“苹果遭集体诉讼,被指夸大 iPhone 防水能力”这一新闻标题中的集体诉讼指的是什么意思?整句如何翻译成英文啊?

“苹果遭集体诉讼,被指夸大 iPhone 防水能力”这一新闻标题中的集体诉讼指的是什么意思?整句如何翻译成英文啊?


集体诉讼是一种确立已久的商业诉讼模式,具体指由一个或多个成员作为集团全体成员的代表,代表全体当事人起诉或应诉的诉讼。作为原告或被告的集团与其代表在诉讼中具有共同的利害关系,将他们作为一个集体就其权利或责任作出裁决比在一系列的单个诉讼中作出裁决更为有效。集体诉讼对应的英文为Class Action。A class action, also known as a class-action lawsuit, class suit, or representative action, is a type of lawsuit where one of the parties is a group of people who are represented collectively by a member or members of that group. The class action originated in the United States and is still predominantly a U.S. phenomenon, but Canada, as well as several European countries with civil law, have made changes in recent years to allow consumer organizations to bring claims on behalf of consumers.

目前美国联邦和大多数州的法律都规定了集团诉讼程序。根据《联邦民事诉讼规则》〔Federal Rules of Civil Procedure〕第23条的规定,作为集团诉讼必须具备下列先决条件:1集团人数众多,以致全体成员的合并实际上不可能;2该集团有共同的事实和法律问题;3代表当事人的请求或抗辩是在集团中有代表性的请求或抗辩;4代表当事人将公正和充分地维护集团成员的利益。此外,初审法院也必须确认某一诉讼可以作为集团诉讼。在1966年对《联邦民事诉讼规则》修改以前,集团诉讼通常被划分为三种,即「真正的」〔true〕、「混合的」〔hybrid〕和「虚假的」〔spurious〕集团诉讼,新的《规则》取消了这种分类。

关于这一句话的翻译,由于这一句话为新闻标题,因此翻译时不能亦步亦趋,需综合考虑英文标题的特点(简洁、形象以及使用现在时)等,如,可将其译为:Apple Class Action Lawsuit Says iPhones Aren't Water Resistant。


Apple is being sued in New York in an attempted class-action complaint over water resistance, with the claim it misrepresented how resistant to liquid the iPhone is in its marketing.

Listed as a "class action complaint" and with Antoinette Smith listed as the plaintiff "on behalf of all others similarly situated," the 13-page filing takes aim at Apple's references to water resistance. For example, the iPhone 7 was marketed as having "IP67" protection, offering maximum water resistance to a depth of 1 meter (3.3 feet) for up to 30 minutes.
