
3 人赞同了该文章




To apply for, register, purchase, or by other means acquire and protect, prolong, and renew, whether in the Colony or elsewhere, any patents, patent rights, brevets d’inventions, licences, trade marks, designs, protections, and concessions which may appear likely to be advantageous or useful to the Company, and to use and turn to account and to manufacture, undertake or grant licences or privileges in respect of the same, and to expend money in experimenting upon and testing and in improving or seeking any patents, inventions, or rights which the Company may acquire or propose to acquire.


这句话开头首先连用了三个以权利占有为核心意义的动词和词组:apply for(申请)、register(注册)、purchase(购买),为达严谨,后边又补充了对后文提及的各项内容发挥作用的其他可能的方式:or by other means acquire and protect, prolong, and renew, whether in the Colony or elsewhere【通过其他方式收购及保护、延长及重续(不论在殖民地或其他地方)】。随后,列举了所有可能涉及的权益内容:any patents, patent rights, brevets d’inventions, licences, trade marks, designs, protections, and concessions,对这一连串词组的翻译必须谨慎对照,稍有不慎,就会造成漏译和错译。尤其是其中的近义词,如patents(专利)、patent rights(专利权)、brevets d’inventions(发明专利权),必须翻译出其差别。词典是个好工具,但正确的译法还必须根据具体合同类型、合同内容和上下文情景去判断。


To purchase or otherwise acquire, to sell, exchange, surrender, lease, mortgage, charge, convert, turn to account, dispose of and deal with real and personal property and rights of all kinds and, in particular, mortgages, debentures, produce, concessions, options, contracts, patents, annuities, licences, stocks, shares, bonds, policies, book debts, business concerns, undertakings, claims, privileges and choses in action of all kinds.


 本句中,首先一连串的动词来列举了对于各类动产和不动产以及各类权利可能的处置方式:除了购入外,为达严谨,原文还加了or otherwise acquire(或以其他方式获得)、sell(出售)、exchange(交换)、surrender(交回)、lease(租赁)、mortgage(按揭)、charge(押记)、convert(转换)、turn to account(利用)、dispose of(处置)、 and deal with(买卖)。 对于rights of all kinds(各类权利),为了更直观地罗列出来,原文紧接着用in particular引出了十几项具体内容:mortgages(按揭)、debentures(债权证)、produce(产品)、concessions(特许权)、options(期权)、contracts(合同)、patents(专利)、annuities(年金)、licences(许可证)、stocks(股额)、shares(股份)、bonds(债券)、policies(保单)、book debts(帐面债项)、business concerns(商业经营)、undertakings(业务)、claims(申索)、privileges(优先权),最后还用了and choses in action of all kinds(以及各类据法权产)囊括了未尽事宜。遣词造句真可谓纤悉无遗。在对这些词语进行翻译时,译者必须集中注意力,逐一对照,并译出近义词的区别,比如debentures和bonds;concessions和privileges;options、stocks和shares。此外,在对一些在不同行业里有专业释义的词语,如produce、policies等,只有积累一定的法律知识背景和各行各业的合同背后所涉及的专有名词表达,才能正确区分,精确地译出这些词语的意思。



To carry on business as capitalists, financiers, concessionaires, investment houses, fund managers and merchants, and to undertake and carry on and execute all kinds of financial, commercial, advisory, trading and other operations, and to advance, deposit, lend and borrow money, securities, commodities and property to and with such persons and on such terms as may seem expedient; to discount, buy, sell and deal in currencies (spot or forward), bullion, bills, notes, debentures, warrants, coupons, stocks, shares, options, unit in unit trust and all forms of investments or participation rights in investments and investment vehicles, including joint ventures, partnerships and limited partnerships and all forms of securities and documents, including without limitation letters of credit, bills of lading, bills of exchange and promissory notes.


这句话开头先罗列了所有可能涉及的主语,翻译处理时必须准确对照,不得漏译;随后,是三个近义词:undertake、carry on和execute的处理,译文分别译为承办、经营及执行;将discount、buy、sell and deal分别处理为贴现、买入、卖出及买卖;跟随着这些动词的宾语则都是一连串的同类词:money、securities、commodities、property和currencies (spot or forward)、bullion、bills、notes、debentures、warrants、coupons、stocks、shares、options、unit in unit trust。原文为防止遗漏,还会在所有列举的最后一项后上and all forms of …。在处理这一连串的同类词时,首先要确保没有漏译,其次就是要保证精准,做到字字达意。其实深究起来,其中的很多词都探讨出很多点,要感受其中的奥秘,只有译者躬身践行,在实际的翻译实践中自行领悟了。

发布于 2020-06-02 15:29:09