speedy trial是什么意思,求详细解释?

speedy trial是什么意思,求详细解释?


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speedy trial指(美)迅速审判,指根据法定规则和程序在法定期限内或在无不合理拖延的情况下进行的审判。美国宪法第六条修正案保障刑事被告人有受到迅速审判的权利,根据联邦最高法院的解释,赋予被告人这项权利的目的在于防止被告人在尚未被定罪的情况下受到长期羁押,缩短被告人必须忍受审判开始前的焦虑和公众注意的时间,将由于拖延而给被告人进行辩护的能力造成的损害降至最低限度等。但宪法并未具体确定在多长期限内开始审判方可被认为是迅速,有些州已通过立法确立了具体的时间限制,超过该期限而未审判者将导致指控被驳回。被告人也可以放弃这一权利。 

为了更好的理解该词,以下是其英文释义:A “speedy trial” basically means that the defendant is tried for the alleged crimes within a reasonable time after being arrested. Although most states have laws that set forth the time in which a trial must take place after charges are filed, often the issue of whether or not a trial is in fact "speedy" enough under the Sixth Amendment comes down to the circumstances of the case itself, and the reasons for any delays. In the most extreme situations, when a court determines that the delay between arrest and trial was unreasonable and prejudicial to the defendant, the court dismisses the case altogether.

相对应的美国也颁布了Speedy Trial Act:《迅速审判法》,1974年通过的一项联邦法律,它确立了在联邦刑事案件的起诉中完成一些重要事项(如起诉、传讯等)的一系列时间限制。依该法,在指控被告人犯罪的任何案件中,有关司法官员应尽早在与被告人的律师和检察官协商后,将该案列入一周内或其他短期的待审案件日程表内,以保证该案能得到迅速审判。 


(1)France expressed appreciation for the Government’s willingness to reform the judicial system, as evidenced in particular by the adoption of a law on protecting the right to access to a speedy trial. 


(2)Such measures include reform of the judicial system to ensure that pretrial detainees receive a fair and speedy trial, as well as application of alternative pretrial restrictions.


(3)These include the right to be protected from unreasonable search and seizures, the right to due process under the law, the right to equal protection under the law, the right to an attorney, the right to remain silent during a criminal proceeding, the right to be protected from excessive bail in federal prosecutions, the right to be informed of the nature of the charges filed and of potential punishments, the right to a speedy and public trial, the right to cross-examine witnesses at trial, the right to an impartial jury of peers before someone can be sentenced to a year or more in prison, the right to be protected against being tried for the same crime twice, and the right to be free from cruel and unusual punishment in all prosecutions.

