


检查条款(Inspection),在货物买卖、工程承包等合同中,可能涉及检查条款。检查条款主 要应就检查主体(由谁进行检查)、检查客体(检查货物/工程质量、数 量等)、检查时间(何时进行检查)、检查费用(检查所花费用)、检查效 力(检查结果是否为最终检查结果)、检查后果(出现检查不合格情形 时如何处理)六项进行约定。



Within 14 days after the arrival of the Products at the port of destination, the Buyer shall inspect the packaging,the quantity,the quality and specifications of the Products and shall remit a written notice to the Seller of any non-conformity,defects,discrepancies or irregularities thereto. The aforesaid written notice must include the following contents:contract number, delivery time and place, name and quantity of the Products which are considered not to be consistent with the Sales Order, the reason why the Buyer considers the Products to be not in accordance with the Sales Order,the Buyer's inspection method,result and documentation and information required by the Seller on a case by case basis. Save for the defects covered by the product warranty as provided for in these Standard Sales Terms,if the Buyer fails to conduct such inspection and fails to raise any claims regarding the quantity,quality or specifications of the Products within the above time limit of 14 days,the Products shall be deemed to be in conformity with the Sales Order and the Buyer shall be deemed to have accepted the Products and the Seller shall not be liable for any claims raised thereafter. The Seller shall at his choice either replace the defective Products with new Products free of defects or make up the Products in short, repair the defective Products or reduce the Purchase Price. Any transportation costs arising in connection with a replacement of defective Products or make up of Products in short shall be borne by the Seller.


买方应在产品到达目的港后的14日内对产品的包装、数量、质量和规格 进行检验,并将有关任何不符、缺陷、差别或不规范之处的书面通知寄至卖方。上述书面通知必须包含以下内容:合同号、交货时间及地点、被认为与销售订 单不符的产品名称及数量、买方认为产品与销售订单不符的原因、买方的检验方法、结果和证明文件以及卖方根据个案情况要求的信息。除了本标准销售 条款规定的产品保证所覆盖的缺陷外,如果买方未能在上述14日的时限内进行此种检验并提出有关产品数量、质量或规格的任何主张,则视为产品与销售 订单相符,并视为买方已经接受了产品,卖方无须对其后提出的任何主张负责。卖方可选择用没有缺陷的新产品更换缺陷产品、补足短缺的产品、修理. 缺陷产品或者降低购买价格。与更换缺陷产品或补足短缺产品相关的任何 运输费用应由卖方承担。
