公司章程中的“transmission of shares”如何翻译?股份转让吗?那与“transfer of shares”有什么区别?

公司章程中的“transmission of shares”如何翻译?股份转让吗?那与“transfer of shares”有什么区别?


“transmission of shares”不能翻译为股份转让,因为它与transfer of shares股份转让还是有一定区别的。




而transmission of shares,则主要因法律实施、股东破产、死亡等导致,无关原股东的意愿,也无对价。因此,可将transmission译为不带主观色彩的“转移”。“transmission of shares”即为“股份转移”。Vanessa Stott 所著的HongKong Company Law香港公司法中也有这样一段话可以证明这一点:


It is not lawful for a company to register a transfer of shares unless a proper instrument of transfer has been delivered to it, except that a person may be entitled to registered when the shares are transmitted by operation of law. On bankruptcy, shares will vest in the trustee in bankruptcy; and on death, shares will vest in the personal representative of the shareholder.




综上所述,将“transmission of shares”译为“股份转移”更为准确。


以下为某公司章程中的transmission of shares条款,供参考:


1                                                   TRANSMISSION OF SHARES1股份转移


1.1                   Subject to sections 52(2) and 53 of the Act, the executor or administrator of a deceased member, the guardian of an incompetent member or the trustee of a bankrupt member shall be the only person recognised by the Company as having any title to such member's share(s), save that and only in the event of death, incompetence or bankruptcy of any member or members as a consequence of which the Company no longer has any directors or members, then upon the production of any documentation which is reasonable evidence of the applicant being entitled to:在遵守法案第52(2)条和第53条规定的前提下,已去世股东之遗嘱执行人或遗产管理人、法律上无行为能力的股东之监护人或破产股东受托人应为公司唯一承认的、对有关股东的股份享有任何所有权之人士,但在因任何股东死亡、变得无法律上之行为能力或破产而导致公司再无任何董事或股东时,经向公司在英属维尔京群岛的注册代理人出示文件,合理证明申请人有权:


1.1.1      a grant of probate of the deceased's will, or grant of letters of administration of the deceased's estate, or confirmation of the appointment as executor or administrator (as the case may be, or analogous position in the relevant jurisdiction), of a deceased member's estate;获授遗嘱认证书或遗产管理证明书,或被委任为已去世股东之遗嘱执行人或遗产管理人(视情况而定,或相关司法管辖区的类似职位)的确认书;


the appointment of a guardian (or analogous position in the relevant jurisdiction) of an incompetent member;被委任为法律上无行为能力的股东之监护人(或相关司法管辖区的类似职位);


1.1.2      the appointment as trustee (or analogous position in the relevant jurisdiction) of a bankrupt member; or被委任为破产股东受托人(或相关司法管辖区的类似职位);或


1.1.3      upon production of any other reasonable evidence of the applicant's beneficial ownership of, or entitlement to the shares, to the Company's registered agent in the British Virgin Islands together with (if so requested by the registered agent) a notarised copy of the share certificate(s) of the deceased, incompetent or bankrupt member, an indemnity in favour of the registered agent and/or appropriate legal advice in respect of any document issued by a foreign court, then the administrator, executor, guardian or trustee in bankruptcy (as the case may be) notwithstanding that their name has not been entered in the Company's register of members, may by written resolution of the applicant, endorsed with written approval by the registered agent, be appointed a director and/or entered in the Company's register of members as the legal and/or beneficial owner of the shares.出示任何其他可合理证明申请人对股份之实益所有权或享有权的文件,同时(如注册代理人要求)须提供已去世、破产或法律上无行为能力的股东经公证人认证之股份证书副本、保障注册代理人之赔偿保证书和/或就海外法院所签发的所有文件出具的适当法律意见。满足上述条件后,即使有关遗产管理人、遗嘱执行人、监护人或破产受托人(视情况而定)的姓名/名称未被登记入公司的股东名册,其仍可在申请人通过书面决议同时获得注册代理人书面批准后,被委任为公司董事并/或作为股份之合法及/或实益所有人登记入公司的股东名册。
