法律术语辨析之Evidentiary fact和Ultimate fact

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Evidentiary fact:A fact that is necesary for or leads to the determination of an ultimate fact. A fact that furishes evidence of the existence of some other fact.“证据证明事实”,是指确认证据成立之事实。也称为“间接事实”、“依据事实”或“证据确认事实”。

Ultimate fact:A fact essential to the claim or the defense.“最终诉争事实”,是指法律或事实和法律的一种结论,是在Evidentiary fact的基础上所确立的。也称为“诉争事实”,是决定辩护最终是否成立的事实。


As the procedural aspect of Somalia’s criminal law is based on the common law tradition, it is hoped that the development of new criminal legislation in “Somaliland” and “Puntland” will also provide for similar procedural and evidentiary rules to those of Kenya and Seychelles, and that guidance to be developed with UNODC will ensure that, in practice, naval forces do not face a multiplicity of evidentiary requirements.


It is proposed that 1 new general temporary assistance position be established at the General Service level to screen incoming draft investigation reports on the oversight of peacekeeping operations and update the report tracker database; oversee their dissemination and placement in appropriate databases; monitor drafting and release of drafted reports for issuance to Member States; update case files on the implementation of report recommendations; prepare and dispatch electronic and hard copy evidentiary information packages for clients; design and format revised OIOS Investigation Manual and guidance material templates; and maintain the Professional Practices Section Intranet web page and guidance material matrix. daccess-ods.un.org


发布于 2023-05-02 22:42:02