“Next friend”、”Guardian ad item”和“official solicitor”好像都可以指无行为能力者的诉讼次代理人,它们之间有什么区别吗?

“Next friend”、”Guardian ad item”和“official solicitor”好像都可以指无行为能力者的诉讼次代理人,它们之间有什么区别吗?


next friend:诉讼代理人 代替无行为能力的人出庭的人,通常是因为他们是未成年人或被认为无行为能力。这一角色通常由父母或其他亲属担任也可以是任何具有法律行为能力的人,其利益不会与他们所代表的人的利益相违背

根据维基百科:In common law, a next friend (Legal English prochein ami) is a person who represents another person who is under disability or otherwise unable to maintain a suit on his or her own behalf and who does not have a legal guardian. (also known as litigation friends)then a relative who is next of kin acts as a next friend for a person, that person is sometimes instead described as the natural guardian of the person. A next friend has full power over the proceedings in the action as if he or she were an ordinary plaintiff, until a guardian or guardian ad litem is appointed in the case; but the next friend is entitled to present evidence only on the same basis as any other witness.

在普通法中,诉讼朋友(法律英语prochein ami)是指代表另一个处于残疾状态或因其他原因无法代表自己维持诉讼且没有法定监护人的人。他们也被称为诉讼朋友。当作为近亲的亲戚作为一个人的近亲时,这个人有时被描述为这个人的自然监护人。在案件指定监护人或诉讼监护人之前,近亲属对诉讼程序有充分的权利,就像他或她是普通原告一样;但近亲属只有权在与任何其他证人相同的基础上提出证据。

guardian ad litem诉讼监护人 作用是为当事人的利益辩护,但只是在手头的法律案件期间。一旦案件结束,诉讼监护人在这件事上的作用也就结束了

由此可见next friend监护职责是长期存在的,而guardian ad litem监护人资格只限于诉讼期间,一般guardian ad litem常作为法定监护人来看,由法院指定。

official solicitor: 官方律师 a public officer who represents the interests of persons under a disability of age or mental capacity in proceedings (i.e. persons under the age of 18 or mentally incapacitated persons) 最高法院的官方律师,根据法院的指令代表无行为能力人参加诉讼,探访在押的藐视法庭的人,在大法官分挺需要时为其提供事务律师服务。




在英国,如未成年人或其他无行为能力者作为原告,充当其代理人者称为next friend, 法院多指定未成年人或无行为能力者的亲属。In common law, a next friend (Legal English prochein ami) is a person who represents another person who is under disability or otherwise unable to maintain a suit on his or her own behalf and who does not have a legal guardian. They are also known as litigation friends.


如父或母充任此职;如未成年人或无行为能力者为被告,其辩护人则称为guardian ad litem A guardian ad litem is a guardian that a court appoints to watch after someone during a case.


所以说,是“Next friend”还是”Guardian ad item”,主要看无行为能力者在诉讼中所处的位置。A minor sues by his“ next friend” and defends by his“ guardian ad litem"。如法院传票中就常常如此写明:



By IVAN MICK (his father and next friend)

Plaintiff (原告)




By RICHARD POLL (his guardian ad litem)

Defendant (被告)



但在美国-一些司法管辖区,这两个术语有时却没有是上述实质性的差异,只是next friend 不是无行为能力者的监护人(guardian),而guardian adlitem则指定为无行为能力者的监护

人的律师( 其也称为special guardian )。official solicitor 则指最高法院的一名官员,经法院任命,既可充任next friend,又可充任guardian ad litem'。The Official Solicitor can only act for persons who cannot legally act for themselves. This means persons under the age of 18 or persons who are mentally incapacitated. The Official Solicitor does not seek clients and normally cannot act in any case unless he has been invited to do so by the court or by a party to existing proceedings. However if some responsible person brings to the attention of the Official Solicitor the case of an identified person under a disability who has a claim or a defence which cannot be pursued because of the absence of any person who is willing and able to act as next friend or guardian ad litem, the Official Solicitor may consider taking or defending appropriate proceedings on behalf of the person under a disability.
