法律术语辨析之Right of way和Access right

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Access right为家庭法术语,A right,granted in an order or agreement,of  access to or visitation of a child。指离婚的父母对不属于她/他监护的子女的“探视权”或“探望权”。可以理解为Visitation right。尽管access一词有“进入、通过”的含义,access right不能翻译为出入权。

Right of way为地役权(easement)的一种,A person's legal right,established  by usage or by contract,to pass through grounds or property owned by another在他人拥有的土地上通行或经过的权利。可以翻译为通行权或出入权。


①Calls upon States to guarantee, to the extent consistent with the obligations of each State, the right of children whose parents reside in different States to maintain, on a regular basis, save in exceptional circumstances, personal relations and direct contact with both parents by providing enforceable means of access and visitation in both States and by respecting the principle that both parents have common responsibilities for the upbringing and development of their children

吁请各国在符合各自义务的范围内,保障父母居住在不同国家的儿童除特殊情况外,有权与父母双方经 常保持个人联系和直接接触,为此提供可执行的方法,确保儿童和父母能进入对方国家探访,并尊重父母双方共同承担子女养育成长责任的原则

②SECRETARY FOR TRANSPORT AND HOUSING (in Chinese): President, according to the lease conditions governing Citibank Plaza, the owner of Citibank Plaza shall permit the owner and the occupiers of Cheung Kong Center, their bona fide visitors, and persons using the public car park within Cheung Kong Center, passage by motor vehicles only (except construction vehicles) through the "Non-exclusive Vehicular Right of Way" connecting Cheung Kong Center and Citibank Plaza.


发布于 2023-04-28 17:43:41