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Parricide:the crime of killing your father, mother or a close relative; a person who is guilty of this crime 杀父(或母、近亲)罪;杀父(或母、近亲)者。强调指杀害自己的近亲属,特指杀害自己的亲父或亲母。

Patricide:the crime of killing your father; a person who is guilty of this crime 弑父罪;弑父者。即Fratricide。Matricide则是指杀害母亲的犯罪行为 (act of killing one's own mother)。

Parenticide:he act of murdering one's parent) 指谋杀自己的生父或生母的行为。


The Chinese monarch neither neglected the message as Heraclius did, nor insulted the envoys after the fashion of the parricide Kavadh.


In fact, we all know that in ancient Chinese dynasties, the emperors always requested their people to be pious to the utmost to their parents but they were actually utterly depraved themselves, usurping the throne, embroiled in fratricides and feuds between fathers and sons and these were all very commonplace occurrences.


发布于 2023-05-02 22:47:20