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able and willing to       能够并愿意

例:Alternatively these organizations could “in-source” this function to any other organization willing and able to provide investigation services for them.

这些组织还可以将这一职能“内包”给 愿意并有能力为它们提供调查服务的任何其他组织。

complaints and claims    索赔

例:Receive and investigate charges, complaints and claims concerning human rights violations and such other acts as may be determined by this Constitution and the law.

接受并调查涉及侵犯人权的举报和 投诉, 以及 对《 宪法》和 相 关法律 规定的其他案件的举报和投诉。

 free and clear     无

例:Seller shall keep all such property free and clear of liens.


furnish and provide      供应

例:In particular, immediately in advance of the June 2010 meetings of the Standing Committees and the 10MSP, the ISU responded to dozens of requests to furnish information or to provide advice or assistance.

2010年6常设委员会会议和缔约国第十届会议召开前夕,执行支助股答复了数十份关于提 供资料、咨询或协助的请求。

in full force and effect    完全有效的

例:Save as the amendments disclosed above, there are no other changes to the Capital Contribution Agreement and all other terms and conditions under the Capital Contribution Agreement shall remain in full force and effect.


made and signed     由……签定

例:The solvency statement must be made and signed by all directors for buy-backs and reductions of capital, and made and signed by a majority of directors for financial assistance.


null and void      失效

例:All documents, letters, telegrams and telexes interchanged between both parties before the signing of the Contract shall become null and void automatically from the date on which the Contract comes into force。

双方在签约前交换的所有文件、书信、电报和电传 ,应从本合同生效之日起自动失效。

purchase and sell(v.)或 purchase and sales (n.)  购买和销售

例:Designated broker ceases to stand in the market to purchase and sell odd lots of New Shares .


terms and conditions       条款

例:Pursuant to the terms and conditions of the Support Agreement, ...


transferable or assignable   可转让的

例:An option is personal to the grantee and shall not be transferable or assignable.


non-transferable, non-assignable 不可转让的

例:As user of this Device, Sonim grants you a non-exclusive, non-transferable, non-assignable license to use the software solely in conjunction with the Device on which it is installed and/or delivered with.


stipulations and provisions  规定/条款

例:The Right to Food Guidelines, the Code of Conduct for Responsible Fisheries, the International Treaty on Plant Genetic Resources for Food and Agriculture and the Global Plan of Action for Animal Genetic Resources are among the instruments available to FAO with specific provisions and stipulations for addressing the needs of vulnerable populations, including indigenous peoples.

《食物权准则》、《负责任渔业行为守则》、《粮农植物遗传资源国际公约》、《动物遗传资 源全球行动计划》等文书都有具体的条款规定, 粮 农组织可用来应对包括土著人民在内的弱势人口需要。


发布于 2020-06-29 15:37:28