tying arrangement是什么意思,求详细解释?

tying arrangement是什么意思,求详细解释?


tying arrangement指“搭配安排;搭售协议”,指出卖人与买受人达成的协议,其中约定,除非买受人同时购买不同的商品或服务才可以购买某一商品或服务,前一商品或服务称为“被搭售商品或服务”(tied product or service),后一商品或服务称为“搭售商品或服务”(tying prodcut or service)。

在美国,如果该种协议过度抑制竞争,则可根据《谢尔曼法》(Sherman Act)或《克莱顿法》(Clayton Act)认定其为非法。该词亦指出卖人单方拒绝将某一商品或服务售与他人,除非买受人购买不同的商品或服务。亦写作tying agreement;tie-in;tie-in agreement。

为了更好的理解该词,以下是其英文释义:tying arrangement refers to an agreement in which the seller conditions the sale of one product (the “tying” product) on the buyer's agreement to purchase a separate product (the “tied” product) from the seller.  Alternatively, it is also considered a tying arrangement when the seller conditions the sale of the tying product on the buyer's agreement not to purchase the tied product from any other seller.


(1)A tying arrangement: a tying arrangement exists when a firm agrees to sell a particular product or service, but only if the buyer agrees to purchase a second product or service as well.


(2)Tying arrangements are not necessarily unlawful. Antitrust concerns are raised by tying arrangements to the extent that they are used to maintain or augment the seller's pre-existing market power or impair competition on the merits in the market for the tied product. 


(3)Where a tying arrangement is unlawful, it may be illegal per se or illegal under the rule of reason. The requirements for a per se violation are: the forced purchase of one commodity in order to obtain a separate desired commodity or service; possession by the seller of sufficient economic power with respect to the tying product to restrain free trade in the market for the tied product; and that the arrangement affects a not insubstantial amount of commerce in the market for the tied product.  

