补气汤 Heat-Clearing Qi4-Supplementing Decoction
清热解表 clear heat and resolve the exterior
清热解毒 clear heat and resolve toxin
清热解毒剂 heat-clearing toxin-resolving formula
清热解毒药 heat-clearing toxin-resolving medicinal
清热解暑 clear heat and resolve summerheat
清热解渴 clear heat and resolve thirst
清热熄风 clear heat and extinguish wind
清热润燥 clear heat and moisten dryness
清热调血汤 Heat-Clearing Blood-Regulating Decoction
清热剂 heat-clearing formula
清热导滞 clear heat and abduct stagnation
清热燥湿 clear heat and dry dampness
清热燥湿药 heat-clearing dampness-drying medicinal
清热泻下 clear heat and induce draining precipitation
清热泻火 clear heat and drain fire
清热泻火法 heat-clearing fire-draining method
清热泻火剂 heat-clearing fire-draining formula
清热泻火药 heat-clearing fire-draining medicinal
清热泻肺 clear the heart and drain fire
清热药 heat-clearing medicinal
清热祛湿 clear heat and dispel dampness
清瘟败毒饮 Scourge-Clearing Toxin-Vanquishing Beverage
清震汤 Clearing Invigoration Decoction
清头目 clear the head and eyes
清湿化痰汤 Dampness-Clearing Phlegm-Transforming Decoction
清湿热 clear damp-heat
清营 clear construction
清营泄热 clear construction and discharge heat
清营凉血 clear construction and cool the blood
清营透疹 clear construction and outthrust papules
清营汤 Construction-Clearing Decoction
清燥 clear dryness
清燥救肺汤 Dryness-Clearing Lung-Rescuing Decoction
清胆行气汤 Gallbladder-Clearing Qi4-Moving Decoction
清胆利湿汤 Gallbladder-Clearing Dampness-Disinhibiting Decoction
清胆汤 Gallbladder-Clearing Decoction
清胆泻火汤 Gallbladder-Clearing Fire-Draining Decoction
清泻 clear and drain
清泻三焦火热 clear and drain triple burner fire-heat
清泻心胃火热 clear and drain heart and stomach fire-heat
清泻肝胆 clear and drain the liver and gallbladder
清泻肝胆火热 clear and drain liver and gallbladder heat and fire
清泻肝胆湿热 clear and drain liver and gallbladder damp-heat
清泻肺经火热 clear and drain lung channel fire-heat
清泻肠热 clear and drain intestinal heat
清窍 clear orifice
清脏腑热 clear bowel and visceral heat
清灵 TB-11
清灵 Clear Spirit
strangury\HALT \NOUN
dribble\HALT \VERB
淋巴细胞 lymphocyte
淋巴结 lymph node
淋巴结核 tuberculosis of the lymph nodes
淋巴腺 lymph gland
淋巴管 lymph(atic) vessel
淋雨涉水 getting soaked in the rain or wading through water
淋家 person who suffers from strangury
淋病 gonorrhea
淋病 strangury disease
淋病涩痛 strangury disease with inhibited painful urination
淋润 sprinkle-moistening
淋浊 strangury-turbidity
淋沥 dribbling discharge
淋证 strangury patterns
淋露 dribbling
淋閟 strangury stoppage
淋漓 dribbling
淋漓 dripping
desiccate\HALT \VERB, desiccated \ADJ, desiccation \NOUN
混元皮 placenta
混合性聋 mixed deafness
混合痔 mixed hemorroids
混沌皮 eggshell
混沌皮 placenta
混沌衣 placenta
混睛障 murky eye obstruction
渊刺 deep-source needling
渊疽 armpit flat-abscess
渊液 GB-22
渊液 Abyss Humor
渊腋 GB-22\w
渊腋 Armpit Abyss
wash rice
淅二泔 rice water
淅淅恶风 wetted aversion to wind
moisten\HALT \VERB
tears\HALT \NOUN
泪孔 BL-01
泪孔 Tear Hole
泪出 tearing
泪出 lacrimation
泪空 BL-02
泪空 Tear Hole
泪泉 tear spring
泪为肝液 tears are the humor of the liver
泪骨 lacrimal bone
泪堂 tear hall
泪腔 BL-01
泪腔 Tear Cavity
泪腺 lacrimal gland
泪热 hot tears
泪点 tear spot
泪窍 tear orifice
泪囊 lacrimal sac
泪囊切开术 dacryocystotomy
泪囊炎 dacryocystitis
spread\HALT \VERB
excess\HALT \NOUN
lasciviousness\HALT \NOUN
淫羊藿 epimedium
淫羊藿根 epimedium root
淫泺 pain and weakness
淫泺胫酸 pain and weakness in the lower leg
深掌弓 deep palmar arch
Huai2> River(淮河)
淮山 dioscorea [root]
淮山药 dioscorea [root]
淮通 Moupin aristolochia
净府汤 Bowel-Cleansing Decoction
净苔 clean tongue fur
净腑 clean bowel
净肠菜 shepherd's purse
quench\HALT \VERB, quenching \NOUN
cook (in water)
烹调 cooking
烹调失宜 improper cooking
牵牛 morning glory [seed]
牵牛丸 Morning Glory Pill
牵牛子 morning glory [seed]
牵牛子末 powdered morning glory [seed]
牵牛子粥 Morning Glory Gruel
牵牛末 powdered morning glory [seed]
牵正 Pull Aright
牵正散 Pull Aright Powder
牵连 stretch
犁骨 vomer
犁头尖 lesser typhonium
犁头草 Japanese violet
率角 GB-08
率角 Following the Corner
率谷 GB-08\w
率谷 Valley Lead
率骨 GB-08
率骨 Following the Bone
球后 Back of the Ball
球拍甲 bat-shaped nail
球茎甘兰 kohlrabi
球兰 fleshy hoya [stem or leaf]
rectify\HALT \VERB, rectification \NOUN
理中 rectify the center
理中丸 Center-Rectifying Pill
理中化痰丸 Center-Rectifying Phlegm-Transforming Pill
理中安蛔丸 Center-Rectifying Worm-Quieting Pill [NIS]
理中安蛔散 Center-Rectifying Roundworm-Quieting Powder
理中汤 Center-Rectifying Decoction
理石 fibrous gypsum
理血 rectify the blood
理血法 blood-rectifying method
理肝气 rectify liver qi4
理法方药 principles, methods, formulas, and medicinals
理法方药 principles, methods, formulas, and medicinals
理肺散 climbing oldenlandia
理便 Rectified Convenience
理苓汤 Rectifying Poria Decoction
理气 rectify qi4
理气化痰 rectify qi4 and transform phlegm
理气化湿 rectify qi4 and transform dampness
理气化湿药 qi4-rectifying dampness-transforming medicinal
理气止痛 rectify qi4 and relieve pain
理气止呕 rectify qi4 and check vomiting
理气行滞 rectify qi4 and move stagnation
理气利水 rectify qi4 and disinhibit water
理气利水药 qi4-rectifying water-disinhibiting medicinal
理气和中 rectify qi4 and harmonize the center
理气和胃 rectify qi4 and harmonize the stomach
理气和营 rectify qi4 and harmonize construction
理气法 qi4-rectifying method
理气活结 rectify qi4 and quicken binds
理气降逆 rectify qi4 and downbear counterflow
理气消胀 rectify qi4 and disperse distention
理气逆 rectify qi4 counterflow
理气除胀 rectify qi4 and eliminate distention
理气健脾 rectify qi4 and fortify the spleen
理气开胃 rectify qi4 and open the stomach
理气开郁 rectify qi4 and open depression
理气宽胸 rectify qi4 and loosen the chest
理气调经 rectify qi4 and regulate menstruation
理气药 qi4-rectifying medicinal
理气驱虫药 qi4-rectifying worm-expelling medicinal
理阴煎 Yin1-Rectifying Brew
理脾 rectify the spleen
理脾和胃 rectify the spleen and harmonize the stomach
理伤续断 treat injuries and mend breakages
理瀹骈文 Topical Remedies in Rhyme
现代医学 modern medicine
现病史 history of present disease
| name of a gourd
bottle gourd
瓠子 sweet gourd
瓠子子 sweet gourd seed
瓠瓜 bottle gourd
瓠瓜 sweet gourd
瓷罐 ceramic cup
sweet\HALT \ADJ
甜大芸 sweet cistanche
甜半夜 honey tree fruit
甜瓜 melon
甜瓜子 melon seed
甜瓜皮 melon skin
甜瓜把 melon stalk
甜瓜花 melon flower
甜瓜根 melon root
甜瓜茎 melon stem
甜瓜蒂 melon stalk
甜瓜叶 melon leaf
甜石榴 sweet pomegranate [fruit]
甜石莲 lotus fruit
甜地丁 gueldenstaedtia
甜竹笋 green bamboo shoot
甜杏仁 sweet apricot kernel
甜根子 licorice [root]
甜桔梗 apricot-leaved adenophora [root]
甜脆豌豆 thick-podded pea
甜草 Cantonese hedyotis
甜茶 sweet tea [leaf]
甜瓠 sweet gourd
甜椒 sweet pepper
甜菊花 chrysanthemum [flower]
甜菜 lycium leaf
甜远志 Siberian polygala [root]
甜豌豆 thick-podded pea
甜橙 sweet orange
甜糟 wine dregs
甜薯 sweet potato
甜葶苈 descurainia [seed]
甜苁蓉 sweet cistanche
childbirth\HALT \NOUN
delivery\HALT \NOUN
partum\HALT \NOUN
birth\HALT \NOUN
产后 postpartum
产后 postpartum
产后三冲 three postpartum surges
产后三急 three postpartum crises
产后三病 three postpartum diseases
产后三脱 three postpartum desertions
产后口渴 postpartum thirst
产后大便难 postpartum defecation difficulty
产后大虚 major postpartum vacuity
产后小便不利 postpartum inhibited urination
产后小便不通 postpartum urinary stoppage
产后小便失禁 postpartum urinary incontinence
产后小便淋痛 postpartum painful stranguric urination
产后小便频数 postpartum urinary frequency
产后不语 postpartum loss of speech
产后中风 postpartum wind strike (stroke)
产后中暑 postpartum summerheat strike (stroke)
产后心痛 postpartum heart pain
产后水肿 postpartum water swelling
postpartum sudden bouts of heat [effusion] (fever) and [aversion
to] cold
产后出血 postpartum hemorrhage
产后出血 postpartum bleeding
产后四肢虚肿 postpartum vacuity swelling of the limbs
产后失血 postpartum loss of blood
产后玉户不敛 postpartum failure of the jade door to heal
产后交肠病 postpartum communicating bowels
产后多汗 postpartum profuse sweating
产后妄言妄见 postpartum raving and hallucination
产后自汗 postpartum spontaneous sweating
产后血气腹痛 postpartum blood [stasis] and qi4 [stagnation] abdominal pain
产后血崩 postpartum flooding
产后血晕 postpartum blood dizziness
产后余疾 postpartum illness
产后壮热 postpartum vigorous heat [effusion] (fever)
产后完谷不化 postpartum non-transformation of food
产后尿血 post partum bloody urine
产后身痛 postpartum body pain
产后乳汁自出 postpartum loss of breast milk
产后乳汁自漏 postpartum leakage of breast milk
产后儿枕痛 postpartum infant's-pillow pain
产后怔忡 postpartum fearful throbbing
产后拘挛 postpartum hypertonicity
产后泄泻 postpartum diarrhea
产后流注 postpartum streaming sore
产后郁冒 postpartum depression and veiling
产后音 postpartum loss of voice
产后音哑 postpartum loss of voice
产后风痉 postpartum wind tetany
产后气血 major postpartum qi4-blood vacuity
产后气喘 postpartum panting
产后气虚 postpartum qi4 vacuity
产后浮肿 postpartum puffy swelling
产后病 postpartum disease
产后病症状 postpartum symptoms
产后病痉 postpartum tetany
产后眩晕 postpartum dizziness
产后破伤风 postpartum lockjaw
产后胁痛 postpartum rib-side pain
产后败血冲心 postpartum vanquished blood surging into the heart
产后败血冲肺 postpartum vanquished blood surging into the lung
产后败血冲胃 postpartum vanquished blood surging into the stomach
产后喘促 postpartum hasty panting
产后寒热 postpartum heat [effusion] (fever) and [aversion to] cold
产后恶露不下 postpartum retention of the lochia
产后恶露不净 postpartum persistent flow of lochia
产后痞满 postpartum glomus and fullness
产后发痉 postpartum tetany
产后发热 postpartum heat [effusion] (fever)
产后盗汗 postpartum night sweating
产后虚烦 postpartum vacuity vexation
产后伤食 postpartum food damage
产后瘀血 postpartum blood stasis
产后瘀血不净 residual postpartum static blood
产后瘀血伤痛 postpartum pain due to static blood and injury
产后腰痛 postpartum lumbar pain
产后腹痛 postpartum abdominal pain
产后腹痛 afterpains
产后腹胀呕吐 postpartum abdominal distention and vomiting
产后遍身疼痛 postpartum generalized pain
产后呕吐 postpartum vomiting
产后疮疡 postpartum sore
产后遗尿 postpartum enuresis
产后遗粪 postpartum involuntary release of stool
产后头痛 postpartum headache
产后类中风 postpartum wind-like strike (stroke)
产后惊悸 postpartum fright palpitations
产后瘫痪 postpartum paralysis
产后痹证 postpartum impediment pattern
产后瘖 postpartum loss of voice
产后瘛瘲 postpartum tugging and slackening
产门 birth gate
产门 CV-04
产门 Delivery Gate
产门不闭 non-closure of the birth gate
产前 antepartum
产科 obstetrics department
产妇 woman who is giving/has just given birth
产宝 Precious Book on Childbirth
毕豆 pea
毕茄 cubeb
异木患 green allophylus
异功散 Special Achievement Powder
异位妊娠 extrauterine pregnancy
异位妊娠 ectopic pregnancy
异物入目 foreign bodies in the eye
异物入耳 foreign body in the ear
异物梗喉 foreign body blocking the throat
异风颈草 agrimony
异气 abnormal qi4
异病同治 like treatment of unlike disease
异嗜 strange predilections
异经选穴 selection of opposite-channel points
course\HALT \VERB
疏利大肠 course and disinhibit the large intestine
疏肝 course the liver
疏肝利胆 course the liver and dishihibit the gallbladder
疏肝和胃 course the liver and harmonize the stomach
疏肝和脾丸 Liver-Coursing Spleen-Harmonizing Pill
疏肝益肾汤 Liver-Coursing Kidney-Boosting Decoction [NIS]
疏肝理气 course the liver and rectify qi4
疏肝理脾汤 Liver-Coursing Spleen-Rectifying Decoction
疏肝散 Liver-Coursing Powder
疏肝开郁 course the liver and open depression
疏肝解郁 course the liver and resolve depression
疏肝解郁汤 Liver-Coursing Depression-Resolving Decoction
疏肝解郁药 liver-coursing depression-resolving medicinal
疏肝燥脾 course the liver and dry the spleen
疏表 course the exterior
疏表化湿 course the exterior and transform dampness
疏郁 course depression
疏郁理气 course depression and rectify qi4
疏风 course wind
疏风利水汤 Wind-Coursing Water-Disinhibiting Decoction
疏风泄热 course wind and discharge heat
疏风宣肺 course wind and diffuse the lung
疏风清热汤 Wind-Coursing Heat-Clearing Decoction
疏风透疹 dispel wind and outthrusting papules
疏风散寒 course wind and dissipate cold
疏风解表 course wind and resolve the exterior
疏风养血汤 Wind-Coursing Blood-Nourishing Decoction
疏通气机 free qi4 dynamic
疏通经络 free the channels and network vessels
疏散外风 course and dissipate external wind
疏散风邪 coursing and dissipating wind evil
疏散风热 course wind and dissipate heat
疏经活血汤 Channel-Coursing Blood-Quickening Decoction
疏滞 course stagnation
疏滞和中 course stagnation and harmonize the center
疏凿饮子 Coursing and Piercing Drink
hemorrhoid\HALT \NOUN, usually \PL, hemorrhoids
痔血 hemorrhoidal bleeding
痔血 bleeding hemorrhoids
痔核 hemorrhoid
痔疾 hemorrhoidal disease
痔疾 diseases of the anus
痔痛出血 painful, bleeding hemorrhoids
痔漏 hemorrhoids and fistulas
痔漏科 hemorrhoids and fistulas department ??
痔疮 hemorrhoid
痔疮 pile
痔疮 hemorrhoids
痔疮下血 hemorrhoids with descent of blood
痔疮出血 bleeding from hemorrhoids
痔疮便血 hemorrhoids with blood stool
痔疮疼痛 painful hemorrhoids
痔疮肿痛 painful swollen hemorrhoids
痊愈 recover\HALT \VERB; recovery\NOUN
痊愈 recovery
exuberant\HALT \ADJ, exuberance \NOUN
盛衰 exuberance and debilitation
眼子菜 Franchet's pondweed
眼丹 cinnabar eye
眼生偷针 sty of the eye
眼生黑花 black flowers in the vision
眼生痰核 phlegm node of the eye
眼皮跳 twitching of the eyelids
眼目昏花 clouded flowery vision
眼目窜视 piercing eyes
眼合 closed eyes
眼弦 eyelid rim
眼弦 palpebral margin
眼弦赤烂 ulceration of the eyelid rim
眼昏暗 dim vision
眼花 flowery vision
眼保健按摩 eye-care massage
眼前房出血 hyphema
眼科 eye diseases department
眼科症状 eye symptoms
眼科证候 eye patterns
眼胞 eyelid
眼胞 palpebral
眼胞菌毒 eyelid mushroom toxin [sore]
眼胞瘀痛 stasis pain in the eyelids
眼胞瘀痛 black eye
眼胞痰核 phlegm node of the eyelid
眼珠疼痛 eye pain
眼疾 eye disease
眼疳 eye gan
眼神经 optic nerve
眼圈青紫 green-blue or purple rings around the eyes
眼圈晦暗 dark rings around the eyes
眼带 eye straps
眼球外突 bulging eyes
眼眶鱼 spotted moonfish
眼无光彩 dull eyes
眼暗 dim vision
眼睛 eye
眼睛不想睁开 reluctance to open the eyes
眼睛红肿痛 red sore swollen eyes
眼睛羞明涩痛 sore dry eyes with aversion to light
眼睛发红 reddening of the eyes
眼轮匝肌 orbicular muscle of the eye
眼涩不爽 dry eyes
眼睑 eyelid
眼睑 palpebral
眼睑下垂 drooping eyelid
眼睑丹毒 cinnabar toxin of the eyelid
眼睑带状疱+herpes zoster ophthalmicus
眼睑_+twitching of the eyelids
眼镜蛇 cobra
眼眵 eye discharge
eye socket\HALT \NOUN
硫黄 sulfur
硫黄 sulfur [NID]
硫葱敷剂 Sulfur and Scallion Topical Application
朱砂 cinnabar
朱砂根 coral ardisia [root]\B
朱砂根 Ardisiae Crenatae Radix
朱砂根 coral ardisia [root]
移山参 mountain transplanted ginseng [NID]
移指法 finger shifting
_+ docynia [bark and leaf]
_+docynea fruit
窒息 asphyxiation
| particle indicating ordinal number
第一 first
第九 ninth
第二 second
第八 eighth
第十 tenth
第三 third
第五 fifth
第六 sixth
第四 fourth
| measure word for small round
粒细胞缺乏症 agranulocytosis
粗隆 tuberosity
粗叶悬钩子 rough raspberry root and leaf
tie up
绊舌 tongue-tie
control\HALT \VERB
绍菜 celery cabbage
fine\HALT \ADJ
thin\HALT \ADJ
细支气管 bronchioles
细生地 thin dried rehmannia [root]
细生地黄 thin dried rehmannia [NID]
细石 gypsum
细辛 asarum
细辛散 Asarum Powder
细果角茴香 slender-fruited hypecoum
细胞膜 cell membrane
细胞质 cytoplasm
细胞器 organelle
细香葱 chive
细粉 fine powder
细脉 fine pulse
细草 hornwort
细茶 tea [leaf]
细理石 gypsum
细菌 bacteria
细菌性食物中毒 bacterial food poisoning
细菌性痢疾 bacillary dysentery
细黑豆 wild soybean
细叶青蒿 virgate wormwood
细叶马料梢 Chinese lespedeza
细叶碎米蕨 Mysore cheilanthes
细叶桉叶 forest gray gum leaf
细穗爵床 water willow
细鳞石鲈 common thick-lipped grunt
细盐 salt
组成 ingredient
组成 constituent
组成代谢 anabolism
组织 tissue
累累如贯珠 one beat after the other like threaded pearls
aversion to
羞明 aversion to light
羞明怕日 aversion to light and the sun
羞明怕热 aversion to light and heat
羞明流泪 aversion to light and tearing
羚羊肉 antelope's flesh
羚羊角 antelope horn
羚羊角丸 Antelope Horn Pill
羚羊角屑 antelope horn
羚羊角粉 antelope horn powder [NID]
羚羊角散 Antelope Horn Powder
羚羊角汤 Antelope Horn Decoction
羚羊钩藤汤 Antelope Horn and Uncaria Decoction [NIS]
羚角钩藤汤 Antelope Horn and Uncaria Decoction
羚犀白虎汤 Antelope and Rhinoceros Horn White Tiger Decoction
羚翘解毒丸 Antelope Horn and Forsythia Toxin-Resolving Tablet
习惯性便秘 habitual constipation
dried meat or other foods
preserved fruit
脖子 neck
脖胦 CV-06
脖胦 CV-04
脖胦 Navel
脖胦 Navel
desert\HALT \VERB, desertion \NOUN
slough\HALT \VERB
脱力黄 strength desertion yellowing
脱石 talcum
脱汗 desertion sweating
脱肉 shedding of the flesh
脱肉破_+ shedding of flesh and loss of bulk
脱臼 dislocation
脱臼 Dislocation
脱血 blood desertion
脱位 dislocation
脱形 shedding of the physical body
脱肛 prolapse of the rectum
脱肛 anal desertion
脱肛不收 unretractable prolapse of the rectum
脱肛痔 rectal prolapse hemorrhoids
脱花煎 Falling Flower Brew
脱气 deserting qi4
脱疽 sloughing flat-abscess
脱神 desertion of the spirit
脱骨疽 sloughing flat-abscess
脱液 humor desertion
脱阴 yin1 desertion
脱壳乳痈 shell-bursting mammary welling-abscess
脱壳囊痈 shell-bursting scrotal welling-abscess
脱阳 yang2 desertion
脱发 hair loss
脱证 desertion pattern
脱囊 sloughing scrotum
脱骱 dislocation
脱痈 sloughing welling-abscess
舶上茴香 star anise
船形乌头 navicular aconite
| plant name
| plant name
莎木面 sago
莎孤米 sago
莎草 cyperus
莎草根 cyperus [root]
water chestnut
荸荠 water chestnut (1)
荸荠汁 water chestnut juice
荸荠粉 water chestnut starch
penis\HALT \NOUN
茎中痛 pain in the penis
茎中痛痒 pain and itching in the penis
茎中发痒 itching in the penis
茎长兴盛不痿 persistent erection
茎垂 male genitalia
茎强 persistent erection
茎强 rigidity of the penis
茎强 persistent erection
茎强不痿 persistent erection
| surname
莫文泉 Mo4 Wen2-Quan2>
| surname
莓酱苔 berry-sauce fur
荷包牡丹根 dicentra [root]
荷花 lotus flower
荷青花 hylomecon [root]
荷苞花 Japanese glory-bower flower
荷苞花根 Japanese glory-bower root
荷梗 lotus stalk
荷叶 lotus leaf
荷叶汁 lotus leaf juice
荷叶炭 charred lotus leaf
荷叶梗 lotus leafstalk
荷叶梗 lotus stalk
荷叶蒂 lotus leaf base
荷莲豆菜 drymaria
荷兰豆 pea
荷兰薯 potato
苋根 amaranth root
苋菜 amaranth
苋实 amaranth seed
处女 virgin
处女膜 hymen
处方 prescription
处方笺 prescription
处石 loadstone
处姑 cremastra/pleione [pseudobulb]
处暑 Limit of Heat
蛇丹 snake cinnabar
蛇王藤 Cochin China passion flower
蛇包谷 arisaema [root]
蛇瓜 snake gourd (2)
蛇皮 snake skin
蛇皮 snake slough
蛇皮癣 snakeskin lichen
蛇地钱 conocephalum
蛇百子 hyptis [stem and leaf]
蛇米 cnidium seed
蛇舌草 oldenlandia
蛇舌_ oldenlandia
蛇衣 snake slough
蛇串疮 snake string sores
蛇含 cinquefoil
蛇含石 iron pyrite
蛇床子 cnidium seed
蛇床子冲洗剂 Cnidium Seed Rinse
蛇床子散 Cnidium Seed Powder
蛇床子汤 Cnidium Seed Decoction
蛇床仁 cnidium seed
蛇床实 cnidium seed
蛇肚疔 snake's-belly clove sore
蛇芋 dioscorea [root]
蛇身 snake body
蛇疙瘩 agrimony
蛇附 snake slough
蛇毒 snake venom
蛇背疔 snake's-back clove sore
蛇倒退 agrimony
蛇根草 ophiorrhiza
蛇珠 cnidium seed
蛇退步 triple leaf abacopteris
蛇接骨 procumbent gynura
蛇眼疔 snake's-eye clove sore
蛇眼疔 snake's-eye clove sore
蛇符 snake slough
蛇莓 snake strawberry
蛇莓根 snake strawberry root
蛇壳 snake slough
蛇粟 cnidium seed
蛇伤 snake bite
蛇腹疔 snake's-belly clove sore
蛇葡萄 snake grape
蛇葡萄根 snake grape root
蛇蜕 snake slough
蛇蜕皮 snake slough
蛇虱 snake lice
蛇头 LI-07
蛇头 Snake Head
蛇头疔 snake's-head clove sore
蛇蝼 mole cricket
蛇窜疮 slithering snake sore
蛇鞭 snake's genitals
蛇体 snake body
蛇鳞 snake scales
moth or other insect that eats wood, cloth, or paper
eat (into wood, paper, or cloth)
蛀梗 root rot
蛀节疔 clove sore of the knuckle
蚶子壳 ark shell
蚶壳 ark shell
| insect name
蚵仔白菜 curled pakchoi
蛋不老 Cantonese speranskia
蛋白 protein
蛋白 egg white
蛋白尿 proteinuria
蛋白质 proteins
pr otein-calorie malnutrition
蛋黄 egg yolk
蛋黄果 canistel
蚱蜢 grasshopper
蚱蝉 cryptotympana
蚯疽草 auriculate dichrocephala
蚯蚓 earthworm
术后切口感染 infections of post-operative incision
术后腹胀 post-operative abdominal distention
术后厌食 post-operative anorexia
by (in passive constructions)
被寒 contract cold
袖口疳 gan1 of the cuff
slow in speaking
讷会 aloe
| surname
许叔微 Xu3 Shu1-Wei1>
许学士神朮散 Xu's Wondrous Atractylodes Powder
fermented soybean
豉汁 fermented soybean juice
豉饼灸 moxibustion on fermented bean cake
豉虫 whirligig beetle
豚卵 pig's testis
pass through
贯中 aspidium
贯来 aspidium
贯众 aspidium
贯菜连翘 klamath weed
贯钟 aspidium
贯芎 chuanxiong [rhizome]
贪食 rapacious appetite
贪食而不运 rapacious appetite and non-movement of food
贪凉饮冷 overconsumption of cold foods and drinks
贫血 anemia
贫血灵 Anemic's Magic
趾平 Flat Toes
趾长伸肌 long extensor muscle of the toes
趾长屈肌 long flexor muscle of the toes
趾纹 Toe Crease
趾骨 phalanges
趾骨 phalanges
趾疔 clove sore of the toe
dorsum of the foot
upper surface of the foot
趺侯胃 instep is the indicator of the stomach
趺阳 instep yang2
趺阳脉 instep yang2 pulse
趺阳脉 fu1-yang2> pulse
趺蹶 hobbled dorsum of the foot
soft\HALT \ADJ
软石膏 gypsum
软如棉 soft and spongy
软肋 soft ribs
软足瘟 limp foot scourge
软风 limp wind
软骨 cartilage
软骨病 osteomalacia
软坚 soften hardness
软坚化痰 soften hardness and transform phlegm
软坚除满 soften hardness and eliminate fullness
软坚散结 soften hardness and dissipate binds
软枣子 bower actinidia fruit
软紫草 soft puccoon
软脚瘟 limp-leg scourge
软膏 ointment
软膜 pia mater
软糖 malt sugar
软藤菜 Malabar spinach
软瘫 limp paralysis
软蒺藜 Siberain orache [fruit]
软疖 soft boil
wander freely
逍遥散 Free Wanderer Powder
逍遥楼贝散 Free Wanderer Trichosanthes and Fritillaria Powder
unstop\HALT \VERB
promote flow
通下 precipitation
通下大便 free the stool
通上焦之气 free the qi4 of the upper burner
通大便 free the stool
通大海 sterculia
通天 BL-07\w
通天 Celestial Connection
通天草 water chestnut stem
通天草 water chestnut (1)
通心阳 free heart yang2
通心窍 free the orifice of the heart
通月经 free menstruation
通木 free wood
通可去滞 freeing [medicinals] can eliminate stagnation
通玄指要赋 Ode of the Essentials for Penetrating Mysteries
通光散 marsdenia
通因通用 treating the unstopped by unstopping
通耳 improve hearing
通耳道 Ear Freeing
通血脉 free the blood vessels
通行十二经 free the twelve channels
通行水道 free the waterways
通利大肠积滞 free large intestinal accumulation and stagnation
通利小便 free urine
通利血脉 free the blood vessels
通利关节 free the joints
通谷() BL-66\w
通谷() Valley Passage
通谷() KI-20\w
通谷() Open Valley
通谷 KI-02
通谷 KI-20
通谷 Grain Connection
通谷 Freeing the Grain
通里 HT-05\w
通里 Connecting Li
通里 free the interior
通乳 free milk
通乳丹 Lactation Elixir
通乳汁 promote lactation
通乳利经脉 free breast milk and disinhibit the channel vessels
通乳消痈 free milk and disperse welling-abscesses
通乳草 lanceolate codonopsis [root]
通乳散结汤 Lactation-Promoting Bind-Dissipating Decoction
通泄 free [the bowels] and discharge [heat]
通花 rice-paper plant pith
通花五加 rice-paper plant pith
通花花 rice-paper plant flower
通花根 rice-paper plant root
通门 TB-08
通门 Connecting Gate
通便 free the stool
通便 Bowel Freeing
通城虎 Ford's birthwort
通宣理肺丸 Diffusing-Freeing Lung-Rectifying Pill
通幽汤 Dark-Gate--Freeing Decoction
通降 free downflow
通气 free qi4
通气散坚丸 Qi4-Freeing Hardness-Dissipating Pill
通脉 free the vessels
通脉四逆汤 Vessel-Freeing Counterflow Cold Decoction
通草 rice-paper plant pith
通骨消 thunbergia [root]
通淋 free strangury
通淋消石 free strangury and disperse stones
通理 HT-05
通理 Connecting Grain
通脱木花上粉 rice-paper plant pollen
通络 free the network vessels
通络下乳 free the network vessels and promote lactaction
通络调经 free the network vessels and regulate the channels
通络泻热 free the network vessels and drain heat
通腑 free the bowels
通腑泄热 free the bowels and discharge heat
通腑排脓 free the bowels and expel pus
通菜 water spinach
通间 TB-08
通间 Connect Between
通阳 free yang2
通阳化气 free yang2 and promote qi4 transformation
通阳行痹 free yang2 and move impediment
通瘀破结 free stasis and break binds
通瘀煎 Stasis-Freeing Brew
通瘀滞 free stasis and stagnation
通睛 cross-eye
通督脉之血 free the blood of the thoroughfare vessel
通经 free the channels
通经 free menstruation
通经活络 free the channels and quicken the network vessels
通经活络汤 Channel-Freeing Network-Quickening Decoction
通经草 silver aleuritopteris
通经络 free the channels and network vessels
通经导滞汤 Channel-Freeing Stagnation-Abducting
通肠 free the intestines
通鼻 free the nose
通鼻窍 free the nasal orifices
通调水道 regulate the waterways
通调失职 waterways failed to be governed
通剂 freeing formula
通导散 Freeing Abduction Powder
通窍 free the orifices
通窍耳聋丸 Orifice-Freeing Deafness Pill [NIS]
通窍活血汤 Orifice-Fre, eing Blood-Quickening Decoction
通窍散 Orifice-Freeing Powder
通关 free the gate
通关 KI-19
通关 Free Passage
通关丸 Gate-Freeing Pill
通关散 Gate-Freeing Powder
| surname
连母 anemarrhena [root]
连朴饮 Coptis and Officinal Magnolia Bark*& Beverage
连附六一汤 Coptis and Aconite Six-To-One Decoction
连香树 cercidiphyllum fruit
连根葱 scallion with roots
连梅安蛔汤 Picrorhiza and Mume Roundworm-Quieting Decoction
连梅汤 Coptis and Mume Decoction
连栀二陈汤 Coptis and Gardenia Two Matured Ingredients Decoction [NIS]
连理汤 Coptis Rectifying Decoction
连须葱白汤 Scallion with Root Decoction
连饭 smooth greenbrier [root]
连绵不已 continuous
连绵不休 continuous
连绵不绝 continuous
连绵不断 continuous
连钱草 (1) glechoma
连钱草 (2) moneywort
连钱草 (3) centella
连骸 lateral and medial epicondyles of the femur
连翘 forsythia [fruit]
连翘心 forsythia seed
连翘金贝煎 Forsythia, Lonicera, and Bolbostemma Brew
连翘根 forsythia root
连翘败毒散 Forsythia Toxin-Vanquishing Powder
连翘茎叶 forsythia stem and leaf
连翘散 Forsythia Powder
连翘壳 forsythia [fruit]
连翘饮子 Forsythia Drink
连须葱白 scallion white with root
速刺 prick
expel\HALT \VERB
逐水 expel water
逐水泻火 expel water and drain fire
逐水药 water-expelling medicinal
逐寒 expel cold
逐寒开窍 expel cold and open the orifices
逐寒荡惊汤 Cold-Dispelling Fright-Assuaging Decoction
逐寒湿 expel cold-damp
逐寒燥湿 expel cold and dry dampness
逐瘀 expel stasis
逐痰 expel phlegm
thrust out(ward)\HALT \VERB
outthrust\HALT \NOUN
透天凉 heaven-penetrating cooling method
透穴 joining points
透穴 point joining
透邪 outthrust evils
透明芦荟 lucid aloe
透泄 outthrust and discharge
透表 outthrust the exterior
透风于热外 outthrust wind to allow clearing of internal heat
透疹 outthrust papules
透针 joining
透骨香 Yun2nan2 gaultheria [stem and leaf]
透骨香根 Yun2nan2 gaultheria root
透骨消 (1) ground ivy
透骨消 (2) moneywort
透骨消 (3) wild buckwheat root
透骨草 speranskia/balsam
透骨草 Yun2nan2 gaultheria [stem and leaf]
透麻疹 outthrust measles
透斑 outthrust macules
透斑疹 outthrust papules and macules
透发麻疹 outthrust measles
透经 channel-joining method
透热 outthrust heat
透热转气 outthrust heat to the qi4 aspect
透营转气 outthrust construction heat through qi4
透脓生肌 outthrust pus and engender flesh
透脓散 Pus-Outthrusting Powder
透关射甲 extension of visible veins through all the bars through to the nail
| surname
都咸子 cashew nut
都气丸 Metropolis Qi4 Pill
野丁香 (1) wild lilac
野丁香 (2) luculia fruit
野丁香根 luculia
野大豆藤 wild soybean plant
野山参 wild ginseng
野山菊 wild chrysanthemum
野升麻 wild cimicifuga
野巴子 wrinkled elsholtzia
野木瓜 stauntonia
野冬青皮 syzygium bark
野冬青果 syzygium fruit
野冬菊 mountain aster [flower]
野甘草 scoparia
野白纸扇 hairy mussaenda [stem and leaf]
野白薯 dioscorea [root]
野石榴 Cherokee rose fruit
野百合 narrow-leaved rattlebox
野竹兰 epipactis [root]
野西瓜苗 annual hibiscus
野杜仲 large-flowered euonymus root (bark)
野决明 thermopsis [stem, leaf, and seed]
野牡丹 melastome
野牡丹子 melastome seed
野牡丹根 melastome root
野芋 wild taro [root]
野芋叶 wild taro leaf
野芋实 alocasia fruit
野刺菜 Japanese thistle
野枇杷 velvet machilus [leaf or root]
野油麻 Chinese hedge nettle
野芝麻 bearded dead nettle
野芝麻根 bearded dead nettle root
野芭蕉 camptotheca
野花生 fetid cassia herb
野花椒 Tibetan zanthoxylum fruit
野前胡 spurless columbine
野扁豆 dunbaria
野洋烟根 tall lettuce root
野苎麻 Siamese boehmeria
野苦梨根 leathery-leaved cotoneaster
野香茅 wild camel hay
野香菜根 glehnia [root]
野香薷 Cavalerie's mosla
野席草根 Si4chuan1 rush root
野扇花果 sarcococca fruit
野料豆 wild soybean
野核桃仁 wild walnut
野海椒 chili nightshade
野素馨 wild jessamine
野荔枝 Chinese dogwood flower and leaf
野茴香 fennel [fruit]
野茶子 eurya fruit
野酒花 wild hop [flower]
野马肉 wild horse meat
野马追 three-leaved eupatorium
野高粱 brookside astilbe
野梧桐 Japanese mallotus [bark]
野梨枝叶 wild pear twig and leaf
野苋菜 ascendant amaranth
野麦子 wild oat
野麦冬 lophatherum
野棕 didymosperma root
野棉花 grape-leaved anemone stem and leaf
野棉花根 grape-leaved anemone root
野菰 Indian aeginetia
野菊 wild chrysanthemum
野菊花 wild chrysanthemum flower
野黄瓜 dichocarpum
野黄皮 wild wampee leaf and root
野黄连 wild coptis [root]
野黄菊 wild chrysanthemum
野慈姑 three-leaved sagittaria
野烟叶 mountain tobacco
野葛 yellow jessamine
野葡淘藤 Chinese wild grapevine root bark
野葡萄根 (1) wild grape (1)
野葡萄根 (2) wild grape (2)
野葡萄藤 Chinese wild grapevine [stem and leaf]
野槐 flavescent sophora [root]
野漆树根 Oriental poison sumac root
野漆树叶 Oriental poison sumac leaf
野绿麻 bulbiferous laportea
野蒜 Chinese chive [bulb]
野辣子 hypoestes
野凤仙花 snapweed
野葱 wild scallion
野猪外肾 wild hog's testis
野猪皮 wild hog's skin
野猪肉 wild hog's flesh
野猪屎 polyporus
野猪食 polyporus
野猪脂 wild hog's fat
野猪黄 wild hog's bezoar
野猪蹄 wild hog's trotter
野猪头骨 wild hog's skull
野猪胆 wild hog's gallbladder
野鸦椿子 euscaphis seed
野鸦椿花 euscaphis flower
野鸦椿根 euscaphis root
野靛青 peristrophe
野蔷薇根 multiflora rose root
野槟榔 lithocarpus [flower]
野鸡冠花子 celosia [seed]
野鸡草 star grass
野颠茄 toxic nightshade
野罂粟 wild poppy
野苏子根 salvia [root]
野樱桃 wild cherry
野樱桃根 wild cherry root
野荞子 wild buckwheat root
野荞麦 wild buckwheat root
野藿香 microteona
钗子股 Morse luisia
fish with a hook and line
钓杆柴 neillia [root]
钓钩藤 uncaria [stem and thorn]
钓樟根皮 umbellate lindera root (bark)
钓藤 uncaria [stem and thorn]
钓藤钩 uncaria [stem and thorn]
钓兰 spider plant
闭孔 Closed Hole
闭合面 occlusal surface
闭角型青光眼 angle-closune glaucoma
闭门留寇 shut the doors and keep the intruder in
闭阻 obstruct
闭眼即睡 fall asleep almost immediately
闭厥 block reversal
闭塞 block
闭塞性脉管炎 obliterating phlebitis
闭塞性动脉硬化 arteriosceloris obliterans
闭经 amenorrhea
闭经 menstrual block
闭经 amenorrhea
闭遏 obstruct
闭鞘姜 crape ginger [root]
闭证 block pattern
闭癃 dribbling urinary block
_} kansui [root]
陵下 Below the Mound
陵后 Behind the Mound
陵后下 Below Behind the Mound
陵草 fenugreek lysimachia
陵泽 kansui [root]
陵舄 plantago
| surname
陈久痼寒 enduring intractable cold
陈火腿骨 cured ham bone
陈冬菜卤汁 pakchoi pickle juice ??
陈皮 tangerine peel
陈皮流浸膏 liquid extract of tangerine peel
陈皮炭 charred tangerine peel
陈皮酊 tangerine peel tincture
陈石灰 Calx Veta
陈石灰 old lime
陈米 Oryzae Semen Vetum
陈自明 Chen2 Zi4-Ming2>
陈言 Chen2 Yan2>
陈芥菜卤汁 leaf mustard pickling juice
陈修园 Chen2 Xiu1-Yuan2>
陈仓米 Oryzae Semen Vetum
陈仓米 old rice
陈茶 Theae Folium Vetum
陈茶 old tea
陈茗 Theae Folium Vetum
陈茗 old tea
陈茗粥 Old Tea Gruel
陈酒 vintage grain liquor
陈棕皮 Trachycarpi Stipulae Fibra Veta
陈棕皮 old trachycarpus [petiole]
陈棕炭 charred old trachycarpus [petiole]
陈实功 Chen2 Shi2-Gong1>
陈胆星 Arisaematis Rhizoma cum Felle Bovis Vetum
陈胆星 old bile [-processed] arisaema [root]
陈藏器 Chen2 Cang2-Qi4>
陈痧草 Chinese fieldnettle
陈壸卢瓢 old bottle gourd rind
| surname
陆英 Java elder fruit
陆渊雷 Lu4 Yuan1-Lei2>
陆续配研 successive addition grinding
genitals\HALT \NOUN, genital \ADJ
pudenda\HALT \NOUN, pudendal \ADJ
_+ HT-06\w
_+ GV-01
_+ Yin1 Cleft
_+ Yin1 Cleft
阴下湿痒 genital damp itch
阴上横骨 pubic bone
阴丸 testicle
阴丸 testis
阴丸上缩 retracted testicles
阴丸痛 painful testicles
阴干 dry in the shade
阴不抱阳 yin1 failing to embrace yang2
阴不从阳 yin1 insubservient to yang2
阴中之阴 yin1 within yin1
阴中之阳 yang2 within yin1
阴中湿痒 damp itch in the genital region
阴之陵泉 SP-09
阴之陵泉 Yin1's Mound Spring
阴亢 Yin1 Surfeit
阴分余邪末清 residual yin1-aspect evil failing to clear
阴天 yin1-type weather
阴户 yin1 door
阴户肿痛 painful swelling of the yin1 door
阴毛 pubic hair
阴水 yin1 water
阴火 yin1 fire
阴包 LV-09
阴包 Yin1 Bladder
阴市 ST-33\w
阴市 Yin1 Market
阴平阳秘 yin1 is calm and yang2 is sound
阴平阳秘 calm yin1 and sound yang2
阴生于阳 yin1 is engendered by yang2
阴生疮 genital sore
阴白 SP-01
阴白 Yin1 White
阴交 CV-07\w
阴交 Yin1 Intersection
阴地蕨 tender moonwort
阴成形 yin1 becomes form
阴汗 genital sweating
阴汗 yin1 sweating
阴血 yin1-blood
阴血不足 insufficiency of yin1-blood
阴冷 genital cold
阴冷 yin1 cold
阴卵 testicle
阴卵 testis
阴吹 yin1 flatulence
阴吹 yin1 flatulence
阴吹 vaginal flatulence
阴尾骨 tailbone
阴谷 KI-10\w
阴谷 KI-01
阴谷 Yin1 Valley
阴谷 Yin1 Valley
阴邪 yin1 evil
阴刺 yin1 needling
阴委(一) Yin1 Bend \#1
阴委(二) Yin1 Bend \#2
阴委(三) Yin1 Bend \#3
阴性药 yin1-natured medicinal
阴疝 yin1 mounting
阴股 groin
阴股 inguinal region
阴门 yin1 door
阴阜 mons pubis
阴柔药物 soft yin1 medicinals
阴津不足 insufficiency of yin1 liquid
阴津枯槁 desiccation of the yin1 liquid
阴胞 uterus
阴胞 LV-09
阴胞 Yin1 Bladder
阴胞有寒 cold in the uterus
阴茄 eggplant yin1
阴唇 labia
阴挺 yin1 protrusion
阴挺 vaginal protrusion
阴挺出 vaginal protrusion
阴挺长 yin1 extension
阴气 yin1 qi4
阴气并于上 yin1 qi4 concentrating in the upper body
阴气纵挺不收 persistent erection
阴病 yin1 disease
阴病出阳 yin1 disease passing out to the yang2
阴病治阳 yin1 disease is treated through yang2
阴疽不红不痛 yin1 flat-abscesses that are neither hot nor painful
阴脉 yin1 vessel
阴脉之海 sea of the yin1 vessels
阴强 rigid yin1
阴强 persistent erection
阴强不倒 persistent erection
阴液 yin1 humor
阴液不足 insufficiency of yin1 humor
阴液耗伤 damage to yin1 humor
阴液暴脱 fulminant desertion of yin11 humor
阴液爆竭 fulminant exhaustion of yin1 humor
阴痔 prolapse of the uterus
阴痔 yin1 pile
阴盛 exuberant yin1
阴盛 yin1 exuberance
阴盛内寒 when yin1 is exuberant, there is internal cold
阴盛内寒 exuberant yin1 internal cold
阴盛则寒 when yin1 is exuberant, there is cold
阴盛格阳 exuberant yin1 repelling yang2
阴盛格阳证 exuberant yin1 repelling yang2 pattern
阴盛阳衰 yin1 exuberance with yang2 debilitation
阴盛阳衰证 yin1 exuberance with yang2 debilitation pattern
阴盛阳虚 yin1 exuberance with yang2 vacuity
阴脱 yin1 desertion
阴脱 prolapse of the uterus
阴茎 penis
阴茎 penis
阴茎易举 frequent erections
阴茎强硬不衰 persistent erection
阴茎溃烂 ulceration of the penis
阴部 yin1 region
阴部 genitals
阴部 pudendum
阴部生疮 genital sores
阴部寒冷 genital cold
阴部痛 pain in the genital region
阴部湿痒 genital damp itch
阴都 KI-19\w
阴都 Yin1 Metropolis
阴闭 yin1 block
阴陵泉 SP-09\w
阴陵泉 Yin1 Mound Spring
阴胜其阳 yin1 prevailing over the yang2
阴胜则寒 when yin1 prevails, there is cold
阴胜则阳病 when yin1 prevails, yang2 ails
阴寒 genital cold
阴寒 yin1 cold
阴寒太盛 excessively exuverant yin1 cold
阴寒凝结 congealing yin1 cold
阴寒凝滞 congealing yin1 cold
阴斑 yin1 macule
阴暑 yin1 summerheat
阴痛 genital pain
阴痉 yin1 tetany
阴筋 yin1 sinew
阴结 yin1 bind
阴绝 yin1 expiry
阴络 yin1 network vessel
阴络伤则血内溢 internal blood spillage due to damage to yin1 network vessels
阴菌 prolapse of the uterus
阴菌 yin1 mushroom
阴虚 yin1 vacuity
阴虚内热 yin1 vacuity internal heat
阴虚内热证 yin1 vacuity internal heat pattern
阴虚及阳 yin1 vacuity affecting yang2
阴虚火旺 effulgent yin1 vacuity fire
阴虚火旺 yin1-vacuity fire effulgence
阴虚火旺证 effulgent yin1 vacuity fire pattern
阴虚火动 yin1 vacuity stirring fire
阴虚火盛 exuberant yin1 vacuity fire
阴虚火炽 intense yin1 vacuity fire
阴虚外感 yin1 vacuity with external contraction
阴虚外感证 yin1 vacuity with external contraction pattern
阴虚生风 yin1 vacuity engendering wind
阴虚有实热 yin1 vacuity with repletion heat
阴虚有热 yin1 vacuity with heat
阴虚有热 yin1 vacuity with heat
阴虚血瘀 yin1 vacuity and blood stasis
阴虚血瘀证 yin1 vacuity and blood stasis pattern
阴虚血热 yin1 vacuity blood heat
阴虚血热证 yin1 vacuity blood heat pattern
阴虚血燥 yin1 vacuity blood dryness
阴虚血燥证 yin1 vacuity blood dryness pattern
阴虚血亏 yin1 vacuity and blood depletion
阴虚肺燥 yin1 vacuity lung dryness
阴虚肺燥证 pattern of yin1 vacuity lung dryness
阴虚则内热 when yin1 is vacuous, there is internal heat
阴虚咽喉失濡 yin1 vacuity depriving the throat of moisture
阴虚咽喉失濡证 pattern of yin1 vacuity depriving the throat of moisture
阴虚津亏 yin1 vacuity and depletion of liquid
阴虚津亏证 yin1 vacuity and depletion of liquid pattern
阴虚相火易动 yin1 vacuity with ministerial fire tending to stir
阴虚风动 yin1 vacuity stirring wind
阴虚动血 yin1 vacuity stirring blood
阴虚动血证 yin1 vacuity stirring blood pattern
阴虚动风 yin1 vacuity stirring wind
阴虚动风 yin1 vacuity stirring wind
阴虚劳热 yin1 vacuity with taxation heat
阴虚喘 yin1 vacuity panting
阴虚喉癣 yin1-vacuity throat lichen
阴虚喉痹 yin1 vacuity throat impediment
阴虚发热 yin1-vacuity heat [effusion] (fever)
阴虚盗汗 yin1 vacuity night sweating
阴虚腑实 yin1 vacuity and bowel repletion
阴虚阳亢 hyperactivity of yang2 due to yin1 vacuity
阴虚阳亢 yin1 vacuity with yang2 hyperactivity
阴虚阳亢证 yin1 vacuity with yang2 hyperactivity pattern
阴虚阳浮 floating of yang2 due to yin1 vacuity
阴虚烦热 yin1 vacuity with heat vexation
阴虚痿 yin1 vacuity wilting
阴虚肠燥 yin1 vacuity and intestinal dryness
阴虚肠燥证 pattern of yin1 vacuity and intestinal dryness
阴虚潮热 yin1-vacuity tidal heat [effusion] (fever)
阴虚齿燥 yin1 vacuity drying the teeth
阴虚齿燥证 pattern of yin1 vacuity drying the teeth
阴虚头痛 yin1 vacuity headache
阴虚湿热 yin1 vacuity and damp-heat
阴虚湿热证 yin1 vacuity and damp-heat pattern
阴虚证 yin1 vacuity pattern
阴阳 yin1 and yang2
阴阳 yin1-yang
阴阳互根 yin1 and yang2 are rooted in each other
阴阳互根 mutual rooting of yin1 and yang2
阴阳水 yin1-yang2 water
阴阳水 yin-yang water
y in1 and yang2 are divisible but inseparable
阴阳失调 yin1-yang2 disharmony
阴阳交 intermingling of yin1 and yang2
阴阳自和 yin1 and yang2 spontaneously harmonize
阴阳自和 spontaneous harmonization of yin1 and yang2
阴阳乖戾 perversion of yin1 and yang2
阴阳两虚 dual vacuity of yin1 and yang2
阴阳两虚 yin1 and yang2 vacuity
阴阳两虚证 dual vacuity of yin1 and yang2 pattern
阴阳两亏 dual depletion of yin1 and yang2
阴阳制约 yin1 and yang2 counterbalance each other
阴阳毒 yin1 and yang2 toxin
阴阳相互依存 yin1 and yang2 are interdependent
阴阳相互依存 interdependence of yin1 and yang2
阴阳相成相反 complementarity and opposition of yin1 and yang2
阴阳俱微 debilitation of yin1 and yang2
阴阳俱损 detriment to both yin1 and yang2
阴阳俱补 supplement both yin1 and yang2
阴阳格拒 yin1-yang2 repulsion
阴阳消长 waxing and waning of yin1 and yang2
阴阳消长 natural flux of yin1 and yang2
阴阳偏衰 abnormal debilitation of yin1 and yang2
阴阳偏盛 abnormal exuberance of yin1 and yang2
阴阳胜复 yin1-yang2 retaliation
阴阳对立 opposition yin1 and yang2
阴阳对立统一 antagonism and unity of yin1 and yang2
阴阳学说 yin1-yang2 theory
阴阳辨证 yin1-yang2 pattern identification
阴阳转化 yin1-yang2 conversion
阴阳转化 mutual convertibility of yin1 and yang2
阴阳离决 separation of yin1 and yang2
wh en yin1 and yang2 separate, essential qi4 expires
阴阳双补药 yin1- and yang2-supplementing medicinals
阴黄 yin1 jaundice
阴黄 yin1 yellowing
阴廉 LV-11
阴廉 Yin1 Corner
阴搏阳别 yin1 beating differently from yang2
阴损及阳 detriment to yin1 affects yang2
阴损及阳证 pattern of detriment to yin1 affecting yang2
阴痿 impotence
阴痿 yin1 wilt
阴经 yin1 channel
阴经 SP-07
阴经 Yin1 Channel
阴肿 genital swelling
阴蒂 clitoris
阴道 vagina
阴道 vagina
阴道毛滴虫 trichomonas vaginalis
阴道尖锐湿疣 condyloma acuminatum of the vagina
阴道坐药 vaginal bath medicinal
阴道炎 vaginitis
阴道炎 colpitis (vaginitis)
阴道炎症 colpitis (vaginitis)
阴道滴虫 trichomonas vaginalis
阴道癌 vaginal carcinoma
阴道缝合术 colporrhaphy
阴鼎 ST-33
阴鼎 Yin1 Tripod
阴竭阳脱 exhaustion of yin1 and desertion of yang2
阴竭阳脱证 exhaustion of yin1 and desertion of yang2 pattern
阴精石 selenite
阴精石 selenite
阴维 yin1 linking vessel
阴维 YIL
阴维 KI-12
阴维 Yin1 Link
阴维脉 yin1 linking vessel
阴蚀 genital erosion
阴暴跳起 sudden erection
阴热 yin1 heat [effusion] (fever)
阴热 yin1 heat
阴疮 genital sore
阴虱病 pediculosis pubis
阴虱病 phthiriasis
阴虱疮 pubic louse sore
阴器 yin1 organ
阴器 genitals
阴器下纵引痛 painful protraction of the genitals
阴器下纵痛 painful protraction of the genitals
阴器不用 ineffectiveness of the yin1 organ
阴器不用 inability to produce an erection
阴器纽痛 wringing pain in the genitals
阴静阳躁 yin1 is still, while yang2 is agitated
阴头 yin1 head
阴头 glans penis
阴头寒 yin1 head cold
阴头寒 cold in the glans penis
阴头痛 yin1 head pain
阴头痛 pain in the glans penis
阴头痈 yin1 head welling-abscess
阴湿如牛鼻上汗 damp genitals like the sweaty nose of an ox
阴湿疮 genital damp sore
阴燥 pudendal dryness
阴缩 retracted genitals
阴纵 yin1 protraction
阴纵不收 yin1 protraction
阴举不衰 persistent erection
阴亏 yin1 depletion
阴亏火旺 effulgent yin1 depletion fire
阴药 yin1 medicinal
阴证 yin1 pattern
阴证似阳 yin1 pattern resembling yang2
阴证发斑 yin1-pattern macules
阴证伤寒 yin1-pattern cold damage
阴跷 yin1 springing vessel
阴跷 YIS
阴跷 KI-06
阴跷 Yin1 Springing
阴跷脉 yin1 springing vessel
阴边 Beside Yin1
阴关 BL-36
阴关 KI-12
阴关 Yin1 Joint
阴关 Yin1 Gate
阴痒 pudendal itch
阴躁 yin1 agitation
阴囊 yin1 sac
阴囊 scrotum
阴囊 scrotum
阴囊上缩 retracted scrotum
阴囊多汗 copious scrotal sweating
阴囊风 scrotal wind
阴囊湿冷 cold damp scrotum
阴囊湿疹 scrotal eczema
阴囊湿痒 scrotal damp itch
阴囊缩 retracted scrotum
阴囊瘙痒 scrotal itch
阴癣 yin1 lichen
阴脏 yin1 viscus
阴郚冷汗 cold sweating from the genitals
阴痹 yin1 impediment
阴痫 yin1 epilepsy
阴蹻 KI-06
阴蹻 Yin1 Springing
_+ yin1 bulging
_+ huge-headed freshwater turtle
_+ invisible worm sore of the genitals
| surname
陶丹 minium
陶弘景 Tao2 Hong2-Jing3>
陶葆荪 Tao2 Bao3-Sun1>
陶道 GV-13\w
陶道 Kiln Path
陶罐 earthenware cup
陷而不起 pits without springing back
陷谷 ST-43\w
陷谷 Sunken Valley
陷胸承气汤 Chest Bind Qi4-Coordinating Decoction [NIS]
陷证 fall pattern
雀目 sparrow vision
雀目 night blindness
雀目夜盲 sparrow vision night blindness
雀舌豆 dumasia
雀舌草 lesser hypericum
雀卵 sparrow's egg
雀儿 sparrow
雀儿药粥 Medicinal Sparrow Gruel
雀盲 sparrow blindness
雀盲 night blindness
雀啄灸 pecking sparrow moxibustion
雀啄脉 pecking sparrow pulse
雀梅藤 sageretia stem and leaf
雀梅藤根 sageretia root
雀麦 bromegrass
雀麦米 bromegrass seed
雀脑 sparrow's brain
雀脑芎 chuanxiong [rhizome]
雀榕根 Wight's fig root
雀榕叶 Wight's fig leaf
雀头血 sparrow's blood
雀头香 cyperus [root]
雪上一枝蒿 Yun2nan2 alpine aconite [root]
雪口 snow mouth
雪山一枝蒿 Kongbo aconite [tuber]
雪山林 Japanese spurge
雪见草根 plebeian sage root
雪豆 pea
雪茶 thamnolia
雪鸟 Tangut aconite
雪里红 leafy mustard
雪里开 Henry's clematis [root and leaf]
雪里蕻 mustard leaf
雪猪肉 marmot meat
雪猪油 marmot fat
雪猪骨 marmot limbs
雪胆 hemsleya [tuber]
雪羹汤 Snow Soup Decoction
雪矾 alum
雪灵芝 Gansu sandwort
| same as {zhang1}, camphor
章门 LV-13
章门 Camphorwood Gate
章柳根 phytolacca [root]
章鱼 octopus [flesh]
top of the head
vertex\HALT \NOUN
顶上 Vertex Top
顶如拔 headache as if the top of the head were being pried off
顶门 GV-22
顶门 Vertex Gate
顶骨 parietal bone
鱼下 Below the Fish
鱼口 fish mouth
鱼木果 emblic
鱼尾 Fish's Tail
鱼尾 GV-01
鱼尾 Fish's Tail
鱼肚疔 fish's-belly clove sore
鱼刺鲠喉 fish bones stuck in the throat
鱼狗 kingfisher
鱼首石 otolith
鱼香根 round-leaved mint leaf
鱼香草 round-leaved mint [stem and leaf]
鱼草 chara
鱼骨 cuttlefish bone
鱼骨鲠喉 fish bones stuck in the throat
鱼眼草 dichrocephala
鱼眼草根 dichrocephala root
鱼络 fish network vessels
鱼翔脉 waving fish pulse
鱼睛不夜 nightless fish eyes
鱼腰 Fish's Lumbus
鱼腰 BL-57
鱼腰 Fish's Lumbus
鱼腥草 houttuynia
鱼腹 fish belly
鱼腹 BL-57
鱼腹 Fish Belly
鱼脑石 otolith
鱼脑膏 Fish Brain Paste
鱼际 fish's margin
鱼际 LU-10\w
鱼际 Fish Border
鱼虱子 fish louse
鱼胆眼膏 Fish Bile Eye Paste
鱼藤 three-leaved derris
鱼蟹中毒 poisoning from fish and crabs
鱼鳔 swim bladder
鱼鳞癣 fish scale lichen
鸟不宿 prickly ash root
鸟不扑 Japanese thistle
鸟芋 water chestnut (1)
卤地菊 prostrate wedelia
卤碱 alkali
鹿 deer
鹿皮 deer's skin
鹿耳翎 laggera
鹿肉 venison
鹿血 deer's blood
鹿含草 evolvulus
鹿尾 deer's tail
鹿冲 deer's testis and penis
鹿角 deerhorn
鹿角片 sliced deerhorn [NID]
鹿角片 sliced deerhorn [NID]
鹿角屑 deer antler flakes
鹿角草 small-flowered beggar's-ticks
鹿角散 Deerhorn Powder [NIS]
鹿角菜 glue plant
鹿角菟丝丸 Deerhorn and Cuscuta Pill
鹿角胶 deerhorn glue
鹿角胶丸 Deerhorn Glue Pill
鹿角胶粥 Deerhorn Glue Gruel
鹿角霜 degelatinated deer antler
鹿角镑 flaked deerhorn [NID]
鹿胎 deer's fetus
鹿脂 deer's fat
鹿茸 velvet deerhorn
鹿茸大补汤 Velvet Deerhorn Major Supplementation Decoction
鹿茸片 velvet deer antler slices
鹿茸四斤丸\Q{***} Velvet Deerhorn Four Jin Pill
鹿茸草 monochasma
鹿茸散 Velvet Deerhorn Powder
鹿茸补涩丸 Velvet Deerhorn Supplementing and Astringing Pill
鹿骨 deer's bones
鹿梨 wild pear
鹿梨根皮 wild pear root bark
鹿筋 deer's sinew
鹿肾 deer's testis and penis
鹿寿草 Japanese pyrola
鹿衔草 pyrola
鹿胶 deerhorn glue
鹿齿 deer's tooth
鹿蹄肉 deer's feet
鹿蹄草 (1) pyrola
鹿蹄草 (2) cremastra/pleione [pseudobulb]
鹿头肉 flesh of deer's head
鹿胆 deer's gallbladder
鹿鞭 deer's testis and penis
鹿鞭粥 Deer's Penis Gruel
鹿药 Japanese smilacina [root]
鹿靥 deer's thyroid gland
鹿髓 deer's marrow

发布于 2023-04-12 17:22:01