Sponge City意为“海绵城市”,是一个比喻的说法,是一种在城市中建设防洪防涝并兼有生态环保功能的新型城市模型,指城市如海绵一样,降水时能“吸水”,而平时则可“挤”出收集的雨水来利用。海绵城市概括而言有“渗、滞、蓄、净、用、排”六大措施。“海绵城市”一词最早由中国大陆学者提出,后来先后被中国大陆和台湾官方采纳作为指导理念。与之相关的国际通用术语为源于北美的“低影响开发”。尽管有人将二者等同,但也有学者指出,“海绵城市”强调的是城市层级的整体建设理念和方式,而不是具体的技术措施。
为了更好的理解该词,以下是其英文释义:A sponge city is a new urban construction model for flood management, strengthening ecological infrastructure and drainage systems. It can alleviate the city's waterlogging, water resources shortage, and urban heat island effect and improve the ecological environment and biodiversity by absorbing and capturing rain water and utilizing it to reduce floods. Rain water harvested can be repurposed for irrigation and for home use. It is a form of a sustainable drainage system on an urban scale.
(1)The background of sponge city: city infrastructure construction accelerates alongside the urbanization process, but excessive utilization and water resources development lead to water shortages, pollution, and overall degradation of water ecosystem services. Unscientific architectural planning will also create a large number of buildings, thereby limiting cities’ green space, drainage, and rainwater collection. Consequently, rain discharge cannot meet modern cities’ requirements, bringing cities lots of problems regarding water ecology and aquatic environments.
(2)In terms of policy and management, on December 12, 2013, Present Xi Jinping put forward in his speech at the Urbanization Work Conference, When upgrading the urban drainage system, priority should be given to retaining limited rainwater and using the power of nature to drain water. Build a sponge city with natural accumulation, natural penetration, and natural purification.
(3)The theory of Sponge City emphasizes the basic principles of focusing on nature, source control, local adaption, protecting nature, learning from nature, preserving urban ecological space as much as possible, restoring biodiversity, and creating a beautiful landscape environment. All of this can be realized by achieving natural accumulation, natural infiltration, and natural purification.