国际贸易中的“FCL”、“LCL”以及“break bulk”分别指的是什么意思?

国际贸易中的“FCL”、“LCL”以及“break bulk”分别指的是什么意思?


FCL全称full container load,为拼箱货的相对用语,指一整集装箱,有时也指Full Container Load Order,即整柜定单。由发货人负责装箱、计数、积载并加铅封的货运。整箱货的拆箱,一般由收货人办理。但也可以委托承运人在货运站拆箱。可是承运人不负责箱内的货损、货差。除非货方举证确属承运人责任事故的损害,承运人才负责赔偿。承运人对整箱货,以箱为交接单位。只要集装箱外表与收箱时相似和铅封完整,承运人就完成了承运责任。整箱货运提单上,要加上“委托人装箱、计数并加铅封”的条款。


FCL is an ocean shipment in which the cargo occupies a full container (of any size). An FCL shipment can be stuffed at the supplier, and then trucked directly to the CY (container yard).


LCL全称Less-than-container Load,即指拼箱。货主托运零散或小数量的货物由承运人负责装箱的一种方式。承运人接到这种货物后,按性质和目的地进行分类,把同一目的地、性质相同的货物拼装进同一个集装箱进行运输。

LCL is a shipping term used to describe container loads which are filled by multiple orders or goods. When shipping a small volume of stock by container ship, it's more economical to combine your delivery with other orders. This is termed 'Less-than-container Load'.


Break bulk指散货。货物的数量比拼箱的小数量还要小。

In shipping, break-bulk, breakbulk, or break bulk cargo, also called general cargo, refers to goods that are stowed on board ship in individually counted units. Traditionally, the large numbers of items are recorded on distinct bills of lading that list them by different commodities.This is in contrast to cargo stowed in modern shipping containers as well as bulk cargo, which goes directly, unpackaged and in large quantities, into a ship's hold(s), measured by volume or weight (for instance, oil or grain).


Break bulk来源于breaking bulk这一词: In law, the term breaking bulk means taking anything out of a package or parcel or in any way destroying its entirety。(普通法意义上的)整批货物拆卸,开舱卸货。



Whether using break bulk vessels or containerized shipments, we will continually strive to meet the needs of our clients by bringing world-class service to their doorstep.



Cargo operation modes include container stuffing, unstuffing, break bulk and consolidation.



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