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Panderer,则为“组织卖淫嫖娼者”, 专指招募妓女或为他人安排场所卖淫嫖娼者 (recruiting prostitutes of arranging a situation for another to practice prostitution)。 在我国,根据《中华人民共和国刑法》第三百五十八条第一款的规定,组织卖淫罪,是指以招募、雇佣、引诱、容留等手段,纠集、控制多人从事卖淫的行为。2015年8月29日,全国人大常委会表决通过了刑法修正案(九),对我国现行刑法作出修改。根据该修正案,组织卖淫罪被取消死刑。

Pimp,A pimp is a man who gets clients for prostitutes and takes some of the money the prostitutes earn“皮条客”,指替妓女拉客且从中分得该妓女卖淫所得中的一定利益者 (soliciting customers for a prostitute in return for a share of the prostitute's earnings)。也可作动词“拉皮条”。如:He stole, lied, deceived, and pimped his way out of poverty他靠偷窃、行骗、欺诈和拉皮条摆脱了贫穷。

Bawd,a person who runs a brothel, esp a woman“鸨婆”或“鸨公”,用于指为妓女拉客者(尤指妇女),为旧用语。


Trafficking and sex exploitation on children is an intolerable form of child labour and it has started since 1990s and it is spreading because human traffickers and the pimps are ruthlessly deteriorating the child rights and devaluing the traditions and customs.


The aim of this working group is collecting information about pimping, systematising the information, carrying out surveillance procedures and pretrial proceedings of criminal cases initiated in respect of ascertained criminal episodes.

这个工作组的目的是收集淫媒信息, 把有关信息系统化,对已启动的涉及 确定刑事事件的刑事案件执行监督程序和审前程序。

The Estonian Penal Code prohibits enslaving, abducting of a person to a country where his or her personal freedom may be restricted, pimping, and various other criminal offences related to trafficking in human beings.


Since the start of its activities, approximately 200 persons have been declared as suspects in connection with pimping and enabling the related illegal activities (since 16 July 2006 aiding of prostitution) or in connection with other similar offences.

自工作组活动开始以来,已经宣布约有 200 人有做淫媒和协助其他相关非法活动(自 2006 年 7 月 16 日起协助卖淫)或其他类似犯罪的嫌疑。

发布于 2023-04-28 17:50:52