Day 10 alibi在法律英语中的含义及用法

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alibi是非常有用的刑事辩护事由之一,常被译为“不在犯罪现场”,此外,alibi还可以作为动词使用,译为“ 提供不在犯罪现场证据 ”。详见下文:

n. 不在犯罪现场


v. 提供不在犯罪现场证据 

如:alibi oneself 为…辩解

The prosecution attempts to impeach this alibi by showing that when he was questioned by the police while under custody, he failed to assert this alibi, as one would expect he would have done if the alibi had been genuine.

【参考译文】 检方试图推翻这一不在犯罪现场辩护事由, 检方称他在被警方羁押期间,并没有提出这一不在犯罪现场抗辩事由。检方认为如果这一不在犯罪现场抗辩事由属实,他 理应早就提出。

Hotel receipts, eyewitness identification , and participation in social events have all been used to prove alibis.



alibi defense 不在犯罪现场抗辩(指声称罪案发生时刑事被告人在其他某个地方的断言)

alibi witness 不在犯罪现场证人

At trial, he raises an alibi defense that he was in another city at the time of the crime.


Even with four alibi witnesses, Samuel Soliz was convicted of holding up a convenience store in 1995.

【参考译文】即使有四名不在犯罪现场证人,Samuel Soliz在1995年仍被判抢劫便利店罪名成立。





发布于 2020-06-10 10:10:45