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Hong Kong's Andy Lau tops Forbes China Celebrity List (根据相关网页报道编译)

The 8th Forbes China Celebrity List came out revealing the ranking of top Chinese celebrities according to their income and publicity. According to the List, the top 100 celebrities earned a total of RMB 3,970,000,000 in the yearly survey period (March 1, 2010 to February 28, 2011). Hong Kong's Andy Lau led the ranking on the strength of roles in 5 movies and 20 concert tours. Jay Chou from Taiwan ranked second this year on the strength of 33 concerts and his debut role in the Hollywood movie Green Hornet that created a box office of more than RMB100,000,000 in Mainland China. Faye Wong, a 1990s Greater China pop queen, ranked No. 3 this year with 13 successful comeback concerts of a full house, earning her RMB 118,000,000.



1. 这是福布斯第八次推出“中国名人榜”,排名依据主要为明星收入和曝光率。

It is the 8th time that Forbes has released the China Celebrity List, a list which ranks Chinese stars on the basis of their earnings and publicity.

第一句中it is…that…这个句型的使用,略显得有些拘泥,不如开门见山,比如The Forbes launched…或者the 8th Forbes…List came out这样的表述更简洁。而且后面的同位语加定于从句也可以压缩成ranking这样的分词短语。这里说的不是语法错误问题,是句型的选择与文体风格的配合问题。

2. 福布斯表示,上榜的100位明星在考核期内(2010年3月1日至2011年2月28日)创造的收入总和超过39.7亿元。

According to Forbes' survey from Mar 1st, 2010 to Feb 28th, 2011, the 100 listed stars reaped a combined profit of more than $3.97b during that period.


3. 前三甲中,刘德华2010年出演了5部电影,片酬居高不下,并举办了20场巡回演唱会,继续演绎其不老神话。

The 50-year-old Andy Lau, still energetic and prolific, tops the list. In 2010, he starred in 5 movies for high pay and held altogether 20 world-tour concerts.

这一句字斟句酌,很是不错,但“巡回演唱会”最好是翻译成concert tours, Wikipedia的解释是:A concert tour is a series of concerts by an artist or group of artists in different cities or locations;出演翻译成star有些不妥,star做动词是主演;还有就是把英语分成两句翻译,不如并入一个句子紧凑,更符合英语的表达习惯。

4. 周杰伦稳坐第二名的位置,连续举办33场演唱会,进军好莱坞的处女作《青蜂侠》也在内地取得过亿票房。

Following Andy Lau on the list is Jay Chou, whose offerings include his 33 solos as well as his supporting role in the blockbuster "The Green Hornet", also as his maiden work in Hollywood.

在没有确切信息的情况下,把33场演唱会翻译成33 solos可能有些武断,周杰伦最近几年与宋祖英等明星合作的情况屡见不鲜,而且现在明星演唱会大多有嘉宾捧场。后半段也处理得稍显罗嗦。

5. 天后王菲复出旋即升至第三位,13场演唱会几乎场场座无虚席,号召力不减当年,将1.18亿元收入囊中。

Pop diva Faye Wong, who has just returned to the showbiz, rose to the third place. Her 13 come-back concerts played to almost a full house and involved an amount of $118m in return, which is a testimony to her enduring charm.

这里句子拆分造成“复出”先翻译成who has just returned to the showbiz,后又翻译成come-back,不够简洁。还有就是这是一则关于福布斯排行榜的消息,重点突出的是排名的信息,在翻译的时候一定要以排名为主线把握叙事。





Dates on "AB treat"

Derived from "AA treat", the so-called "AB treat" is now being piloted by young white collars, which "requires" a male to pay the bulk of the bill when dining with his female friend. The "AA treat", which means dividing the cost among diners, once popular with Generation X of post-80s and -90s, prevents those "debtors" from being frustrated who dine and wine with their friends so frequently. Then how was "AB treat" originated? It comes from a term for the theatre, later adopted by the movie. As mentioned above, now the "AB treat" becomes a fad among young people, which means a male pays the bigger slice of a bill.


“AB制”翻译成AB treat是有来源的,因此没有问题,请看互动百科的解释:“AB”制(AB treat)在戏剧术语里的定义是剧团排演某剧时,其中的同一主要角色由两个演员担任。演出时如果A角不能上场,则由B角上场,或A角、B角在不同场次轮换上场。这种安排叫做AB制。

“新新人类”为1980年代末期至1990年代初期台湾流行语,是指一些追求时尚的初中生和高中生,后来也泛指所有的年轻人,他们多崇拜日本和韩国,用他们自己的翻译说就是new-new people。金山词霸把“新新人类”翻译成New Human Being和X Generation,可能(只是可能)源于《中国日报》的翻译,Navjot Singh在一篇文章中还提到了中国的Generation Y一代,即出生在80年代的一批人。而Generation X在美国是1991年之后大为流行的一个名词,据信来自作家道格拉斯•柯普兰(Douglas Coupland)同年出版的小说《X世代:速成文化的故事》。在小说当中,作家将1950年代后期和1960年代之间出生的一代人,定义为X世代。也就是过去称为婴儿潮世代的下一世代。但具体时间的界定并不是界限分明的。至于New Human Being的含义,一个是指人类进化史上的homo sapiens,也就是智人,即发展成现代人的那一部分早期人类;另一个意思是homo novus,是部分预言家相信将来能够拯救人类于危亡的新人类,这样的意思与“新新人类”的流行文化意义都没什么关系。所以可以说把“新新人类”翻译成New Human Being或Generation X,不如直译成new-new people更能反映这个词的来源和意义,但由于英语的强势文化地位,中译英喜欢比附英语原有的表述进行翻译,所以人们还是乐见Generation X的翻译而不是更China English的new-new people的翻译。


发布于 2023-07-31 17:10:27