专利文件中的“shop right”指的是什么啊?

专利文件中的“shop right”指的是什么啊?


“shop right”属于专利法术语,雇员发明实施权。指雇主可以在其业务中免费使用雇员的发明的权利。它实际上是雇主以法律推定的方式从其雇员处得到的一种非独占性专利实施许可,当某一雇员并非专门受雇从事发明工作,但其在工作中运用雇主的设备完成发明的,则通常可以在法律上产生一种雇主对雇员发明的实施权。但雇主所获得的的专利实施许可是不能转让给他人的。其英文释义如下:

Shop right, in United States patent law, is an implied license under which a firm may use a patented invention, invented by an employee who was working within the scope of their employment, using the firms' equipment, or inventing at the firms' expense. Even if the employee never assigned rights to the firm, a court of law may find that the firm has the right to make use of the invention, and thus can not be sued by the employee for patent infringement. This will allow the firm to attempt to capitalize on the value of the patent, as the firm is allowed to use the object of the patent in the routine operation of its business without royalty payments. Shop right is non-transferable. It only inures to the benefit of the employer and can not be sold by that employer to an unrelated party, except in a sale of the business as a whole. (From Wikipedia)

美国的雇员发明制度是在判例基础上建立起来的雇主与雇员之间利益平衡制度。shop right雇员发明实施权是雇主对雇员发明专利的默示许可使用权,是默示许可原则、禁止反悔原则和公平原则推演出来的利益平衡机制。它是美国专利法一项抗衡机制,提升了雇员获取奖酬的谈判地位。


In circumstances where a written agreement is not in place between employer and employee, the employee may hold title to the intellectual property rights as an inventor. In these circumstances, a shop right may apply.

