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Tedious: 侧重指工作、任务或环境等单调、沉闷,乏味烦人的。

Tedious Job单调乏味的工作

Tedious Summer 漫长夏日

Thanks to computers and library software’s (OPACs), tedious clerical jobs such as filing are now history and we have access to every possible piece of information in a record through free and/or keyword searching. conference.

幸好后来出现了计算机和图书馆应用软件(OPACs), 现在类似没完没了填写卡片之类乏味 的文 书工作已成为历史,通过自由词和/或关键词检索,我们能够获得一条记录的每一个可能的信息点。

Monotonous: 强调“一成不变”,单调乏味的。

Monotonous Job单调的工作

Monotonous Routine 单调乏味的日常事务

Notably, this may be due to excessive building density, standardized and monotonous buildings, loss of public space and amenities, inadequate infrastructure, debilitating poverty, social isolation, and an increasing risk of climate-related disasters.


Dreary: 侧重无趣味的,枯燥的。

A dreary little town沉闷的小城

Dreary Autumn 沉闷的秋天

Even for the prosecutions initiated as a result of these investigations, we know that they are likely to lead to long and dreary legal battles, the result of which is unpredictable.


发布于 2023-08-28 17:30:28