


在英文合同的履行过程中,双方如发生争议,按照国际贸易的习惯作法,可以通过四种不同的方式解决,友好协商、第三方调解、仲裁或司法诉讼。所以大多数国家的国际贸易合同中,都有关于争议解决(settlement of disputes)方面的内容。在实践中,双方发生争议后,应尽可能通过友好协商或邀请第三方居间进行调解解决(to resolve the disputes through friendly consultation or a third party mediation) 。如通过调解或协商达不成协议,按照国际惯例,双方一般将争议提交双方同意的仲裁机构进行仲裁而不选择司法诉讼。仲裁条款的起草,应注意以下问题:

1. 明确规定,日后若发生纠纷,双方同意提交仲裁。明确这一内容的意义在于: 为仲裁机构受理案件提供了法律依据;同时,也排除了法院对争议案件的管辖权。


All disputes arising from the execution of,or in connection with the contract shall be settled through friendly negotiation between both parties. In case no settlement to disputes can be reached through negotiation,the disputes shall be submitted for arbitration。


2. 明确仲裁地点、仲裁机构及所采用的仲裁程序。

仲裁条款中的仲裁机构,是条款中最重要的内容,因为这涉及到适用哪个国家的仲裁法和仲裁程序规则去解决双方的争议。在实践中,我们应力争在合同中规定当发生争议时,由中国仲裁机构仲裁(submit the dispute to a Chinese arbitration body for arbitration),特别是在中国履行的合同。如果难以争取在中国仲裁,也可选择在第三国或在被诉一方(indictee)国家仲裁。例如:

【例2】凡因执行本合同引起或与本合同有关的争议,均应通过友好协商解决。如果协商仍不能达成协议时,则应提交中国国际经济贸易仲裁委员会仲裁,根据其仲裁规则和程序进行。All disputes arising from the execution of,or in connection with this contract shall be settled through friendly negotiation between both parties hereto. In case no settlement to disputes can be reached through friendly negotiation,the disputes shall be submitted to the China International Economic and Trade Arbitration Commission for arbitration in accordance with the Arbitration Rules and the Procedure for the said Commission。


3. 明确仲裁裁决的效力,仲裁费用的承担以及一方不履行裁决的法律后果等。

仲裁的裁决是终局的,对双方当事人具有同等的约束力,如一方当事人不服,不得申请法院变更,但如果一方当事人不履行裁决,另一方有权向有管辖权的法院 (a court at a place of jurisdiction)申请执行。关于仲裁费用,一般应由败诉方负担 (to be borne by the losing party),这种做法对于防止违约有威慑作用。


The arbitration award shall be final and binding upon both contracting parties. Neither party shall seek recourse from a Court of Law for revising the decision. The arbitration expenses shall be borne by the losing party unless otherwise awarded by the said Arbitration Organization. Both parties shall fulfill the arbitration award in accordance with the time limit stipulated. Should one of the parties not fulfill the award after this time limit,the other party shall have the right to apply for fulfillment to court at a place of jurisdiction. In the course of arbitration,this Contract shall be continuously executed by both parties except the part of this contract which is under arbitration。
